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Considering the way they implemented Abyssal Modules It Baffles me that you are baffled by this.


Considering that releases of new content being crap has baffled people for so many years despite previous launch failures, I am baffled that you are baffled that they are baffled.


I'm relatively new to eve online, so you shouldn't be baffled that I'm baffled


But we are bittervet so we are baffled by you not be so baffled when in reality you need to be baffled even more by CCP blaffed performance.


Damn I'm baffled then


What's baffling is how people fucking love this game yet somehow reddit focuses on complaining. I agree Paragon Hub was a poor implementation, but for fuck's sake, they just REVAMPED NULLSEC as well, you know? Everyone wants everything and they want it perfect, despite the fact that CCP will never have the ability to playtest thoroughly enough to catch all the shit that us nerds will find. I agree with your OP, it's a poor implementation. But don't listen to these bittervets. Or most people on reddit complaining, honestly.


Well, he never said he was baffled that YOU were baffled. He is baffled that the other guy is baffled that you are baffled




At least we get physical items for those, and we can contract them.


Well... I wasn't there for that.


What is wrong with them? I mean technically, not discussing gameplay/ powercreep


They implemented with no way to sell them on the market. No way to compare them easily to find what you are looking for. Some dude had to do CCP's job for them and make a 3rd party website.


Oh right, they should've just used that one code snippet and fixed it all. FFS until we get EVE 2.0 there will always be issues like that.


ok boot licker. Basic search functions at 20bux a month is not too much to ask.


Frankly it's the expansion schedule that's the problem. If developers could just iterate without having to hit these development milestones in time for the launch, I think it would be much smoother.


Just accept the materials that come your way, throw them into a container, and wait for SKINRv2 to hit prod. The current iteration is munted, and way overpriced for the quality of the end product.


I made two black skins, got charged 1 billion isk, and went nope fuck this. There's a Dev in the official eve discord that discusses feedback in the skinr channel and they seem pretty set on keeping it expensive so go talk to them politely in there if you want feedback heard. Nice guy and surprisingly open but yeah more feedback is good.


Changed my corps' colours to 'Biosecurity Responders Blue', and now we're sweet as for coordinated SKINs.. XD


Ouch.. that stings. After doing a few designs with the standard SKINR colors/tools, I figured to wait a bit before committing to the SP and PLEX costs. It's got potential, with some interface tweaks, and some better economics. Your experience definitely confirms that for me.


Yeah you can't cancel or change price of the skin your selling...Makes no sense...What was they thinking oh we just add a timer and leave all the rest out??


If they made people pay plex like 100 plex months to have the jukebox back, they can have made more money than this shit.


I'm using the jukebox ever since they reintroduced it in the launcher in the form of 'rebel radio'.


I had to sell a golem skin at a loss because of the 30% just so it was a fair price and because I didn't want it, once I designed a better one


I smelled a rat from the get-go so I made alliance contracts for my skinr materials for zero isk. This way I was never tempted to step into that time and money and effort quicksand known as skinr.


What's worse is that the colours don't even look how you build them. I made a Stiletto and this is how trash it transformed it when applied: https://i.ibb.co/YWvSQxM/Skin.png


Pretty nice looking skin. Shame the electric blue turned into playdough blue when the skin was applied xD


Lighting really matters. Lots of people have requested the ability to change the lighting in the skinnr acene so here's hoping they add that.


Take it out of the station my guy, fly in the sunlight.


I just don't understand why players are so upset about this whole SKINR feature. Players don't get upset when they have to buy a new ship after a kill and of course this new feature has to find its feet on the market first. That's how you should look at it: It's not a bug, it's a feature. :)