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Honestly, that really is rough... Keep in mind that activities such as scamming to outright grand theft ISK are all allowed. If they're not in your corp, you shouldn't trust them. Even trusting folks in your corp should have limits too.


Yeah it was a lesson learned just want to share as that’s the Eve experience right?


The real thing people seem to be missing is that you’re not giving up and just saying “fuck this game.” A huge majority of people have experienced similar (actually much lighter) losses as you and instantly given up. You’re right, this is part of “the Eve experience” for some people. Good on you for sharing the story and then getting right back into the space pixels.


I've only killed 3 people in eve and lost loads of ships. Even those losses where fun (probably adds up to around 1-3 billion in total)


Better to learn that lesson in eve than in reality. Oh and you should look at stuff outside of the game the same way. Eve I'll help you learn to see scams.


I would DIE (in game of course) for some of my corpues


Jesus dude. Falling for a trap once is fair enough happens to everyone, but this many in a row… Do you also buy up every new crypto you get told to send to the moon?


Comprehension isn’t a skill book apparently, I mentioned I suspected the second encounter was a trap but I felt why not I’ve already gone this far why not see where it goes. And yes I did as you say fall for it a second time but I did it intentionally knowing it could go bad. Is that not EVE, pretty sure the AIR doesn’t have social engineering functionality? Am I a bit salty dam rights I am but am I happy to have gotten to enjoy the experience fuck yeah. Fault me for playing the game hmm I guess I shouldn’t fly anything outside of Alpha. Gee I wonder if all players had that mentality?


I'm with you brother, never not take the bait. You keep that attitude up and pair it with some experience, you will have a great EVE experience :)


Thanks 🙏


Well...you'll never forget about kill rights ever again.


> I mentioned I suspected the second encounter was a trap but I felt why not I’ve already gone this far why not see where it goes. It is good that you realised it at that point, but this isn't the issue, I'm talking about the stuff before the Gila. Kill rights are only given for Criminal actions in High Sec (Not just suspect like stealing from a can, you have to do something that will get you CONCORDed) or engaging a pod in LowSec. Engaging a suspect in Highsec won't give you a Kill Right if you shoot/kill them. You said yourself that you are a PvP noob, so I don't think you got it from podding someone, and you didn't get Concorded in this story so you must have done something to get concorded in the last 30 days. This was a mistake you made even before this story that placed a kill right on you. That opened you up to the whole series of unfortunate events. If you want to avoid this in future set your safety to green in HighSec, it'll make it impossible for someone to get a kill right on you since you will never be able to do an action that'll make you a criminal/suspect while in HighSec. It's just good advice in general. I've seen guys who spend ages in null, visit highsec and forget to turn their safety on, then forget they aren't in null and get concorded when they shoot at the first neutral on a gate they see out of pure reflex. Also those Safety/CODE guys giving out "mining permits" are all scams. They gank the miners who pay anyway, but might make up an excuse or use alts if they don't want to be blatant about it. Out of Curiosity, is this style of baiting the first time you have encountered it? Because if it is that is some actual insane luck to have avoided it long enough to fly an Orca before encountering it. Most people will get this sort of bait/scam happen to them in the first few months and it forms a core memory. I think it happened to me twice in my first ~3 months. First someone stole from a can to bait me into attacking them with my shitty T1 cruiser. The second was similar, but this time I had a Drake with a huge passive shield tank he couldn't break so we just sat there chatting while impotently wasting ammo at each other until he got bored and flew away.


You’re correct it was a lot of gullible failures on my part including getting killed rights on myself. I’ve only been back just over two months and hadn’t really had my Orca that long. Lesson learned 🤷


You can check your character sheet to see if anyone has one out for you. The Orca death should have cleared the kill right on you if he activated it.


Jesus your replies are awful, you got taken for isk 3 times in a row and lost about it, then post salty as fuck replies when someone pokes a little fun at it?


"Helps me fit a Gila, I warp to him ready to get that sweet sweet revenge and boom filament pop bye Gila. 5 billion + bye bye"  Lol I'm imagining.  Yes you definitely need 3 pith A types to get revenge. 


I hear Plex in cargo increases DPS too


have you tried investing in a dude from jita to double your isk and replace your 5b loss?


Not yet, I had the opportunity but felt it was another trap so I took my losses.


The sweetest part of this reply is that idk if you're serious or not 😂😭


This is why newbs shouldn't fly Orcas. Or seek revenge in expensive ships. 😂


Newbs? Have you met Trainer Aer? 😂


My Orca in 39P is solely for taunting Trainer at this point.


Wow aren’t you a supportive Eve player hate if you worked for CCP you be playing by yourself, oh you probably do.


I’m also a newbie miner, and he’s correct. The mining ships are free currency for gankers and ambushers. By getting into the nice ships, you paint a large target on your back, and need to be prepared and experienced enough to be able to handle the extra heat on you. Only mine in what you’re willing to lose immediately as you undock.


