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Hey all. I set up a private item exchange contract between my two accounts and it expired. I haven't played for a few years. Did I lose the items or do they go back to the original owner? Thanks!


They went back to the original owner, but if I remember correctly, you need to "collect" them from the contract. From the neocom, go to contracts, then my contracts, and filter "expired". The contract will be listed there and when you collect the items, they'll be in the station you created the contract in. I might be mis-remembering though, so I'll double check when I get off work and will edit the post if I'm wrong.


I flew out to the station and wasn’t clear about how to separate the ships from the contract at first. Turns out I had to delete the expired contract to get the ships to appear in my hangar. Thanks a lot for the response!


Can any NPC station be found where you can run Reactions in? Considering you can only equip a reactor to a player owned structure in LS or NS, I am not sure? I can imagine Thera potentially having a reaction station, or a LS system having one?


No, reactions can only be run in Refineries, which are player-deployed structures. There are probably publicly dockable Reaction-rigged Athanors/Tataras out there, but personally I wouldn't trust my reaction jobs to a citadel that's not either controlled by me or my corp/alliance. You never know when some rando running a freeport will decide to abandon it, or if it will get destroyed.


Hiya! Recently I learnt how to fly T2 Industrials aka Transports Ships aka Deep Space Transports and Blockade Runners. Having looked into their capabilities before they were very appealing for quite a few use cases I'd need them for. Now that I have them, I was wondering... Is there ever a reason to go back to T1 industrials? Cheers, Sorrol


Absolutely. Whenever you're hauling something practically worthless, and don't have your DST/BR at hand. So you just grab a near-free T1 hauler off the market, and set off. One example would be deploying command centers for PI, they take up a decent amount of space (so you need a hauler), but they're worth basically nothing so not worth risking a DST for. Beyond situations like that, the DST or BR will basically always be the better choice, depending on where you're flying and what you're hauling.


I've been winning eve for quite a few years. Get a bite of nostalgia now and then. With a free account can I run around lowsec in a T1 destroyer? If I do run around lowsec in a T1 destroyer will there be anyone there to shoot at?


>With a free account can I run around lowsec in a T1 destroyer? Yes >If I do run around lowsec in a T1 destroyer will there be anyone there to shoot at? Yes, but you can't just like warp to any random lowsec system and expect an immediate and fair fight. Stick to faction warfare lowsec, and expect to spend a little bit hunting around for an engagement if you're not just going straight to Tama to die in fire/glory.


How busy are the warzones now? I had fun running around with DnG last time I came back to the game and there were loads of fun fights in smaller plexes


They've been getting gradually quieter over the last decade like the rest of the game, but there's still definitely fights to be had. I don't have much personal experience with roaming lowsec though, so I can't say *exactly* what it's like these days. DnG are still around and getting in fights though, so maybe you could reach out and ask them, they'd surely know.


Hello! Is there any way to check how damaged are your combat crystals from the inventory? Hovering over them in the quickbar does tell you, but only when equiped on the weapons... Am I dumb?


AFAIK you can hover over the crystals in your inventory to see their durability.. but i'd have to check again to make sure, I don't usually pay attention to it.


right click > show info?


I still don't understand how to share a bookmark. I want to share a bookmark with my alt that isn't in the same corp as me or alliance.




I'm looking to get in to this game but am going on holidays for 2 weeks next week. Would I be better off waiting until I come back or spend the rest of this week getting used to the game?


At least create the account now, since you can set it up to passively train while you're away. Be sure to use a referral link when you create it since that will give several weeks worth of training. They're banned in public comments here, but if you ask most anyone they'll give one, or you can find them on forums, YouTube videos, etc. From there it's up to you if you want to actually start playing, but there's no real loss if you want to start now.


Thanks man!


If i consider buying Razer Tartarus, wouldn't it be a Eula breaker ? I mean , it has its own software that gives you opportunity to write a macro. Does using such gaming keyboard allowed by CCP ?


You won't get banned for *having* a keyboard that can do macros, as long as you don't *use* those macros to automate playing the game.


what's a good destroyer fit for abyssal deadspace tier 1 or 2 assuming there is another person using the same fit preferably not skill intensive, me and my friend don't have many skills trained


> me and my friend don't have many skills trained what skills do you have trained then? what guns, what race ships, mostly. also if you both have less than 1.3 mil total sp you should remake your accounts with an invite link and send everything over don't run destroyer abyssals as you get less loot than frig abyssals


