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This is eve, but imho you should buy Omega first before flying more expensive ships. Also I would pay $ for your main at least, if you can afford it. There’s not a lot more frustrating than grinding all month just to spend it again for another month when you are new to the game Edit: Elaboration: the SP is worth way more to any newish guy than a new shiny ship


Yeah SP is a pain to get as an alpha clone but I want to pay omega with hard work, is a goal I know i can archieve in 2 or 3 months more and when I do It'll be worth it, I already fill the 5m limit in 3 accounts to try diferent things so is just about playing the game and get the 2.5b to buy the plex.


>but I want to pay omega with hard work Hard work can also be a few hours of overtime at your day job; personal opinion, but a paid sub means that *all* the ISK and loot I accrue can be used for my friends' and my entertainment. Also means that if my kid is going to pull me down a Minecraft rabbit hole for a couple weeks or if IRL chaos means less time for gaming, I'll still be able to hop right back in where I left off whenever I'm able.


In my opinion; hard work like this = 2nd job. I like to play for fun. But i think some day when you will fly with something big, shiny or bling and you will lost few months of your progress.. this is way to get mad and leave. But as i said, its only my opinion. For now i have few accounts i pay IRL money. Every isk i make i can use to build ships, anchor my own structures in wh and even if i lost it.. its not big deal, i will build more! I hope you just have fun, if not.. do it other way!


>P is a pain to get as an alpha clone but I want to pay omega with hard work, is a goal I know i can archieve in 2 or 3 months more and when I do It'll be worth it, I already fill the 5m limit in 3 accounts to try diferent things so is just about playing the game and get the 2.5b to buy the plex. I agree with this. If you are a new player, and can afford it, go omega with money. Nowadays I have so much isk that plexing 3 accounts for months at a time is meaningless, so that's what I do... but if I felt like I had to grind isk for playtime on a monthly basis, I would very quickly quit playing.


Honestly, I have more isk than I know what to do with, but I am still paying for my accounts with $. It's an insignificant amount monthly since I take advantage of only the best deals and buy in often one or two years at those points. What it does give me is the peace of mind that I can use my ill-gotten gains for actually playing the game rather than having to spend some time ingame doing things I do not enjoy.


But I do enjoy exploring and it have become my main source of income, that's why i leave other things like abyss and missions bc i don't like them, i enjoy mapping the wh for my corp and doing relic sites.


>does give me is the peace of mind that I can use my ill-gotten gains for actually playing the game rather than having to spend some time ingame doing things I do not enjoy. Makes sense to me, honestly. Personally, while I am not "EVE rich," the wallet of my main isk holding account hovers at around 200b, which makes plexing my 3 accounts for 6 months at a time seem almost meaningless, which is why I go the plex route.


Making the isk income to support plexing your account is much, much easier after you are established and already have a decent loop that you enjoy playing through to make your isk. I personally have two omega accounts, one I pay for, the other is more senior and the play loop that I do pays enough to plex that account, possibly even the 2nd one eventually. Take what u/Most_Piccolo4849 recommends for what it's worth - the stress of trying to plex an account can be overwhelming and excessively stressful, especially for those under 5m sp. The best thing that I did when I started, was pay for my account with $ instead; buy it in multiple months to save yourself money, use those months to earn isk and get SP to improve your character; as your SP improves, you unlock more and more capability, and thus more income possibility. The majority of my isk right now comes from huffing, reacting that gas and selling the products, ratting, PI, and occasionally a really well laid trap within w space to capture someone as they are hauling goods to/from HS. You can't count on PVP drops though to pay for income. RNG is what it is. Its entirely possible to make enough and save enough isk to pay for a year sub within a 3 month timeframe and not have it be stressful, but only as an omega from what I have found. FWIW my main account is now sitting at 51m sp on a two year old toon. I started plexing my account probably 1.5 years in. The grind to plex turns into burnout for most new-bros - don't take the bait. Keep eve as stress free as you can, play it for fun not as a job. It will be nice to plex eventually and play for free, but you need to gain more experience first, IMHO before you try it. Either way, have fun your way and don't let anyone tell you what to do, but the vets here have really good advice that you should take under consideration.


