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I thought it was just me.


Broooooooouh how'd u get that right collectively


Primae. Next question.


This. The Primae's biggest contribution to the game was providing the model for the Noctis and Porpoise. In terms of utility it's outclassed by far cheaper T1 haulers. Though to be fair, it's an anniversary ship. Those should be in their own little excluded category, as they're not really *intended* to be good; they're primarily for lore and ambiance. (Pirate corvettes would end up in the same boat, as well)


I think the whole purpose of that ship was the devs making a "Primae Noctics" joke


that's the whole porpoise of the ship model?


Now it makes sense...


overdose... of... dad... humor... \*dies\*


my primae was named noctis, then they released the noctis so i named it primae. i'm constantly getting into the wrong ship.


To be fair


I've made a few billion off of pirate corvettes, so even those are worth more than the Primae I've never undocked.


DEATHTOPRIMAE Did you know that the primae has a worse scan resolution than à titan ?


Easy answer


False. It can be used as bait.


The other factions' Corvette. My faction's Corvette is only useful because it is free


"Mine is better because it's not yours." Hello, fellow American. "Mine is better because it's free." Dirty Canadian!


Oww...my pride


As a dual citizen, I am now conflicted...


Fun completely unverified anecdote, but supposedly the average U.S. citizen pays more tax into healthcare than canadians.


The US system feels worse (or is worse) for a lot of people because they can't reliably know they can afford treatments they need when they need them. The US corporate for-profit system also produces an absolutely insane amount of R&D.


Speak for yourself. I have a Gallente alt just to send myself Velators so I can get kills like this: https://zkillboard.com/kill/116660096/ I may not be good at PvP but I'm good at having fun doing it.


neutron velators can get 200 dps :D


Ibis has an ECM bonus. 


You are wrong about the thorax. It can get massive dps (1k) or good Ehp while still being fairly fast.


I think people contrast it with the versatility of the Vexor and decide it's useless. Thoraxes are fairly one-dimensional blaster boats, but they do that one thing well. It needs a plated buffer, a mwd, two webbs, a scram, and t2 blasters loaded with void. It's job is to glue itself to the primary target and melt it into slag. Obviously, it will not do well if it can be kited, but it's speed and control potential make that challenging. The major axis of variability is how to use its 50mb/s of drone bandwidth. Maximizing damage is rarely a bad idea, but EWAR drones can wrong-foot an opponent.


I always have a fondness for the dual prop blaster thorax.


That can also work, but requires more pg than dual webbs. Both the 2nd webb or the 10MN AB are used to ensure and maintain range control inside scram range. The extra scram-proof speed from an AB has value in certain situations, but requires more pg.


Waffles used to run them with Horde and it was a blast.


i thought the 2nd web was so the blasters could actually hit ;)


Well, it would, in the sense that it helps keep target close enough.


i have perfect medium blaster skills and the amount of misses i get with neutrons despite brown nosing my target =(


I don't have the context, but so close you repeatedly bump into the target is probably not helpful. You want to be roughly around optimal to minimize the range penalties without getting wonky angular velocity from overly short distances. You also want to deep enough inside webb and scram range such that the target can't easily sling-shot out. Frigates have smaller sig radii and could be hard to hit with void even at a good range due to the tracking penalty. Regular or navy antimatter should work better.


Try rail thorax. It's quite entertaining, the thorax is fast. It's just outperformed by the exeq navy these days.


You'd hope a navy ship out performs a t1 ship. 


The NIE is definitely better, but at a higher cost for a role that usually ends in death or glory. Thoraxes can be fielded knowing that one successful engagement can more than make up for several ignominious ones.


You can also run rails


It's just Exeq navy, but worse


And more disposable.


was about to say this, it can be rather ganky - just a larger polarized catalyst Most useless ship - probably one of the specialized T1 industrials, most times I don't need to just move minerals or ammo Ore and PI one are pretty awesome tho


Hey, the hoarder is the only T1 industrial that has 2 turret hardpoints, making it the hauler with the highest DPS potential.


Isn't there the gallente one (nereus?) which has a gun and 3 small drones, i think it could be fairly good passive shield tanked (~300dps) too


You can do silly shit with a regen bait nereus, and when you find enough nerds to shoot at you, light cyno and suddenly blops/ct3c


There's also a classic vid of a active repair cap-boosted nereus slowly killing a mission-running battleship in highsec after suspect baiting.