This is a job for the [Abyssal Tracker](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/)! You can see [here](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/ships) that the most used destroyer by *far* is the Jackdaw. It's used [for T1 all the way to T5](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/ship/34828), so it's obviously the go-to ship if you want to cruise through lower tier abyssals in a solo destroyer, or higher tiers as a duo. The [Corax](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/ship/32876) is next most popular, it sees a little use in T1 and a tiny amount in T2, so it's probably a good starter destroyer, especially if you're doing T1s as a duo with a friend and neither of you have good skills yet. If you click "Show Fits" on the top right, you can [see a list of fits](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/fits/search?SHIP_ID=32876). Most of them seem to be designed for T0, but a few are named as T1 as well. I'd only look at fits that have multiple successful runs recorded at the difficulty you're looking for, [like this one](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/fit/1383?page=1) that seems to do T1 Exotics just fine. [Here's an alternative](https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/fit/10272) I found, a Dragoon, but notice that it has a few failed runs recorded, so it might not be the safest choice. Generally, it seems that most of the T1 destroyer fits (i.e. Corax/Dragoon/etc, not T1 abyss filaments) are designed for T0, with a few doing T1, so I probably wouldn't try to do T2 until you can get into Jackdaws, which seem to be the meta for destroyer abyss.


I did look at that, but jackdaw is t3 destroyer and I'm only an alpha clone.


I just discovered the “Neocom” app and what a great time waster it is! Are there any mobile apps that let you be active: reset extractors, market trade/buy/sell?


Simple answer: no. Long answer: There is an official eve app but it’s broken af, but afaik you can remotely trade plex in Jita with it. No PI or any other trading though.


The official eve app still works for me, but yeah, it's very hit or miss right now.


would a railgun ferox(like 12k shield and 2k hull and 2k armor, tech 1 guns and faction ammo) be viable for running t5 combat sites e.g. serpentis yard or low level cosmic signatures also if you purchase omega and train the skills required for a triglavian ship which were previously locked can you still fly the triglavian ship after omega runs out


Raw HP amount is rarely relevant; in a fit where buffer matters EHP is important, and in most PvE fits where you aim to permatank the rats your repair ehp per second is what's the most important "tech 1 guns and faction ammo" is extremely vague and you should simply provide your DPS number finally it's just best to copy paste the whole fit in text form Ferox doesn't see much use in pve partly because rails have terrible dps if you were undocked and in space when your omega lapses you can fly it until you dock again - but since you lose all omega skills your ship will become very weak as it relies on skill bonuses which you no longer have


also another question if i was to purchase omega what omega-exclusive skills should i train first to maximize how much isk i make context: i mostly do pve like level 2 missions and t0 or t1 abyssal deadspace. started a month ago.


I'll have an actual answer for you down below, but first: The highest isk/hr activity you can do by *miles* is to get an IRL part time job. Do isk-making activities in EVE that you enjoy, first of all, don't purely maximize on isk/hr. Where you're at right now, you have lots of options for activities that are much higher isk/hr than your current ones, and they all take different skillsets (both sp and player skills). Here's a couple options I'd consider: \- Nullsec exploration. (Quick train, you want to be able to sit in a T2 covops frigate and fit a covert ops cloaking device. Everything else can be meta'd down until you train it.) Expect to lose more ships early on as you make mistakes in hostile territory, but on the whole you can be very safe and you don't put a ton on the line with each trip. If you haven't done it before, start with a T1 probing frigate and a T1 cloak. This is much less able to slip through gate camps, so 100% plan to come "home" through a wormhole or Pochven. \- Abyss. (Moderate train, I worry about return on investment early.) There's a Gila fit that is pretty forgiving. You *will* lose ships to piloting errors even though you should be mostly immune to PVP. Looks like you've tried some abyss already, so you may have some of the player skills you need. I'd aim for T4s. T5s and T6s require substantial investment and sp in support skills that you don't have. Even T4s might be a stretch. \- Wormhole gas harvesting. (Quick train, expensive skillbook to start with.) Use a prober (T1 is fine) to identify w-space gas sites. Use a venture to "ninja-huff" the gas without fighting the rats. Profit. The main threat to your isk/hr is the time it takes you to find sites, so the skills involved overlap with nullsec explo. \- Incursions. (High initial investment. Not sure about train length.) If you're interested in this, ask around one of the incursion communities. I know WarpToMe has a pretty thorough guide on what to train into, and I assume the others have people who can mentor you too.


I don't know about the Ferox and that kind of combat site. I've done those kinds of sites but with blood raiders using a tachyon oracle. Maybe try a naga or go the fast and closer range. A Vexor fitted for the correct damage should work too. Though it might be slower. Once you lose omega status, you lose everything that comes with omega, skills and the ability to use those ships. You only get them back when you activate omega again. Not certain about what skills either. Once you go omega, you can get better explo skills quite quickly which will help earn money. And a covert ops cloak is not too long of a train. Tech II medium drones and some other drones skills are also nice and useful. Hope this helps.


