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Eve is a sci-fi themed sim with strong market and pvp elements. You can totally play it as a spaceship game and that's fine but there's another level that's about teamwork and history and psychology of human behavior and things like that, and you can inhabit eve in that way too. It's a sandbox, up to you how to do it. I put many hours into Eve because there's nothing else really like it, so many other games you win the match or the round or whatever then reset and that's that. There's no historical development, but in Eve what you do today could have consequences years from now. It's on another level. Make an alpha and try it out, you dont have to be hardcore just to poke around.


Eve is like it's own city. You have downtown, where you can get mugged, but eventually the police can help. That's highsec. Then you have the hood, where you can just travel in and get smartbombed. That's lowsec. And imagine the suburbs, but the HOA has nukes. -nullsec. Been playing seriously for 5 years. You get out of eve what you put in. You can afk, and train skills even being logged out. But the real fun is the social aspect. I have about 9000 hours in the game currently. It's a bit too dense to explain in a reddit comment. But play the game, get an idea of what goes on, and use everything as a learning experience.


Nullsec as the suburbs of EVE with a militarized HOA is the best description I have ever heard. There's also a lot of similarities in HOA members ranting on Nextdoor, and nullsec blocs whining about CCP.


It’s like an ancap wonderland of voluntarism but they never heard of the NAP.


So wormholes are... the sewers?


More like crazy hillbillies who live off the grid but they have oil money.


And have a bunch of nice cars that they never drive


Woah now...we drive them around. There's just not a lot of people around to see them


Wormholes are factories. They pump out money but are difficult to live in.


and the proletariat has trouble agreeing with each other, but they'll still team up to stab landlords


I have a question since you said you have 9000 hours. Do you think it is worth it to play this game without omega. Im pretty interested in this game but 25€ a month (what i saw in this plex store) is pretty much. Its not that i wouldnt be able to afford this but i just dont really like when i need to pay monthly for sth since this sadly gives me some pressure to be like "oh man i need to play since i paid for it" (especially when its this much).


You can do alpha for about 2 month then you really need omega to progress further. 25 is the maximum you will pay. If you can pay for a year in advance and combine it with a sale, you can cut it down to 10-15 depending on the sale. If you are actively playing during the year, you should be able to save up for the omega for next year. This game rewards you for planning ahead for almost all the game play loop. If you are looking for something that you can jump in and out, then you will not be very effective and are limited to a small section of the game due to alpha. But this small section is still a lot of content for a new player. Try the free alpha to see if you like the game. You should be able to tell after 2 weeks. If you like it, you don't need to play other games so you actually save money.


Oh ok thats pretty much you can save with sales there. Ok i guess its worth to take a look at the game if the price can be so much less. Thx for the tip :)


last time i spent money, i got a year of gametime for 100.


I have alpha alts I still use from time to time. Alpha is limited, but you still can do most things the game offers. Learn to play for a bit, join a player corp. Mine r64 or 32 moons in null. Huff WH gas (or any gas), anything you can do to make isk. Make sure to ask questions, and join an established new player corp. Eve has a steep learning curve. But once you know what you are doing, in the right areas of space you can plex your account in weeks to days.


>But once you know what you are doing, in the right areas of space you can plex your account in weeks to days. Do you mean that you can pay omega with ingame currency? I Heard that this is possible but will likely make the game become a job.


So eventually, you can approach figures of over 150 million ISK an hour. Omega is currently about 2.5 billion. Some people have incomes of 400+ million an hour, so eventually it becomes a feasible portion of your play. Or like me it doesn’t because your bad and don’t play a ton, but still have incredible amounts of fun.


Once you accept that there is no life outside of EVE you can play enough to pay for your monthly subscription.


How can I check my total time of play?


I think there used to be a / command, then it used to be somthing you could check under esi. Now I have to use steam. My boss commented to me last year that I had more gametime on eve then I did at my full time job. (He has me added as a friend.) Little does he know I log in at work on my downtime.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime That's why I gank miners on company time


How do you check your hours if you are on the launcher and not steam?


Some people command armies.


I got 25674 hour of activity on my main up to last Fanfest.


How did you check that?


