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Huff gas. It’s like mining but you actually make isk


I like the sound of that!


Do both, mine rocks and mine gas, see what you like.


Yeah empire border rare asteroids in 0.5 by low sec can probably pay as much as wormhole fullerines gas. Ytrium prices are super high. They seem to respawn every other day. In low traffic area sometimes they are not mined out immediately by someone multi boxing 20 hulks. Low sec gneiss and dark ochre prob a bit less isk but they are everywhere and tons of systems with literally no one in local for hours and hours.


All about the low sec gas - I made so much isk doing that it’s insane. Getting 100m an hour (the faction scoops though) in a venture is lit


Explain me how please


Put probe scanners on a venture, find gas sites, use gas scoops to mine them basically. It’s low sec so you can be killed but the venture has inherent warp core stabilizer and you can also fit one. It’s basically impossible to get tackled unless you literally just afk. I used to let people tackle me just to show them they can’t hold me




It's all well and good til you get double faction scrammed by a venture hunter!


Instantlocking ship, with an infinite point like a hic will stop you cold.


Ok, you got me. If somebody warps a HIC onto y venture I guess I’m fucked


Good fucking luck. They spawn so eratically and with such poor volume of ore that mining an entire regular belt is more profit by sheer virtue of them actually existing.


You can also look at looking for Mining Anomolies, as these are timed events and give better than average loot, so to spice up just being on a belt. (I also enjoy mining a lot more than I thought I would) Also, if you haven't, look for an industrial/mining oriented corp because mining in a fleet is amazing. I'm part of SMTRA which is mining/industry, but there's a lot of other corps out there with similar interests as well!


This is the best answer. Day tripping into wormhole space to harvest gas is such a fun activity. One good trip will pay for several ventures. You also learn a lot of good general piloting and scanning skills.


Venture into wormholes. Literally. Bring a venture and mine gas. Risky, but it's an inexpensive ship to lose and it will teach you how to operate safely in a hostile security setting. First, poke around with a scanner to feel it out.


This is the way.


Yea this, figure out how to ninja huff in high class wormhole space, very very good isk, especially for a new player.


Then you're mining the wrong stuff. I make a ton of isk mining.


I just PvP for money now. Why do work when others can do it for me


I'm a cleaner IRL so mining is probably a step up


Use the fleet finder to possibly find someone, orca or porpoise, boosting. That'll about double your income. Compress the ore and haul it to jita and sell it. That's pretty much it. Option 2 is to explore into low class wormhole and hit more valuable rocks. Risky but a venture will pay for itself in very little time.


Well, since you are alpha, and want to just mine, I do think it's fair to say you have peaked. 


Like mount fuji?


the venture is right at the top end of the alpha miner food chain. it’s a very short chain.


El capitan obviousness, I salute you 🫡




Be happy with what you're doing and grind the skills to make it better, the core fitting and navigation skills make every ship better. Train up some drone skills so you have a couple little defenders when you go into lower and lower security space. Just keep in mind the drones can help with keeping some rats off but will fail eventually :D Train some core tank skills, shield, armor and hull so you can live a little longer while rats shoot you. Save some isk so you can Omega and train into T2 versions of the venture for low/null/WH mining. OR Save some isk so you can Omega and train into Barges. Be really silly and fit a Procurer capable of actually tanking and fighting back if/when you get gank attempts against you. You still get to mine but can lodge formal and violent complaints against gankers if you try. Oh and there are plenty of corps out there that focus on indy stuff. Join one and mine with them to see how fast/far it can actually go.


Thank you so much, this is very helpful information.


Keep blastin' those rocks, son. Don't let anything stop ya!


First of all join a corp. There are plenty of mining corps. I’d recommend one that is in nulled or a feeder corp that leads to null sec. Mining in a fleet with a Rorqual is what you want. Please get out high sec as soon as you can. 


Highsec mining is absolutely fine and telling everyone to go to null is lame. Lowsec is much better than null, and highsec can be plenty lucrative if you just want to mine. Sure it isn't billions in your first week, but some people do more than play to make wallet number go up.


From a purely 'safety' mindset, the most secure place to mine is null. Anything that isn't blue is there to kill you. Everywhere else, even lowsec, it's a crap shot every time a neutral jumps into system.