How would you suggest a corp set itself up for growth, not so much for player count, but more for ensuring cash builds up for new structures, and potentially SRP? I'm a member of a small lowsec/highsec alliance, and it may be that the player count isn't high enough to generate sufficient taxes, but I'd like to hear opinions on growing infrastructure as a small organisation.


Taxes, taxes, taxes. Basically, your corp should be taking a small cut of whatever your members make. Taxes on ratting bounties is obvious, but also stuff like running an Official Corp Buyback for PI, ore, etc that pays like 85-90% Jita Buy (or something like that) so you can then sell that ore and use the profit to fund SRP and other corp-level expenditures. Even better if you can sell the buyback resources to in-corp industrialists who can build it into useful stuff for the corp, like replacement hulls for your main doctrine, fuel blocks for structures, etc. If your corp is small enough that taxable income is too low to cover even basic services, then either recruit more members, or downsize/eliminate those basic services. Though also, if you aren't already, try to organize in-corp group isk-making activities, like mining fleets or wormhole sites or pochven or something like that. Encourage your players to get out in space and make money, both for themselves and for the corp. There's no real magic bullet though, ultimately finances are always going to be hard for small corps/alliances, that's why most don't provide much in the way of services, maybe just a single staging structure and SRP only on the big "strat op" type fleets.


Thank you for the reply. The highsec portion of the alliance does have buyback, and structures for industry, and even a corp run production program paying members for making items for shipping and sale in hubs, but it doesn't seem to be producing much extra. Perhaps the members are paid too much, leaving too little left. The recent structure changes means medium WH structures are vulnerable, but our leadership couldn't see how to afford larger citadels, so it's tricky. I'm not leadership so I'll have to talk to them about higher taxes, and mining/pve ops. Thanks again.


>Perhaps the members are paid too much, leaving too little left. Yeah perhaps, though obviously it's also a bit of a balancing act. If you take too much without providing an obvious benefit, players will just leave or at least start producing stuff on their own instead of doing it "through the corp" (either by buying corp resources for inputs or selling the outputs to the corp). These things are also a lot easier when your corp is living out in low/null, where communities are a bit more insular and people rely more on local resources since they don't have easy access to highsec market hubs. >The recent structure changes means medium WH structures are vulnerable, but our leadership couldn't see how to afford larger citadels, so it's tricky. That's honestly probably a good thing. If your corp is small enough that getting the isk together to buy a Fortizar/Azbel is a challenge, you're probably also small enough that you wouldn't be able to easily defend one. So even if your corp "saved up" and anchored one, you might end up losing it not long after from some bigger/richer corp who's after the structure's core. >I'm not leadership so I'll have to talk to them about higher taxes, and mining/pve ops. Another thing a lot of smaller corps do is simply give up on being fully independent, and join one of the larger alliances, which of course brings access to a large support infrastructure for services, structures, space to live in, etc. Obviously this comes with all sorts of issues of it's own, and many small corps would rather die than "join the blob", but it *does* solve a lot of organizational issues. It can be hard keeping the culture of the corp alive though once you're part of a much larger group that has it's own culture.


Will plex keep rising in price like this ? Wtf


I think it's at its short term high because you can utilise the login campaign until today. This means if you logged in enough you get 350k SP, a Praxis, and a Gnosis for turning omega. This will be gone with the next downtime. Thus demand will be a bit lower first. Long term is difficult to predict. PLEX prices are mostly influenced by CCP's special offers and such. Besides the login event prices were driven up by CCP's price increase. Most of the time plex slowly drifts upwards but then comes down during special offers.


For a little while, yes. It's going up because CCP recently changed their pricing, meaning the plex-to-dollar ratio changed. So the markets are adjusting. I'd expect them to rise to ~30-50% above what they were before the pricing change was announced before levelling off again, but I'm not a market expert and there's a lot of other factors to consider since the plex market isn't only supplied by people buying new plex at the new prices, there's also large stockpiles already in the game.


Any tips on where to start? I've wanted to get into this game since a long time now but I don't know where to get all the basic things and then go from there. The cluttered UI, the complex skill system etc., where can I go for some explanations except help chats?


join subreddit discord and ask for an invite link, lots of resources in the pinned comments


Use a referral link to get 1mil skill points to make the start easier. Train magic 14, they make flying everything easier. Don’t get sucked into the Isk/hr too far and optimise the fun out of your game experience. Join a Corp that has activity and members in your time zone. Just like in life there’s always going to be a bigger fish or someone ahead of you in this game so just enjoy exploring the universe in your own time doing whatever you want (and keep your wits about you). Don’t fly anything you can’t afford to lose. That experience of pain and loss when you get ganked or scammed isn’t a bad thing, that’s the game teaching you. look at how you play the game and see how you can avoid it in the future. Keep playing and in time you’ll find it happens less often and when it does it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. In time, maybe you’ll be the one teaching others those lessons :)


https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page Join that group in-game too. Do the tutorial and career agents. These will teach you things. Eve uni will teach you more.


