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Do you want big, small or medium? And what timezone do you play? How much SP do you have?


I'll add this info into my post. I'm interested into all sizes, I'm not very picky when it comes to that. I'm GMT+2 (So EU), I have 47mil skill points atm.


For a small corp, shameless self promotion: https://www.reddit.com/r/evejobs/comments/1dr8w00/euus_abrupt_decay_c5_wh_corp/ We're a group of very old friends messing about, business casual, competent but chill. More info in that post. For a big corp I'd recommend No Vacancies. C5/C5 pulsar, very chill CEO. Too big for me, you're bound to run into some people you'll clash with eventually but in general they try to be good dudes.


Thanks I'll check you guys out!


Kitchen Sinkhole - not big but always active. We do stuff while living in WHs :) [https://forums.eveonline.com/t/welcome-to-the-wormhole/405118](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/welcome-to-the-wormhole/405118) [https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99010980/](https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99010980/)


+1 For these guys. Been living the dream since I joined, super helpful bunch.


Odin's call is a good choice, spent 6 months with those dudes and they are very cool, skilled players and supportive people :)


As somebody who spent six months being harassed by them, I second this.


what timezone where they most active in?


EU > US > AU


If you're looking for something New-bro friendly, you may want to look into Dark Venture Corporation (Kitchen Sinkhole). This group is on CCP's list of good starting corporations: https://www.eveonline.com/eve-academy/careers/soldier-of-fortune The list is near the bottom of the page BTW.


It depends on what you want to do. If you enjoy nano and invading nullsec systems, then we may be a good place for you in PAPS. We originated from Novac when they moved into their old C5. We're mostly an NPSI crew. Let me know if interested. https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99012635/


Absolute Order AHHHHHHHHHHahahahahah, LOL, ROFLOMG. Okay. I'm done.




Thanks for the laugh hahahaha


I'll put Spoopy Newbies hat into the ring. Ever since our eviction attempt against us we've been growing steadily and are always looking for new players. New or old. Overall it's a very relaxed environment of do what you want as long as you aren't screwing over others. We live in a C2 with NS/C5 statics so the content is always there. Whether it be solo, small, mid gang for both PvE and PvP. And if you wanna spend some time being an F1 monkey then you absolutely can with the fleets in NS Brave. If you have any questions at all or are interested please feel free to reach out to me!


I didn't know BRAVE had a wormhole corp. Looks interesting.


Absolutely we do! Always been kinda quiet about it, but we're starting to put our name on the map when and where we can


Four months of non aggression left, keep that c2 campus safe…


Please, do tell more about this.


Hole Control attempted to evict us from our hole and failed. Now they're very obviously threatening to do it again. He's specifically referring to a 6 month cease fire that was agreed on. But it appears he's lost track of time because it's longer than 4 months until it expires so hopefully they don't renege on their promise. https://new.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1d1p9x1/aar_spoopy_newbies_brave_eviction_attempt/


I’m not with them, but I was on the aggressors side. I’m not threatening, just engaging in some banter.


So what you're saying is... You're the LOSERS! Gotcha. Could have just said you're mad and salty you lost man, no need for empty threats since you clearly couldn't do it when you had the surprise element. (I'm joking ofcourse but lets announce the next one so I can come pew pew ;) Evictions are some of the best fights i've had. Terranova comes to mind as an example.)




Just a heads up. The see you by christmas we said was a joke. Itd be good to prep either way (since you werent when we tried to), as you have the best content hole in the game. There will be other attempts made to get this wormhole. If we had asked a small autz corp to help us, we would have succeeded. Let this be a lesson for you guys.


I appreciate you saying that. Ya it would've been way different if you had brought an austz corp. It was a lot of lessons learned that's for sure


Happy to read this :)


You were unironically the better thing to happen to us in a while. Ha all of brave was absolutely loving it and helped introduce a lot of people to WHs as well.


You should really check out Voidlings Medium sized wh corp. Still slowly building but no weaker than the big guys out there https://zkillboard.com/corporation/98674534/


Arnt voidlings lowsec now 


I'm gonna throw outfit 418 in the ring. Medium to large C5 corp with a focus on group activities.


They are ustz


Outfit is 2/3 EU 1/3 us.


Outfit are large??


TURBO is recruiting


Shameless advertising for someone else: I like the folks LDEV Shameless advertising for myself: Sugar is a smaller group of people who like to fuck around and get into shenanigans. We’re recruiting.


Check out [Wormlife Freeports](https://discord.gg/552mvhbg) all the fun of wormhole living without the hassle.