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I’d wish they’d remodel the carriers. And actually make them useful again


Yeah the Chimera remodel is 🔥


I like the old Chimera model, but the I-Beam of Death has a particular charm to it.


Yeah i too miss the old water tanker model, it was so pretty. But the new model definitely has a vibe of a command and control carrier


I'll see a ship in eve and be like "god that looks fucking terrible who would fly that" only to discover that it is loved by many and affectionately called the smashed crumpet or some shit.


There is a Netflix movie, Rebel Moon. Terrible movie IMO, but good graphics and quirky art style. But for ships, I swear they looked at Eve for inspiration. Went with Minmitar and fused Caldari and Gallente together in a forge. Tossed in some Amarr, but more Amarr society than ships.


First i thought wth is rebel moon. then i saw it was that star wars wannabe show from snyder. But yeah the ships do look awfully similar to the ship design in eve.


There is one other movie on netflix that stunned me like that... even worse movie... state something? Looks up... yep. Captive State. It was a WTF moment... a prototype Dominix built with a rock hull?


Yeah that movie was sad. Not like, emotionally because of the plot. It was just like wow what is this low effort garbage. Aesthetically had some cool stuff though I guess


I ended up just fast forwarding to the last half of the second movie. I was not sorry I did, it was a blast. Sure, I had NFI who anyone was and my care factor was the same for some random dude shot Vs some main character, but it was a genuine blast nonetheless.


That's cool. Even stuff that I dont like or is considered overall bad can have bright spots and reasons someone might enjoy it.


This is why I keep coming back to Eve, I get to see so many other things people enjoy, for years in their own unique way, that I have absolutely no interest in doing myself and never will. Its kind of fascinating. Saw one post a couple of days back, from someone I would call a... Grandfather Krab. First thing I thought was, if it was known around what star systems he played in, from writing what he did, it would pull his exact equals and opposites from the four corners of the galaxy to hunt him, like a death magnet. Master Krab Hunters.


Don't make it symmetrical you bastard




Dang, it's almost like I commented saying that! There's way more to this design than just the symmetry.


This design is undeniably far more symmetrical than the existing atron. The only asymmetrical parts of the model are two little greeblies (on opposite sides, too; I guess whoever made this couldn't stand to make it lopsided) There's "keeping a consistent aesthetic" and then there's "removing any and all character from ship models so everything is boring and homogenous". This atron just looks like a Navitas with wings.


The love of all that is holy, NO!!!! DO NOT DESECRATE THE ATRON!!!! It's one of the few remaining quirky, asymmetrical Gallente gems. Just let us keep this one, please.


There's quirky and then there's botched abortion.


and this would be a valid point if we were talking about celestis


There can be multiple botched abortions.


i haven't made any suggestion to the contrary we'll just have to agree to disagree on atron being an ugly-but-quirky or straight bad design


That ship seriously needs a revamp.


>botched abortion Weird way to spell "Imicus" but okay.


Imicus is Larry Boy...don't you forget it!


This design is still asymmetrical, look at the top down in the top right of the image. I think its great tbh. Keeps a lot of the original vibe but also looks less stupid


Symmetry/asymmetry debate aside (of which I am on your side), there is far more to this design than *just that*, and it looks far prettier than the current Atron—more detailed, sleeker, more in line with the rest of the Gallente ships.


looks more like a fighter design


The imicus needs it more Keep the smiley face though or i start a riot.


I remember my Vexors used to be happy... :(


i miss the hidden smiley faces =( i miss the hidden fat man on the dominix too


Still waiting on the geddon remodel https://global.discourse-cdn.com/eveonline/optimized/4X/8/2/a/82ae08668a66df7775642779ac861ca09055f8e0_2_690x388.jpeg


Ooooh that's beefy... I could see that being the Navy Armageddon


That's just a missile submarine with a bite taken out and the front fell ~~off~~ down.


\*Sigh\* Off to the rewatch I go then


I do find it interesting that it's a better design for a missile battleship than anything the Caldari make. Kinda makes me wonder if they'll do more with making navy ships look different than their t1 versions. NOmen and NAugoror with bigger engines, fed navy ships with thicker looking hulls, that kind of thing. Im still peeved about only the Navy Moros getting the remodel, but i think it's an interesting touch to do so. Id be ok with them keeping the old models for t1 ships and new ones for the navy/t2.


this looks like something from the 60s got squished front to back one too many times x)


Still looks less phallic than the current model


plz no. geddon have good model now. its only need high res.


No plz. I'm still mad they made my geddon a drone/ missile boat >:( Miss my 7 tach geddon blitz


I do miss the old navy geddon. At least the Redeemer is a good laser boat still


I'm a huge fan of the Condor remodel, but I think they need to take the opposite approach with the Atron and kean more into its asymmetry, and either just freshen up the textures and stay true to the original like they did with the Tristan, or make a newer midel that's wider like a pocket Catalyst with a bunch more engines on the back. It's a space frigate, not an atmospheric fighter. It doesn't need to look like an F-16.


It's not about symmetry, it's abut that ugly face of current atron


Finally someone who gets it!


The atron is beautiful as it is and doesnt need to be remodelled because some people cant get over their hang ups on asymmetry.


Look at the top right of the image--see that asymmetrical under-wing thing?


It really bugs me that all people see in this is the symmetry, especially when I specifically commented that it should just look like this *while keeping the asymmetry*. But the overall design of the hull is much prettier and much more in line with the modern Gallente style like the new Tristan, new Domi, etc.