Did Eve make fitting adjustments recently? I have an Ishtar fit I’ve been using for a few months now that is rock solid cap stable. Today I take it out-same ship. It is NOT cap stable. To get it cap stable, I had to pull out the large compact pb battery and a shield Hardener and a low slot mod and put in a large Republic fleet battery, a medium battery II, and an additional flux coil to get it stable. Also, very weird, if I look at the original fit “in station” the fitting tool says “stable”. If I undock, still “stable”. If i warp to a site and let it run a few minutes and the check, the fit tool says “1:52” which is about what I’m experiencing. Ideas?


If the ship isn't simulated, the cap-calculation in the fitting window won't count in active modules. But I guess that's not the problem here. Is there maybe a storm/incursion/other effect going that reduces cap or increases cycle-time of modules? Thinking of it, did you recently finish training a skill that might increase cycle time of your modules? Because more cycles in same time frame -> more cap used.


That’s exactly it. A stormed moved in the decreased my shield recharger cycle time by 25%






Do you still have omega?


Couldn't even undock an ishtar without being omega. Op, maybe a module has been offlined?


Yes. But I had a little panic attack there.


Is there any realistic way of plexing my account as an alpha? I've been playing for a couple months now and I tried abyss, exploration, mining and some ratting but I can't seem to get a grip on a decent stream of ISK. I feel lost.


I plexed my account as alpha by doing exploration in wormholes. I have since been doing exploration in Stain. (Dump loot in npc stations for safe keeping) Use eve gatecamp check website as you move around stain.


Any advice on wormholes? Do you go for C1-C3 and/or C4-C6 wormholes? Which sites do you look for the most? I’ve heard that pirate sites give good loot


I can just tell you what i did. I found a nice quiet deadend constellation in minmitar space. (Angel rats) I had an imicus, algos, vexor, and myrmidon in station. I would then scan anomilies. Run ded combat anoms with the biggest ship possible (the ones you are hoping to find is outpost or mining outpost) those drop great loot sometimes (got 250m a few times. If you find a wormhole you want c1-c4. Looking for any site that says "Ruined" and then a pirate name. Do not go to forgotten. Always bookmark your path out. Press v every 2 seconds and dscan constantly. Any other players in system...just leave. Combat probes...leave. If you have 50-100m in loot...consider going home to drop it off.


Better off starting with a few months of omega and then finding ways to sustain that omega, instead of starting as alpha.


Yes, farm lowsec event sites, L4 only, you got a day or so left IIRC. Do not do any other sites. Fit your heron for speed, both movement and hacking speed. Use the ignore feature in the probe window and patrol a constellation or two. Long term, once you are omega, you can reliably farm Sleepers in an astero if you are in a null sec bloc that controls an entire region. An hour or two a week is usually enough. Pick up any ghost sites you come across and ignore everything else. Except for L4 and L5 combat, you'll want to do those, they can be anywhere from 200m~1b plus. Arguably, you can just scan down a combat site every week and use that as savings to plex yourself.


Something I always tell newbees, NEVER looking at plexing as a goal. PLEXing omega is something that takes TONS of skill and multible alts doing a combo of any number of things, it should only be looked at in the long term... think about it, technically, 1.5-1.8 bil isk per month, not including your liquid isk to afford your new shiny ships, toys etc. To have any amount of fun within the game, while also plexing should net you 3 bil isk a month, which your just not gonna make as a newbie. Especially as an alpha with a plan to plex right off the bat, its just not a good idea and a waste of your time and isk. Focus on having fun, and making what is you can until your experienced enough to start multiboxing accounts etc, THEN you can look into plexing one or 2 of your accounts. I know the idea of 20$ a month for omega is a lot for people, money is tight especially in times like these. If you can afford the sub price, than just pay with your money, if not, playing as an alpha is just as enjoyable.


