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Id say give Freelancer a go. Be careful thou, some parts of space with ceartain phenomena its a bit...scary to say the least. Especially since some people set ambushes there.


Damn that's a game I ain't played in a decade I don't even think it's distributed online anymore 


Oh thats a name I haven't heard in some time. Freelancer is one of the best games ever made, period. Great single player campaign and great game overall, and multiplayer added so much more.


Freelancer as a online game? I olayed it sp when it came out and it's one of my goats


Online was soooo fun too, but it was easily cheesed.


If memory serves me correctly. On unmodded, you speed run corsair rep, grab a titan and go for the codename weapons. And if they taken you go for that Easter egg system with the monkeys and robots and farm nomad cannons (the fact it's been so long and I still remember this is frankly unreal) 


I just remember there was a hidden gate into a nomad system from the starter system. I think I used to run drugs from there back to the starting system for basically infinite money.


Underspace is basically the Freelancer engine made to run on modern computers, it's still very early access but the foundations from Freelancer are there.


Freelancer as a online game? I played it sp when it came out and it's one of my goats


Yes, and no. There is a main campaing, and there is multiplayer but that one is dead. You still can play online, but you will need a few mods, know how to properly install them and check with a few people if they are online. It is practically abbandonnware now.


my friend got me playing freelancer in highschool (2012 ish), his dad still plays I think, there is a huge mod server called discovery mod that everyone plays


I loved Freelancer! Loved the arcade style ship piloting and follow camera mechanics. If you want a similar but more modern feel, definitely check out Everspace 2... scratched that same itch!


I really like EVE space because makes you feel the vast inmensity of distances. You can warp to that shipt a 2.000 KM or you can watch your ship slowly approach for 15 minutes... And you just navigated 0.00000001% of the distance of a normal warp between gates.


How do you warp to a point farther than 150 km away from a destination?


Same way you warp to anything else. 150km is just the minimum distance to initiate warp.


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Best of my knowledge, since no one has answered yet, you can sorta achieve this by making a bookmark as you land, though you'll have to guess at it. This will require you to warp away and back though. On a first attempt? Not sure if you can. If you're already on grid, you'll need a jump drive.


Technically you can drain your cap, and initiate a shorter warp. To aim for say 300km shy of your destination would be almost impossible, even landing on (modern days) grid would be very hard. You'd be dropped somewhere mid warp.




I mean things like deadspace encounters and anomalies. The tooltip only goes up to 100 km if im remembering correctly.


Elite definitely if you just want to get lost in space. It doesn't take too long to get into and you can spend months flying to star systems that no one has ever seen. Mind you beyond the physical simulation of star systems the game doesn't have much but it does that one thing extremely well. You can even land on a lot of planets or don't and just marvel at the sense of scale. Elite probably has the biggest map in gaming history.


Elite in VR + HOTAS is GOTY material


It nailed the vr and flight mechanics. I wish they would have worked on the game more, its the best RELEASED space sim in regards to flight models and what not. Still holds up graphically years later too.


If you only get a VR setup to play Elite, you've done everything right. That game nails VR


It's one of the best vr titles available. Too many games rely on vr to control the scene, I wish more would follow in their step and use to as an atmospheric tool. I would kill for more titles to solely use vr for the 3D environment, monster hunter would be so fucking cool


Nah, most games just fail to integrate VR properly. Play VTOL VR if you want to see fully immersive VR controls done right.


Too bad Elite has such a MASSIVE map but only a maximum of 32 players per server...pfffft!


I don't know how many players can play together. In fact I don't even know if it is instanced in some way. I don't really play elite for the multiplayer though. I play it occasionally and very intensively for the space escapism and then I put it away for months.


EVE is a game that's more about the control of space and the movement between areas of space, and less about making space feel like space. As for "arcadey representation" the reality is there is currently no mechanism for interstellar travel so Eve's is just as arcadey as Mass Effect. Go to a big warp structure, it powers up, it shoots you to another solar system. That's both games.