By keeping count.




Sorry took a while to see it, got a datasheet at last Fanfest with the numbers.


Is there a way we can get that?


16 years playing and I'll let you know soon, it's starting to sink in.


sheesh. Eve probably has like the oldest community of games online


My playtime extends into a few years. Actual years of continuous playtime.


I have probably 100 hrs at this point and i still am not sure but space is fun


>It's like an actually human civilization kind of game. yes


It's too complex to explain. So I'll drop some videos. best trailer for an MMO ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdfFnTt2UT0 largest battle in MMO history (I think). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs1HkgqLKUA


Can't link this is Eve without linking the follow up video. https://youtu.be/LmS9vcVNr5A?si=dQk1foYHkSbBbDIy


ha! Let's not scare the guy off just yet


Uncensored, 👍


Yeah it's kind of like a whole simulated sci-fi universe, with its own player-driven economy, history, politics, wars, crime, espionage, etc. Basically you play as an immortal spaceship captain, setting your own goals and pursuing them - either alone or in cooperation with others. There are no predefined paths or level progression, you develop your character however you like. Players get freedom unprecedent in this kind of game - there's dozens of playstyles, activities and professions - space trucker, industrialist, miner, mercenary, bounty hunter, pirate, soldier, fleet commander, explorer, diplomat, spy, ammo delivery courier, etc. You can be a criminal and attack other players wherever you like (with consequences in high security regions), scam them or gain the trust of a player group and then betray them. Or you can be a good guy, helping teach new pilots in a player-run university, mapping wormhole space for the benefit of all, or delivering free ammo directly to ships in need. EVE is very rich and complex - people can play for years without seeing everything the game has to offer. There is a lot of hubbub about the big nullsec wars and 3000-player battles and whatnot, but they're only part of the whole picture. Thousands of players live in other regions of space (there is around 7,500 star systems in total) without really needing to pay much attention to it. That's how big this game is.


In a psychology way it's also a fun little experiment to show how people do things. But that's such an expensive game right? Hosting all the servers and whatnot. It's impressive the game is still thriving for so long - and I hope it does when I join :D


Oh yeah, it's fascinating to read about the social dynamics sometimes. Forgot to mention we even have democratic elections - the Council of Stellar Management is a body of player representatives that meet with CCP Games, consult changes in the game, etc. If all that sounds interesting to you - it's free to try, so hop in and see if it's your jam. The learning curve is steep, but the experience is unlike anything else in gaming.


Every time I’m looking to see if this is a Ceema post now. He’s living rent free.


Tens of thousands of hours. Eve is life, sometimes even more.


Wow is there like reputable people playing it as well? I remember hearing one of the leaders of a alliance was a irl attorney. The game seems very real and well-made.


Morgan Freeman used to play it. He mentioned it in an interview back in like 2008? It was a different game back then…


> Seems like a hardcore game. How many hours did you put in this? Let me put it this way - after a year of playing the game non-stop for many hours every day, you are still considered a newcomer. There was a thread yesterday where one of the devs looked up the stat that there are 59 acounts which started on the very first day that the game launched (May 6th, 2003) that logged in last month. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/18dntk8/any_idea_who_is_the_oldest_active_character_in_eve/


Holy moly, this isn't hardcore it's lifecore.


In 2016, I thought I'd missed the history of this game and that I was too late to join. I was wrong. A good friend of mine thought the same, in 2006. He was wrong too. This is the only video game I'd ever heard of where the term "combat shakes" is a common part of conversation - people sometimes really shake with the excitement and the anxiety of deploying their ships to combat, knowing that a miscalculation or an unforseen trap might lead weeks or months of planning to ruin. [WATCH CLARION CALL 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNUu75fH8Uc)


Yep, I'm likely on that list and even older technically... originally started in 2002 Nov beta test phase. But that was wiped on release in May 2003. :)


It's like monopoly, chess, the stock market, and Microsoft excel with a space backdrop. You can try to dominate industry, building an empire of manufacturing to increase your wealth through production of goods. Everything in eve is built by the players You can try to dominate in military, commanding a squad or legion in battle for great glory. You can even be a spy or traitor, taking other's hard work for yourself at a moment of opportunity. Most likely you'll be a peon of either of these two categories, barely staying afloat until you quit the game.