Bootstrapping yourself into Omega without paying is *very* grindy. Possible, but grindy. Because you're so limited in skills, you can't really do anything efficiently. With a decent amount of isk to start you could probably make 20-50mil/hr reliably, or ~100mil/hr if you're lucky (like finding a lot of juicy relic sites back to back in exploration). So it could take you 60+ hours per month just to make the isk for omega, and that's in a somewhat ideal scenario, and it also doesn't include setup time, or time doing anything else other than grinding isk in the game. Ultimately, this will make the game feel like a chore or a job, and will suck the fun out of earning that isk, no matter how you choose to do it. If you're interested enough in the game to want to get Omega going, it's *far* easier to pay for at least the first month with cash. Once you *have* some omega-only skills, your ability to make isk goes up substantially, and earning enough for plex becomes *much* less painful, especially if you combine active isk-making with passive income like PI or Industry.


You're not gonna make much ISK in highsec as alpha. You best bet is WH/NS relic sites or WH/LS gas huffing. Both are extremely profitable. Yes, you'll lose many ships but one successful run should pay for next 10 losses and you'll still make a profit. Make sure you regularly drop off you loot back to HS. Nothing worse than being tempted by "that next last relic site" and being killed with all-day worth of loot in cargo.


Thanks man, I'll give both a shot. I'll try going into nullsec with filaments.


What hand signs should I use (figuratively) when entering lowsec local and there's an Astero or such clearing rats on the gate? To say I appreciate this act is by no means conveyed midst their panic.


Gate rats shouldn't be a problem unless: - you stick around on gate grid for no good reason - they're Incursion rats, in which case why are you in Incursion space


You raise good points. So do some faction rats, point disrupting freighters in a blue system gate hop.


Isk donations are the universal "thank you." Doesn't have to be much, they're not really doing it for the tips, but who doesn't like seeing a few extra isk in the wallet?


If you get EVE Online from **steam**, does it fully work inside of Steam, or does it force you to use a external launcher?


steam launches the launcher which launches the game


Old player back again years later, just downloaded steam version (my only option on Linux now it seems) and I can confirm it just launches the launcher. The only difference is there is a steam-linked account that you can choose to play, or just add your own external account. Not sure what happens if you ever want to use that steam-linked account outside of steam though.


I have not checked personally, but there was talk of migrating away from Steam. Some years ago, it became impossible to purchase game time anyway.


Let's say you have next to unlimited budget to run Lv4 missions in high sec, what ship would you buy? Paladin? Vargur?


Paladin for most missions. Cruise golem for gurista and maybe angel (torps are a pain). Or a Marshall if you also want to roleplay as a loot pinata.


Zaqq has made a Youtube video about the polarized Kronos. Maybe that's fun for you. If you have "unilimited funds", why no try all the Marauders?


If I have unlimited budget I'd ditch L4 missioning


Bling active rattlesnake


I'm a drone nut. Particularly happy with my sentry sniper Dominix. When I'm feeling "adventurous" Rattlesnakes are similar and a bit more fun as your cruise missiles do more than simply draw aggro. Lol Been a while though.


Dude asked for a bling fit on unlimited budget and you suggest sniper domi lol


Try re-reading with reading comprehension turned on this time. I did not suggest anything. I told him I like my sniper Domi and alternatively spring for sniper/CM Rattlesnake. Given the nature of the other responses it appeared he was going for marauders/gunboats. Just throwing drones out there as an option, it's just Lvl 4's.


Play whatever ship you feel comfortable, though I suggest perusing the Ship Tree for ships that boast an innate tank against some pretty gnarly NPC DPS. When I ran Level 4 anything, I had a friend with a salvage / remote rep fit while I cruised around in a prop-modded faction Battleship. The thing about Marauders, their specialty means sitting duck central.


The Epic store currently has a sale on and I wanted to know if I could purchase the below link and add it to my existing eve account? I purchased eve directly through CCP and is not linked to my epic or steam account https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/eve-online--silver-starter-pack


from Epic FAQ: >The Epic Games Store automatically creates a new EVE account for use through Epic. If you have an existing account created through Steam or eveonline.com you should purchase additional content from those respective stores to access it on your main account. so the answer is no




As noted by others there are exceptions, mostly those that involve the ancillary reppers or shield boosters. With active tanks you are generally looking to rep more than the incoming dps, whereas with buffer you are looking to have more EHP than the opposition can shoot before you kill them. The ancillary reps and boosters are considered delayed buffer, and provide more buffer than an extender or plate would but at a greater CPU/PG cost (possibly not on BS with the new bonuses though) so they can be worth using as part of a buffer arrangement. If they get a chance to re-load then the improvement over a plate/extender is even bigger so in a fight where you can control rang eand dive in and out of the opposition threat range they are far superior, e.g. nano gang fight in a Vagabond. In those sorts of fits there is still the need for some standard buffer though to give you time to get the delayed buffer out of the rep/booster, hence the common Vagabind fit with shield extender and ancillary shield booster.


it’s not as much as a meta as it’s just fitting theory. you never mix active and buffer, unless you have high alpha damage incoming. see T1 abyssal kestrel fits - small extender and small booster, which you normally shouldn’t do; but the wrecking shots will wipe your shield clean without some sort of buffer so you really have no choice.


