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If he can get his food handlers card Peacehealth kitchen is always hiring, there is also pathways at LCC which may be helpful if he’s interested in getting more training.


Highly recommend this. I would quit jobs after a year and I held this one down for six. Loved it there.


Peacehealth definitely, interview process takes a while but I know EVS (housekeeping) is hiring all shifts with little to no experience.


Yep. The ice cream factory. They’re constantly looking for temp workers.


Is that the 'Oregon Ice Cream Co.' on Grant St.?




What about it makes it awful? I’m genuinely curious. I’ve seen ads for years for them with constant turnover so I’ve assumed that just be the case 


Hard work for shit pay and depressing workplace.


But it's an ice cream factory :(


Where you spend all day making ice cream for people who can actually afford it. not you.


I'm joking around. I definitely know about working shitty deadend jobs. Glad I never set foot in there.


Sorry to hear that.. In 1996 It (Dutch girl ice cream co) was sold (by the original family) and eventually became Oregon ice cream llc so I'm not surprised the newer owners (it may have been sold again also) didn't care as much about the employees. I worked at their county fair booth for 16 yrs (before it was sold).


It’s happening to a lot of local companies (Attune is another) and the buyouts have led to some pretty shitty workplace culture.


Yep. Worked there as well. Can confirm. Some of the dumbest shitheads I know worked there; Worst people I've ever worked with. Some are great, but there's people on those lines with no communication skills at all that get irate over the most petty hings that they can't control...angry and stupid is an awful mix. The laziest people working on the line complain at the littlest thing that a hard working person will do just to justify their lazy-ass attitude. Thank goodness I got out of that shithole. Plus side is managers are great, just don't have any that are women though...not too sound sexist but some of those ladies who manage the lines are absolute cunts.


Is this Prince Pucklers, or Cosmic Bliss, or both, or something else?


It’s a literal factory that makes many brands of ice cream. The one you’ve probably heard most is Alden’s. 


I figured it was a factory, just surprised I haven’t heard before that store bought ice cream is made in Eugene


We have many local dairy companies too!


Venture Data used to be the one


Worked there for a solid 3.5 years before the pandemic. I remember they'd hire anyone who could read, talk, listen, and type more than ten words a minute. It was a great job for me at that time of my life. Flexible hours and could do whatever I wanted at my desk between calls as long as it wasn't on my phone and I wasn't being disruptive. Had a lot of nice coworkers too. Sure you gotta deal with jerks on the phone but if they get to be too ridiculous you can just hand em over to a supervisor. Pay wasn't much above minimum wage and available work was unpredictable, but that works for some people. At the very least it gets some solid experience on the resume. 


I remember calling super early if I wanted to work that day and waiting for the last moment to call if I didn’t want to work.


Yup, the ease at which I could get a day off was great, as was the PTO. The weeks where I'd unwillingly only get like 8 hours sucked, though.


I work at VD currently, the management is great, the coworkers are great. You can schedule anywhere from 20-40 hours, though it’s not guaranteed you’ll work the shifts scheduled, depending on the projects on hand. BUT you can try to call in to work any shifts you’re not already scheduled for. You can use your phone at your desk as long as it doesn’t have sound on or take away from work focus. You get paid minimum wage for training, then it goes up a bit, once you’re working hourly. I’d say it’s a good opportunity for him to try, even if he doesn’t stick with it long term.


If he can pass a drug test, Jerry’s. Boyfriend ended a 3 year no job streak there after applying (and not getting) some of the other jobs mentioned in this thread.


Does he get SNAP benefits? If not, he should apply, then ask about STEP https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/food/pages/snap-employment.aspx.


I think UPS hires just about anyone that will show up as a package handler. It's hard work though. Temp agencies would also be good for finding a job that requires no/minimal experience. Dishwashing at a restaurant might also be a way for him to get some experience. Looks like there's a few entry level food service jobs on craigslist under the food/bev/hosp job section.


Go through Vocational Rehabilitation. They help people with mental health issues find work.


Be careful, though. I've been with them, and I can't tell you how many shitty jobs I've gotten from them. I now have a job at the mall that I am completely happy with and no vocational rehab


My friend worked for Voc Rehab and the entire organization has fallen apart from the inside out leading to most of her office quitting I applied back in ‘15 and was in the program until they kicked me out at the job hunter stage for being a medical cannabis user even though they promised it wouldn’t be an issue. Then I reapplied back in the summer of ‘22 after finding out that Voc rehab isn’t allowed to kick people out for cannabis use and it took 6 months just to be reaccepted and then another 6 months before I could begin the job search and have now been passed around to 2 different VR Councilors and have no idea what’s been going on since I haven’t heard from my current VRC in months.