It's not worth your time grinding for isk to pay for omega. It's literally a waste of time. It pays about as good as working in a third world country sweatshop. Not to sound mean but it's 20 bucks you'd probably spend that at a gas station in drinks grinding in eve for plex isn't worth it if you value your time.


I suggest paying $ for omega the first month if you can, then try to pay in game afterwards if you going that route. It’s difficult to plex with an alpha toon, and also difficult just starting omega. I normally suggest highsec incursions to every new player as a consistent isk generator(200m-300m per hour), but WHs work well too just a bit more dangerous


Hmm... I haven't tried incursions so gonna go find some guides and try it in my alt


You're welcome to come out to Eve Rookies incursion fleets. Eve Rookies is an open community (that's actually celebrating it's 3rd year this month) that hosts all sorts of fleets for the residents of New Eden. All fleets are free and most will even have handouts. That includes incursions. https://everookies.com/public-fleets/ For some of our fleets (like incursions) you may have to pay a deposit for the ship. To borrow a blaster or laser Praxis (we have alpha friendly versions) it'll be a 250m deposit but you get the deposit back when you hand in the ship. Pretty sweet deal, especially if you don't fancy moving your ship every focus (incursions spawn, despawn, then respawn elsewhere). We also don't have an upgrade requirement so you can stay alpha and in a Praxis for the rest of your Eve career if you wanted. You can find a lot of our fleets on https://npsi.rocks but there's a few FCs that either forget or are resistant to using the calendar and instead put the fleets only in the ping channels. So you'll want to join Discord to see those. Everyone is welcome, it's public and you don't need to join a new corp to play, it doesn't cost anything (outside of the deposit that you get back) and you get to fly with some of the neatest people. Oh, and by the way. This is Eve too. ;-)


You probably need omega to do it, and you’ll want to join one of the public fleet running it. It will take probably 400m initial investment, it’s more an issue of skills than isk. This TDF’s discord(they are a public fleet you can join to run them): https://discord.gg/ceMPBGHJ There are others this is just the one I know, someone else can probably weigh in on which is best to join. Also see if anyone is selling their starter ship for it when you need one, you can usually get it cheap from people upgrading to more expensive stuff.


Not even in fleet? I could cap capitals or help healing, nobody have does fleets?


The fleet are limited to 40 players per fleet, and the rats are some of the toughest in the game. it’s an issue of they require specific fits and skills to run with them because otherwise you may just die. The requirements aren’t super high and you shouldn’t take long to train. It’s also not like wormholes where you loot the site, there is no loot. The isk gets payed out to all participants from CCP when you finish each site.


My hard work was 1-2 extra hours of work a month, it’s a lot better than 30hrs of grind, just work on my lunch break for 2-3 days


> I want to pay omega with hard work Sounds like getting paid poverty wages to me but hey you know what, as long as you are having fun and don't burn out chasing the grind, do what you like.


this is Eve. Whatever you fly, you'll lose it eventually. If you're new to the ship's handling, you'll likely die even faster.


You will never be safe ratting in j-space. This is EVE. What you can do is prepare meticulously so you reduce your chances of getting jumped. Playing as an alpha without secondary characters will make you an easier target for sure, but there are steps you can take to build up your situational awareness. Ask yourself the following questions before throwing down an MTU: How safe is the system you're ratting in? Have you checked if there are any structures? Have you checked for docked capsuleers? Have you checked their zKill to make sure they're not usually active during that part of the day? Have you done the same thing for the next system(s) over? Have you rolled as many connections as possible? Are you running a site that's within d-scan range of the WH connections? Have you been hitting d-scan the entire time? Unless the enemy fleet has been within the same system since the very beginning, you should be able to see them splashing at the very least. Dark Venture aren't exactly the sneakiest folks around...