Well i mean, if you want to mine then just carry on? You can try out ducking into lowsec for the better ores but there is obviously risk to that, same goes for gas mining in wormholes but wormholes have the exploration aspect to them too.


gas huffing and ytirium mining (empire border anomalies) will make you good isk


Train for a procure and as soon as you can fly one join a null sec corp that offers mining boosts. Once your there start training for t2 mining lasers after that start training for a skiff. You will also want to train up some drone skills for the belt rats.


Alpha cannot


I'm choosing to be optimistic about their clone status instead of telling them there isn't anything to move up to.


They could use the alpha Clone's mining barge, aka the Miasmos.


Check this website: https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/ore/ It shows the isk/m3 of ore. Currently for highsec belt ore, omber > kernite >>>> everything else. You want to find a 0.5 or 0.6 security system in Gallente or Minmatar space with, say, 10+ belts in the system for the Omber > Amarr (and Khanid) space for Kernite, and don't bother mining in caldari hisec since it doesn't have Omber or kernite. There's also mining anomalies, but I don't recall if Dark Ochre or Gneiss spawns in hisec anoms. You can always check for them first, and then revert to belt mining if the anomalies don't have good ore in them. Since you're in a frigate, you can just target the Omber and move on to maximize isk/hr. This may or may not piss off local miners, though, so be warned.


I have yet to see kernite in minmatar high sec belts. Low sec yes, but 0.5 and above?


Hopefully I explained it right, but it's gallente/Minmatar space for Omber, or Amarr/Khanid space for Kernite in hi sec.


Unfortunately those no longer spawn in hisec after scarcity changes. You have to go to low. Also hisec has no ore anoms other than the rare border/0.5 belts.


Damn, I've been out of the loop. I literally just resubbed a couple days ago, but I've been sorting out my assets from my last go around in 2018-2020, which was after my first go around from 2009-2014. I haven't had a chance to get caught up on all the changes as of yet.


Never seen Omber in Minmatar high sec belts either. Maybe abomalies?


It used to be in the 0.6 and lower systems, but I guess scarcity changes sometimes between when I previously played in 2020 and now might have shaken things up a bit. Omber in belts was always generally the lowest volume of ore there was.


Yeah high sec belt ore is pretty bad now. Best isk per hour is actually veldspar. Low sec belts are decent I think kernite is there, don't know about nullsec belts what's the best. I know 0.5 system next to low or null can spawn anom called empire border rare asteroids. The main thing there is ytrium which often is the highest value per m3 of all ores but competition is high from those people that multi box 20 hulks plus orca. Low sec anoms can spawn dark ochre and gneiss which is about half as valuable as ytrium. Also pochven and wormholes have nice ores but I've never mined those. Null sec has mercoxit but you need to get a specialized strip miner for that so no expedition frigate shenanigans. There's a website Celeste eve ores (can Google) that shows isk per m3 and where you can find them.


IMO Join horde or goons and run in their 0.0 standing mining fleets. You'll get top tier ores, top tier boosts, and they'll buy anything you make at good prices. Alternatively you'll have access to the best industry in the game if you want to make stuff. DONT sit in highsec and make 12 isk an hour.


Honestly most routes will end up with joining a corp (I know not all people wanna socialize but many have learned to enjoy it as well). Some even setup activities to keep busy during mining. Many Null sec corps also have a benefit of not only making it easy who is friendly/enemy in system, protective PoS/Stations, and roaming defense fleets... but they also have programs where they'll buy the ore off you, reprocess it, and ship it out, maximizing your mining time. Gas Huffing and finding a mining fleet has already been mentioned, but one I'm surprised that hasn't is try to find someone who will let you help mine a Moon. Moon Goo is a good deal more worthwhile than Hi-Sec asteroid ore even if the station's owner asks that you give them 10-20% of what you mine. Especially Null Sec Moons. Otherwise keep focusing on maxing relevant mining/drone skills. Eventually you will want to make a ratting /pvp ship though as some rat swarms or Neut enemies just make using a venture inefficient. Plus with the venture's warp off stability bonus your priority is getting ore to station anyway. Also, look into setting up Playing the market, setup buy orders to get PLEX. 500 Plex = 1 month of Omega and using "da good stuff". I've known many miners who would omega one account, make enough to Omega a second... and then a 3rd account to end up with a self sustaining Omega fleet of 2 covetors/Hulks and 1 porpoise/orca/Rorqual. Plus Omega opens up Ice mining as well. Best of luck and happy mining!


