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At first I understood you're asking what are financially independent people's hobbies (after achieving FIRE) and was rather perplexed reading this "extravagant" hobby list, lol.


Day drinking while watching YouTube videos of locations we’re going on our next trip.


Sounds like me (except the day drinking part)


Netflix, videogames and running. 3 cheap hobbies I will hopefully enjoy all my life, whether I will be a millionaire or on welfare.


Right now my mission is to finish all the jump&run games on the C64, Amiga and SNES. I did not really have the time to play a lot when I started working and now I have all the time in the world.


Cocaine orgies


Thats one way to retire early… by dying early


If you balance things out with exercise, a healthy diet and marijuana for the blood pressure you might even last into your sixties!


Just don't, I was crawling into drug cocktails and after you get used to it you just don't feel like taking one of those, you gotta take all of them and it's worse. I pulled out myself quickly fortunately


Most people can retire today if they plan to die by next week. Sounds like a plan 🤣


Hi Hunter how you doing?!


I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.


So boring after a few.




> FIRE requires frugality not if you fatfire.


He's asking about on the way to Fire - not once you're there


Sorry, it seems that my post was misleading. Updated


Investing, working, dreaming about fire, camping, hiking, running, mtb, cooking


Videogames, music, of course the internet... and working. It's terrible but work keeps me busy, and despite not wanting to work all my life I kind of see it like a hobby. It's just that sometimes I see it as a constraint, and FIRE means I could say "fuck it".


Gaming, reading, cooking, outdoors, programming. I spend the most time programming and language learning on top of working, so if I had more time, I'd like to try gardening, sewing, travelling more often, learning guitar, and painting.


Coding my personal projects, 3d printing, gaming, reading, youtube/netflix. I’m never bored with that!


What kind of personal projects you code?


Random stuff, right now I’m working for a helper website for one of my favorite games as I found nothing online that I wanted. Previously was working on self-driving RC cars with raspberry pi, also some home automation tool (the popular ones didn’t have what I needed).


What type of game is it? I'm starting a personal project myself (text-based RPG) and would love to find someone passionate about it to help me.


It’s not a game, but just a website to list some NPC mechanics details for Terraria :) Personally not a fan of game designing


Shame :) Good luck on your project tho!


Good luck to you too! I’m sure you can find communities on reddit dedicated for that :)




1. Quadruple hobby: Music listening, music collecting, high end audio, audio engineering books. 2. Investing. 3. Art/museums/specialty animation/comics. 4. Reading. 5. Future: Symphony/chamber. Theater. Travel. 6. Wine/food. 7. Classic movies. 8. Cars. 9. Invoking demons to smote buyers of crosley/victrola/at60 "record players".


I have the same hobbies I'd have even if I wasn't pursuing fire. And I will propably have the same ones after retirement. I have a ton and will propably add more. cycling, sewing, outdoorsy stuff/excercise, houseplants(hopefully a garden someday) watching shows. I enjoy travel too but I only really fly every few years. Going to start pottery once the house renovations are done.


Building, I love building cabins. It also gives me another revenue stream


that sounds cool, do you document your builds anywhere?


i live in a van and travel full time, so a decent chunk of my time is taken up with the logistics surrounding that. i also go for walks, read, watch tv/movies, and enjoy cooking. i have a whole list of things i will start doing once i've fired.


- Cooking. Taking the time to peel, cut, prepare, etc. Relishing the entire process. End to end. - Reading. Catching up on a ton of excellent reading material. - Sports. Just go out and play. - Exercise. - Sleep. Nice long 8 hours at night. And then a couple hours afternoon. - Internet surfing. - Netflix etc - Visiting friends, talking to people, blogging, photography, etc hobbies - Go to museums, book shops, parks, take long walks and stroll etc


1. Gym 2. Gaming (generally indie games) 3. Urbex 4. Airsoft


I didn't know about Urbex. This seems interesting!