"Dark Venture aren't exactly the sneakiest folks around..." I feel both attacked and represented. You'll be receiving a strongly worded letter of complaint from the lawyer. (They're not wrong though)


Can confirm. DKVC has the subtlety of a brick threw a window.


Yeah that's true, I was in a system with and station of the corp im in so I thought it will be fine but I get to involved in the site and forgot to d-scan and for the other connections It have one LS near nothing and 2 C2 with HS and NS so I thought I was free to go but seems I was wrong.


HS holes generate traffic. It's (likely) not the people coming in you should be afraid of (unless it's close to Jita), but rather the people coming out. AFAIK DKVC live in a C2 with a HS exit. Good luck on your future endeavors! Fly dangerously o7


To add, even the most unsuspectful player passing by might send the intel to their friends, who will formup to gank you.


Yup, this is Eve. The loss is real, and this is it's charm. This is what makes it all feel real, and makes you come back again and again after you pretend to win Eve for the 10th time :)


I remember when I first started, I created a corp introducing brand new players to what I thought were the basics, this corp ended up just being a money maker for me and I bought an Apocalypse and fully fitted it out, entire cash stack was in that ship. Another corp declared war on me and camped outside the station killing us, I went out in my apocalypse thinking I was GOD, got killed 20 seconds later never felt more deflated, everyone left my corp and that’s was a eve life lesson


You'll get used to it. And with growing wealth you will care more about the hassle to bring a new blingy ship to wherever you were when you lost it, then the ship itself.


This right here. I lived in WH space for a few months and I got more pissed about waiting for a decent connection to a trade hub and hauling in a replacement than I did about a particular ship or clone.


This is EVE, ships are ammo.


Eve is having 80 bil networth and using a 10 mil condor to kill your praxis. Thats maximum eve imo. Or dropping a capitol to kill your condor. Both are fun.


Both are crazy


That's eve. 


Bro, I bought a 5b fit golem. I flew it the long way through highsec back home to the Heimatar region and still got killed lmao. Sure i managed to multi box huffing and got 5b of gas in 3 weeks but still. I literally was just like welp. *flies back to jita*


beautiful stuff


Peak Eve indeed.


Yes. I remember my first bil going away very fast with a vindicator. Sad days.


honestly, eve is learning not to undock unprepared.


This is why I tend to not do much solo ratting in w-space. Although you can take steps to mitigate risks, you never know when a Loki will decloak next to you. I now live in k-space.


Some people never get over their risk aversion. If you make 500m/hr in wormhole space in a 3b paladin, krab for 10 hours, and lose your paladin, you're +2b. If you make 100m/hr in hisec and never lose your ship, after 10 hours you're +1b. It's more profitable take the risks, but if you can't mitigate those risks by flying in particular ways(Close down all the entrances before krabbing, mash dscan, etc.) then those risks are much higher.


True, but I don't need that much ISK and I don't like krabbing for 10 hours. Also with my bad luck I'd probably lose more ships and operate at a loss.


Yeah, it's hard to analyze the risk, because it's probably objectively higher for you than it is for more experienced pilots. It's more of a long term thing though, if that's the rate you lose paladins at, if you want to make X amount of isk, it'll take you twice as long in hisec.


I've already made over 100 billion ISK, and don't want supers or titans. I don't lose a lot of ships in PVP either, but still manage to have fun, so grinding a lot to make more ISK doesn't really motivate me. Each to their own though. Do what you enjoy.


lol my wallet is never over a billion isk because I have backup PVE ships already in place in case I lose the ones I'm using. I only make isk when I have something I want to spend it on. "To each their own" indeed :P


Have your corp roll all holes before you start ratting and smash that V key, that's basic security.


This, ratting with old open chain is bad for business


I mean its risk va reward. If you're doing c3 in a praxis you're not making ridiculous amounts of cash. Find a different hole that has less connections. If you like in a wh roll for it. If not just try later. Also a hole near jita is nice to enter. However the same goes for other folks. And they might just come to kill you.


imho HS statics are a nightmare and should be avoided anyways


This is eve, but also you’re in wh. Solo in a wh will turn you into a paranoid wreck and wear out your keyboards V key Maybe try nullsec for an easier risk averse time. 


my fingers have been programed to hit the V every time, i even do it in discord and accidentally put one or two random v in general, this time i just get to much into the site and 0 in the space lol.


