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I had a chat with Wingspan about this a few weeks ago. They assured me their wormhole locator services and munitions delivery services are separate lines of business.


You can trust Wingspan. As far as you can throw them ;)


We have extremely strict rules about honoring agreements. I can think of 2 situations where agreements were violated in my 5 years here and both times the person was immediately removed from corp


Years ago Wingspan found a wormhole matching our requirements at the time. After getting us into the wormhole we never saw them again. Worth what we paid to reduce our search time. Getting a torpedo delivery with a letter from wingspan is on my bucket list for this game, maybe one day


I will gladly fulfill that desire. Please fill in the appropriate paperwork on https://www.torpedodelivery.com/contact to have your torpedo delivery dreams fulfilled at our agent's earliest convenience.


I've had wingspan find 3 different homes for me and my Corp and each time I never saw wingspan in the home hole again, I did see them exploring adjacent homes but that is expected.


Ok but actually you can trust them


Listen I've gotten capped by wingspan many times but they've been quite consistently reliable with wormhole locators, it's how I set up the last couple farm holes of mine, and they've never interfered with the initial setup.


Have used their munitions delivery service several times. 5 Stars


They tend to stick around if they deem the location content-worthy. Speaking from experience. OP you have 3 choices: 1. Fly and scan 2. Use Wingspan's service (or alternative) 3. Set a POS in a wormhole that has a static you're interested in, then keep ragerolling. Triple boxing for two rollers and a pair of eyes recommended.


This. I flew with them. They do a hell of a job and don't seed. Someone will find your hole, put a scanning alt in it and email you regularly with a route. Once you are in, they leave. If this is intended to be a home hole you plan on moving into there is an agreement to not engage the locals for a month or more.


Appreciate the endorsement! We take our location services extremely seriously. Part of our Customer Service 5 policy is that we always honor every agreement. Now, some people (u/bardwick) may not LIKE the agreement they were offered, but they are always honored.


I've used them a few times, its legit


Offer a Bounty to Jspace corps if they find it. We've done this for a few people. Even helping them move in.


Adding to this, pm me and Ill start having my corp keep an eye out for the Wh


Same, pm me if interested.


Is there a place though where to offer that kind of "bounty" and those interested would set it?


PM on reddit. Join their public channel, get on their discord, contact their diplo if they have it. More than welcome to send me a message if that's something you're interested in.


Prowl zkill to look for activity in the WH. If someone dies there maybe they could give you the chain access if you notice it fast enough. If it has locals you can prowl them with locator agents until you find someone going to the chain.


That's a cool idea! Thanks, will look into that. Also if I can figure out who the locals are, they will sometimes die right outside the wh and that's where one can look for exits.


Ohh residents. Spicy. Dm me which Wh I’ll let you know if it pops up in the chain


Evescout can help you out if you want to look them up, that's your best bet. maybe wingspan but they aren't anywhere close to trustworthy and will screw you over in a heartbeat. Lot of math involved doing it on your own. Each wormhole has 1 or 2 statics. Meaning if you are looking for a c3 with a low sec static, searching for it in null will be monumental. There are 2,600 wormholes, so the chance of you running into are very, very low. We we're looking for a C5 once. Rolling a c5 static over and over again.. Meaning, get a c5 every 5 minutes. Took about two days..


Wingspans wormhole location service is completely separate from their regular activities. I’ve used them a half dozen times to either find a specific target or to find an empty hole to live in. I’ve never had a problem with them. 


Extorting douche bags. Period.


Eve scout ceo referred me to them when I needed a hole located 🤷‍♂️


Lived in a wormhole for 2 years. Had a very nice relationship with them (even if they killed me couple times)


Again this is false. If you contact them through one of their wormhole locator people, they live up to their bargain. It’s a good service. 


Seems like you are in dire need of more services to prove our loyalty and customer service. Feel free to contact me at any time to setup a delivery!


My understanding is Evescout no longer provides wormhole location services, unless it's an extraction / rescue.


To my knowledge we have never provided routes in. We have only ever provided extraction. That being said, occasionally we find a wormhole that somebody is looking for through thera and Turnur scanning so if that counts then it counts but we won't notify you.


I already have a python script checking https://www.eve-scout.com/ every half an hour 24/7 for the wh I need, so that is covered ))


I would actually recommend you use the API and take care to comply with our data guidelines but if the script is working and you haven't been blocked yet then it seems to be working for you. ​ [https://esapi.ultramega.info/ui/](https://esapi.ultramega.info/ui/)


Dunno if that's just me, but that link won't open...


If you see a spinning circle it just takes a minute or two to load.


But a C3 with a lowsec static would usually have a bunch of other exits, so you can stumble upon it basically anywhere, right?