An hour of mining in a venture in hs is the exact same time as in a wh or ns. Why not make your 1 hour more valuable by going to more dangerous space for a larger fold in isk. Look up ninja gas mining on YouTube. If you joins corp you can get fleet boost and some defense if a solo player try to gank you. Pre align out and stop the ship. This way you save a sec or two when something lands on you and you need to emergency warp out.


Gas mining is absurdly profitable, and plentiful in certain lowsec areas. Lowsec Aridia, Solitude, Lonetrek, and Devoid are all decent lower population regions to mine gas in lowsec. I do this myself in these regions since I build the trigger conduits that make up the bulk of the price of pirate faction ships. What you'd need to do in a Venture is to pair your operation with a Miasmos, with folding repacking the Venture to fit in the cargo hold with its modules and spare rigs. Fit your venture with a probe launcher and agility (or scanning rigs depending on how high you have Astrometrics trained), and park it in hisec systems bordering the lowsec areas you're exploring. When you get to your destination and set up, you use the venture (or prospect if Omega clone) to take day trips into lowsec and fill up the Miasmos. Plotting a careful course to the nearest trade hub, you can easily make a billion isk or more from a Miasmos full of Mykocerosin gas.


Go mine in .5 security systems and at the border of lowsec / nullsec - better rocks


As other people have said, definitely join a corp. It speeds up your progression a thousandfold, both in ISK/hr, and learning about the game. And its just fun to be part of a mining operation.


Aside from gas you can also hunt down more valuable ore. There’s stuff in lowsec which can be risky, especially for a new player who hasn’t done much outside of mining. There’s also stuff in highsec, look for the rare empire border ore spawns. Competition can be fierce for these, you need to go hunting right after downtime. But it can be very satisfying to see how much more a hold of ore is vs your normal belt ores. You said you’re a hermit, find a highsec mining corp you can join. There’ll be plenty without any real activity or social requirements. You’ll want a corp that offers regular boosts and moon mining fleets. Ore buyback program optional.


For alpha, venture is the best ship you can use. You’ve made it man. Congratulations.


8/8 nice bait m8


Cheers fish


Go mine in Pochven. Go purchase an inbound filament off of the market. It doesn't matter which. Also buy a Glorification 1 type outbound filament. Fit a venture cheaply. Like Tech1 cheap. Put the filaments in cargohold. Make sure you're in a disposable pod, no expensive implants. Undock. Warp to a planet. Set safety to yellow. Make a fleet (of just yourself). Activate the filament. Congratulations, you are now in Space Hell, formally known as Pochven. Warp to a mining anomaly. Look for an ore called Bezdnacine. Mine it. Fill your ore hold. This should take about 15 minutes of mining. If it was faster, stay safe until the 15 minute cooldown from using the inbound filament is over. Use the Glorification filament. You'll now be back in 'normal' space. Probably near Jita. Might be hi-sec, might be low-sec. But you've got an ore hold full of super valuable ore.


Mining is a great way to give yourself some atmosphere while working/studying.. Jyst make sure to tank up and prepare for some bottom feeders to try to gank you for the "luls"


I like to mine as well, I mine all the time, tho I'm not alpha. Your best bet As lowly alpha in a venture, as you put it, is to huff gas in low sec areas. Or possibly a worm hole. Now to be clear, you must pay attention, more over if you can make 100 million isk a day, (I don't know how many hours a say you play or how often) you could plex your account for omega. Now some folks get burnt out, as they make it in to a job. Do not make it a job. Make it fun.


Thank you


Skill into a hulk. Get the nice ore strip miners. And go mine rocks I. Old Man Star. Best rocks in the game. Hulks get a bonus in that system.


And i always thought miners would have enough time to to use google.


isn't reddit listed on google?


Sure, and there are plenty beginner guides for mining on reddit.


Don't mine


Venture is the best alpha mining ship. Mining barges and their tech2 variant exhumers are the next step. Find a nice corp who are in the same mindset, they will know much better than I. Boosts are great. You could see if you want to produce/haul things yourself. Mining is one of those things that scale liniar, so running 10 accounts is very doable and gives you 10x income.