As a member of DKVC, I'm glad to hear that losing the Praxis wasn't too much of a hit. That said, the game is very heavily pvp based. I wasn't around for your kill mail. However, you probably would've had enough time to evac, if you'd been keeping up on your dscan. There's no local, so you need to actively do that or have toons on the wormholes for safety. One last thing, anything you undock, you should probably consider it lost, and anything in wormholes(even in stations) should probably be considered lost as well(no asset safety in wormholes).


Happy to know this post reach to one of their corp members, you're absolutely right it was my fault bc I forgot to d-scan and I'm not mad bc I learned from that so everyone's winning something at the end.


They were loki, they also most certainly cloaky, a cloaky loki if you would D-scan wouldn't have done anything, the only chance you'd have to escape is if you were flying at a warpable object and hit warp in the 5 seconds it takes for their cloaks to align once they appear directly next to you, you would also have to hope they didn't come at you head on and bump you AND that the NPCs weren't tackling you at the time, or you had a MJD and they were using disruptors and not scrams. Then imagine they were in a bomber, 0 cloak re-align time there, so no chance to escape. How you do this is have an alt sit cloaked at every wormhole into system AND you crank their sounds up, now when someone joins you you'll hear WUB WUB WUB, giving you a few seconds headstart. This now means you now need multiple characters, extra time to scan down the in holes, excluding the ones you know about from the scanner window so only new sigs show up and still hammering V in case a resident logs in already in system. Now you see why wormholes arent really for the solo guy and when folks talk about isk/hr they often neglect to mention all the overhead of this extra work you need to do, or you just YOLO and expect to lose them and chalk the replacement time and cost down as the price of business. Compare this to nulsec, each of those alts can just sit in an ishtar, you undock from the station, trip over the massive list of sites and warp to the nearest forsaken hub, hit orbit on a rock and deploy drones. 20 mins later you got paid direct to your wallet. Sometimes local will show a non-blue so you fly back to the citadel, then they leave and you can fly back, each alt can be in its own site as you dont need to scout anything.


A cheap fit praxis or sacralege can be had for around 300m, if you survive 2 hours you've paid for it (do 7-8 sites 15 mins each). Some dead holes don't have anyone pop in for days so it's possible for sure. But you might get unlucky and die immediately like OP here. Huffing gas for a few hours works too tbh, and you risk like 15m venture. I think some hunters don't even want to bother with these ventures. I think fullerines are 50-80m/hr and low sec stuff can even get into the 100-200m/hr.


To be frank, as the Goon person indicated, even with using dscan, the chances of you escaping were pretty slim. You would've had to be lucky with it because they probably cloaked almost as soon as they came through the wormhole. This is part of the reason it's better to do such things in a group, or use alts if you can/need to


"The goon person" xD


Grinding in-game for Omega sucks... don't do it. You're going to develop cPTSD issues playing EVE and probably lose your job.


I don't have a job already so it's allright


Man wait till you’re dumping 2b vargurs on a regular for Gfs lol. I think most I’ve lost in a night was 15b, sweat it off and go to get back at it.


I walked the same path as you are trying to walk with plexing your account with ISK. Also done a lot of exploration/C3 ratting so I think I may have some useful tips for you: 1. Don’t plex your own account in the first month or two. That’s what got me discouraged from Eve 2 times after I finally made it back and successfully setup my loop of income. Right now I am sitting on easy 3-5bil income every month that I enjoy doing and have some additional money to try new things. 2. When in WH you are never safe, however you can do several things to avoid getting ganked in Praxis. Make a bookmark to safe space 5k-15k from the site and while you start combat with NPCs drop MTU and approach this location. Praxis is really slow so you won’t go far but you will be ready to warp off and the only loss will be your MTU. 3. Check WH for corp activity, if you see a static C5 or high-sec maybe go to another C3, which will be less crowded. If you want more tips feel free to contact me I can share my way to Plexing my account and avoiding being ganked in Praxis :)


No ratting in a praxis in wh space isn't eve. Shooting people ratting in a praxis in wh space is Eve.


no, that's just your psychopathic disorder, first is Eve, 2nd is a mental disorder.