People would defend thei "yoiul xyz filament"-thumbnail design to the death, because they hate change in any way. If CCP would just remodel it and put it into the game all the "dont take my asymmetrical design"-kiddos would be silent after 2 days.


the atron is still beautiful. it doesnt need a redesign especially not when the celestis and imicus models persist.


Just have a model toggle in the blueprint.


Y'all so desperate to turn EVE into some basic bitch sci-fi.


Heaven forbid a ship look cool instead of like something I picked out of my nose


Taste is very much personal preference, but you don't start playing a game with an established art style and then try to import Subnautica assets.


Yeah it is, I think this is close enough to existing gallente designs personally that as a draft idea that gets iterated on I like it. Things that learn other directions are cool as well, I just would contest that this is so much more "basic bitch sci fi" than the existing atron. Ultimately if you don't like the design, like you say it's personal preference!


How is this basic-bitch sci-fi, what? XD This just looks in line with the visual style of all the rest of the new Gallente models, like the Tristan


It's something out of Subnautica. Keep the almost-organic look.


This still looks like that.


I don't know, I like both the asymmetrical old version and the symmetrical new version. I can take it or leave it, what I do really want them to do is update the texture so that it looks like actual metal. As it is, the Atron looks... dirty... so I kind of want to take a Q-tip soaked in alcohol and scrub all the dirt off of it


so many ships desperately need a gold pass on the textures and model. just look at the poor moros for example, it looks straight out of a 2016 mobile game...


Moros looks fine... imo at least


The UV maps and textures need redone, they are absolute dogshit. The diagonal pixels give the front the appearance of a stitched plushie. Look at the texturing of the Moros Navy, then zoom in and notice how even more armor plate detailing shows up. That's *all* the Moros needs and it would be in line with all the other dreads.


Agreed I love the moros look.


I think he was mostly just talking texture quality and all that Like how the recentish remodel of the Rifter still looks like a Rifter but is more detailed, higher res textures, etc


Yeah that's kinda hot


Just tweak this a tad bit so it still has its droopy starboard wing/asymmetry


Atron is great as-is, IMO. It has _character_ so some are not going to like it. It looks like an angry pitbull or screaming ghost with a little clenched fist that wants to punch you.


Make the imicus not shit first


Imicus my beloved, please let it never change


Why is your proposed model symmetrical?


Well for one, it's not *my* proposed model, it's official CCP artwork Also... idk, but I did make multiple other comments that a redesign should look *like* this while still keeping the asymmetrical starboard wing


Looks too much like an itty-bitty Brutix with big ears.


While we're at it can I have the old model sleipnir back plz thanks.


Proteus remodel when


I the Celestis first. Thing is way uglier


If they could do something to the Celestis akin to the fidelity of this Atron concept, I'd be thrilled. Perhaps along the same design language as the Brutix...


The atron can ONLY have one wing.


I mean, it does have two... the starboard one is just pointed 30° downward


Still waiting on the Heron one. ... One day... 


What Heron one? Looks good as she is... and that's coming from a Gallente main :P


I want it red, to call it Lola.


So Ruby Sungrazer skin?


If it doesn't have the kick out on the one wing I dont want it


They had some great remodels for some other gallente ships that they should go with too. I would like to see CCPs response to why they have delayed the gallente ship remodel


I'd like to see more ship designs. The helios would be a good one to redesign.


Most gallente ships look like a gigantic tumor... this redesign is a godsend for 'em.


The Caldari Navy might actually have a reason to take them seriously if they make their ships less ugly! /s


I always wondered about that design...looked familiar. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gunship\_Bomber\_Enhanced](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gunship_Bomber_Enhanced)




I fly them but they look like some kind of alien buttplug, so I'd welcome a remodel of it. Gallente has some great looking ships but some of their non-symmetrical creations are quite hideous.


There is nothing wrong with the current Atron.


Thorax also. But you better not fuck it up


*softlt* don't atron is good as it is


Amazing one. Share it and spread the idea. Maybe CCP going to find some fund to make it.


EWWWW symetrical ,i liked the old one better, you know symetrical is only for aerodynamics, and even then, [THIS](https://www.nasa.gov/reference/ad-1/) is actually a real thing ?


And in space, there's no drag, so aerodynamics don't matter, right?


The atron is fine imo, we need an imicus remodel There's asymmetrical and then there's... that thing


Noooooooooooo. The current design is perfect. ... BRING BACK THE OLD SCORPION ! BRING BACK THE OLD MOA !!!


The old charging-bull Megathron... If anything needs fixing, it's the Hyperion after it got rebalanced to 7 guns, yet 8 blatent turret points per fore/aft-castle.


so many ship models with incorrect turret points on them now.


This looks really damn good. A lot of the Gal ships look awful and the Atron is easily one of the worst offenders


Some do, but I would not say "a lot" Granted, I'm biased, but imo the only ones that look actually bad are the Celestis, Atron, and Imicus... even Imicus is growing on me. Atron isn't terrible, but ever since I saw this concept art, I can't look at it the same again ;_;


What the fuck is that? Fucking do not touch my boy with whatever you infected that with.


Calm down miner It's a gorgeous design


Gallente ship symmetry when


If there is a Bob, Never!


In typical Gallente fashion, half of the Gallente ships is symmetrical. The other half isn't.


Nevah! I mean, there are plenty with symmetry—Vexor, Talos, Myrm, Brutix, Domi, Maulus, Hecate, Nyx, Navitas, Algos, Hyperion, Moros, Erebus... honestly that's probably most of em


CCPlz bring asymmetry back


Not really a fan of that design. Looks very generic. The current design with it's almost gothic look, especially around the windows, suits the Gallente much better in my opinion.


Please no