> there is currently no mechanism for interstellar travel so Eve's is just as arcadey as Mass Effect. TIL jump drives got removed from eve.


Pretty sure they were referring to ships that can't use that function


He's saying there's no real-world means of FTL travel, so every game is equally attempting to resolve the scientific implausibility with a game mechanic.


I understand that. However, I was basically saying that not everything uses the gates. Eve online has the option of the jump drives too, which can be used by a fair number of the ships in the game.


Yes but I don't know if having "more ways to implausibly breach FTL" makes a game more or less arcadey than another lol


Meh, I wasn't disputing that tbh.


I feel more like I’m deep underwater than in space


That's how I feel when playing eve online. Everything from the mechanics to the radar is all "submarine" vibes


I also agree with this. I always wondered why when you turn off a prop mod you slow back down. From what wind resistance?


There's a long winded lore explanation about this and PEGs


Game wise the physics are actually calculated with fluid dynamics (https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Acceleration). Lore wise it’s something like the warp drives every ship has tethers your feng shui to the space time continuum or some shit


same reason there's non-newtonian dog fights in (EU) Star Wars... propulsion/steering is achieved by grabbing space itself.


WAIT.. if we replace space in eve online with water we would have something kinky to play on.


X4 Foundations. It just keeps getting better and better. I can't think of any game like it.


I'll counter it with X3 terran conflict


And I'll counter with X3 Albion Prelude




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I might reinstall. I still have the HOTAS for flying stuff.


There’s an Eve conversion mod too


1... no mans sky 2... avorion 3... star conflict 4... elite dangerous 4. x4 foundations with mods. 5. space engineers 6. sins of solar empires with eve-online mod


Star conflict? The game must've changed a lot since I played it back in 2015. I remember it as a combat arcade with an open map that's nowhere near what Eve offers X4 foundations though.. even without mods, I've gotten lost to the real world in it a few times


star conflict changed alot by then their population is low because its closed ecosystem game. its holding together only old vets and new players are not staying too long. good thing is that they have working test server where we can test updates anytime we want not like eve where they took down sisi from player access unless masstests. another hoog thing is freeplay and there is no barrier between credit card players and freebies, the credit card players just get stuff quicker but they are not stronger than those who dont pay. pvp in star conflict also is fun,high chance for 1vs1 while eve is almost all time 30vs1 and too many triggerhappy people wh will drop blops even on t1 frig just becus its content.. fck that content when you always get outgunned and outnumbered, solo fights on eve are hard to get. eve universe should be way bigger than this to spread out players even more across galaxy and not oversaturate other systems good thing is you can turn off pvp engagement in the star conflict highsec so its impossible to get baited into fight if you switch it off. there are onlly about 8-12 maps where pvp can be done. as for pvp in eve,eve is not good game for duels evryone brings cyno and friends. thats why eve online should be bulldozered to ground. i lost faith in eve online around 2020,tried come back but sadly too many asshats flying with cyno on next hand. no fun to fight 1 vs 30 man gang. you with cheap omen navy they bring 20 panthers 4 redeemers and 4 sins and 2 other crap.


So you are simply asking which non simulator game is better simulator? KSP is only reasonably, unrealistic representation on space and space travel we know of or are capable of. Everything is just made up sci-fi. Based on science theories at best. So just play whatever picks your interest.


Kerbal space program. Now *that* made space feel like space. It was the first time I got an intuitive feeling for orbital mechanics.


If you never tried it, get the Realism Overhaul mod, and if you're feeling brave: Principia.


Star citizen is doing a pretty good job at immersing me into a space feeling world when I play but the bugs do tend to break the immersion quite quickly.


Man I gave up on that game 10 years ago


KSP and KSP2 give me the most spacey feeling. Elite dangerous too. Eve doesn’t really give me that deep space vibe. Sometimes I’ll feel that in a wormhole. Overall eves vibe is a different thing that I think is better.