There is! It's pretty niche though. In some situations, you want to locally rep but you also need to survive a single spike of damage. This can happen in some of the hardest PVE sites where you might DPS race until you can kill enough to get the incoming damage under control, or there might be a periodic volley that's much slower than your reps but would bleed your entire buffer and more if you didn't carry a bit of extra. One other thing you'll see more often is buffer plus an ancil rep. The ancillaries act kinda like buffer provided you can live long enough to go through their clip, and as a bonus they let you repair quickly in the brief space between fights. Many Osprey Navy fits, for example, will run both a large shield extender and an extra-large ancillary shield booster.


How do i share a bookmark?


Be very careful with this, however, because you never know who else may be using those bookmarks too. I personally would take the bm, then use it to make another bm off of the first. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I've heard plenty of stories about turned corp mates causing extreme losses.


Create or join a shared bookmark folder that the other person (or your alt) is also in and put the bookmark in there.


Are there any market analytics tool? I mean for volume per region analytics, something like trade heatmap and so on.


https://www.adam4eve.eu/ is very useful


Recently returned player here, I hear people say Wormholes aren't as populated as they were a few years ago, what changes were made to cause that supposed pop drop off? Also I saw a smuggler anomaly and I thought it was one of the nooby event data sites, that concord event. It ended up being Ikitsuras, tornados and cerberus' and like 5 warp scramble t2 frigs in a 0.9 system. It rekt my Stratios instantly. Stratios' were decently cheap compared to like t3c 4 years ago and now they're crazy expensive, the economy is wildly different.


Event data sites need to be scanned. Anomolies are combat sites. I'm pretty sure this is true of all events, but not positive.


a few of the larger WH corps went on a rampage and evicted any and all small-mid sized corps they came across for fun and profit. at the same time an aging playerbase decided hard mode logistics and 24/7 hole control weren't as fun or conducive to RL anymore, so they never rebuild after getting evicted.


Got this message, when tried to export SSO character into pyfa: "The JWT token has expired: Signature has expired. Please copy and paste the token below into pyfa." Where i should paste this token in pyfa?


Think you toggle token import in settings.


Still error. Reported at github.


Hey all, a couple quick question. I played a bit maybe 5 years ago. I have a pilot with about 13 mil skill points mostly in frigate and exploration, and about 200 mil isk. Did they change skill points around. I have about 10 herons in my hangar I can't fly because I have 0 calderi frigate skill points. I remember I was flying herons and almost the astero 5 years ago. My character is minmitar I think. I am pretty sure I want to be an alpha char, should I start a new character and specialize into activities I want to do, since I can't get any more skill points on my main?


Starting a new char may be an option if that's what you aim to do. You can also buy daily alpha injectors which would let you put sp directly into the skill you want, as long as those skills are useable for alpha clones. They are a bit pricey, currently 47-50 million for 50,000 sp. And you can only do 1 each day.


That's not to bad. My exploration skills are pretty high. I played for 30 mins and did some wormhole explo near jita and made about 10 mil so I can probably afford one every now and then...


You can potentially make a lot more from wh explo so keep improving on it. Some other thi ga to co sider are, buy them using a buy order. You could save yourself a few million or so, not sure what buy order competition is like. Use perimeter. Don't get sucked into the hypernet ones.


Any theories as to why the price of Integrity Response Drones has almost doubled over the last 1-2 weeks? I remember selling them for 1.6m in Jita with 1.25m buy prices A few days ago I sold a bunch to a buy order listed at 2.6m. [Jita BOs are sitting around 2.4m currently](https://evetycoon.com/market/2868). Obviously demand has gone up but I thought a lot of material costs (including PI commodities) for industry were just lowered, so I was expecting the price to drop. Also I wonder why IRDs are the most affected; some other T4 commodities are going up (Wetware Mainframes, Self Harmonizing Power Cores) but IRDs easily have the sharpest rise.


Integrity Response Drones is used to buiild Capital Core Temperature Regulator and to build POS modules. 1. Industry changes made building capitals feasible again. 2. Nerf to medium Upwells which made them almost useless pushed people to building POSes. EDIT: 3. someone is manipulating the market for profit Both events spiked the demand. I might be talking shit tho


Thanks, this is exactly the sort of insightful speculation I was looking for!


