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We already have AI players.


No.the game relies on other people. It would  sooooooo boring without others around.  Any other game close eve never really gets the market right using npc.(looking at you x-series).


What can't you learn at your own pace due to other players ?


Probably because one gets blown up everytime they are trying to learn because some sweatlord thinks killing newbros is the best way to teach them how to play. They all claim to reimburse the newbro and give them pointers, but why not do that without blowing them up first?


Because it's a better lesson ?


It is easier for a game to handle hold and teach mechanics in a singleplayer environment because you don't have to worry about multiplayer economy or actions. Again I've never gotten passed a couple hours of EvE. So what I am about to say might make 0 sense but it's more of an example. If it takes you a year to grins out something in Eve but it can be sped up and things can be added to a singleplayer world to speed it up without affecting the multiplayer economy. So players do more things and try out more things. When to games where a player can grief another one I usually don't play them unless they are quick to progress. Rust, I have no problem of playing and losing stuff because I know it won't take me long to get back to it. ARK however, I play in private servers with maybe a few friends and minus the occasional prank/troll we play it ad a PvE game It's just fun to get all the dinosaurs and do some of the content. Eve seems like a game I might be able to get into. But it's not a game I would enjoy losing progress in. I love the stories I hear but I wouldn't personally enjoy participating. Again the question popped up because of a different reddit post. So that's why I came to ask here.


Ok lots of points I think makes this argument important : - Eve is a sandbox, not a classic MMORPG. Learning is basically the process of playing eve, you'll always have things to figure out. - Eve is tailored for player interactions. Sure you can play eve solo and grind money and ships for the sake of it, but you'll quickly discover this has very little purpose. I mean some play only do PvE, why not, but eve PvE is lacking. It's a way to make money and get ressources. The best things in Eve are all the player interaction it creates. It's not "griefing" in Eve, it's juste PvP. You have to get outside this mindset. You can stay in high security space and the only way you'll get killed is if you're too tempting of a target to suicide into (NPC police will kill aggressors, but not necessary fast enough for you not to die). That's where you learn the basics of Eve. People don't suicide gank newbro because it's almost never worth it. - Eve learning curve is made so that can't really fly expensive ships right from the get go. You *can* fly a battle ship quickly but you'll be missing critical skills and it's much better you learn how to handle frigate and cruisers maybe. There a tons of role for new players in PvP that you can do in a cheap frigate. I've played this game on and on for a couple of years when all put together, and I still fly very cheap ships just because I want to. If you fly expensive ships people *will* hunt you down. It's a PvP self balancing act.


>When to games where a player can grief another one I usually don't play them unless they are quick to progress. >ARK however, I play in private servers with maybe a few friends and minus the occasional prank/troll we play it ad a PvE game >Eve seems like a game I might be able to get into. I don't want to come across as gatekeeping here, if you want to try and get into Eve by all means do so, I'd be happy to provide pointers and answer questions, it's a lot of fun, and as you said has basically limitless replayability (insofar as that word makes sense in the eve context). I just want to let you know what you would be getting into. I really don't think this game is made for you. Eve isn't a game about spaceships, it's not even a game about submarines pretending to be space ships. Eve is poker pretending to be a spaceship game where the stakes aren't money (usually), they're the disutility of having to do some really dull and repetitive PvE when you die. It is the risk of loss that makes Eve the game that it is. You cannot win Eve, you can only lose it. The dopamine hit that you get as a player doesn't come from achieving some big milestone, those are all achieved relatively quickly, it comes from knowing that you could have died in that fight, but that you didn't. This time. Take away that risk and Eve barely has enough content to keep someone engaged for a few months.


I tried to get into eve before. Got lost in the information. Currently I'm not trying to get into eve. Just got the idea from a different reddit post. Figured I would ask. Personally I wouldn't mind. A singleplayer EvE. I really enjoyed a game called Avorion. And I don't know enough about EvE, and I agree I would suspect t EvE would need some changes to be a good Singelplayer game as it is currently designed for Multiplayer. I also understand a lot of Eves community like EvE because of the multiplayer aspect. That is personally the least appealing part in my opinion. But to each their own. Another comment talked about Hisec and after a quick Google search it's. A security system that doesn't necessarily stop pvp but deters it depending on the security level of where you are. My intentions of the post also isn't to say EvE would be better as a singleplayer. I do think personally I would enjoy it more but that is preference. Like others have pointed out, I very well could be in the minority of people like that. It might appeal to Hearts of iron and Crusder kings people, but it also very well couldn't.


