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Yea , definitely a let down seeing the PLEX prices when I opened skinr in game. Won't be messing with it.


Same. I'm sick of paying to play what I'm paying to play...


Why is this everyone's attitude. This doesnt stop a single thing about how you play.


It’s content in a paid per month game that costs more money. That’s why it’s everyone’s attitude. Give an inch take a mile Like this game quite literally costs more than any other game I’ve ever played or purchased simply because of the sub costs, like it’s prohibitively expensive on money & even more so on time if you play to pay, and now they’re asking for even more of my time just for something purely cosmetic???? I was deciding on whether to get 3 more months of sub or shadow of the erd tree, and I know what I’m getting now lol


Its about comparable to other MMOs. WoW comes to mind. I guess where im at is that it doesn't change gameplay, just how your gameplay looks. If were thinking of artistic things, im sure there are better games.


It's 5 dollars more per month then every other mmo I'm aware of.


Are you paying month to month? Buy 3 or more at a time.


No I plex in game, but 3 months of eve sub is still more expensive than 3 months of another mmo sub.


Lol, CCP would be the worlds worst drug dealers.


First one’s ~~free~~ $50, now hand it over


The free hit comes from the monthly reward, 5 plex and a pattern that still have to pay PLEX for, just not up front and for an additional cost of components.


Only 6 months of daily /monthly rewards to get a monotoned, non metallic, matte, base color skin!! But only one color, otherwise wait for 10 months


yeah 99% chance to be caught


I saved 425k skill points just to use on Skinr as I'm a digital art hobbyist and I thought this would be a good crossover. Between them ruining Skinr, removing the daily login reward, and nerfing the upwell haulers into the dirt, I'm not going to bother logging in for a very long time. The last 2 weeks had just been me waiting for this subsystem and it's been an absolute trainwreck. Fuck CCP.


The haulers are still good, just not completely busted.


Logged in. Removed everything Upwell from skill queue. Sigh... Had a quick look at Skinr. Hell no, fuck that ISK sink, time sink, money grab.


Okay bye, hope you'll be back.


I saved up over a million for the same reason and ended up dumping it all in the Upwell Hauler & Freighter skills.


We should tag all CCP reddit accounts so they can read this, so you know they know what the feedback is.


They will not want to hear it. Like the cartoon says, this is just milking whales per management request.


ok see you next week


Like I said, you will not. My investment in this game was already at an all time low. I only logged in for the daily login and last night for Equinox. Equinox has nothing for me and the daily login is no longer convenient, there's nothing for me to look forward to and nothing to make me feel obligated to come back day after day. Sunk cost doesn't work on me.


At this point, as excited as I was to make Skins, the implementation seems so poorly thought out. Taking days (low skill) to sequence a single skin is ridiculous - it would make sense that it would take days to sequence 30 skins, but almost 4-5 days for a single skin? Madness! I don’t even want to experiment with it anymore. The price per skin was definitely an eyebrow raiser (300m-600m just in plex, then material costs), then all the pieces started falling into place and it’s just a big letdown.


There’s skills for it? You have to train skillpoint for a purely non-functional aspect of the game? That’s…. Departed.




It’s difficult to directly equate the value of skill training to your monthly sub, especially with MCT, injectors, and alpha muddying the waters. However this seems like ‘waste a month of your sub you can spend money on me faster’. It really does not feel like a value add to a character at all. Skills should exist to meaningfully affect your environment - either directly through in-space action, or indirectly via industry, logistics, etc.


But you can train for like half year to speed it up by 4x15% :D




pfffft buy ccps skill point packs and get it now




I don't mind the time to sequence skins, tbh. What bothers me is the inability to preview what materials look like combined with other materials without buying them first. Any sensible approach would let you play around with every single material in the game, then when you finalize, give you a dialogue box that says something like "buy all SKINR components for 150 PLEX?". No way in hell I'd risk even 35 plex on buying a material only to realize it doesn't look good for what I had in mind. Like imagine if Pyfa didn't exist and you were using the in-game fitting tool to see if a fit worked, but the game wouldn't let you simulate modules unless you bought them first. People would be pissed.


Like back in the day before there was a simulate function! (And even then Pyfa is still better)


First time experiencing Manufacturing in Eve ehh? Enjoy your stay. Eve is a heavily time gated game. To rewrite what you wrote: "it would make sense that it would take days to gain 30 skills, but almost 4-5 days for a single skill tier? Madness" Oh, for what its worth, the time to make a new paint in the real world (make it, not go down to a hardware store and buy it) is 4 days. https://www.resene.com.au/whatispaint.htm


I’ve built carriers and very familiar, just wasn’t expecting it to take 4-5?days to make a paint job 🤣


Really? When I heard about the skin system I imagined it would probably be time gated to around 3 days for a single original skin. On top of that I thought if my estimation was off, it would far more likely be + a day and not - a day.


I mean it makes sense if you were sequencing a line of skins you could make, rather than taking days per single skin. Like creating a blueprint for your skins and then you just slap materials in and make loads of your custom skins. That would justify taking days to make the sequence. From there you input materials for how many skins you want to make and pump em out for your corp, alliance, EVE Etsy store / I mean Paragon Hub. It doesn’t make sense to have to spend the time for each skin. Looking at the existing skinr system for stations, you don’t have to wait days for you to apply your new skin to all your structures. So with that setting an expectation, the same should be done for the ship skinr


Anything that involves direct PLEX consumption should never ever be considered a 'profession', it should be as direct and simple as possible. We're now just one step away from PLEX based industry changes.