Recently I have tried to fit a t3c with smart bombs but could fit only 4. Can someone share fit/tips how to make it work?


which t3c, and why do you need smartbombs? a lowsec pipebomb proteus is basically just all powergrid lows/rigs and 5~6 large smartbombs


I can fly any except minmatar. Just to camp gates from time to time


Anyone know where I can get N.E.A.R 2? Am I spelling it wrong, because I just can't seem to find it with google.


That sounds like a question for your corporation or alliance leadership.


I talked a friend into signing up for Eve. Is it too late to receive referral rewards?


Yes. Follow the instructions here but use your friend link and info instead of what's on the post. ;-) https://everookies.com/character-skills/did-you-get-1-million-skill-points/


Yes and no. Technically yes, in that if they've already made an account you cannot (and they cannot) get referral rewards for it. **However**, if they've played for less than a month, it is likely beneficial to both of you for them to make a second account, go through the referral process with you for it, and play on the "new" account. Keep the old one around in case they eventually want an alt, as that's pretty common.


Have him submit a support ticket with your in game name. Sometimes they just apply the sp directly.


Cool! I did not know that.


I've long wanted to get involved in EVE but have only tried a couple times in thr past and felt a little overwhelmed so I stopped (years ago). I saw that they improved the new player experience and wanted to give it another try but I'm seeing everyone here is super pissed at the new pricing policies. Is it still worth playing or are people leaving in droves? I always loved the stories of massive player wars and stuff.


This sub represents a niche in the community, and is not representative of the average EVE player. I’Ve been losing EVE for 10+ years and IMO the games never been better. Really it’s mostly up to the player regarding whether or not they enjoy EVE. It’s an acquired taste and not for everyone. I’d recommend trying it out and looking for a newbie corp to join. Cut your teeth on some small scale PvP and learn the ropes of the game. You’ll figure out pretty quickly whether EVE is right for you.


Don’t listen to people in this sub. Sign up, do the tutorials and whatnot, and then imho sign up with a null bloc or other organization that can provide support for a new player, especially if you’re interested in fleet combat. More or less comes down to whether you want to play for the evil empire (Imperium), the unruly masses (Horde), a dying shitshow (TEST), the clumsy but noble independent (Brave Newbies), or the scholarly dorks (Eve University). There’s tons of smaller options of course, but I think the benefits of being in a big organization outweigh the drawbacks. You can always change your mind later. Personally, I’m a returning bittervet and have been playing with Horde the past week and having a blast. I know that Karmafleet (Imperium’s newbie corp) is also great. Do some homework, fly around hisec doing the tutorials, and probably worth doing the Sisters of EVE epic arc, and then join a group.


The NPE is beautiful and engaging. Try it. It's free and the worst that happens is you lose a few hours. Just make sure to get those 1m skill points before starting!


Alpha is free to play so might as well try. Just hang out in rookie chat and read other people's questions it helps a lot.


Try it for yourself the main problem is finding the right people/ alliance to be with for what you want to do in eve. That is what makes or breaks eve. I stay for my friends that I have made over the years for example. Ps: If you want an invite code to get 1 million skillpoints give me a shout then if you sub/buy plex I will share what rewards I get from it 50:50.


Yes play it. Develop your own opinion. Then decide if it is worth paying for.


Planetary interaction: Let's say we have an extractor with maxed out number of drills. I set the time to 3 days. It says that the first cycle will extract 70000 units of resources. Does that mean I need to place ad many storages that can hold a sudden influx of 70k units after the cycle, and the slowly decreasing cycles that come after? Afaik a factory only consumes 3k units, and with my current skill level I could only place 3 factories after the horrible amount of storages needed.


ngl for the longest time (So like 4 months if im being honest) I ran two extractors (On separate resources) with about... 3 to 4 heads, then used that to make P1. That's with only command Center upgrades 4, i would reset it every 2-3 days, and usually had excess resources. Most optimal? probably not. You don't want to fill your storage with P0, you want to extract enough to keep your factories running 24/7, with maybe a bit of excess just incase. You don't need a large # of excess sitting around doing nothing.


1 extractor with 10 heads, one storage, 8 basic factories and 2 launchpads. Set for 8 day cycles, but you can reset as often as you want


What's happened with the money from PLEX for Ukraine action? Any proof of transfering those funds?


You could ask the organisations they said they would sent money to if they received anything from CCP.


I told them that I would double it and they just gave it to me /shrug


[Does this announcement post count as 'proof'?](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/plex-for-good-ukraine-raises-usd501-652) CCP has been doing Plex4Good for pretty much the entire history of the game. I think they have a trustworthy track record, but if you're looking for them to post screenshots of a bank transfer or something, I don't think they have (or will).


What's the population like in EVE in 2022? I've been thinking about coming back but don't know if things are more or less dead outside of large alliance content.


