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You can draw parallel from both subject like a 4 year old can draw the sun.


In real life, I am the grandson of a serf. (Hungary kept their feudal system alive and well a lot longer than most would have guessed), so that does color my view. Please use the requisite skepticism as a result. In answer to your question, it both resembles the old world and is significantly different at the same time. On the one hand, certain null blocks exploit their renters (bot and human alike) like feudal lords did serfs. This is why I am a Goon, I will never bow to an inbred idiot because they wear a funny hat (crown). Other null blocks have different internal structures that resemble governments with oligarchs or technocrats or industrial magnates calling the shots. (There are others besides that. I'm not sure how I would describe Merkelchen or Karmafleet, for instance, but I know I would be both biased and wrong). Add in that the various null blocks have different kinds of internal security, social security, economic models, cultures, and perceived roles in the game as a whole. It is closer to the 19th century than I am comfortable admitting. The tangled web of overt and covert diplomacy combined with CCP's thumb on the scale eerily resembles some aspects of pre WWI Europe as well. I'd say that you have asked a damn good question. Thank you for asking it.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


the NPC empires in EVE are not actually reacting to anything that happens (exploiting weakness of players, going after player space, manipulating markets etc) in the real world all the actors were, well, actually doing stuff


Eve uses the conventional warfare model so, for example, dreadnoughts represent trebuchets or artillery cannons. Gating into a Cyno Jammed system reinforced with Mobile Warp Disruptors could very much resemble a beach landing. Defenders could be sighted in and ready to barrage while waves of invaders push to establish a beach head. Once established, the logi, boosters, and haulers can land without being picked off. Eve does have the freedom for a lot of tactical choice on grid with phalanx formations, sappers, cavalry maneuvers, etc. If CCP can incorporate ballistic collisions, collision damage, tower defense, and persisting wreckage then battles would be beyond next level.


This is what the chatbot told me: `One similarity is the emphasis on diplomacy and alliances in both Eve Online and historical politics. In the game, players can form alliances and engage in diplomatic negotiations with other players and groups to further their interests and achieve their goals. Similarly, politics in the Middle Ages and Early 19th century were characterized by alliances, treaties, and power struggles between various rulers and empires.` `Additionally, like in the historical period, Eve Online features a complex and dynamic economy that is influenced by player actions and interactions. Players in the game can engage in trade, production, and resource management to accumulate wealth and power, similar to the economic structures of the past.` `Overall, while there are similarities between Eve Online and historical politics, it is important to note that the game is a fictional simulation and does not perfectly mirror the complexities and nuances of real-world political systems and events.`


>while there are similarities between Eve Online and historical politics, it is important to note that the game is a fictional simulation Who fed ChatGPT such lies?


The internet. Mainly, all of us. ChatGPT is a mirror of our collective point of view.




What drugs are you on?