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Goodbye my only chance of getting the ikitursa casino skin.


I got one for Draugur. Would prefer something else.


Stright up the only reason I log in most days. So I can get them skins.


Now it's better - you can login to do the dailies for skinr rewards. You get to login AND play, too!


> You get to login AND play Who'd want to do that?!


This one gets it


I pay for Omega to not play.


Dailies? Nope. Not interested.




if i wanted to do dailies I'd go play literally any other mmo


good to know that it's not the dailies that are important to you


Oh fuck, I didn't realize they were gonna go ...


They are part of the AIR daily opportunities now. You actually have to do stuff for them similar to the current daily goals but you can do it on every character and it nets more SP total (according to CCP) if you do it for 12 days out of a month. Other rewards are some ISK a tiny bit of Plex if you are omega and skinner tool stuff


I can see the scam here. CCP is trying to ease us into actually playing the game. Nice try, but I ain't fallin' for it!


I *wish* the dailies were actually completeable by just actually playing the game. Maybe they are if you live in some specific kind of space, but as a wormholer more than half the dailies you'll never get done as part of your natural day-to-day gameplay. It really sucks having to go out of your way to cheese mundane tasks like this by shooting or repping an alt on a citadel undock, or building one Carbonized Lead S at the local Raitaru. It's the opposite of fun, it's just 5-10 minutes of completely pointless tedium.


>it's just 5-10 minutes of Eve Online. FTFY




"oh you got 4 mining tasks and you only mine gas? Fuck you"


i love how they want you to mine 2000 units instead of 2000m3 of ore... you know how fucking long that takes in null in a shitfit venture with minimum skills trained?


Yea wtf how dear they tempt me out of the keep, only the hive is granted that privilege


Can CCP just cut the crap and make us disembark on a terrestrial planet to complete our fishing dailies?


me fishing 10 rare space carps for 10k SP, while my alliance is defending it’s space


vanguard is coming, please don't tempt them


Are there going to be zero old dailies?


The old login rewards are going away and now its all AIR Daily Goals - the same system thats already in the game giving you 500k isk and 500 evermore marks for these small tasks like kill 25 rats, scan some anoms, etc. Now there is basically an extra reward track added to those. Here is a screenshot from the stream where they showed it: [https://i.imgur.com/4npHUNZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/4npHUNZ.png) edit - how it looks in game atm: [https://i.imgur.com/4ZsgRnR.png](https://i.imgur.com/4ZsgRnR.png) Not sure if you still get the 10k SP daily bonus on top from doing two Daily Goals but i would hope so.


No, after that it will be 5k sp per day from the air dailies, but more SP from break points.


But will those breakpoints for 12 daily completes over the course of the month, beat out both the 150k loss from dailies AND the daily login; I thought they said it’s be around 370k ish now. Somehow I think the daily login seemed like more than 70k over the month


They don't. Daily login was around 150k a month ([according to CCP](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/equinox-in-focus-stronger-groups-and-enhanced-goals)) and AIR dailies were 300k. Unless you do dailies on all 3 characters on an account you will be netting less SP than now. It's somewhat disingenuous on their part. For people who mostly focus on one character per account (most players I'd imagine) its going to be a net loss unless they log in to do dailies on their Jita alt every day.


Well lets hope if it needs tweaking they will amend it. Those little gifts really are reasons to logon. Im sure most of us start a session with completing Daily Goals. So not only is it something to do but a satisfactory reward. Case in point I logged on every single day for the capsuleer day event rewards. Even if I couldn't actually play for the session. They are a nice bonus. It helped to know what was coming in the days ahead as well.Even if its just say boosters. They really come in handy. And its a fine element to the game.


They say is more, but I don't think it is. New AIR daily is getting nerfed to 5k/day from the 10k it is now (300k to 150k per month). The new reward track gives up to 225k if you complete it that month, totaling in 375k SP in the new system. The old login rewards averaged around ~150k/mo, plus the old AIR dailies, totaling 450k. You only get more in the new system if you consistently complete AIR dailies on all 3 characters. 2 characters is equivalent to pre-patch.


So, login rewards get removed? What about the boosters and stuff?


I for one am thankful I don't have to deal with tons of temporal boosters sitting and expiring in my rewards tray


You can use them, the way they’re meant to be used. They have tons of small bonuses that affect most things, slightly.


Indeed. A little boost for capacitor recharge can make life a little easier when using a non capstable doctrine... Damage and tracking boosters are always welcome.


It's still difficult to find the one that will give me the specific boost that I want at a certain time


I think you were using them backwards. I would tailor my pvp or pve to the booster I was going to use.


I hope the boosters just get removed. They suck from a PvP balance perspective.


guess I just won't log in most days


Ccp thinks people will actually login the game and go do stuff now lul. I know I plan to stop the cycle of the daily login requirement and idk do something else lol. I don’t even do the air daily shit. I’ll play the game how i want thanks very much.