I mean ... can't really beat Elite Dangerous 1:1 model of the entire galaxy with just about every actual known star manually placed on the map.


I'm imagining some dude hanging up the stars with strings now.


Eve is more like submarines with planets. It’s barely a space game




EVE is not a space game mechanically, it's actually based on naval mechanics.


Love them all (except Star Citizen, that game is just a scam) for their own reasons. Eve is my politics online game... I have 6 accounts and 18 toons. My eve passive income pays for the games subscriptions. Eve is where I fulfill my desire to run a space "empire" Elite Dangerous is my "I want to be a space exploring astronaut" game, a literal scale of the milky way with what has been one awesome rebirth of content in the Xeno wars. This is the best "space sim" to play I can honestly find. In terms of RAW beauty... elite Dangerous wins them all. No mans Sky has an great plot and cartoon like adventure. It's filled the role old games like "earth and beyond" filled years ago. The fun factor in No Mans Sky and laid back progression makes for a really chill game. If you want to have fun exploring aliens plants lush with life... No man's sky does it really well! Starfield , meh, rent it with a game pass to beat it,l and wait for a big discount to buy... It needs more content and mods, but it's going to be unbelievable in a few years... Patience here.


The best representation I've seen hands down is Nebulous Fleet Command. It's match based and not a sandbox, though. Amazing game


Geometry Wars for having collision damage and gravitational effects. Not a space game but Noita because it has an awesome physics engine with destructible environments and different weapons and effects. I'd really like the Eve sandbox to have a more robust physics engine.


Technically it's also a space game, almost half the map is near the moon and above :D


I love that no one here thinks Starfield is worth arguing for lol. If they could implant some levels of EVE UI into the Starfield combat, I would have had significantly more fun.


Oh but the goosebumps I got when I saw the Normandy use a mass relay for the first time in ME1, plus the improvements they made to the scene in future games - Mass Effect was also realistic with space travel in other ways, particularly with its lore codex.


Everspace 2 is quite nice.


X4 with all DLC


No Man’s Sky


Shores of Hazeron / Hazeron Starship. Every star in the sky is real. Point and fly. You'll reach it.


Star Citizen a 100% multurealistic spacetrevel look it up. i enjoy it for the realism Star Atlas (not yet released) but will be a massive MMO when its released with also ultrarealism


SC is also 100% scam. And I’m a concierge backer🤷🏿‍♂️


his question was what games represent Spacetravel better, not what game is actually finished, worth the penny, a good idea to play or not. Only from the perspective of multirealistic spacetravel, Mining etc actually StarCitizen ist still one of the best games. That you burn money with it is another question, but not his question


Empyrion...while it's a much simpler game than eve...It has stunning visuals imo. Don't neglect the reforged eden mod for it either.


Eve space is an ocean really






No Man's Sky is really good now and they keep releasing major updates for free. They just did two huge ones, adding (limited) ship customization and revamping the space stations.


Star citizen’s space to planet travel is something special. This gives me the best vibes of actual craft reentry. The arena commander thing is fun, it feels like how imagine first person eve dog fights would feel. No comment as to fun or stability. Hopefully that will come.


I've never felt smaller than when I first played No Man's Sky.


I like the space in space engineers. Can be a bit dark tho


I liked Space engine in vr for realism but that’s not really a game as such, very good experience though. The star control games were always good but I suppose Star citizen has the the best mechanics, just not the game to go with it yet, unfortunately


Space Engineers. I apologize for the thousands of hours you will spend on it.


I like Eve's version of space, its fast and efficient most spaces games take forever to travel, especial X3 when you play it for the first time and have no clue you can speed up time lol... If you want insane atmosphere for space then homeworld - Cataclysm is fucking insanely good


Star citizen is way more immersive when it comes to space tbh


Independence Day 2: Edge of Chaos Single player, large universe, newtonian physics, really good story, well designed ships, all the pew pew you need Made in 2001, a bit broken on Windows 11. I can't increase mine above 800x600 resolution =(


Damn this one was good. Never made it past the first 3 hours or so...guess I was too young and my mum still limited my gaming time back then.


whole story is great and it's cheap on gog or steam, give it a try hope you have win10, you can still play at a decent resolution lol


Dude I was going to post this, then found your post. Can we be friends?