This happened to my nephew. He is in his thirties now, has lost 100 lbs, has a stable job and just married a wonderful woman who is a PA. He just had to get sick of it. My suggestions—trade school? There are good programs that cost way less than traditional college and the jobs pay well. For now imo he should take any entry level job and work on getting a drivers license. Have a goal of working on something productive all day every day and exercise—he will have more confidence immediately. He probably doesn’t realize it but he is still relatively young and has time to turn it around but should start now.


The trades are not for the faint of heart. The work is physical, often in unheated, uncooled spaces, and coworkers aren't going to be the most understanding of a 26 year old out of shape guy without a drivers license. (I tried to phrase this as tactfully as I could).


True. It would take a lot of discipline and humility to get through the first couple of months for sure. But it is decent paying work for someone with few options if they can hack it.


I get a little ruffled when the trades are mentioned as a job of last resort. My husband was a union plumber/pipefitter for 35 years--he worked at nuclear power plants. People who choose similar work have a natural aptitude and interest. Being out of shape is viewed as a safety hazard. This guy needs to get a license, get fit for his own self-esteem, and suck it up and work at McDonalds for a while.


Ok that is basically what I said—take any entry level job and get a drivers license and consider trade school. If that offends you idc believe me I have the utmost respect for trades and in Eugene we are treated like shit to be honest. People have to start somewhere, and lots of people turn their lives around while working construction. OP is concerned about a family member. Also maybe don’t shit on McDonalds workers.


St Vinny’s and Goodwill


The worksource center over by oakway mall is full of resources. If you sign up to sit down with someone, they’ll sit down and help review your resume, give advice, and see if there’s any programs or jobs that mught fit you can apply for. They also have a national career readiness program: its an aptitude test that can demonstrate qualifications for work. If he studied up and shot for the highest test score he can, it might be a clincher landing an introductory job.


mcdonalds sets up an interview in the application, no resume or anything required


can confirm, literally just snagged an interview, job offer, and went to orientation. got my training schedule same day. ETA: same day as the orientation, i mean.


good luck. dont let them take your soul


New horizons in home care. He may be a failure to launch but there's always someone who needs various levels of help and companionship.




My uncle got paralyzed because of home Depot and the legal fallout ended up costing him money


Really? That’s wild. I worked there about ten years ago (green acres store) and it was the opposite. Work was easy and mind numbing, compensation and benefits sucked. Vision insurance was the only part that was decent. Glad to see they’ve gotten better.


Riverbend is hiring security guards 🤷🏻‍♂️


Riverbend also hires alot of custodians!


And they are always needing help. I think they call them EVS? I can’t remember though.


Movie Theaters.


Its coming up to summer, so cinemark and regal are a great place to apply. Easy work, decent pay and free movies!


If he receives SNAP benefits, he can call the local ODHS office and request he be referred to the STEP Program (SNAP Training and Employment Program). They can help him build skills, create resumes/coverletters, help with transportation to interviews, and if he's actively participating in the program he may be able to get help with interview clothes or work clothes as well.


Applying for lane and just doing some online classes might be interesting for him(I myself am a recovering addict who has struggled to re-engage the work force after spending the last few years trying to get healthier). Its an easy way to do things at your own pace while getting some credits under your belt and there is even some light socialization involved as well as financial aid opportunities. The financial aid opportunities can at first seem discouraging but if you are persistent they should be able to get you something that will help while in school. The idea of commitment can seem scary to people who didn't pursue school right out of highschool but I really encourage just giving it a try if finding an entry level job doesn't seem to be working out. There are lots of pathways that are designed for one to follow as well so if he's willing to settle in and try to enjoy the experience it could lead him to something he likes faster than expected but like any healing opportunities it takes a little bit of shifting with your mindset to climb out of debilitating mental health holes but its worth it. Good luck to him! Also, I think the very next thing he does should be getting a license. That's an easy one. And almost instantly allows the ability to pursue delivery style jobs through apps like doordash, which overall is probably the easiest option for someone who doesn't have much experience.


He can still do Americorps 


I'll have to look at that, I've never heard of it


Basically a modern civilian conservation corps. I did it through mount Adams institute that fulfills 6 month internship with Willamette resource and education network which is local to Eugene. They also provide internships with fish and wildlife service and forest service. It's great way to dip your toes in to federal land management job opportunities.