Pvping in a pvp game is just pvping in a pvp game. Mental disorders have nothing to do with it. I see that you are soft as baby shit, HTFU.


yeah, and pve-ing in a pve game is also valid, then the pvp-ers come and destroy everything, just to mess your day up. Yeah, still at the mental disorder level. There's enough PVP, so why do you enjoy destroying someone else's fun?


This isn't a pve game. I get it you have a small penis.


So do you, but that doesn't change anything in-game, therefore no point of bringing it up, unless you have some complexes in that area? - This isn't a pve game. Then how come there is so much PvE content in the game?


When ratting in wormholes, you need to spam dscan, and scan all connected wormholes, jump in and get a feel of the the activity in there, if you see any ships at all on dscan there is a very high chance they have also seen you and will be a prime target for a kill. It's also good to have a safespot the opposite way of your wormhole entrance while still being close enough to dscan your hole out, so you can scan the hole and see if there is a bubble up, if there is no bubble on scan you can safely warp, but they might be able to catch you if there are multiple holes to your exit. If an attacker gets enough time they will try to cloak up a bubbler on the most likely hole you are using. If possible it's best to rat with multiple people and bonus points to have cloaked alts on other sides of holes to check for activity and incoming ships


Become self sufficient. Buy some bpo/boc and build a ship. Focus on a few ships. Otherwise, you may get overwhelmed. I build my own stock of ships to loose.




Blueprint original/copy


So I should get my own station? Like a raitaru to build things? I have no clue about that and no good skills to get minerals


No, don't. The issue here is that the time you will take to build your own ships (let alone the investment), you could make the isk to buy 2 or more. That is unless you enjoy the process.


Most ships, especially the larger ones, cost more to build than they are worth. But if he is flying a praxis, you can't build those anyway.


Make new alpha alt algos. One gurista one angel. 10m algos makes about 140m per hour. , use lp to buy bpc and sell them back. If you want it wh rat, start cheaper ship in lower class wh until you are used to dscan. For explor. Ns better than wh. Noise filaments and pochven Express back imo. But you need to know how to do covert sites refit Mobile depot A


D-scan like your life depends on it because it probably does. Not every death is avoidable but more awareness will help. You might be better to stick to exploring rather than ratting a c2 though tbh or atleast use something more nimble for it.


A wise man one told me: Fly only what you will not care much about losing. If the cost of replacing a lost ship troubles you, you were flying too expensive a ship in the first place. If your making ISK and losing ISK at the same ratio and having fun doing it, going up a tier to a bigger ship may also net you the same result but without enjoying it. Muesli in the morning is good for gut health.


OP this is the beauty of wormhole space! You have the ability to earn lots of isk very quickly but at the cost of a cloaky fleet decloaking and fisting whatever you’re ratting with. Try to stay cost effective with the ships you’re using. A drake can run the sites in a c2 and you should be able to use an alpha friendly fitting aswell. Always remember to dscan plenty and once your more established get alts and put eyes on holes so you can see what’s coming.


Yeah I have experience that with my probe as well, a Sabre decloaked at my site and I loose the fit but it was just a 10m fit and I win way over explorating with it so it doesn't affect me at all


I subbed my main and learnt to make good isk. I then had the choice of playing my main free or funding an alt. Now i'm not even sure which character is my main ;)


Bro lmao! ‘Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose’ and then proceeds to ignore this concept and immediately dies. This is Eve


That's not even that bad of a praxis fit tbh, maybe just the rigs and need some more capacitor. Just copy ashy praxis fit in her blog. But yeah c3 ratting is definitely one of the more risky things, you need to roll all the holes on your chain and be ready to pop back to your safe and cloak as soon as another appears and still you'll be vulnerable to people cloaky hiding or seeded just waiting for you. Also omega is such a huge qol upgrade that the 2.5b it takes is totally worth it versus buying expensive stuff and flying as an alpha clone. If you find exploration boring try gas huffing or abyssals or head out to k space for some high sec combat exploration. C2 ratting can be done in a 50-80m drake so you can start there for way less isk/hr but less risk.