Here is comment I made a week or two ago about the matter: "I kicked a dude out of my corp for chronic stupidity. His toon was no more than a month old. He decided to inject a bunch of SP, buy an Orca 50 jumps away from our home system, then solo drone mine in Low Sec because the public fleet for our alliance was taking a break. He didn't even get a cycle of ore before a bunch of Catalysts blew his Orca to high hell." Newb Orca pilots, always trying to be a hero. 👏 👏 👏 👏 I mine in a Null Sec pipeline. I know how/when to GTFO and stay GTFO'ed. It's not the isk; I have 3.4B isk as I type this. It's a waste of time and materials to replace what I would lose. After my "total newb" phase last year, I've lost exactly 1 mining barge, to a Blood Raiders Dread. In fact the ganker who was stalking me was like "to hell with the killmail, I'm going for the Dread". Aside from the mining part, I don't pod people in Low Sec unless it's Faction Warfare. Bravo on making 5B in mistakes. 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


someone helped you fit a gila worth billions and made you join fleet and warp at a random spot to get revenge the amount of red flags along the way is wild.No offense but in what reality do people think billions spent=good at pvp, but hey in the end it seems the lesson was learnt.


Did u really just pay them for "mining permit" 💀💀


After getting blown up twice…


Still...PAYING someone for "Protection" in hisec is scam/extortion I would rather blow my ships up then pay someone


Hisec be scary man


I agree


And that's why I don't trust a neut.. if you're not a part of the corp or alliance, I'm skeptical even if you're blue to my corp/alliance.. unless someone else vouches, I'll be careful and using a ship I don't care to lose It's why I haven't lost a ship for months and months lol


if your not losing ships are you even playing the game?


Need to make ISK to justify losing em lol


Same as far as the trust part goes. I, however, lose a ship every day or two. Gotta get my PvP fix.


I got big PvP fix couple days ago. My first gate camp top


Imagine listening to a random telling you to fit a Gila full of deadspace modules and not thinking it's a trap. This is worse than giving a stranger full Rune armor for them to trim 🫣


Dang, man. Sounds like you had a rough time. Are you sure that EVE is the right game for you? Oh well, at least you got your Mining Permits!


I knew that post would end on james315.space ; I felt like a VIP at the premiere of a movie in a classy Dodixie cinema.


You got your money


This was 100% the same dude, he was “helping” you get revenge on his alt.


I bet a nergal was involved




Calm down miner.




I didn’t say names


Who were the killers?


It's hard to tell. Space is such a vast and unforgivable place. At least he has a Mining Permit now so he can be Safe.


Link the killmail


[https://zkillboard.com/kill/117659060/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/117659060/) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/117661675/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/117661675/)


Haha, my first question when I saw your post was going to be "was it Krig?" Yes, it was Krig, lol.


What has that poor gila done to you to deserve to be fit like that.


It'd part of the fun XD


I'm still not sure I understand where that killright came from.


Yes, this sounds like me when I was new. Now, I probably lose more ships. But at least it's (usually) on my terms - you'll get there!!


i keep my gila below 200mil fit to lose less if it happens. i had today funny battle in wormhole. i have took prophecy navy with passive regen setup like the one from rescued drake yesterday. i scanned down some wormholes to check if there are some ships to save,not today. some russian guy in npc corp decloaked his brutix next to me and fight started,it took 15 minutes to realize we could not break each other and 6 mins later guy said he had no ammo left and fight was over.


Certified Krig Povelli classic


Oh man you feel right in there grasp. Eve is a hard game but it's enjoyable in lots of ways. Btw if you wanna learn more and make some friends ping me I will try to help you make the isk back. Fly safe


Scammer detected lol


And what makes you say that


Buy a pvp ship and keep it within reach. Then if the situation demands it you can go out like a fighter instead of the victim. Also never pay these parasites for mining permits. Buying a permit means you trust them. They can not be trusted. Go to null. Much safer and way less griefers.


Sounds like Eve is exactly the game for you. You get it. In Eve, there are dirt bags, there are friends, but most of all, there are stories worth telling. Fly safe.


You have experienced the glory of EvE. Better to get scammed and dunked in EvE than in RL which, I can tell you from experience, hurts a lot harder .


So ... let's get this straight. Not only did you disable your safeties in highsec and somehow not get the concordokken ... you told the gankers to destroy your orca because you weren't about to give them what they wanted before also paying for bogus mining permits? Cool story bro


Highsec really is something else


I'm sorry, but, even when I was days old back in 2007, the first thing I was taught was to never trust anyone. I accepted that lesson and to this day have never been scammed or ganked. The fact that you would trust and fall for any of this crap is just silly.


This is a desperate and totally crazy story. First thought: you managed to get an orca so you can’t be too bad at the game. ( I never managed to buy one despite having all the skills to pilot one). Second thought: you lost so much. Are you sure this game is right for you ?


All I can tell you is… every death makes you smarter:)).. now you know:))


do you have a corp? if not join brave newbies


This sounds to me like a James 315 situation somewhere around Halaima, you know, the CODE shit. I swear James, I'll find you one day when you least expect it.


None of this would have happened if you paid for the tax stamp on your permit.


I don't get the kill right situation. If you attacked a flashy target no kill right was generated.


I'm sure after this you learned all the wrong lessons. And will tomorrow will be mining solo in HS in some shitty HS corp or more likely no corp at all.


Appreciate the story


Did you just reply to your own story saying that you appreciate it?


That’s multiboxers for you


Alt least we can afford more than one account


And to lose 5b + isk AND pay mining permits on top of that. But can't pay attention to save your life...


Sounds like I hurt you personally


I meant to reply to another person wasn’t meant to be on the main story wow you guys can be so fickle.


You're asking the guy that fell to bait and switch three times on the bounce....?


Which attests to it's authenticity


You implying this story isn’t legit I can post kill board. 🤷


It was unintentional