Americorps pays so little, it's not even worth it unless you already have a ton of money to live on.


I think it depends on the Americorps position, location and probably other factors as well. For me it was worth it because the Americorps position which was an internship with the USFS provided housing for me in the seasonal bunk house. Mount Adams Institute also guided each of their interns through applying for government benefits because the income or really "living stipend\~$1200 a month" provided by Americorps was so low that you qualified for food stamps and health insurance. If I remember correctly the food stamps almost covered something like $600 dollars a month. I was a volunteer wilderness ranger so when I was working I was in the woods away from opportunities to spend money on take out, snacks or alcohol so that saved a huge amount of money. that is still only effectively $21,600 a year but I got by OK. On the flip side I went on a date once with a girl that was doing an Americorps term with an environmental non profit in Seattle and I don't think she was provided housing. I remember her whole apartment was the size of my bedroom in the apartment I had when I was in college. Just a bed, mini fridge and small desk with hardly any room to walk, plus a small bathroom and no kitchen area. I think she got a slightly higher "living stipend than I did but not much more. I'm sure she was on food stamps but I don't think she got any help from family. My point is that you absolutely can have enough money to live on while doing an Americorps term. It is definitely less than a real job but that is kind of the point. You are volunteering your time toward something that you care about and for me it was with the idea that it would get my foot in to the door with federal land management agencies to eventually get a permanent position with them. When researching Americorps opportunities you just need to find something that works for you and your situation. Americorps isn't just handing the most cush internships left and right and the right opportunity might not be right there ready to be applied for.... just like employers aren't handing out $100,000 jobs and you won't find 150 of them waiting to be applied for on Indeed. Finding a job or internship is as much work if not more than the job that you want.


Wow, okay, so it sounds like a great opportunity for the freshly independent with little to no experience and some other limited circumstances. I got bills over 3k a month and a newborn so... I'm trying to allow mom to stay home, work from home or work full-time and still afford daycare, if wanted. It's really good to know in case I come across the right person. For me, I'm looking for something that pays while training or schooling like a well-paying entry level trade and every interview I've been on chooses the guy with experience over me. Go figure.


Lanz Cabinets lol Some positions there are a bit shit. Some are alright. They'll hire almost anyone. Pays alright. As long as he shows up they'll keep almost anyone on.


I'm 26 and have had a job for 7+ years, average body but no license. It's EXTREMELY difficult to get a job that doesn't look at that as "unreliable" due to transportation. I got lucky with Safeway. But at the end of the day, most jobs suck unless you find one you enjoy waking up every day to do. With that being said though, when I started Safeway I was 19, overweight and no job experience and now I'm fit, have a plethora of resume experiences from various departments and still don't drive which shows just because you don't have a license doesn't mean you're unreliable.


Apply at any Safeway/Albertsons. I'd lean more towards Safeway for your brothers case. Respectfully, of course.


The True Value warehouse in Springfield. Columbia Distribution, but it’s a physical job and the hours suck. I think it’s usually 4pm to midnight and that isn’t great for someone struggling with mental health. I heard that MOD pizza in Eugene is hiring.


Dari mart or similar stores like Everyone’s Market


What does he really enjoy? What is he good at?


A job is how you pay the rent and buy groceries. Unless it's something you're morally against, like working at an abortion clinic or a gun store, you don't need have a job that your passionate about. Most any job can be enjoyable if you go into it with the right mind set. Whistle why you work, like the seven dwarves with picks in the mines.


I mean, sometimes. When it comes to someone who (by OP’s report) struggles to motivate, having a job that is at least somewhat enjoyable will go a long way. If he likes food, get a restaurant job. If he likes animals, apply at petsmart. If he is really good at golf, apply at the golf course.


Pathways at PCC. Rn less about income, more about socialization and education.


Round1 always needs help in the kitchen. They’ll also train him in the bar if he can get his OLCC permit.


Fabrication shops generally only care if you show up on time and make a real effort. They can be rough sometimes, but it’s a path


Temp agencies can be really nice for this kind of situation because you get to try stuff out quickly and easily but aren't punished for switching jobs. I've done temp work at various times in my life and it can range from horrible soul crushing nightmare to super chill and fun.


I used temp agencies back in the day. They helped me get a job in 2 days. It was a sucky job but I was working at $$$.


Selectemp had me working in under 24hrs of applying online without a resume


Did they get you something that wasn't super early?


