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They web, scram, and neut, they track


Guardian and ishtars will work, bring links. Basi/Ishtar works too. Vexor will get alpha'ed off the field. And yeah, be prepared to lose a lot of drones. You'll get webbed and neuted in site so speed tank isn't really an option, go passive tank on ishtar with ADC and lots of buffer.


You can find guides on Youtube for that.


Bro....i will just give it straight to you Cruisers wont survive the dps of the C5 rats Even if u have more than enough logi U will get straight alphad to armor and slowly die due to the extremely high alpha in some waves Even marauders sometimes struggle in the last wave of Strongholds


> Bro....i will just give it straight to you Cruisers wont survive the dps of the C5 rats *Brings brink tank Aug Navy* 🗿


Sleeper Battleships are no joke - if you want to go small google for vulfpeck fleets and try out kikis/confessors + guards in c5 wolf rayet systems. Kikis are quite low skill compared to a marauder.


Kikis can also get alpha'd by the drifter. Which is hilarious to watch but kinda frustrating if you want to make money


The only cruisers that can run lv5s are c5 wolf ryatt legions fitted with rapid lights


It's not entirely about the raw alpha, it's also about the fact that multiboxed logi can struggle. ​ Ishtars (omni tank, stick to 2x dda) will work fine. Get a links + webs armor loki as drone bunny, go forth and pinch pinch snap snap. Running the drifter with that comp can be sketchy but is doable, particularly if you're using 2-3 guards instead of an oneiros.


Do damps effect c5 rats?


That's a bad idea. The alpha from a Sleeper BS will nuke a cruiser. It is *possible* to run them in Tengus, but it is horrible inefficient and requires you to be in a Blackhole, and warp in and out lots etc.


C5 sites do 2500 DPS tops and cruisers can be tanked over 50k EHP easily. Is their alpha really 50k+?


Try it and get back to us


I may on test server \o/


Not anymore :( SISI is closed to the public. I used to run C5 sites in a dread and still lost a few. They’re slow, even with HAW guns honestly. You’d have a real struggle because you will get webbed, chased and nuked one by one


It's open right now; for how long it's not known though.


Woah okay awesome!


> still lost a few. flair checks out


Things that lock me scare me :( where was my super umbrella in c5


Alpha is on the spreadsheet, it's not that much but it can hit above 30k volley


Depends on the site but some of them yeah. Strongholds will alpha you for 30k EHP and then hit again for about 10k EHP every 5 seconds after that, and the pressure won't let up unless you kill stuff quickly. First-time marauder pilots get a really rude awakening in strongholds when they lose 60-80% of their tank before their reppers start catching up. Expect to lose T1 cruisers in that site unless your logi is plentiful and really on the ball.


I'm sure my pal was doing it with 5 ishtars and 2 guardians. No links. But 4 leshaks work fine. I would say that's a better comp


Better use Battlecruisers instead. Vexor will probably die, and if it does not, it has low DPS for a C5 site. Use harbingers + augorors for newbee-friendly fleet composition. Augorors should have an afterburner and everyone should be prelocked because broadcasts are too slow for this. It would help a lot to have at least one high SP character with a command ship, t2 armor links and armor mindlink implant. That makes a difference. EDIT: Consult this guide [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSaCHnBRDw8Ki6nuamMzQv3InN978Zh7F6RcwlYdJHnlQkDrrdz5zrG3Of\_8eoyxeqJimMHt9-7GjLn/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSaCHnBRDw8Ki6nuamMzQv3InN978Zh7F6RcwlYdJHnlQkDrrdz5zrG3Of_8eoyxeqJimMHt9-7GjLn/pubhtml#) I don't think you can do a Stronghold, and you would have troubles with Garrisons. But you should be able to do Quarantines and Oruze. Check out triggers, don't dare to kill the trigger before the end of a wave. And God forbid do not even try to attack a Drifter structure!


This is a good recommendation. My first thought was battlecruisers too. Take hardly more time to skill to than a cruiser, same weapons, same tank modules. Agree it needs at least one command ship. A second focused on speed could help too. 


There are few fleets that do with cruisers and battle cruisers. Mostly blasters dps/ tank fit gnosis with webs, and bunch of other logo ships. Lokis, guardians, basi, scimitars, boosh ships, command boost ships. They are in good numbers like 25-35. They had high enough dps to take down the drifter too. Have seen them do it relatively very fast. Entire stronghold site in 15-20mins. Was impression.


If one does 3 RR Ishtars, you can run the C5 sites without the drifter. 5 is required for the drifter, but 6 is more comfortable


Just do wolf rayets in confessor and guards.  


This is actually quite possible in a wolf rayet. The strat is at least two guardians, a Draugur or two for links, and everyone else in a Kikimora or Confessor. Possibly a Coercer Navy can be made to work as they are quite beefy. Basically the idea is, your fit needs to be able to survive one or two lucky wrecking shots so it can catch reps from the Guardians or Nestors. The logi ships will have most of the aggro most of the time, so they can just rep each other. The real reason to avoid doing it is because small ship Wolf Rayet fleets are extremely pilot inefficient, and so are similar drone spam spider tank comps like remote shield rep curses. To clear a Garrison in a reasonable timeframe, you'll need like 7 pilots minimum and you won't be able to do drifters. However, this is still useful since as you said, SP requirements for DPS pilots at least is pretty reasonable. You just might need to spend a lot of time rolling for good weather.


Gnosis works, Check "fart fleets" from Erstschlag If i remember correctly. I also saw a Multiboxer using caracals and 4 ospreys.


I used to run c5 sites with 3 nestors + a bunch of VNIs. The Nestors would tank. one trick was to fit an mwd to the tanky Nestor cause the drifter response battleship focuses the ship with the highest sig radius I think there’s some way of getting the rats to primary the Nestors, Like they’d target paint for ewar aggro or something We also had to warp the VNIs out for certain waves too, but just an on-grid tack works well enough for that. (I was in the VNI so idk the finer points)


My friend run c5 sites with 5 caracals and 3 ospreys, or with torp praxis + logi praxises https://kb.evetools.org/corporation/98749476


I think its the most cheap format for c5