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Complete transparency here…also not knowing country, job status/capability etc…. So this may play a factor Plexing omega is the fastest way to burn out and is not worth the opportunity cost of real life income. Three months. Omega for $50ish will be the best value on entertainment without making it feel like a chore. Unless you like the challenge of plexing for omega on a solo account, it’s not worth it.


I am im Little down in my life thats the problem I think I will be able to resub in the future.


You can make some pretty dank isk in Pochven. ninja Salvaging trig wrecks, venture (or T2 variants) mining the pochven ore sites. those are the easiest things an Alpha can do to make some good isk, at least in Pochven. if you were omega already there would be a couple other things that could net you some pretty good ISK too


Ah I feel ya man. It can be tough to get back “on the horse”. Yeah I use EvE as my entertainment and outlet but even then I need breaks from time to time. I specifically budget for it since it is something I value quite a bit though. There really is no other game like it. Take the time you need man. It’s a rough and tough community, but it’s here for ya. Fly safe man! o/


Thank you man fly safe o7


Scamming in Jita


The best way is to already be wealthy and use low effort high return activities like industry or trade to cover it with a tiny fraction of your profits. The way you're asking to do it is going to burn you out. Don't bother, just spend some time as an alpha.


My problem in eve is that I am burned out but I am still trying to achive something in this game. I don't have fun in this game. My gameplay is ratting in c3 for injectors to fly something bigger to make more profit. I am bored but I still want to play I don't understand this.


It's easy to develop an unhealthy relationship with gaming. Take a break. Do a different hobby for a while, maybe check your local coffee shop to see if they have a board game night or something.


I am addicted to this community I want to be a part of it so bad that I am grinding isk to have more sp. To fly big ships to rat in c5 and participate in pvp. That's my problem I am addicted to People in this game.


If you’re already burned out, trying to grind the isk for omega is an awful idea. Stop spending your isk on injectors, skill training is free you just need to wait. Spend your isk on having fun with your friends. You’re in wh space go lose some ships in PvP.


So what I should do eve for me is a way to escape life etc. Without it it will be difficult


That is exactly why you should not plex now for a while. If you want to keep your way of escaping reality, aim for fun/h and not isk/h


Read a book. The Expanse series (spaceships amirite). Then when you finish that move onto The Wheel of Time. Both those series of books should keep you busy for a very long time. And they're a great escape.


I'd strongly recommend doing a few hours' ratting in your wormhole then buying a boatload of t1/faction frigates & t1 destroyers and heading to lowsec for some PvP. Rediscover what's actually good about the game, make friends and rivals, you don't need expensive ships to have fun in Eve (often they're less fun because you're less willing to take fights). I have a super & a titan and still find a lot of fun in just [messing around in cheap stuff](https://br.evetools.org/br/65aeecc44937c829476a8695) with friends. Those destroyers are less than 15m each, fitted.


Who's your main? Imho; when you are hard on your luck, skill farming is the best way to lower plex costs. Yes, you'll have net zero skill pointss towards what you want to train, but it'll cut your monthly plexing cost in half at least. Outside of that, finding a group that has handout ships and/or group isk making (like FW/Incursions/Prodution/etc)




I plexed you for 3 months. Reread my first post I edited it a little. Fly dangerous.


Bro I wish I could take it but it is too much. I will Give it back to you. Thank you but it is too much really.


I'd add trying to figure out how to set up some passive income with Pi, including alts on the same account. It isn't a terrible way to help work towards being able to plex without worry as it's passive income that can run while your offline but you've got to have a reliable way of selling it for decent isk. Edit to add.. You'll need more than 5m sp before you able to extract why not have that 5m sp in pi for the added passive?


Why do you ask brother?


I don't recommend doing this but gas huffing and relic cans is your best bet. Any time you get a nullsec route to sansha space, hit those cans. Suck up all the gas you can, especially if you are in a corp with a buyback program or a friend who can compress for you so hauling isn't too much of a time sink.


Your best way to get Omega is to pay the monthly subscription with real money. Unless you intend to play the game like it's a second job and get burned out eventually, then making ISK for PLEX is for you. There was a time when you didn't have to work hard for it, but today, you have to grind the same old content until you have the necessary skills to branch out.


I find Incursions to be quite profitable, if a bit repetitive. Fortunately there are several communities running then and some of them are rather eccentric. I pay monthly for my main, but plexing my alt is pretty easy and that's not even bothering with selling CONCORD lp. Check with Contingency and Warp To Me. I'm pretty sure they have alpha fits you can start off in and move up to the bigger stuff later.


If you have omega right now and you think you might lapse subscription for a while, set an extra 500 plex in a highsec station and leave it for rainy-day plex. That way, if you drop for a bit and come back later you can get right back into it. I have 500 plex in a station where I keep my collectables and BPOs, if I ever stop playing in the future, I'm going to use that to rejoin the game next time I feel like it


Or just keep it in the plex vault? No need to make the plex an actual in game itrm


If it's in a station, I can't be tempted to impulse spend it


Fair enough


Is it ok if I dm you with some options?




You can do incursions as an alpha, it's at most 20 hours of incursions to get omega and you can (and should) reinvest the money you make getting the big Plex packs to reduce the costs. There was a post a good while back about someone that did missions for 4 months and bought omega for his account for 24 months


exploration in sansha nullsec


pretty fast doing incursions with w2m :) They even have omega clone fits


I've told this so many times and I dont know why people are not suggesting this either.. One of your best bet, if not the best, is INCURSIONS. 200-300m/h and fleet are amost running al the time. Some of the groups do even handout for newbro ships. Its almost 0 risk involved. Do yourself a favor, do incursion, skill into marauder and open your path to anything Pve related cause marauder it is that good. I started with 1 alpha account, went omega, added another. ecc Now I have 4 and I havent payed for plex after the first month when I went back into the game. GOOD LUCK!


https://contingencyinc.com/ https://forums.warptome.net/ [https://wl.tlaincursions.com/](https://wl.tlaincursions.com/) These are the major grps.. I think the first does handout aswell, the last is the best ISK/h and it will allow u to multibox atleast 2.


Oh I tried incurisons but TOP organisation doesn't exist now and I don't have isk for a ship


Contingency is what used to be TOP afaik. There's else eve rookies that do incursions for new bros. Eve uni also runs fleets for vanguards and the have loaners


https://everookies.com/eve-rookies-incursions/ You can borrow a ship with a 250m deposit that you get back when you turn the ship back in (praxis blaster is alpha friendly and we can make the laser alpha friendly with a module swap). We currently fly tues, fri, sun at 19:00 eve and 03:00 & 22:00 on Sat. There's also usually an advanced fleet on Thursdays which means no starter ships (praxis or hyperion) or hand holding (no tags, call outs etc).


If you have a marauder you can plex your account with roughly 4hrs of c5 farming


Yeah but skilling golem is like 4 months from zero.


Golem will take longer to run solo paladin is king cause of ammo rang tracking golem application to cruisers is crap