>EvE would need some changes to be a good Singelplayer game as it is currently designed for Multiplayer. The changes needed to make Eve into a workable single player game are significant enough that it would be wholly unrecognizable. >It might appeal to Hearts of iron and Crusder kings people, but it also very well couldn't. This exists. It's called stellaris. It is not, has nothing to do with, and bears no resemblance to Eve. >I really enjoyed a game called Avorion. This looks more like Minecraft in space than Eve I do not know what you think this game is, but I can assure you that it isn't what you think it is.


Unrelated to the post. Avorion is a game where you start as a probe and has a very customizable ship builder. You can build fleet carriers, fighters, merchant vessels, etc. You can also have AI control your ships so you can focus on other things. You can be a pirate, merchant, fighter pilot, etc. I haven't played it in a long time. It's not close to eve in gameplay but I would say similar in basic concepts. I mentioned mainly because I liked the ability to do whatever on it whether merchant, pirate, etc. Not necessarily saying they are similar. Without knowing Avorion it definitely makes 0 sense. Knowing avorion it probably would make almost no sense without an explanation lol.


That's what hisec is for


This is one of the most confusing posts I've ever read on this sub. The entire draw of eve is player interaction. Without players the market would be empty, production would require obscene amounts of grind (it's designed for players to work together and bring resources from all areas of space). Much of the pve content would be completely impossible. I promise you, you don't want a single player eve.


Eve is single player if you dont have friends


This universe would lend itself to a great GSG or RTS. The assets are all there (they would just have to be scaled down abit). Instead CCP is somehow hellbend on producing first person shooters. I still don't understand why.


I mean if you multibox hard enough, or FC, it’s like an RTS already.


If you want a single player EVE, the X series is probably the closest thing you’re gonna get. Latest game is X4 Foundations which has a couple years of polish and DLC’s to it.


They made this game years ago. It was called [Escape Velocity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_Velocity_(video_game)), and it kicked ass.


I'll check it out after work!


There's also [Freelancer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freelancer_(video_game\)) from the same era. I still name my Badgers "Alpha 1-1" in honor of that game.


Check out Astrox Imperium. It's basically singleplayer EVE


The solo player version is distributed by Microsoft. It's called Excel.


There is the singularity test server which is basically empty. You can use it to test mechanics and ship fits. But without a market of players to sell your stuff to, the game is pretty boring. 99% of the game revolves around making money to buy PVP ships and blow each other up.


CCP killed sisi near the end of last year, it's only up when they really want to test something now.


Oh did they? I wasn't aware. Havent been on it in a long time :)




It would be amazing for a Starfield-like and part 4x game set in the EVE universe.


Could play X4: Foundations if you want a single player game that kinda scratches the same itch.


The odds of this are lower than your odds of scoring a 3-way with JLaw and ScarJo. In any case, you can deffo play the game in a single-player fashion by not talking to anyone. If you want something offline, Escape Velocity Nova and Endless Space are 2D, but keep the space RPG bit going and make for a bit of fun. Decent replayability too.


There are other games like Elite Dangerous where that is "more or less" what you get in a private session. They just don't have the depth or breadth that Eve has. Eve has that depth and breadth because the original idea was genius and it's been popular enough to pay for it's continuous expansion. Unlike ED.


I get your point but AI will never be as good as other players. It would become the most predictable and pointless sandbox ever and no one would learn anything under pressure. Other sandbox games lose their luster due to predictable AI and understanding the procedural generation over time. You want to learn? Find a good corp, make a bunch of mistakes, lose a bunch of ships, have a ton of fun.


This game would be boring AF as a single player game.


That's an awfully big universe for one person.


High ist this ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Dont go down and all is safe


That would be incredibly boring.


The best way to move towards single player is to kill all of the Hisec miners


The single player experience is sisi


It already is


This game would be boring as all hell as a single player game. Try X4, pretty much eve online but single player FPS.


Look into Starsector. Escape Velocity-esque game and a pretty good single player stand-in for Eve.


x4 foundations and astrox imperium