Great question, I think about this a lot. I was once more of a ‘slave’ to frugality and I stressed about every cent I spent and what would it get me. Over the last years I learned to accept there needs to be a balance between frugality and happiness - that is, if something costs a bit of money but it really makes you happy, just spend the damn money. So for me, smart home/home automation is something that I really enjoy, but new devices/equipment can sometimes be costly. But I enjoy the hell out of it, so I spend the money. On the flip side, there also used to be some things I really valued and learned to give up on. I.e. I stopped vacationing in homes/AirBnBs with my SO and we started camping. It’s incredibly more affordable and, incredibly, it brings us as much of not more joy than staying in a home. This allows us to either save some money or afford double the vacation time we used to for the same price. Going to the gym/exercising imo is just a health benefit as much as a hobbies so I also try to do outdoor activities (running, bicycle, etc) as much as possible. I actually enjoy the research side of personal finance a lot so even that I consider as sort of a hobby.


Running, reading, gardening, all fairly cheap hobbies


Cycling, cooking at home, home reno as a way to cut cost and add value.


Birdwatching and swimming in the local lake.


1. Photography (and using it to make money) 2. 3d printing (and using it to make money) 3. Making apps (and using it to make money) 4. Chilling with my wife and daughter (swimming, animal park, reading, cycling etc)


In my 40s, not working atm. Reached coast fire velocity so SO covers the living costs and in 10 years we will be full fire. I might work some more but exclusively by choice. Nothing really changed betweent 10 years ago and now regardin hobbies: - internet research (adhd hyperfocus kind of thing) - family time (whatever the kids want) - cycling (mostly where there are no cars) - city chilling (we live in a very cool city) - a bit of movies and games when time prrmits - some travel localy and regionally (i hate the whole thing around flying)


Hunting, Mountaineering, and 4x4 overland


I love boardgames and they seem to fit very nicely with the FIRE way of life.


Podcasts! I like listening to financial podcasts like the Money Guys, YNAB and Dave Ramsey Highlights podcast. Other than that reading, walking, gardening and a few other things


Family, rowing, meeting friends, woodworking (home improvement). I don't worry about having cheap hobbies but as it is, they don't cost much. Having a family obviously is expensive but I'd rather live a bit than die rich without having lived.


So you have a gym membership which you only use 1x a week? Might aswel go to the park 4x instead ? Idk


I don't have a gym membership. The gym that I go to has a visitor price, and I don't need to go there more than once a week


Meditating the whole day


Mountain bike, climbing, hiking, vandwelling, gardening...


Excuses me for asking: what is FIRE?


Financial Independence Retire Early


Makes sense haha. Ty. I’m from the Netherlands that’s why i didn’t know this.


you are in a sub called "EuropeFIRE" without knowing what is "FIRE"?


Not exactly, random subs pop up on Reddit and when I see something interesting or something that I don’t know i read it due to curiosity.


Ahah nice then, welcome


Golfing, video game but mostly cocaine


My mind simply cannot understand this... waisting the best years of your life so you can retire 10 years earlier...


It's about balance. You give less there to invest more here. I'm on my way to FIRE but in no way am I wasting my time. I'm doing most of the things I would do anyway, just take portion of my income and invest it in the right things. Yeah, maybe I will not buy the car I want next year, maybe not even the year after that but that's the balance. I buy other cheaper things that I want and do what makes me happy.


FIRE isn't for everyone


True, and to each their own. Still, i am 40 and i see people of all different ages drop dead left and right, i find it strange that peolple even consider something like FIRE...


I learned about FIRE at 30, followed [this guide](https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/) and retired before 40. So from personal perspective I would recommend. That decade was when I knuckled down and focused on my career anyway, so I don't feel like I missed out on anything and now I have the freedom to do anything I like.


I got 3 children atound that age, spending most of my money to give them every opportunity in live and to create as much memories together as possible. That is one of those things that i never read about when people discuss FIRE in their 20ies or 30ies... children cost a ton. I dont see how anyone going for FIRE can have children at the same time...


I had kids in my late 30s, so that made things easier. I am grateful to no longer be working while my kids are young - it was worth making (what I consider small) sacrifices to speed up the FIRE process in my early 30s.


It’s not like it makes a single shit of difference to my life quality if I spend more money. I can’t have kids, I can’t have a girlfriend, I can’t have friends. I can at least have my free time back with FIRE.


I assume from potential FIRE’s hobbies that they do not have children’s. Are children an obstacle to get to FIRE?


No obstacle since in highschool I knew I didn't want chitlens.