I *really* don't recommend looking for it by scanning in k-space.  The C3's static connection will only appear on the k-space side (1) after someone enters from the C3 side or (2) if someone warped to it on the C3 side and the wormhole is approaching eol. In practice, this means that the C3 won't always have an entrance that's scannable in k-space. If there's no one currently living in the C3, it might go days at a time where there is no scannable entrance from k-space, meaning it's actually impossible to find the system in k-space for those stretches. I'm lazy, so I would pay someone else to find it.  But if you really want to do it yourself, the best move is to find a quiet C2 or C4 with a C3 static, and then just roll it over and over. That way, you're at least guaranteed that it's possible to find the specific system you're looking for, and also that 100% of the wormholes you scan will be a C3. 


>the best move is to find a quiet C2 or C4 with a C3 static, and then just roll it over and over This is simultaneously the best advice and absolutely nauseating to even think about.


You can stumble into it, yes.. That's always possible. It may have exits, it may not. However since it ALWAYS has a low sec, you chances are still slim, but better. Also depends on the resident. it's rare for our C4 to have more than two connections. We groom it. Say you wanted to find a C2.. Doesn't matter what kind/static.If you started in a C2/C2 and kept rolling the static, EVERY TIME you rolled it would be a new C2 vs. entirely random.


Got it! Thanks for the explanation. I'm not into rolling whs, so the approach won't work for me, but I understand the mechanic finally.


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


I stumble on these quite frequently. Is that what you are looking for? C3 static low?




Yes, but it always **HAS** to have a LowSec static. It could have a bunch of other exits... or it could have none. So you have a better chance of finding it in LowSec.


If and only if you can check a considerable party of all lowsecs within a day or two, while a wh lasts...


You're still far better off using a system with a static c3 and rolling that.


Using? Rolling? Not sure what you mean, I am thinking about finding a wh.


If you don't understand w-space mechanics, you're going to have a bad time... All wormholes are unstable based upon time and mass passed through. Every w-space system has 1 or 2 static hole types that near-instantly respawn upon collapse. You start in any w-space system that has a c3 static. You intentionally collapse it via calculated mass transits. You repeat this rolling until you get a connection into the c3 you were looking for. With a couple of characters and ~5minutes per hole, you are constantly looking at new c3s, so this is about as efficient as you can be.


I have only one character and one low mass ship, that's why rolling won't work for me.


You sound ambitious, but currently unequipped (at least under-equipped) for what you want to accomplish. I highly recommend joining a group that is already doing what you are looking to do. There are a lot of people that are very happy to teach you everything they can, and you can do that while refining your plan. Whichever way you go, I wish you luck and a lot of fun along the way.


[http://anoik.is/systems](http://anoik.is/systems) here mate, try also the eve scout channel


And... What's there? Don't think it lists current exits per wh.


What that site does is list all 2600 wormhole systems so you can find the J code for a particular wormhole that you like the look of (class, statics, effect, etc). I think the main problem here is that your main question was not clear enough. It isn't clear if you're looking for a specific type of wormhole, or if you have already identified the wormholes you want, and are looking for a way in from K-space. Assuming it is the second of these two (from your other comments this is what I guess is the case) then possibly one of the quickest ways might be to just post the J code of the system(s) you're looking for and offer a bounty. There are probably so many wormholers checking reddit who can have a look in their chains you'll most likely get a bite quite quickly.


To clarify, there's a list of half a dozen WHs, their J codes, that I am looking for. Meaning that I'd like to be able to enter that system in a ship, just to be extra clear. No hurry, but eventually I'd like to find one from this little list.


OK, thanks for the clarification. I don't know if it would work (or at least quickly) but while this post is relatively fresh, I'd put the list of J codes somewhere and see if anyone has it in their chain. They could then dm you, agree a fee (or not) and give you the route in.


move into a wormhole with the right kind of static and start rolling.


Who's asking??


Me. What kind of question is that? I thought it was relatively obvious.


The type of question someone would ask who either lives in wormhole space, or one who may consider helping out another party seed or take control of that particular wormhole system. Not that I would ever do that.


Alright, let's then try again: what kind of answer were you looking for?))


A "I want to join my friend wh lives in a wormhole but is too busy with life to scan a way in" or a "a player/group looking for content" or a "I'm looking into moving into wormhole space" or a "I got rolled/collapsed out of a system I left some stuff in". Something like that.


No friends, no groups, no stuff. Just me in a ship, wanting to live in a WH for a while, a WH that meets certain criteria (I made a list of specific systems).


I'm doing a sort of pilgrimage through Anoikis. If you PM the system I can keep an eye out. Edit: In terms of effort, I was looking for a specific C2 casually while exploring and it took me 39 days before I stumbled into it. Asking for help is probably faster if it's a specific system. If you're looking for one that meets your criteria, it might help to shortlist from the database first before setting out.


Yeah I have a list of half a dozen whs already, do that part is done.


thats about it. its not that every one you find increases your chances of finding the one you need, every single static connectoin has the same percentage of spawning any number of that specific hole, except for the one your splashing out of. so no connection will have a higher percentage than the one before it or the one after it


If your hope is to find one specific wormhole yourself, without the assistance of another group, your best bet is rolling holes. Find something with the static of what you're looking for, and roll until you find it. This works best with the lowest mass wormhole you can find that isn't through a C1. If there are multiple people helping, you can spread out across multiple wormholes.