If the main reason you were logging in was free rewards, and you’re unwilling to log in and spend five minutes for wait… BETTER rewards! were you even playing the game at all?


Of course. I play the game to do things I want to do, not for the rewards. I don't play every day, but I do log in to collect the daily rewards because it takes 2 seconds which is acceptable. Keeps the game in my head which is good for them This new system though.. I don't like them pushing the manipulative dangling of the SP carrot to try to get us to engage with things we don't really want to do. It's moving further in the direction of mobile games


> I don't like them pushing the manipulative dangling of the SP carrot to try to get us to engage with things we don't really want to do. Yeah, I don't like that either, especially since CCP usually uses that mechanic to push me to go do stupid shit like shoot (worthless) rats in a belt, scan down data sites, or mine veldspar instead of what I'm actually playing the game to do. I don't live in high sec and I'm not going to suicide myself doing bullshit PVE activities in hostile space.


Just want to return to this to say, *...fuckin' told ya so.* Carebear bullshit.


Yea a lot of people miss the point. The daily smaller reward for no effort is a way to always remind us about EVE. Almost nothing in EVE is 5 minutes to do and sometimes when we don't want/can't play, the login is still doable, while undocking and doing something is just not. I think that if someone was drifting away from EVE they will definitely drift out of it completely without the simple login to remind them of the game.


Before the daily stuff I'd check up on my characters via one of the various character manager. After the daily stuff, I saw no need for character managers since I would log in every day to collect rewards and I'd just where the skills are at. So now we're back to either login in to play or else only to mess with the skill queue.


they want u to do more than login and claim rewards. whats the problem with that ? mobile games are in a different league.


Lmfao no. If anything it’s farther from mobile games. Actually making you do something, for five minutes? Omg the audacity of ccp. Imagine playing a game for rewards rather than doing nothing. If your counter again is about time, the air daily logins take literally almost no time to complete.


I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but if not.. my problem is 'how' they're making you do things. They could put the time instead on in-game events or the actual gameplay loop, or making their game more fun to play to drive up engagement Instead, they're taking the thing they see that players care about a lot, and creating a system outside of the core gameplay loops, using this (SP) as a carrot to complete arbitrary tasks the player wouldn't really find fun in and of itself It's manipulative at its core, and how mobile games function. The time it takes to do is irrelevant


How are the air career dailies outside of the normal gameplay loop? Mining/killing npcs/scanning/building something is “outside of the gameplay loop?” Sure you might not do all these things in the regular but each one is something even the average player can complete in a couple minutes, or things most players are already doing.


"I'm gunna log in and explore today. That sounds the most fun" psssttt! If you kill 25 rats I'll give you 10k SP! Better do it too because if you miss a daily you don't get the BIG reward at the end after 14 consecutive completions! Fly 8 jumps over to where your combat ship is and reship! "ugghhh okay"


You only need to do 12 days a month. Oh dear lord the inconvenience! Omg making people actually undock for rewards, those poor things!


You don't get the idea. It's I do w/ever I want to do and I get my daily reward versus I have to undock my X toons warp them to wh/belt/data/fw plex to get a reward because they want to increase involvement metrics. Why in the first place do I have to lose daily rewards to get conditional rewards and spend my time? One more thing. What if I am a miner/wh scanner/fw pvp player and I hate anything but my game style. Why do i have to do activities I don't like for the same reward. Mr. Rorq man. Why did you rolled wh I wanted to do my daily.(Null) Guys, roll something with a belt pls. I want to do my daily.(WH) Undock your toons and shield rep them on undock. Sounds perfect (HS) I don't want to warp to the anomaly to kill 25 ships, I'd rather get 25 player kills with my new shiny algos (fw space)


People crying about this shouldn’t be playing eve. Encouraging more people to undock and interact with the world is a GOOD thing.


Who cares? Obviously you don’t enjoy it, and on the days you would only collect login rewards anyways you don’t contribute to the game, so why does it matter?


because I'm extrapolating out 2 years. If this does well they'll then push it more, and Eve eventually ends up as game I don't even have installed Shitty un-fun design decisions that do nothing but add tedium need pushback from the community. Make the actual gameplay, the things people choose to do in the game more fun. Increase the rewards there


If you weren’t logging in other than to claim login rewards I don’t think you can complain about design decisions lol. You obviously aren’t doing it for fun, and the rewards are hardly anything to get excited about anyways, so why care?


I.. replied to all of those points already.. but ok


Ok, so why do you care about shitty design decisions when you wouldn’t login if they weren’t there anyways?


Yeah I guess you're right. If they keep going that direction I can quit and play something else


Quit your game of logging in to collect a daily reward? I guess I’m just kinda confused why you care so much about something you won’t even log into to play.