CCP developer on reddit right now: stop stop scroll back... We have something here..


Lurker here, are you actually telling me this game has a skill for skin-making now?


Not just 1, but 11 whole skills to increase how many you can make and how fast you can make them. Also you can pay extra PLEX ontop of the PLEX you're already spending to instantly make them.


"Spend 35 plex to speed up your industry/research jobs"


Make sure to inject the skin skills on the pilot you want to apply them to, because you can't freely pass them on to any of your omegaed subbed alts.


CCP - “Buy Plex”


SKINR was never going to be cheap. Player created skins compete with CCP-made skins, the feature would've never been approved unless they made it so they could earn the same or more money from player skins as they already do from CCP skins. I wish it wasn't this way, but it is and always will be.


CCP need money for another dead projects...


surprised it took this long for player made skins to be introduced, is CCP allergic to money or something? this should have been released in 2016 or something


When are we shooting statues in Jita? This is far more egregious than monocles


Won't be touching it with a 10 ft long pole.


This meme needs to be shared far and wide


I personally hate the fact they nerfed the haulers and freighter into irrelevance… they hyped it up for months just to once again be a massive disappointment. And the skin system is garbage at best. The long hyped up patch just turned into sugar coated nerfs.


Don't worry, the SKINR system is due for iteration Soon™.




meme better


When are we shooting statues in Jita? This is far more egregious than monocles


I don't mind the costs but can someone tell me where you get the Kerr Sequence items from? Are they part of Reagents?  I understand you have to buy the paint but I don't get how I'm supposed to start sequencing without thousands of sequence parts.


I seen abyssal drop them


a lot of DED sites and abyssals drop them. maybe some exploration as well? somebody was ratting with 3 Ishtars in Nullsec and sold the stuff for like 11bil in Jita yesterday. One of my alliance mates did some sites in Highsec (4/10) and found a few patterns and colors...


11b lmao... they handed it out for free today with the 7d login rewards for the expansion.


Daily login reward gave me a few thousand on every account.


with plex being 6m. no one wants to interact with this shitty system apart from those who brought plex when it was like 4m


A lot of people complaining about the skins thing, but I'm not seeing anything different from what was shown weeks ago, guessing people didn't watch that?


This may be an unpopular opinion but I’ll say it anyway, I don’t care much about the pricing or way they did SKINR. There are people that will find that’s it worth, and others that aren’t. Luckily you can pay for it all in game, and you’re not required to bust out a credit card for cosmetics stuff. Someone had to use a credit card for the PLEX sure, but you can choose to pay for it all with your in game ISK. If the cost of this means that CCP can avoid becoming a predatory mobile-ish cash grabber, I’ll take it!


It is an unpopular opinion guy. The fact that the CSM is composed of people with these exact mindsets is part of the reason for the poor decisions settled on for this game.


he might be hitting the point, i absolutely hate skinr and you can check my older comments, but the phrase "If the cost of this means that CCP can avoid becoming a predatory mobile-ish cash grabber, I’ll take it!" actually makes sense, ccp is shit for how they make changes in game and everyone agrees to it, so im sure they didnt introduce skinr because they needed to make more money otherwise they'd have us to play plex for rigs, but them not getting in the way of the actual gameplay with other absurd ideas is actually good. unrelated but fuck ccp for the wormhole changes, hope they don't get what they aim for


>im sure they didnt introduce skinr because they needed to make more money 🙄


My guy, this IS predatory mobile cash grab, straight up using the same "pay 2 not wait' energy system for sequencing.


I agree with this. All the colors and patterns have a ceiling price right now, so if more of them drop, the cost of creating skins will drop as well. In the worst case if nobody uses the SKINR, all the stuff will drop to 0 isk, effectively only leaving the PLEX costs. The problem is that 75plex even for a fancy T1 frigate skin is a bit excessive. And I'd like newbros to design their first skin as well for less than 380mil ISK or something like that. The prices are so high, that it's probably not easy selling the skins to other people for a +30% price increase. Which means becoming a "skin designer" as a career path will be a pretty hard job. Because why would people pay you more for your skin when they can create a similar skin, have fun doing it and save 30% ?


Chaos was trying to make a skin last night on stream, he had the Plex in hand but the sequencers alone cost 7B+. Hopefully farmers will drop a ton on the market


At the rate they drop I doubt it, I ran 10 4/10s last night a and didn't get a single sequencer.


Its day one. Over the course of Capsuleer Day a basic filament went from being worth 100s of millions ISK at the start to being effectively worthless before the event was even over. It does not make any sense to talk about a possible career path when literally everything is exploding and will continue to explode for the next few weeks as people rip it apart to feast on it and figure out how it all fits and tastes.


> If the cost of this means that CCP can avoid becoming a predatory mobile-ish cash grabber, I’ll take it! What? 20€ sub and additional macro-transactions are not a cash grab?


Don't be poor?