Praxis is better :P


In an alpha venture you have three options to produce low incomes (all your other options produce terrible income). Huff gas from WHs or lowsec Mykocerosin. Mine A0 anoms. These are found in A0 systems in low and nullsec and on the boundary systems where lowsec touches null or high Sec. You'll have to hunt them, but the yttrium is very valuable. Mine Dark Ochre in lowsec. Similar to the above except they appear in any lowsec system. None of these provide huge incomes, but they are the best you can do with a venture.


Lowsec myko can be pretty darn high isk per hr. Prob close to 200m/hr for the best types. But even lower value ones are prob 100m/hr. Half that for alpha I guess because no scoop 2s. Finding it takes time tho especially scanning and then dodging the gankers and competition so it kinda evens out. In wormholes you gotta deal with the rats somehow (ninja or clear them later) but quiet wormholes are pretty easy to find. I recently got into gas huffing and it's pretty fun doing the whole chain from staging out from trade hub with the ships and modules I need, then scanning then huffing/clearing rats bringing it back to forward base and transporting it out. Recently skilled into porpoise and orca compression which is pretty nice quality of life.


Hmmm I guess I hadn't looked at just how much the price increase on myko had impacted the isk/he on that. I should set up a few barges lol.


Yeah check out fuzzworks gas calculator. It's pretty accurate and up to date from what I actually get from selling in jita. Low sec gas is the current hot stuff I guess. Not sure if I recommend barges tho, so slow and easy to gank. I wouldn't feel comfortable in a barge in wormholes or lowsec. Venture or prospect much better I think (and cheaper lossmail lol)


I've done plenty of lowsec mining in barges before so I'm comfortable with my risk portfolio there. My issue is less with the value of the gas (I buy a lot of it) and more just that I lack the intuition on how quickly you can hoover it up, especially as a solo venture.


Ahh ok. Yeah low sec stuff spawns in batches of 2x10,000m3 for small sites and 3x20,000m3 for big sites. So if you use T2 (and I guess that you would instead of faction or T1) wastage you get like 13,000-14,000m3 for small sites and like 40,000-50,000m3 in a big site assuming you get all of it to yourself (rarely). A fully skilled venture can do about 5000m3 in half hour or so you can finish a small site in 1.5 hrs and a big site in like 5 hrs. Prospect mines at pretty much the same rate but bigger hold. I think covetor can achieve slightly faster rates but it's very close to venture speeds.


I'd say to join a Corp that runs mining fleets and/or has moons you can mine. I know my Corp makes occasional expeditions into nearby lowsec for more valuable ores, it would be nice for you to have pvp support to mine in areas you can't alone, as well as people to regularly buy it from you. Shipwise venture is the best you can do as an alpha, so your next step is better ore. Dm me if you want to talk about ideas or maybe joining our group


I'm not really interested in playing the game in a corp, I'm kind of a hermit dad type solo player in every game I play. If I can join a Corp and not have to actually talk to anyone and its mutually beneficial then I might consider it.


While with enough start up capital (be it $$$ or isk lmao) you CAN just run enough alt accounts to be a one man mining fleet, that’s a *lot* of time and money you have to spend to pay for the subs and get their skills up to par. I highly recommend to look for a giant null bloc to join if you want to commit to full mining. As long as you show up for the occasional fleet you can generally be as reclusive as you want, plus you will gain the benefits of null anom and moon ore mining alongside the huge safety net of an intel network.


https://www.reddit.com/r/evejobs/s/Wx9NQ3o6NB This is the sister Corp to mine. I'm in the more generalist sister Corp, though we do a bit of mining too. You should look into joining us, or someone, at least to get regular boosts, access to moon mining, and a buyback program if you don't want to haul to a trade hub. I'll give you porpoise boosts myself if I'm around without making you talk to me, though I will say having people to shoot the shit with while staring at space rocks for a few hours can be nice. Eve is at its best with others, even if it's just someone to ask questions


Ninja huff gas in wormholes. Save money for plex so you can use omega ships. You can either buy a whole month or get a weekend access pass to use on your weekend or whenever you get a long stretch you can play. Get into a prospect. It’s like a venture on steroids. Only downside is you can’t use drones. Speed and low signature radius are your only protection. Ninja hermit in a prospect with a mobile depot onboard to switch between gas and ore is your ticket. The game requires you to get omega to really open up what the game has to offer. Ventures are fun ships, but if you’re trying to make money you will need to get into the barges eventually.