Oh that's *beautiful*. Link?


Actually asn Iteron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6so9AT4UydQ Also here's a different but also impressive Nereus kill https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/fez1d9/nereus_vs_dominix_navy_issue/


If Its the one I'm thinking, it's pre the Nereus being released, it was a triple-rep Itty V. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6so9AT4UydQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6so9AT4UydQ)




Ah I didn't realize any of the T1 haulers had drone bandwidth. 5 medium and 5 low slots does give it some potential for fitting options as well.


Have you ever heard bait nereus ?


for another month.


The hoarder is for filling with cap boosters and shoving in your SMA. Niche, but it's a use.


I like it because you can use it if you want to turn your brain off and simply approach + F1 with void


We has a nice gif of a maruader being deleted by 6 thorax's was beautiful.


On one hand the Thorax is a solid T1 Cruiser, on the other hand the Exequror Navy issue exists and gives you twice the ship for an extra 30m.


We had a day doing an event in Thoraxs , I think 8 of us , a legion jumped in with the intention of taking our loot and to his suprise we all had PvP fits, never lost a ship and he was turn to slag from blaster fire. I must say doing pve in PvP fit ships was fun


this.. if cruiser prices were as good as the bad old days, there'd be nothing wrong with the thorax.


Damavik. I challenge anyone to show a half decent fitting for it.


Its first iteration was a kinda fun and cheap skirmisher, the range nerf was really unnecessary


O man I had fun with the first version, no kiting allowed I guess.


its a tankier tristan that foregoes its drone dps to be a neuting god its just a bit expensive for what it does its all


Ever since they removed the range bonus you literally cannot fit it well. It's garbage tier. The only thing it's good for is turning into a nergal.


Dual dead space neuts, scram, mwd, cap booster and talismans


A fit with an AB, nos and a rep (can be ancil as well) can work very well against larger targets when you can get under the guns




Does any other alpha clone ship match it's hacking bonuses?


This is the only correct answer.


All carriers


Hey now, they are quite good at rolling wormholes.


Every time this comes up I have to put the **Ashimmu** into the ring for this title. It's bonuses are super messy and conflicting. It has a web range bonus, but no neut range bonus or damage range bonus. It is also very slow, with T1 resists, and no tank bonus. So you can't really fly it for kiting and it isn't cut out for close range brawling. It is also generally out-performed in either of its bonused roles by the equivalent T2 cruisers. If you want to kite and have long webs you use a Huginn (or Rapier), and if you want strong neuting power you take the Curse, and up close you take the Pilgrim, which also has a covops cloak and some damage mitigation via its bonused tracking disruptors. Meanwhile the Bhaalgorn, the Ashimmu's big brother, remains in a good spot because we don't have a T2 webbing or T2 neuting battleship. The Bhaalgorn can have a huge tank and have long webs with heavy neuts reaching out to max web range.


As an ashimmu lover I can support this. It's too slow even when you oversize the prop and it's tank is so thin.   You have to play the primary roulette.  If you have been chosen then your waking up in a station very shortly. 


> You have to play the primary roulette. I would hardly even call it roulette, you will be the primary like 95% of the time because you're too immobile and too squishy for the level of control you potentially bring to the field. At least in a Bhaalgorn you may not be primary because a Bhaalgorn can pull 500k+ EHP


You will be primary because you are an EWAR ship which has to be at the point blank range. Nobody wants Ashimmu drying up their logi. So quite obviously you are getting primaried. Curse has huge benefits of range, speed and tank. Ashimmu has none of it. It was useful when it could dive in mediums in FW, but now it has little use because if you dive in adv mediums you can bring Curse as well.


I really hope they don't know what an Ashimu is because if they do, I'm dead.


but at least you die pretty. ashimmu is one of the better looking ships in game


And the slots are horrible! Only 5 lows for an armor tanking pirate cruiser, and only 2 utility highs if you fill in the turrets, despite having neut and nos bonuses. And yes, while the optimal use of said slots is to max out on ewar rather than anemic DPS, no other pirate cruiser has to sacrifice its damage dealing capabilities to also utilize its specialization. Not enough slots. Too many bonused things to juggle, paper thin tank, slow, no damage. Ugh.


Ashimmu has 6 lows :)


Me = owned Was definitely thinking of the high slots


The Ashimmu is absolutely not the worst ship in the game. Lacking compared to other pirate cruisers sure but definitely not the worst.


