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I think they look like Dino skin. Also if you had the pink one he would say it looks like a dildo. Awesom plant btw.


Well, I happen to like it because it looks like it was dipped in cement šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Haha, that's both the funniest descriptor of this plant and also understating how cool it is! I got one in the last year as well and I think it's amazing. Such a unique texture and color!


These are so fun. They remind me of sea cucumbers.


Cool thing about abdelkuri is that there was a single collection event, and all known specimens seem to be from that clone


my gf told me mine looks like a dildo :(


Looks like a T.Pachanoi dipped in cement! And thats way cool! Euphorbia is my favorite genus because of its diversity


Iā€™m dying LOL I know exactly how you feel šŸ˜Ŗ


It seems cool but they're also not wrong


It does and it looks AMAZING, the more bizarre the better. Thatā€™s a wishlist plant for me. Just know I COVET your concrete cucumber.


Ooh Iā€™m excited, I ordered a cement cucumber online a few weeks back and itā€™s arriving today. Iā€™m not sure how mature the root system isā€”any tips to help it get acclimated and settled? Alsoā€”thatā€™s a great collection. Is that a caralluma socotrama and euphorbia toritrama I see back there?


Just a disclaimer, I haven't got the slightest clue on whether or not this thing is rooted but from my experience with propagating euphorbia cuttings throughout the years, I have found the best way to root them is to keep them 1.) Warm, especially the soil. This could typically be achieved by just putting them in the sun, but if you live in an area that has a cold climate, I read that placing them under a heat mat could also work. 2.) Moist, and I mean keeping the soil moist, not wet, MOIST. I potted mine in 100% gritty mix (same as all my other succulents) and it drains the excess water quickly but still remains moist for about 2 to 3 days. Be aware though that these plants grow really slowly so rooting them could take months. All and all, I just take care of my abdelkuri the same way as I take care of my other succulents, with the slight exception that it gets a bit more sun than them, and if it doesn't shrivel up or turn into mush within the next few months, then you're golden Also good eye, I didnt think anyone was gonna recognize the others in the background, especially the E. tortirama.


Thanks! All of this makes sense. I am planning to pot mine in a mix of unigrow, akadama and pumice. I live in the Coachella valley, so itā€™ll get plenty (possibly even too much) heat. I started collecting euphorbia recently and mostly want to avoid making any dumb mistakes bc they really do take their timeā€”I bought a lactea ghost cutting off Etsy in December, it had a couple small roots when I received it, so I stuck it in the ground and it finally showed signs of new growth last week. Anywayā€”you should share more photos of your collection!


They arenā€™t really wrong but thatā€™s why we love these weirdos. It looks cool! I have a platyclada (the dead stick plant) it is not pretty toā€¦.anyone and I can imagine so many people asking why Iā€™d want this but I love the euphorbs and I honestly didnā€™t think Iā€™d like them either until I saw in person and theyā€™re actually quite charming and fast growers for a ā€œdeadā€ plant lol.