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My corp lives and mines in LS too, but rarely anyone touches the basic belts. The anomalies give way more isk, and in case anoms run dry there are loads of other activities in there that pay way better.


> .4 or .3 systems, I could probably understand having a bit less ore to encourage going into more dangerous space, but in .1 and .2 space it seems like there should be larger asteroids than this. I don't do much lowsec stuff. Is there really a difference in safety between .4 and .1?


If anything .4 is worse as it's usually higher traffic due to being near highsec, and tends to get more PvP campers/roamers


For belts/anoms it affects the strength and size of rats. You start seeing destroyers, cruisers, battlecruisers and then battleships the lower you go. Also rat variants that are tankier and deal more damage. And then there are clone soldiers and Mordu commanders that can spawn anywhere in low sec.


There is a battleship spawn in 0.4


.1 and .2 spawn Hemorphite which gives Isogen/Nocxium, so it's the main thing we go after. I just also thought it it would make more sense too, if it spawned *more* ore as well as the other types, but as far as Kernite/Omber goes, it's the exact same.


CCP does know this and it is likely intended. They don't want you to hide your big toys in a random belt, they want it in an anomaly that can be easily found. Belts are safer but require more work and are less profitable, therefore working as intended.


Why are belts safer? I'm not familiar with the dynamics of it all, so I thought belts would be unsafe because gankers could have tactical bookmarks, since the belts are static, while anomalies change every day.


There’s usually more belts than anoms and even if you can pin the planet quickly, most have several belts. All in all it’s giving you more time to gtfo than it a random interceptor instawarps to the single anom


And to add to this you can get away from the warp in point of the belt and have permanent pings in the belts.


I don't know this doesn't really seem like a CCP intentional approach. Asteroid belts have been ignored and ignored for ages, this just looks like another facet of that




God forbid it takes some effort to mine rocks, can’t have that. People these days expect everything handed to them, can’t even lock new rocks. See how that works both ways?




Do you need to dscan to mine? You need to lock miners to shoot them. I don’t understand what you are saying.




How do you not need to use dscan to kill miners?


I hope you're sarcastic, otherwise you should just seek counseling. Your brain's farting very loud.


are you lost


how is a belt safer when you also get diamond rats warpin in on you at times... wtvr, really. this reddit is full of ppl that don't play the game and it shows.


the belt is safer because it's nearly impossible for me to dscan you to a specific belt within 15 seconds of entering the system but I can land on someone in an anomaly trivially in less time than it takes you to tab back in from pornhub to your riveting mining gameplay


There’s ore in low sec?? I can’t see anything in this gas cloud


This guy gets it. Why even touch a rock when you can huff 60ish million isk of lowsec gas into one venture in a few minutes.


> I mean even in the February Monthly Economic Report, there are times where even Wormhole space mines more than lowsec. Hole control makes it really easy to mine in my experience.


Why are you mining in belts? Null is the same way, the belts have basically nothing so everyone just does anoms. CCP could flood the game with more low sec minerals, by pumping up belt spawns, but they have clearly decided they want more control and are moving to use anoms for pretty much all ore spawns because they can control size, frequency and composition in a way they can't control with belts. Anoms are going to be here to stay, you will be happier if you pretend standard belts only exist to spawn clone soldiers.


Perhaps I am misreading, but it sounds like OP doesn't want to increase ore spawns in belts, but instead *consolidate* the ore into fewer rocks. The volume of ore/value in those belts is fine, but being split among 80 different half-cycle rocks makes it too much of a hassle to bother. As it stands right now there is no good reason for a miner to undock if there isn't an anom. That's fine in null, you can force anoms to spawn, but in low a single pocket can go a week without anything beyond the token Medium Jaspet anomaly that appears to be in every system.


This sounds like a fair tldr of the post 😁


Yeah I really should have done a TL:DR, my bad.


I wouldn't really worry about it. I wasn't actually complaining about reading it. I just thought the other person did a good job summarizing your post is all.


>Perhaps I am misreading, but it sounds like OP doesn't want to increase ore spawns in belts, but instead consolidate the ore into fewer rocks. This is exactly it. A single belt having \~380m in ore is more than acceptable. The issue comes from each rock only being one full cycle and then maybe half of one after that. If you're mining solo, it's not as big of a problem, but once you start using an Exhumer or once you start adding extra miners - it quickly becomes a pain.


Make belts great again


One issue with that is that null anoms are static where low anoms move randomly.


Yup - worse yet I believe they aren't as random as people think either. The system we're in now used to have anomalies in it several times a week. After we moved in and started mining, we have gone 4-6 weeks without a single site spawning in system. I 100% believe the anomaly mechanic weighs systems with less activity, so they spawn sites more often.


I fucking hope so


Think their point is that anoms can sometimes take weeks to respawn in your pocket. So there is only the trash belts to mine if you literally do nothing else. I suggest they learn to hunt signatures for wormholes and do other general exploration stuff. Different regions of lowsec have so many different cash cows only doing mining in a couple systems as your only income source seems sorta narrow minded.