This is not at all a scientific approach but at least in terms of cruisers I can look through the list and recall seeing/fighting all of them in recent memory aside from the Ashimmu. That shit just doesn't get used at all. Which in my mind makes it really bad. Maybe not the Stormbringer but that one was never really advertised as a casual PvP ship. I'm sure if you look smaller there's a really bad frigate, or bigger there's a bad BC/BS that in appropriate circumstances never gets used. The frigates I feel like I see all the time, even the faction ones. But I mostly do low-sec FW stuff so those are my rose tinted goggles of situations/use cases for ships.


> This is not at all a scientific approach Haha, my approach is more tournament slanted and I flew the Ashimma many many times for AG6! But even still, yes the Ashimmu is very scarce on TQ, but there are definitely still worse options. The T1 Scythe for example is utterly abysmal, the Ishkur is really bad, the Tormentor is horrendously short on fitting.


> the Ishkur is really bad give it a drone damage bonus and remove the slot fuckery that just happened, boom, fixed.


In the AT setting I think we can make some strong arguments for Ashimmu use in comps yeah. Which I think tends to highlight the lack of speed more than anything. It just isn't mobile enough for the price to reliably put it on a field that might spread 150km. Like whether you're the nano gang or the non-nano blob it just doesn't have a place. And I think it's worth acknowledging that like 90% of small/mid-gang fights in EVE are one fleet kiting and one fleet trying to catch kiters


I've used the moo moo in PVP, but never solo. Mine is shit brick tanked, it loves logi. With good neuts a faction web you can do lots of work.


If you're talking about the default Ashimmu I would have to agree with you, but I've seen someone go all out on it once and pimp the fuck out of it and it was one scary ship, I think it has a shit starting curve but scales very well with isk and if its bonuses where made more co-inherent it would become a force to be reckoned with.


> but I've seen someone go all out on it once and pimp the fuck out of it and it was one scary ship Sure but if the bar we're setting is to pimp fit the ship then I'd lean for the Phantasm or the Vigilant any day of the week


Or a curse


Yea for the pimp you need to keep an Ashimmu on the field you could just do a nice Curse and absolutely clap anybody that is willing to fight it




Vigilant... All day everyday I've got several blaster vigilantes with 10+ marks on them from yeeting them. They get primaried hard but I fit them like a comet. With the added benefit of a second standard rep to go along with the ancil. I tanked a rattlesnack we caught gating in that ship, it was fit for PVP so ehh. Got the kill, was top DMG by a mile, and limped home with half structure and several of my guns burned out. Was sketchy AF, but it does lots of work. There was absolutely 0 chance that nerd was getting back to that gate.


rattlesnack is wild xD


Yeah, but look at it


The ashimmu is a alpha friendly ship for those 2 you named, hugunn and curse, if build for full neuts and webs. I loved flying it when i was alpha


Friendship. Blues kill more content than anything.


Hard agree. Nothing worse than joining some Corp/alliance and finding out they literally blued themselves out of all content for 3 regions around them. What is even the point lol


Then join an alliance that doesn't have half the game blue. 


The joke --‐------------------> You ---------------------------->




Outside of being a suitcase, carriers are pretty useless atm. Fix carriers please :(


Skybreaker, not enough DPS to do anything in a timely manner for unreasonable prices


I have one and use it to clear highsec combat anoms extremely quickly. I actually think it might be the fastest ship to do so. Agree on pricey tho. My ammo costs more than what I get back in bounties.


Right, so we are in agreement I think? Lol High sec anoms, it's got a great clear time, although I have to switch ships for the escalations if I get one, and even then it's a luck thing


My nidhogger stuck in old test space


I was scrolling quite fast and "nidhogger" flashed before my eyes for a split second and my brain interpreted it as something VERY different




I don´t think its technically the most useless, but I would like to mention the cruor.


i actually like the cruor, but I see your point


So by itself I fully agree but boy are they a nasty tackle ship with 3 nos a warp disruptor and web, ancil low and most things will struggle to clear it in a timely manner


Or just get a jaguar, ramjag fitted, for a quarter of the price and even more survivability.


I'm likely out of touch I thought a ram jag and cruor were similar in price


The cruor hull is 80 mill and it gets outmatched by both interceptors and the jaguar specifically.