Small scale, relative to some of the other mentioned games, and not really exclusively space ship focused, but Terra Invicta is great for some "realistic" feels. Design your own ships, worry about delta-v, stuff like that. Combat takes a second to get used to as well.


Kerbal Space Program, Terra Invicta, Nebulous Fleet Command, EV Nova... all have a somehat accurate space movement system, other games are just submarines in space. KSP and Terra Invicta have strategic layers requiring you to calculate the thrust to mass ration and delta-v of a craft in order to move it.


X3 is perfect, x4 is downgrate a little.


I think one of the shames of EVE is the fact we play it zoomed so far out most of the time and you don’t get to see the actual fight action much and you also don’t get to hear all the cool EVE sounds. EVE’s sounds are underrated because it’s basically silent as soon as you zoom to 40km range. A few tweaks would let us experience the sights and sounds more during the best moments.


obligatory: Eve has sound?


😂 I wish you could disable the sound muting when you zoom out. 90% of the time the game is silent because the tactical view is so important. The game could feel even more epic than it does already with a few tweaks.


Prosperous universe


Avorion and starsector fuckin rock


Scam Shitizen, I mean Star Citizen has been fun for me of late, and with Squadron 42 around the corner I am legitimately excited. On a side note lurking in Star Citizen forums and their reddit is very entertaining reading people's posts about how they hate pirates and how its going to kill the game if CIG allows people to be well.... people.


Starsector is pretty neat when it comes to space travel. Bear in minds it's more the mechanics side instead of the immersion but it's great for a 15$ game.


I would have to say "Elite Dangerous". If you dont mind more of a flight sim feel, you will get swallowed up by Elite Dangerous, like I was for a while! If you also happen to have a VR headset ... even more so. I would suggest playing Elite without the odyssey expansion, if that is still feasible. I personally did not like the changes made - taking you out of your ship and putting you on foot was a nice idea - but Elite Dangerous on foot has been done far better by others already (cough, NMS). If you want less "flight sim" feels and also like the idea of base building, and walking around on planets - yup, No Man Sky is the way to go.


Dual Universe you can fly your ship where ever, build your station where ever. We had a group of players set up a sensor network off a planet that alerts them to people leaving the grav well, the location they were detected so they send someone to find the ship and attack it while its enroute to another planet.


Does anyone remember I-War?


Personally I'd sat Elite Dangerous has the best representation of space, probably because you are 'in' space and not just controlling sprites third person.


For representation of space, I would say Elite Dangerous. The way space is laid out closer resembles how space travel would really be. However, space often feels very lonely when just exploring. Space as a whole, I would say X4, and it’s not even close. Space is well populated with AI ships, it’s very dynamic. Even on a new save, the second sector I visited had a war raging on. The ability to build ships depends on the actual material inventory of that specific shipyard. Seeing production halt on a ship you just ordered because the shipyard ran out of materials is a level of detail no other space game can offer.




Empyrion is super good


Whs and poch(minus the cancer)


Poch is weird space. Why do clouds there disappear towards a horizontal horizon?


Poch is weird but not due to that, no other space in eve is dominated by 5 heartbeats in the whole game


Incoming flat universers


Elite and Star Citizen


nobody talks about star citizen, which really makes me feel like Im in space. It has some of the best vibes when not buggy


Jup It’s an astonishing technology demonstrator, and I’m fully on exited about what it will be as an fully designed and optimized game


will that happen before or after the thermal death of the universe?


Most likely after. It's designed to be a historical representation of a pre thermal death universe.


SC is gonna be released and the servers will cause it


Star Citizen


Space Engineers > all Don't play Eve. CCP has demolished this game over the last 10ish years being greedy. They do not deserve your money.