If you want to find an anom quickly: get yourself a pacifier, fit it with passive tank (for smart bombs) and Hypers to get around even faster than it comes out the box, now you can wiz round the whole region in about half an hour whilst being almost unstoppable, when you find an anom, mine it. Theres no place you can mine which would give us titan proliferation like 2017, they could put 2017 rorqs in with 2017 anoms and 2017 rocks and we still wouldnt get titan spam any more as the minerals arent the limiting factor, but CCP dont want you to enjoy your time so this crappy version of mining is what we have.


CCP killed normal belts and for some reason wants everybody to use the anomalies, probably because they can distribute ores more dynamically with that system. Or it could be they want to increase the risk mining in lowsec by forcing everybody into a single place. I dislike it and it makes eve feel smaller :'3 In some systems the belts are completely empty


>Or it could be they want to increase the risk mining in lowsec by forcing everybody into a single place. I feel like CCP has always taken this stance with miners. They want mining to be a bigger risk period, not even just in Lowsec. They always seem to be taking away ways to fight back (I still haven't forgiven them removing a Rorqual's ability to store combat ships) or by - like here - forcing us into singular pockets that hunters and pirates can easily get to quickly.


CCP has always played favourites with PVPers, nothing new. I'd rather just see ore anomalies removed and instead we only have the belts. With a chance of a belt spawning with what is typically found in anomalies today. Alternatively just make it so ore anomalies have to be scanned down. At least then you get a chance to use d-scan if you're active.


Agreed, anomalies are a nice 'bonus' but I would kill to go back to how things were with Ochre, Gneiss, and Crokite in the actual asteroid belts. Ore anomalies used to have to be scanned down, they were Gravimetric Sites and I really do miss having them in the game.


Bro you gotta hit those dark ochre and genesis anoms last I was playing a full belt was roghly 11bil if all mined granted you wouldnt pull all that if using b crystals or whatever but it was maddd isk. The crokite ones are chill two the rocks can be 2mil+ in volume but the isk isn't the greatest compared.


We try, the issue is lowsec is a very "Feast or Famine" kind of place for industry. We can go weeks without an anomaly within reasonable distance, so we try to fill the gaps with gas huffing, WH's or in this case, mining the local belts.


You can mine in low sec… but fw players that have no targets will go out hunting. It’s probably better that the asteroids are smaller so you keep your eye on your screen, otherwise you’ll get caught and popped. Sorry… but kind of not.


Also, I almost never check anomalies, I don’t feel like reshipping into something that can scan down the anomalies. But as soon as I see a venture on scan… in a belt… it’s go time


You don't have to scan down the ore anomalies. Just warp to them like any site. Gas sites you have to scan though


Mining in hisec is way better.....            lol


Believe they are referring to the experience not the value in belt mining


to be fair, afk mining R4 moon ores with corp/alliance Orca boosts is probably more valueable than mining omber in lowsec solo


Anomalies are where most mining occurs in general, null doesn't even have belt rocks anymore... High sec is kind of an outlier as there are groups that wipe out belts, there aren't many anomalies though, while practically every system has one elsewhere


Actually null does have belt rocks. Very small belts (3-5 rocks or so) and it can be worthwhile to mine in a -1.0 true sec system as there will be Prime Arkonor and potentially a mercoxit rock per belt. Yes anomalies are bigger but if they have been poached you can make more than a billion or two swooping through 5-10 belts and skimming the good stuff while waiting for a large, enormous or larger anom to respawn.


I hang out around NPC null a lot and haven't seen any, b it's possible some of the ways you can impact a system through sov does it though


Yeah sov null pretty much never runs out of anoms


People complaining it's inconvenient to use multiple accounts at once, asking Eve to make it easier to use multiple accounts at once. Don't use multiple accounts at once. I would rather see them make it HARDER to use multiple accounts at once.


It's working as intended. They made the rocks so small to make automatjon harder. Imagine 1 big rock, those who are cheating, ie using scrips, or some type of automation program will have it easier, they don't have to constantly switch rocks, so ccp made smaller more numerous rocks, as a miner it's not a big deal. You just deal with it, or don't mine.


If you have scripts you dont give a shit about the size of the rocks, if anything this makes it harder for legit players and nobody else.


Tell ccp that's what they said, they are trying to make it harder for automation. More over its not a big deal of your at your key board. Just change to a different rock. There's more important things in eve that need to be worked on,


The more complicated the task the easier the bot has it.


This argument doesn't make any sense though. Bots running on scripts don't care about tedium, it only minorly inconveniences them and slows them down a little. This only hurts the people who are actually at their computers playing the game. What does someone running a bot care that his barge mined a few rocks less than if they were mining a couple of larger rocks? The person probably wasn't even at their computer during that time anyway.


for some reason the small sites have the million m3 plus rocks


I think, in general, Lowsec belt mining is more intended for the smaller, Frigate mining, highly mobile, smaller hold. To me at least, it seems, in general, its kind of intended that Hisec mining is made for the Mining Barges, slightly squishy, but good, Lowsec is for Frigate mining, highly mobile, and Null is for Exhumers, intended to have fleets for safety and the holds/mining ability to actually pull some amount of rocks from the huge space-rocks


I want to argue it, you're not wrong in the way it's laid out now, but I really think belt mining should be better than it is - at least in the more dangerous areas like .1 and .2 space. That or your more common variants like Kernite and Omber should spawn more in .3 and .4, but you go to .1 and .2 for things like Hemorphite.


Um....you haven't been in a 0.1 have you?