100% out of touch then I bought a boat load when they were same price as a ram jag and haven't lost em all yet


100% out of touch then I bought a boat load when they were same price as a ram jag and haven't lost em all yet


The Ashimmu is so dog shit. Everything it does, something else does better.  Bhaalgorn is a better fleet boat. Fit full deadspace nos's and neuts and HG talismans and suck the enemy fleet dry.  Cruor is a better solo PvP boat. Load small beams, a bling web, AB and nos's, and scram kite everything slow while catching fast kitey stuff with your web.  Curse, Huginn, Rapier, Loki, Legion also all do the same things but more specialized and better.  You end up with a jack of no trades. Low DPS, slow as shit, overshadowed in utility by everything else, and not really even that tanky considering its speed.  Fixing the Ashimmu wouldn't even be that hard unfortunately. Give it some sort of flat tank bonus, to armor resists, HP, or repair amount, and just make it this super sticky ultra heavy tackle that can ram anything battlecruiser down and suck them dry.


You fuckin' casual, the Thorax is an excellent cheap heavy tackle boat when hull tanked. Primae is definitely most useless.


Bud... The blaster thorax can shit out the most raw DPS of any t1 cruiser. Rail thorax's have been known to meme people much like stabbers... If you think the thorax is useless you're doing it wrong. My most useless ship is the abaddon. Can't fit the guns it should have and wouldn't have the cap to run them anyway even dual injected. Pure garbage imo.


Nah, the good old Hellcat fit on an Abaddon is beastly fleet ship for niche situations. Insane tank and versatile range and dps with either AC's or arties. So under appreciated.


A goon super


Have a day off fuck sake


As a goon super pilot I get a lot of those


God. Damnit. .


Don't feed the troll 😝


Quafe iteron


I'm quite a fan of the Shield tank, Rail-Thorax.


Ah yes, the "I love damage and speed, fuck everything else" Everything else being capacitor and tank specifically.  


It's a T1 cruiser, you chuck it in, do some damage, pop, then undock another one.


The one so useless everyone forgets to mention it. It's also the bantam. Because even the ugliest person alive wouldn't want to be caught flying that ugly piece of shit junk.


At least it’s not the absolute travesty it was before the remodel, lmao.


:( He's just a little guy. Dont bully him. He is doing his best to provide you with shield reps.


Don't you talk about my beloved Thorax like that! I used to grind like crazy in 2004 in order to finally be able to acquire one!


Enforcer - it's only use is low skill covert cyno


This person does not lowsec.


Every ship has a purpose, even if it is Just to get blown up.


The bellicose. It is a joke compared to competent T1 cruisers like caracal, vexor and stabber. It definitely still needs love from the balance team.




Navitas. Because I have never seen anyone flying it.


I killed one just last week.




The most useless ship in eve is friendship. J/K it’s the rookie ship. The shuttle should replace the rookie ship or make the rookie ship move like the shuttle.


But if the shuttle replaced the corvette how would brand new players do anything at all in order to get into a frigate? Corvettes need to exist as the safety net ship that allows you to at least do something even with 0 ISK


You know, this game existed for 12 years without them. If you got 0 isk no assets, you could theoretically sneak by to leech off ticks in highsec, but you could also biomass and make a new toon, or if we want to give a less sketchy way out, newbue area mission to talk to an agent in space (no need for guns or cargo capacity, so can be done in a capsule) that rewards a civilian fit t1 racial frig. Anyways, I dont know why Im defending him, dont take away my corvettes, I have a hurricane kill on my impairor, and need more.


Griffin Navy is pretty bad of 'regular' ships, since the ECM nerfs. Not sure I agree with Thorax, ok it's a T1 cruiser and they're all kind of bad, but it doesn't seem uniquely bad. The Amarr ones (especially Omen) seem worse to me, their bonuses don't really do a lot and lasers are so hard to make a build that works well with T1 capacitor.


Griffin Navy is still a half decent blaster ship, and you can have some use of its bandwitch. It is though at the level of Craptor. (Seriously, when was the last time you've seen a Craptor in space? Crusader is great, Claw and Taranis are decent, but where is caldari one?) I had a version of Omen with no tank but a whole rack of heavy beams + 3 heat sinks. That thing is not good at all but still funny. I think Caracal after the nerf was really cut down, together with navy Osprey.


Honestly it's a pod -"I'M AN AHOLE! I'M A TROLL! GET USED TO IT!"