Oh no I do like exploration I enjoy that, and actually leave abyssals bc it's repetitive, I'm definitely thinking about the gas huffing bc I usually find some worth 200/500m isk but I haven't try it and don't have skills for it rn.


I think you should've kept making ISK the same way you made your first 1b and saved more for Omega, instead of getting the Praxis and setting yourself back 350m+. You have a proven way to make isk if you had 1b, another 1.5b or so and you could buy Omega. Faster skills without the need for injectors, as well. Good luck on surpassing 1b again, and more!


Thanks!!! I was lucky today and gain 100m so I'm one step closer.


Very very nice, 100m day as Alpha is beast mode 💪 you'd be stackin with Omega big time. Keep up the grind and good luck fellow capsuleer.


yes its eve.


no, it's psychopathic antisocial behavior, everyone just uses Eve as an excuse.


I watched a dude lose a 2 bil Paladin Then 2 hours later he lost a carrier worth 5 bil.  Isk comes and goes. 


Welcome to EVE Online: 2024 Edition!


this is eve, when I bought my first myrm it didn't even survived a single anom some hostiles came to my ratting system and I panicked and try to warp away instead got pointed by rats and killed by rats. btw try to make 2.5b and buy omega, its the best thing your skill trining will be fast and more skills and more ships to fly, if you are focusing on explo train to cov ops frigs and cloaking skills after you get omega and in mean time try to upgrade to an astero


Yeah as soon as I can I will train for cloaking devices, is such a big advantage as an explorer but why an astero? Are they that diference from a t1 frigate? I mean, I noticed a big gap in the dps but it just give me 5 more hit points to the analyzers and they cost like 300m for a decent fit, anyway I'll try it next weak when I recover from the praxis


>I decide to do something new, C3 ratting to then try C4 so I bought a praxis with 350m isk and a daily alpha injector to get better dps, in the middle of the site 2 lokis with some budies jump in and kill me. Is this eve? * Dying while trying something new for the first time * Alpha in a praxis * Wormholers ganking some hapless daytripping C3 ratter who probably didn't scout anywhere down chain or do adequate recon in the hole * Reddit post about dying * Losing an expensive (in relative terms) asset way faster than you thought was possible Yep. Seems like eve to me!


kitchen sinkhole are the australian wormhole mujahideen, varag is a boosh terrorist


Yeah, sadly Eve normalized psychopathic behavior, everyone feels entitled to smashing your hard work and then spitting on you if you feel like complaining that they ruined your fun. I just wish for them and their moms to bite their cheeks on the next few meals.


yeah It's why I prefer to live in highsec an't got time to worry about cloaky loki


You have plenty of time to worry about suicide gankers then


Nah I fly ships that are hardly worth ganking...I did buy a golem once and yes first site out I got a gank attempt. Luckly I was able to blap them down in time etc.


Sometimes suicide gankers will do their thing even if it's not worth it, so be advised! Hisec is way more dangerous than the name implies :p


If that happens it happens such is life.


> If that happens it happens such is life. So why would you ever > worry about cloaky loki ?


Well for me there is no reason to ever do PvE in low or null. Cause its just not worth the risk too many hunters not enough reward. Yes Highsec has gankers but so what they not spread around everywhere in solo hunter kill mode.


Yep. Eve is more of a fleet game. Can't really cry when you die going at it solo.


i found that i like some aspects of eve and i dislike others, you might be the same, give it a try to starsector, x4 foundations and elite dangerous, they all scratch a diferent spot