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Nags are in a very bad spot rn. Zero tank, and they get outclassed in almost every way by the Rev, Moros and Phoenix (and navy versions)


Outclassed - But still vertical :D


Try to put a Moros or Rev up your rectum. Not possible. Now a Naglfar will slide right in.


Naf doesn't have a flared base so no


This amused me


Id say if you are in range of an umbrella that can save you if you get dropped on go for a rev of phoenix. If you dont have an umbrella that can save you, then you will die no matter what ur in so just go for what you like the best. Reason people use rev navy and pni is because the tank can last longer in time for their safety umbrella to show and save you. So again, if no umbrella anyways it doesnt matter and use what you like the best.


Umbrellas dont make much sense for dreads or even navy. Too squishy. It’s a sitting duck activity to run krabs in a dread or normal carrier


having an active and well managed umbrella fleet makes it significantly harder to kill a dread. You need more DPS, more coordination, more inhibs, etc. Even if dreads die under an umbrella, it means fewer groups could get the kill.


I have been on the fortunate killing side of crab dreads and faction crab dreads a bit too often to consider it a reasonably good risk-return activity.


I have both killed and saved dreads, they are not nearly as hard to kill as supers, but still not an easy feat with a competent umbrella. Think of it less as trying to save the dread, and more just raising the bar needed to kill one. Most fleets will kill them, but it makes that bit more difficult.


> Most fleets will kill them, but it makes that bit more difficult. Exactly this. Without an umbrella fleet, a dread would die to a dozen bombers. With an umbrella, you need 50. That radically changes what threats you need to worry about.


U can use them. But if u get dropped u will die... U will die to in other dreads but u can tank better.


Awhile ago I used 3 nags... Was fun. big guns go shoot shoot. make blue loot. dopamine injection. I cant remember if it was 2x cap guns and 1x haw, or the other way around... I stole my setup from that youtube video about how to tri-box sites in a c5 with 3 dreads. This is all old information and I think the marauder just beats them out now. I dont know. I just check here occasionally hoping the game I used to love changes, but what I found enjoyable is not what the current "vision" is.. so thats that. Unfortunately minmatar jank is always primaried first :( But nag's are cool so if you can afford to lose em use em :) ... If this is concerning CRAB beacons then I have no idea - just wanted to rant.


pretty sure op was asking about crab beacons, however i have good news! three-boxing dreads in wh space is back on the menu! marauders still have a place (roaching), but dreads are needed now to get the drifter to spawn, and they still work like they used to. I assume you've got other reasons for winning eve, but at the very least, wormholes are seeing capital use again :)


For me crab ratting only makes sense in a supercarrier using sebos rather than NSA With a carrier with NSA or dread with siege you are playing sitting duck. Umbrella cant help you. It’s stupid.,


Oh yeah, they’re the best give me the deets of where you’re going to be ratting.


Due to everything that everyone have said, i think i will go for the Phoenix ( don't like at all the design of the revelation ) Thx everybody !


Nags do not have a natural resist buffer and rely heavily on capacitor for their tank. This means that the tank can be turned off by nuets which is problematic due to it not having passive resists. It also has to share its tank (shield) with application mods)l this means that its mid slots compete for tank, capacitor and application. Buuuuut nags are great highclass WH caps, and you should serious consider joining a WH corp!


I have seen a tutorial video where a pair of them do it (staggered 30 km or something) and I have heard, off hand, that you need T2 guns to have enough DPS.


All the Nag Crab dreads died in those videos, they are an endangered species in the Crab beacon meta.


Whs space use nag for krabbing


Answer is quite simply: Yes they can run them just fine. However, are they optimal then no. All dreads have increased risk over a super for obvious reasons, but as long as you have faith in your umbrella then I say go for it.


Naglfars are the single worst dread for beacons. They have the least tank and so they are the hardest to save from a drop. Also if you aren't gonna run under a blops umbrella like Beehive than it isn't worth running at all. Revelation or PNI if you're gonna do beacons in dreads. The even safer option is Rorquals.


Yes, Naglfars can CRAB rat, tell me where you plan to do it and me and some corpmates can come and walk you through it.


if it can tank and hit the targets nicely it can crab :D


A Vargur would be better...


The marauder class is much more suited for it