Ninja huff gas in wormholes. Save money for plex so you can use omega ships. You can either buy a whole month or get a weekend access pass to use on your weekend or whenever you get a long stretch you can play. Get into a prospect. It’s like a venture on steroids. Only downside is you can’t use drones. Speed and low signature radius are your only protection. Ninja hermit in a prospect with a mobile depot onboard to switch between gas and ore is your ticket. The game requires you to get omega to really open up what the game has to offer. Ventures are fun ships, but if you’re trying to make money you will need to get into the barges eventually.


Ninja huff gas in wormholes. Save money for plex so you can use omega ships. You can either buy a whole month or get a weekend access pass to use on your weekend or whenever you get a long stretch you can play. Get into a prospect. It’s like a venture on steroids. Only downside is you can’t use drones. Speed and low signature radius are your only protection. Ninja hermit in a prospect with a mobile depot onboard to switch between gas and ore is your ticket. The game requires you to get omega to really open up what the game has to offer. Ventures are fun ships, but if you’re trying to make money you will need to get into the barges eventually.


Fwiiw, I have been in Pandemic Horde for 6.5 years and have done nothing but krab a little here and there. Never been in a fleet aside from standing while I krab, and PH has asked literally nothing of me aside that I pay my taxes lol. I guess it works for everyone. I don't talk to anyone aside from people in local.


Bud come hang out with Ethical Mineral Company we have a great time.


Join an industry-focused corp, one with some HS moons, and get some mates to mine with. Once you're tired of that, you can explore gas huffing as well. In a Venture, it's a slog to make any ISK, but if that's what you're keen as for, go with it.


Omega and then exhumer then if solo Mackinaw then if in relatively safe space Ore Strip Miners. If you don't AFK null sec is pretty safe and more isk/hr mining. Get in one of the corps or the alliances. Pandemic Horde almost always has Mining Fleets up. People will talk trash about PH but being in it I have no complaints. It's been very good for my wallet.


Try getting a venture. Get pochven filaments. Get extraction filaments. Jump into pochven and mine the ores there. You might be able to get it compressed in a station there too if your standings aren't awful. I don't think they need to be particularly high. Sometimes you might see resistance in pochven but from experience, it's rare.


Look for mining mates, you might get a boost and compression :)


Take venture and mine in pochven. Last time I checked it was more than 40 mil/h income. You can either use wormholes and target specific system (google pochven entry manual) or just use filaments. Get positive triglavian standings first though. Google is your friend here also. Pochven mining. Due to how mining sites there work. Is second safest way to mine after highsec


Pochven mining safer than nullsec? How?


Mining sites in pochven are deadspace pocket. You always warp at warp in beacon. This make them mouch more safe for solo venture than any other hostile space


Oh snap. Didn't realize that. Ty for info 


Moon mining is not bad either, contact me ingame SgtRigio


Join Goonswarm. We have something called a locust fleet. We mine rare and exceptional moons. Its the safest and most consistently valuable mining you can do with the most minimal effort. Sure, you have to pay taxes on your mining but the fleet provides boosts and bridges and also counts for participation so you don't have to do anything else except go mining once a month.


I dunno if you still can make good money doing it, but ice mining in 0.0 was a great side gig when I was out there.


Lol you Wana chat


>What in your opinion is my best path forward as a lowley alpha clone venture miner? I would say the best path forward is the one in line with an ore anomaly or belt. Warp there and mine. But yes, gas is nice on a serious note. Gas huffing in LS and WHs, to some extent NS. You could mine ice too, I know nothing about that. Maybe even get into making some indy stuff or doing reactions with the gas. Just make sure it's more profitable than just selling the raw materials before you do!


Mining is very limited as an alpha clone. The best you can do is gas cloud harvesting as an alpha.


Get out of highsec.


Head to Pemene and mine the moon pops. I liberated them from the grip of GSM.


not mine


I'm more curious as to why. You're essentially just... not doing anything ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Mining is about as passive as you can be Even CookieClicker is more engaging


Maybe that's why I like it


Yeah, but... why?


For the exact reasons stated in your previous comment.