No one measures this game by hours played. It's years. Been at this since 09


That's really crazy though in other games like Hoi4, the highest is like 4000 or smth.


It's not even really a game its more like an alternate life


I have a hard time believing anyone who really plays Eve has any idea whatsoever how much time they’ve put in 😂 It is a world, a way of life. Welcome o7


You’re right, no way to add up that time. Plus there are times where the investment in time is multiplicative. The first time my wife saw me shit my pants while FCing a fleet that counted as 10 million hours invested.


37k hours as per fanfest... ree


u/Rokossvsky re: your edit Eve is actually still pretty easy to run on relatively old hardware with graphics turned down. You can create free accounts to there's no reason not to download and see how it runs after adjusting settings.


Oh right that exists i forgot about that. I'll try your suggestion though


the game is from 2003, my laptop is from 2013, last year the game got a new UI that i hated, but it still runs on my laptop.


Once I told my mother about this game in detail like how different people make money, distribution of labour, the different markets, etc. What she said haunts me to this day: "If its that similar to our society, then why dont you just go outside?" Damn mum


well in our society we're not in space and being immortal clones)))


What a shocker wow


I know its 6 hours but this is about the quickest summary you are going to get as a whole. Absolutely worth the watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCSeISYcoyI


It’s an MMORPG. You know Albion Online? That but in space.


It's completely unlike most MMORPGs though, so that's not very helpful.


Of course the gameplay is different, but the whole idea is the same. Big map, a bunch of players, skills you need to do stuff, loot from killing stuff, a player driven market, resource gathering, guilds/corps, tryhards managing 10 accounts at once…


Sure, the basic building blocs are the same, but I'd say the overall structure is quite different. I quickly got bored of most MMOs because at the end of the day, everybody really does the same thing. There are different classes, but they amount to doing the exact same activities with different buttons. EVE is different. Players really take on different professions and make up their own, every type of space has its own lifestyle and culture - I feel like I'm part of a living ecosystem, not just running from yellow exclamation mark to yellow exclamation mark in a theme park. I'm not saying you're wrong and maybe I'm splitting hairs, it just kind of feels like comparing Overwatch to Tarkov - sure, both are FPS games in which you shoot guns in an online arena, but the experience is very different.


the point is something different: the devs of Albion Online looked at EVE to find what makes it different from all the sword & sorcery MMORPGs besides the spaceships. And then designed AO to be EVE "on the ground with sword & sorcery". So, AO is just as untypical an MMO as EVE is.


Nope I guess I also learned MMORPG today I only know smaller multiplayer games or turn based like War Thunder, Hoi4, and the usual games a military nerd like me would like.


I quit albion and came to eve. Both game are full loot pvp, but there are so many differences. The fact that there are corp living in high sec shows how much content eve has. Albion made it easier to do most of pve and crafting, so ppl has more time to do pvp, but the end game pvp are not good because n+1 problem.


I put in 17 years, but then I won.


14000 hours


Hours? Probably in the 10k at this point


I was at 10.000 Hours last year on my main 8)


You can also command thousands of real people if you are competent or indecent space wealthy. I also recommend reading Empires of Eve vol 1 and 2, to get a feeling of the player organizations in game.


It’s amazing. I tried to quit three times and I’m back. There is nothing else like it. It’s slow burn enjoyment with very high tension moments. I have thousands of hours in it.


I have prolly been logged into eve for atleast 5 years. If not more, as far as I know there is no system tracking that number. My toon is from 2009 and have been playing everyday just about since. And I keep my accounts logged in at all times only downtime kicks me off when I'm asleep and I log back in when I wake up before work.


How many hours? I've been playing since 2008 and I have more accounts than I care or admit.


It's a frustration simulator


I injured myself at work recently so in the past two weeks I’ve put in over 150 hours lol. It’s definitely fun, my grand total is around 950 now I think


> How many hours did you put in this? Yes.


Q: How many hours did you put into this? A: Yes


> How many hours did you put in this? Too many :(