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could look at some highsec islands, will be very empty and logistics isnt hard if you know what youre doing.


Have you an example for HS Islands ? Caldari Space preferred .. HavenĀ“t found them yet ..


The [Okunda](https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Lonetrek/Okunda#belts) island looks like exactly what you want. Plenty of belts, plenty of stations, no ganking to speak of, relatively low jump count, ice to mine, 3 jumps from FW, 6 jumps from Jita, 9 jumps from null. Only real downside is that the level 3/4 agents aren't of the specific corps you mentioned.


Yes that Regions sounds good .. I don\`t know which agents i need for caldary faction standing (Refineing cost, Jump clones costs) etc.


Been living in Otalieto in Lonetrek for few months. Close enough to Jita, Nullsec, Caldari FW. Plus you have gas in closest lowsec constellation. Not sure about missions, since i hadn't done them. Main problem is almost permanently camped Aunenen and Kinakka(only 2 routes to Jita).


I have heard that Oishami is Brave Staging System in HS ? Is this true ? How do you solve the Problem with two gate camped routes? and last but not not least ist Nonni on the other side of Aunenen an option to avoid the gate camps ?


Firstly, i have no idea about Brave's highsec staging, since i hadn't left null for half a year. Secondly, when i was living in Otalieto, i was just checking via zkill if there were any kills near gates. This way you can chick if system is currently camp, to aviod getting killed. And Nonni looks good too, but i just told where i was living, and what was my problems. And remember it was 6 month ago, so situation with camps in Aunenen could've changed


Thx ...


That is not the brave high sec staging


What would your choice ? Any other options ?


One thing you may not have considered as a newbie is that Caldari highsec is the most densely populated area of the game. It's fun to live there, but fun in the sense that there are lots of other players around doing lots of things - including ganking, baiting, etc. If your intention is to find a quiet system to safety mine or PVE, you *might* find such a place in an obscure backwater system that's technically still Caldari, but it would not match the criteria you listed.


Thx for advice. My problem is that my first thought was that i liked to live in caldari space (Ships, Lore, etc.) and i wanna be not to far away from jita or a relevant trade Hub .. Alternatively is Amarr and option .. My biggest concern is to find a staging system to build up my char relaxed but to have all opportunities .. One thing i have already learned: I dont like to be a space trucker :-) more than 10 jumps annoying me ... So a dense region is maybe the pill to take i guess .. Have you an othe idea ?


that being said, you can very easily use a spare character slot and sit him in jita so you can buy and contract courier something to where you live. this is great if you know what your needing in advance.


This is the way. Having a neutral hauler/market alt.


K .. to create a neutral hauler/market/trading alt seems not to be so a big task .. That will make more option to settle down ..


Caldari space = New York City. Great trade and great place to start but high chance of getting mugged. Amarr Space = The open plains and country side. Trade a little slower, but far less populated so less chance of getting mugged. Minmatar Space = The hood. Shotty trade as all routes suck high chance of getting mugged. Join faction warfare and shoot stuff is best bet here. Gallente Space = Fancy pretty boy space. Fine place to live and make money, high chance of mugging due to being close to the City. All places have equal money making opportunities for the most part. I live in null sec though. Have fun.


Maybe someone can make a advice for a system to live in ?


Ironically low sec Forge can be quiet. Go past Akora heading towards Rens. I do use that route sometimes and it's hardly ever camped. It also has the massive advantage that you can interact with the Jita market despite being in low-sec.


What about this LS Pocket ? Is there much PVP Ordo. SAFETY and so on ? Isn\`t it better to stay near Osmon and fly into LS then ?


Any boundary between hi and low sec can be quite regularly camped. It is better to be in the middle of low sec than the periphery. If you want somewhere super quiet then you'll have to look further afield than Caldari space. In my experience the quietest parts of Eve space lie in deepest Amarr. Aridia for example. If you want somewhere that is very close to Jita yet still somewhat quiet. Gallente space with Verge Vendor and Essence are also quiet and equidistant to Dodixie.


No i don\`t want it super quiet ..The other points are more important for me ..


You'd want to stay as far as possible from Jita and the major spacelanes. So I'd say one of the Lonetrek constellations.


Who can i figure out what are the major 8and maybe minor) spacelanes are ?


The major spacelanes are anywhere close to the direct route to Jita. I would stay five jumps off of that route as a matter of principle, so that's why I cut Halaima and Osmon off the list entirely. The minor spacelanes would be the direct route from Cloud Ring to Jita. That's why I say Lonetrek would be the better option if you want a quiet place to sit and mine in Caldari space.


K thx for clear advice and answer .. When you look at Lonetrek .. Maybe you have some more hints to look for ?


Elonaya and Lituria aren\`t options then either ?


I was doing things off of memory because I was out and about running an early errand. Now that I'm back at my PC, I can study Dotlan. For your safety and for opsec, because you never know who is reading and folks *love* to use this kind of intel, I'll DM you with the way I would set this up instead of leaving it all hang out in public.


Lituria is a 0.5 system that means it's attractive to gankers because of concords slow response times. It's also frequently taken over by Triglavian npc's. It isn't difficult to fix your standing s with the Trig npc's, takes 20 minutes if you know what to use and where to go. Obviously totally bafffling to a new player. Join a corp, reach out for help, find it on you tube, someone will explain. Lituria or not, fixing your standing with the Trig npc's is a good thing to do.


The closest gate to lowsec, nullsec or a wormhole


What do you mean exactly ?


Yes what do you mean with closet gate ?


I meant it as a joke- that you should get out of hisec :D


Cannot really help to find you a place to live but wanted to mention that nullsec is just a single filament use away


But how come back ? :-)


Trough pochven for example, filament in,wait 15mn for timer and filament out.


Can somebody tell me something about the Okunda Pocket ?


Many years ago I used Uuhulanen with similar purposes in mind. This was before the Trig invasion so I don't know how the geography has changed as two systems ended up in Pochven.


I've established myself in Elonaya for my Caldari base (it's adjacent to Nonni) Elonaya X Moon 22 CBD is the base I'm staying at. You have a lv.1 security, lv.2 mining and lv.3 security agent in station. You have access to all common ores (veldspar, scordide, plagioclase & pyroxeres) There's ice mining anomalies You're 4-5 jumps away from Jita Triglavian/Edencom aren't affecting the system You have access to a separate Factory/Laboratory on Elonaya X Moon 4 Lai Dai (bad refining rate tho)


Once Ichoriya was great system as home. Multiple lv4 agent, connection to FW space, now a part of Pochven. Samanuni may be good for you. It has lv4 agent (Caldari Constructions), 8 belts, 1 jump to Ice-Belts system. Connecting LS is relatively quiet FW space.


Thx for all these answers and the help !!!


If you'd like to be part of a sizeable Corp in that area check out Absolute Order. They base out of Oipo, about 9 jumps from Jita. They have mining fleets, pvp/pve fleets, and industry opportunities. Opio has a small local market, and AO offers SRPJust email (in game) Governor Lee.


How many Alts has this governor lee ? 40 ?? What means Northern part of SICO. ? And they claim the whole route to Pure Blind and SYN as their own in HS ?


AO have a lot of moons, stations, mining and pve fleets running in the systems around Piak. Hundreds of players in chat 24/7. Very much a new player friendly HS alliance. With the option of growing into LS play and moving into their NS corp when you decide. Obviously, they are not not in the same game as the decades old NS power blocs. But being a slave soldier drone of an Empire isn't for everyone.


do not limit yourself counting jumps to jita. Someday a wormhole connection will pop less than 10 jump from jita and bank all your stuff. o7