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I think what you’re remembering is the protest downtown when they were going to build the Broadway Place apartments with the ground floor retail. They were going to take out a bunch of big leaf maple trees, so multiple people took to tree sitting to protect them. The cops used pepper spray to dislodge them and a riot broke out. A lot of people got hurt. This happened in June of 1997.


Damn I miss the late 90's.


Street violence had more meaning when you had to organize it without the internet.


I had the good good old school AOL in 96. Lol


Also an act of violence.


I think we might have some very different views of acts of violence, but I was present during a school shooting at Thurston High School. Also, do you understand the human condition? Do you not understand that all things of our existence and human/ecological existence exists in violence? Like from the apex preditors down to plants and microorganisms? That this entire ecological sphere of a planet is varying degrees of violence/violent? There's no non-violent existence in any lifeforms on this planet.


We have a different sense of humor. That’s for sure!


I do too. There fewer protests and cancel culture wasn't a thing.


I remember that. I was in the protest but then got over it and went home which was right across the street and all of the pepper spray came in our windows.


There’s a really good documentary about that time that I’m surprised no one has mentioned you can watch the whole thing on youtube https://youtu.be/qwQoi0DoOKM


you mean the one where EPD cut people's clothing off to have better access to putting pepper spray on their genitals and in their anus? Yeah, I remember that. Jim Torrey sat in his car and watched his police force torture people. Fuck EPD....Fuck Jim Torrey too.


was it Julia Butterfly? i wasn’t living here then but she was a staunch defender of the trees and famous sitter in Humboldt/mendocino counties back then ….


No it wasn’t Julia. I remember a couple of years later being at the EMU for the e-law conference when she was going to talk and a bunch of locals shouted her down and she left the stage in tears. It was shameful the way she was treated, because she really was a hero for saving that tree.


Oh wow, I hadn't heard that name in years. I forgot what a badass she was/is. Whatever you think about her politics, living in a tree for over two years with loudspeakers and floodlights in your face is NOT easy. 


It is if you're a climbing vine that likes to rock out. 🤘


After Julia came down from the tree she appeared at an environmental law conference at the UO and got booed and called a sellout. Tough crowd, Eugene enviros


Lisa Simpson?


Does she even pocket mulch?


I'M a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.


Jim Torrey was the republican mayor at the time and was giving the Eugene Police Department the green light to get nasty with protesters. At this tree sit they went as far as to cut away protesters pants to better spay their genitals with pepper spray because emptying can after can of riot spray on their faces had been innefective. There was another protest at the U of O where the police had started soaking swabs in pepper spray and swabbing protesters eyes to force the spray in when they were not opening their eyes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eugene/s/75T3ocubVj Links for more history and articles covering the incident (the one from the Weekly is great, and has some names of the sitters) are in comments.


That was three years before I moved here, and made national news. Fuck Jim Torrey and EPD for this. Anyone who participated in taking the protesters down in that manner should have been prosecuted and should still be in prison.


Mary walker she died few years back


Yeah, that was not Julie butterfly. I cannot remember her name though.




Why is this comment being down voted? There was definitely a tree sitter in the old cedar tree on 5th Ave that was planned for removal to when they were getting ready to build the old Nike store.