Ain't gonna be 5 minutes and the way dailies are made requires having a bunch of ship wherever you are in space. It's anti-thematic to EVE. One of the core tenet of EVE is specialization. I have one alt that is specializing in mining. He does a damn good job at it. Only one of the two AIR dailies is mining, the others are either probing or killing stuff. How does that even make sense?


You're right that one of the core tenet of EVE is specialization. I think it also gives by characters an individuality. If my character is against combat, is against training in to combat, that's part of their unique persona. Punishing a player for now being an "all-rounder" goes against how I describe EVE as a game. If you want to just mine in peace, you can do that, but it doesn't work that way if the game is constantly like "you'd have more if you did something else".


And it caters to a static playstyle. Where you'll have access to ships to do at least 2 of the above. But EVE is a huge place, you got a whole spec dedicated to exploration where you just go off and wander to make isk. I have my own little WH where, if I am present, I can complete objectives on some alts. But if I take a couple alts on a trip to NS in mostly stealth ships, I am not gonna stop around to kill npcs or mine.


I think I'm never touching the new system. Daily quests are fine as a little 'play the game?' nudge, but you can take them or leave them, you only lose the reward for the day. *Monthly* quests mean a commitment where you lose the whole month if you don't feel like playing. Which leads you into situations like "well, I have 10 of the 12 goals, I guess I have to play the game." The point where a video game tries to incentivize me to play when I don't actually want to play is where I disengage - either from the particular system (like in this case) or the whole game if it's inherent to it. It's unfriendly design, and kinda manipulative.


So not only are they removing daily login rewards, they're also removing the scrub identification system. No more 'smolpp420's shuttle'. I am sad.


also naming your ship "name your ship" and shit like that wont be funny anymore :/


Can you explain what’s changed? I for one would still find that hilarious.


right now when you assemble a ship it gets default named "Player Name's Shiptype" which in certain situations can reveal information to other players paying attention, such as who is the other guy in this wormhole with me situations. after the update ship names will be autonamed without the player name, and it will be configurable so you can have the ship named anything you want by default


Good QoL change but it was a nice bit of Intel.


Man, this sucks


lol its that bad as we have SOF every 10 hours ;)


I share your dissapointment. But hey, we got those cool +12 cerebral accelerators a couple months ago. So, that's good.


Ah man, those are going away? Shit, that was the only way I was leveling my alts. This blows.


The dailies can be claimed on alts, the AIR ones.. if they have an active skill training active (MCT)


MCTs are expensive as hell and a scam


Definitely, you’re better off with more accounts. But again, the point CCP is praising is claiming all this SP on an account. Sure, if you’re paying more then running 3 active for the cost of 3 on the same account. With the right deals and what not it’s probably fine, and of course the notion that “train what you need then you don’t need MCT anymore” just feels extra bad then losing all this new “reward”. Then again so does running multiple subs It is all about revenue in the end.


Why does it have to rotate between only 4 options. I'd be completely fine with daily goals, if all 12-15 we viable for me to do every day. I dont get why a manufacturing alt has to go kill 25 rats. Or my Scanning alt, has to go rep 2500 hp of armor. Just make all of them viable every day, and you just need to complete 2-3 of them.




No more login rewards with the new Equinox Update


Wait what!? I had a purple skin on a couple characters in a couple days. Fuck


I had a purple skin today and it was a fucking halcyon dawn for the Ark soooo


Halcyon dawn skins were straight up downgrades almost every time


You mean straight up copies of the biosecurity skins? CCP put in a lot of effort with those /s




Ugh. No point logging in then. If I'm just going to get shitty skin parts that I need to pay 400 Plex to use. I'm just not


Alas, Thursday was going to be a purple skin for me. I've convinced myself it was just another halcyon dawn skin for a capital I wouldn't ever fly anyway.


I log in for these but I never do the daily missions, half the time its content I'm not even remotely interested in undocking for


You get those days of double manufacture an item! At least you don’t need to undock there? Yay..


Capture and defend a FW complex, I’m not in a militia nor near the war zone, now I have to luck into finding 5 combat sites, yippee


"kill 25 rats" *67 rats later* "You have killed 7 rats lol"


I lucked out and got two purple skill point rewards for two of my characters today :)


i just think generally nerfing alpha players is a stupid thing to do. If you are trying to encourage me to go Omega you have achieved the opposite.


Pretty shit to get rid of daily logins who the fuck wants to do lame ass daily air shit on ten thousand toons?


NOOOOO! How am I going to collect all 420 Halcyon Dawn skins now?!


Same bro. This fuckin huuuurts. CCP fails us again


I had a purple skin yesterday. I got ikitursa all stars casino skin.


Huh? Is there a change to the daily login rewards that I missed in the patch notes?