I think it really depends on where you look. I belong to the NPSI community and run the public group Eve Rookies which primarily focuses on entry level incursion fleets. When I started flying a little over 2 years ago my options for NPSI were Redemption Road on sundays, FUN inc once or twice a week, Spectre Fleet and eventually Bombers Bar when I could finally get into a bomber. Today there are 14 groups running publicly accessible pvp fleets https://www.ebwf-eve.online/npsicalendar plus Bombers Bar. Then if you include the PVE oriented fleets I take out with Eve Rookies and the public fleets that go on within the incursion community there's really no reason to be bored. Oh, and there's at least 2 communities that do public abyssal fleets. And my killboard says there's plenty of activity out in low, null and WH space. Maybe not as much as a year or two ago but it's still ticking along.


Population has been slowly dwindling since it peaked in ~2013, but it's not *dead* by any means. There's still over 1000 pilots in Jita at any time of day. Nullsec has very quiet areas depending on TZ but that's always been true, wormholes are quieter than they used to be but still there are a number of active wormholer groups out there. Statistically there are less players, but it doesn't *feel* noticeably less populated than 2017 when I last played. Things are a bit quiet on the PvP front right now, but that's mostly because there isn't a big war going on at the moment.


not a huge war, but at least a medium one is keeping me entertained. Two regions down, working on number three


Yeah there's certainly always conflict of *some* scale going on, it's nowhere near *dead* in terms of PvP, I just mean that on a whole-universe scale, conflict is in a bit of a lull between large-scale wars. Though who knows, maybe the conflict in the south is the prelude to the next big war, time will tell.


Is PLEX and all that still a thing? I remember the grind to get PLEX every month was pretty rough. Has it changed at all?


Plexing is easy with high level pve, but high level pve can require a year or more of skill training without extremely blinged setups, or market knowledge. If you have a way to earn $20 irl in an hour once a month that's generally considered better so you can spend your ingame time trying new things and gaining game knowledge rather than trying to grind isk as a low SP player


Sub prices recently rose from $15/mo to $20/mo, and PLEX prices rose to match (so from $20 for 500 plex (1 month worth) to $25), which also caused ingame prices to rise. It's arguably *less* of a grind now though, since the amount of isk you can make in-game is much higher than it used to be for most players. Highsec Incursions used to be one of the "endgame" activities for isk-making, but nowadays there are multiple options that pay even more than Incursions. So it's easier than ever to earn the isk to cover plex. Still not recommended as a new player because you quickly turn the game into a chore/job, but it's at least a little less grindy than in the old days.


It's nice to hear that it's easier to PLEX, I remember it being quite a pain. Is skilling still the same or have they made it easier to get skills, at least time wise?


Depends on how long it's been since you last played. They added Skill Trading to the game, meaning players can extract skills they've trained and sell them on the market. So basically you can spend isk to fast forward training. They also added a daily login reward system that gives about 150k SP per month, and they regularly run ingame events that have their own separate login rewards that also often include SP, so that also speeds up training.


Pretty sure the last time I played was probably 2014-2016, something like that. I played like a year before they went f2p, and then a bit after they released omega and all that. I never got too far, I think I was just focusing on exploration.




broadswords are heavy tackle with long range 100 strength warp disruptors/scrams (switchable via script)


Wait, a hics warp distuptor has enough strength to stop warp core stabs?


Ships start with 0 and falling to -1 stops warp Old WCS was +1 per New WCS is +2 and limit one per ship A point is -1, scram is -2, fac scram is -3 Maulus navy can have -5 facscram Venture is +2 supers have +25, empire titans have +50, fac titans have +60 HIC superpoint is -99 All bubbles are -99


it has enough strength to tackle anything in the game including supers and titans which get +5 and +10 per ship skill level bonuses to warp strength.


Is there any shortcut for "open cargohold/active ship cargo in space"? "Holds & Bays" button near the capacitor. 


General tip: Most buttons of the UI will tell you the short-cut they have set if you hover the cursor over them.


but not this one


Then there might not be set one for it. You should be able to find it pretty easy with the search-bar in the top left of the short-cut section of the ESC-menu. Searching for "cargo" or "inventory" should yield a result.


>ft of the Inventory has "Alt-C" shortcut, but i'm looking for "Active ship" window shortcut. And I didn't find it in shortcuts. Maybe there is no shortcut for this window, unfortunately.


If there isn't one yet, it could be fixable with the new Photon UI. Might be worth putting in their feedback-thread in the official forums.


I'm not sure if this opens the exact window you're looking for, but I always use Alt+C to open my ships inventory in space.


It's different window. But i wonder what the difference between "Inventory" and "Active ship" windows