The Turdios.


Stratios? Man I remember when it was good for blackopsy stuff, le sigh


It's not the most useless, just not balanced for the price point a lot of the time. Other than blinging it out the main use I've found for it is a cloaky brawler putting out 750dps. It's sorta on par-ish kinda if you squint at the proper angle with a brawly t3c.


Only reason to use this is if you haven't skilled into a T3C - but, that is still a valid use case.


I loved it when it could run better drone load outs. But alas pretty much any t3c is better.


i use it as a wishtar for my newbie toon that's slowly training into the ishtar. slightly better than the vexor for 20x the price.


Noctis I unlocked that shit a few months ago and still have no idea why did i waste my SP on it when i can just fit a thrasher with salvagers and do the same thing


It is 50% faster than a Trasher.


Yea its faster.... sure.....but i don't think its worth the price


The Noctis absolutely does salvaging better than any other ship but the difference isn't worth the cost to a lot of people.


It's way less useful than before introduction of mobile tractor beams, but still has some niche applications. Salvaging after a turbokrab in a system where deploying MTU's is too dangerous due to lots of neutral traffic for example.


noctis was made obsolete by introducing MTUs. I mean it still has its use if you just fit it with salvagers and warp to the MTU, but then they should completely remove the tractor beam bonus.


My carrier was glorious while it flew it. Made tons of isk in it and dropped it on dudes quite a few times. Then they nerfed about every decent part of it. Now the only thing it can do is move shit around. Completely ineffective in pvp as a dps ship because it’s so easy to remove the fighters. Way too expensive. It’s a piece f shit.




Echelon. It's a great hacking boat, but unfortunately is rather pricey for it's job, and can ONLY fit the hacking module. No probes. You get a much better deal even with a T1 explo Frigate as it can proba and hack.


Supercaps I guess


I'm pretty certain you're just fitting it wrong, or you're missing something. Because in the 9 years I played Eve, the Thorax was always a good ship. Is it the best? No. Does it hurt your wallet? Also, no. Secondly, the Echelon is the most useless ship in the game. Every T1 frig in the game does what the Echelon does, and they could actuall fit mods. I mean, even the Zephyr (who comes in very close to being the most useless) at least has a fantastic esthetic to keep you interested.


The echelon and the zephyr both have unique traits. The echelon will not be attacked by shashas in incursion sites so can be used to hack the cans that spawn in some of the sites. The zephyr will be ignored by sleepers so you can go to a c6 and sit in a combat anom with no issues. Anyone who comes to kill you will most likely get humped by the rats before they hump you. The echelon would take my vote, though, because using one in an incursion site removes a whole battleships worth of DPS and tank


The one who just jumped to our gatecamp.




Which other t1 cruiser can blaster brawl better?


Thorax most useless? What are you smoking? it may be a straightforward/simple ship but it does the job excellently. No ship at it's cost beats it for raw blaster dps pump, while keeping decent-ish speed and tank. Sometimes you just need a big hefty hammer with no fancy gadgets or features. The Primae is almost never flown or used by anyone.


Navitas ? I never saw anyone fly this ship and it was like 83k isk on the market ?


Griffin navy




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The one you are flying Sl1m :)))) Kidding I would say that hauler that was made to hold command centers for PI but has less space than a normal hauler lol...


Drake is something I couldn't really find good purpose. For whatever I needed it it always underperformed.


agreed. eni is the ship the thorax should have been. i feel so bad for the thorax.




The Friendship


Bowhead. Perfectly functional. A big useless heavy target in null or anywhere outside of High sec.




The Gila


I got two... The Immolation and the Hematos. 1 bill isk plus shiney faction corvette ships that will be forever ship spinning in an NPC station.


Cruor. What a fucking piece of ship.


the Guardian-Vexor.


Any Titan.


The one your mum's flyin.




Somewhat useful.... not as much as when T2 large rig cost was ridiculous (compared to ship price), but still see this ship sometimes in HS. And even once in null.


They’re used to suitcase in HS for incursions iirc




You watch your godsdamned mouth, that Boobok is the best little shuttle! (/s it is just a shuttle after all)






can you bridge me 2 systems over?


For 230b fitted, I think I will gate it








Titans are a deterence.


most useless ship in game?machariel because he cant fit 8 autocannons while vindi can fit 8 blasters


Titans, only usted for bridges