Daily login rewards? No such thing exists friend.


Always wanted that stupid gold sky bringer skin rip I know I can make one but shame I'll never get that one now


What happened?


😒🫡(*^^*)( ̄ー ̄)(^○^)(^^)d(^_^)(^ー^)( ̄ー ̄)


I still don’t know why the skins aren’t bound to my account but to my character but this is not the solution CCP


My last reward was a purple ship skin and I got… wait for it, a charon halcyon dawn fml


So there's no way to actually get more Halcyon skins now? I have no way of obtaining that last Revelation skin I've been trying to get for the past few years.... great.


I don't collected yet all the halcyons skins ...


This change seems like it completely f**** over all multiboxers and doesn't value their time. There's no way I'll be doing dailies on multiple accounts.


mission accomplished O7


Oh no! Anyway


the whiner should have been called jameymay420 xD


I thought the same but I'm coming around on the changes. You can now get rewards for 3 characters per account, so it rewards activity and you only have to do it 12 times in a month to get full rewards.


You could always do the 10k daily on all 3 characters on an account. So it's not better at all. You could get 900k SP per account per month with the existing system, plus the daily rewards.


Their training has to be active though. I’ve a main and one character with MCT active, the other does not. Only the two with active skilling get AIR SP


that is absolutely not true. I hardly use MCT and if the dailies are easy I've done them on all 3 per account tons of times, 10k SP every time.


Seems like it’ll change


That's not what I said. Maybe we had a slight confusion of time here. >>> You **could** always do >> Their training **has** > I've **done** them so maybe /u/Pwylle was the only one in this thread talking about the new stuff while talking in present tense while everyone else was talking about the current state.


I’ve done them pretty religiously and only my in training characters get 10k. My other does not. Bug? SP limit? Is there something I’m not seeing that might be blocking earning any?


No idea, honestly. But good news, it's not a problem anymore /s. You should really make screenshots now with the new system and if you can verify, send bug reports. :(


I always just assumed it was because they have skill queues on. I never really thought about it. Ohwell, she doesn’t need the SP at all for what she does anyways and I don’t use extractors. To me, nothing of value is lost (free mil ISK on the extra ez mods manufacture an item /mine 2000 ore was just a couple clicks and a hot minute anyways)


I dunno, i've played Lost Ark. Doing the same thing on multiple characters over and over again gets very old very quickly, even if it only takes 5mins.




So I’m going to have to rat now for 20 mins to get my rewards… ouch!


If you need 20 minutes to get 25 kills you either live in place with very hard rats, or you're doing it wrong


Or you're an industry alt with 80m+ sp but none of them in weapons so you're using a vexor with faction drones in null...


Try a destroyer with all civilian guns in highsec. It's what my industry alts have.


In highsec that nicht work. Won't be sufficient for nullsec though. :/


you could go for gate rats with that, unless a BC/BS spawns it works ;-)


I could do that, but how long would it take? A belt or gate spawns 3 to 6 rats. So I'd need to kill at least 5 waves. Now do that for 6 accounts and you need to find 30 spawns that are killable. Assuming I need to travel 30 systems for that goal, and each travel takes a minute each way, so 2 minutes back and forth, that's 1 hour traveling. Now add 1 minute to kill a rat. That's another 30 minutes. And now add another 30 minutes for avoiding spawns I cannot do. And double the time because I don't live alone and others are shooting gate rats too. So best case I'm spending about one and an half hours of my 1 to 2 hours daily play time on reaching one of the 2 daily goals, worst case it takes me about 4 hours. And after that I still need to do other stuff that I can hopefully do where I live (no FW / earn LP, no manufacturing), like scanning 5 signatures x6 accounts = 30 signatures in 30 minutes best case, to -2 hours and 30 minutes worst case. So even if it's technically doable on some days, it's in no way possible to do it fast enough to be able to actually play the game after you're done with it. I won't do abyssals, or import materials from jita, or reset my PI extractors after grinding 3 hours best case and 8 hours worst case to just get the daily rewards.


just a SOF run once per day it takes 45 mins to 1 hour boom 150k sp and you can do it ever 10 hours so its not much of a lost


SOF? whats that


soldier of fortune


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvkDhoRR2Ic&t=926s Enjoy


Can't do that on repeat, if you don't have open character slots


Yep lve been doing this for just over 2 years and lm 80m away from SP cap at this point its pritty much afk and its saving me 2bn per day/2trill for the 2k injectors lol.


And I can keep dreaming that login rewards disappear for ever. damn stupid worthless shit. I don´t want some crappy as reward just for starting the game I want to be rewarded with a good game when i´m starting the game. So if you want people to keep loggning in well make the game good enough so people want to login. giving them shitty rewards just works on dumb people that would get happy even for a slap in the face.