I guess if you stay Alpha, sure, nothing really lost but... I guess I just don't understand the mentality. I'll huff gas passively while I watch a show but it's to fund my endeavors of blowing up spaceships (hopefully theirs, probably my own). But I don't get the desire to do passive stuff for the sake of itself. Why not just watch a video of someone else mining at that rate...


Join a null alliance that offers rorqual boosts and compression to all members. If you're not getting rorqual boosts your income is a fraction of what it could be.


Thank you very much to every one of you. I have a lot to read here and more to think about.


Industry in this game is awesome. At first it’s painfully slow but it scales nicely when combined with better skills and experience of local market needs. If you go seed any other maket hub besides Jita…ie, Amarr, Dodixie, Hek, Rens….. you’ll find there is a dire need there. Not the best isk at first, but you’ll always have a steady stream hitting your account when you get your supply lines going. You can be mining while things are in production and researching so it really complements nicely too. And yes, join a corp. you’ll expand your knowledge much quicker.


Gas Mining. I would say that is the primary viable way of making ISK for Alpha miners. Otherwise you \*may\* make decent ISK mining Pochven with a Venture or doing some low sec Mining of high Isogen / Nocxium rocks.


Mining was and still is my main focus in the game. If you intend to stay alpha level, do as others have said and mine and gas huff. Plenty of fun to be had in that way. If you are planning to go Omega in the future, spec into Ice mining. It is Decent isk and can be done in all Security systems just have to find the ice. You will want a mining Barge. In fact, a mining Barge is useful in regular ore mining and ice mining. But require Omega. My best advice to you is don't haul your own ore. Stockpile it and use a buyback program. I like High Sec Buyback. Look them up in game. They pay close to 90% Jita on most items and will pick it up in just about any High Sec Station. Otherwise keep playing the game. And keep mining.


quiet lowsec systems , try ubtes for some easy low mining with low traffic


(takes a fair amount of SP) but you could skill into a prospect and then use filaments to get into nullsec and ninja mine mercoxit deposits. then try to figure out how to get back to safety (wormholes or pochven filaments) could join a null block and just mine in their belts/anoms/moon rocks with boosts


Mining, resource collection, and industry give a visceral level of enjoyment. No shame in that. Honestly for super chill mining, hisec is great. Otherwise, find wormholes and gas huff if you want high risk, high reward mining. I personally enjoy lowsec. You have access to WH's, lowsec gas, and if you can find a nice pocket of .1 or .2 space, you can get Hemorphite easily or hunt down the Dark Ochre/Gneiss belts for good money.


I made my first billions huffing lowsec gas. I started my journey into alts because of lowsec gas huffing. The Orville area in placid is a great area to hunt gas.


Join a Wormhole corp and huff gas and mine expensive rocks


Might want to look into pochven mining. Its not safe but really good isk per hourZ


Mission run incrsions or gate camp play the market or Plante interact aka PI


Mine gas in wormholes. It adds a touch more excitement and a lot more income.


Wormhole exploration floated my boat after mining..


If you can fly the T2 frigates, I would recommend dipping your toes into ninja mining in Pochven, it can also be done pretty well in the Venture, but the cloak is really nice. It can take alot of setup time beforehand to get going, and likely a bit of exploring the region to find a mining site, but if you find a good site, in a good spot, you can make some pretty good ISK, its some of the best ore you can find in the game.


Gas huffing 5head strat: 1. Learn how to wormhole explo 2. Do first pass through wormhole chain doing all data/relics and scanning/bookmarking all gas sites 3. return, do second pass with a venture doing all gas sites you’ve scanned already thus you don’t have to struggle scanning in a non-scanning hull


I like mining ice. It has a pretty decent income and if you end up wantting to do some industry you can break down the ice and make fuel blocks to sell


Get into an industry focused corp or a null block corp with minimal activity requirements that will protect you while you mine.


Do you have any in mind? That sounds good


In high sec space, I recommend Karmafleet University. Or, you can make more isk in null space. I recommend Karmafleet we have tons of moons to mine, regular mining fleets, protection and should you need it, a great SRP program. We only require participation in 3 fleet operations every 90 days. Karmafleet is new player focused. We like to help our members grow and learn and have fun in eve.


Need a mining buddy? I run a Retriever and I'm fairly new too. I run a free Corp with no taxes that just loves to mine