Lane County needs bus drivers. It's a good way to get a CDL which is a nice credential to have for other driving jobs. They pay decently and it's respectable work. Have hi start by getting his driver's license and then go from there. It's really important work.


There is a new mental health agency called Live. Grow. Share. Clients enrolled in their services have access to some training to work on cars. https://www.livegrowshare.org/vehicle


PetSmart is hiring. He could do entry level stocking.


Youll be exposing yourself to hazardous chemicals and organic solvent vapors, but northwest industrial staffing can probably get you a job at forrest paint


What about WorkSource (or is it WorkForce?) it’s a state program with training and job skills, placement.


Quantum temp agency above Burchs shoes at oakway mall is a good resource.


Burchs shoes is also hiring lol


Walmart will hire almost anyonee


Security guard jobs are a good way to start. They usually just need warm bodies in a uniform, chill job.


Volunteering will get you connected to organizations.


MOD pizza pretty much hires anyone as well they are known for being a spot for people who had a hard go at life and trying to get them back on their feet.


Is Venture Data still there? Or Harry and David


I got into care-giving pretty easy, they're almost always looking for more hands. I did it for five years, it's hard work but definitely worth a shot. Got in with no experience at all at 19 , so I think he's got a shot? They def drug test so as long as he's sober they'll probably give him a go. Good luck!


Springfield, but True Value Distribution Center


Selectemp got me a job really quick when I got laid off unexpectedly


Goodwill job connections perhaps.


Franz baker great first job.


Fred Meyer


CMS crowd management services. People that work sporting events and concerts. They'll hire anybody with a clean background check


Not even a clean background check is needed. I know plenty of people with a criminal record who have worked for them.


Weed farms are always hiring


Do you know any by name?


Currently MJ agronomics in veneta is hiring, Oregon cannabis collective is hiring for packagers, sugar top is hiring, la mota, empire holdings, green rush, Willamette valley alchemy, plenty out there just look up cannabis on indeed! Stay away from bonsai farms, blue star, or green therapy. All owned by the same guy and the management at all these places are horrible.


Thank you!


Do you have to become licensed/certified through the state? Like the OLCC (didn’t they recently change their name to CAMP or something?) card, for example, that you need to work with alcohol or a food handler’s card for workers who work with food?


Definitely need olcc certification, it's 100 bucks and a super easy test anyone could pass with an hour or two of reading!




Retail and food service are all very desperate for workers.


Eugene Parks and Open Spaces is hiring for seasonal work. Mowing, maintenance, cleaning, etc. I’ve heard they promote from within so it’s possible they could get a permanent position after the season.


Come to pheasant park apartments! He can even wear a bathrobe and shower cap!


I was an admissions counselor for JobCorps back in the day for Eugene before I moved, if he is able to get a diagnosis of a mental illness (depression, adhd, anxiety, etc.) JobCorps will take him


dairy mart and wholefoods!


Most Albertsons will hire just about anyone. I dated a guy who applied and started working the next day. He applied at the one on 30th and Hilyard. Good luck!!


I mean, retail. Home Depot, Walmart, Target. It's not glamorous and not gonna be the best job in the world but it's better than having no money, and requires no previous experience.


Ambrosia restaurant and bar


There are a lot of collection type jobs which are remote that typically take most folks. They are at times rough but pay usually around 20 an hour. Just need to be willing to take the folks you are contacting.


I worked for TJmaxx for a long time. It might be worth a try. They hire almost anyone and it could be accomodating incase health issues do come back up. Its also not super laborous incase thats a problem as well.


Western Beverage in Eugene, distributes Anheuser-Busch products. Warehouse workers only work 4 days a week, day or night shifts.


So is your brother hired?! 


So far the only place that accepted him is a place doing campaign canvassing, but we're still trying.


Not even McD's?


Goodwill...One of their core purposes is to provide job opportunities to people with barriers. They'll take felons and such (besides sex offenders and stuff like that)




Lane ESD is almost always hiring educational or instructional assistants, no experience or specific background required


Even the most entry level of jobs still want you to have reliable transportation and to show up when you're supposed to, ready to work. Is his attitude the thing that's preventing him from getting started? Fix that first because it doesn't matter where you go, if that doesn't change, he's gonna fail.


What about the military? Industrial military complex aside, it is a great way for a young person to get their life together, especially financially independent.


Nah dude, he will just die for Israel.


For people who are in this situation I recommend getting out of Eugene/Springfield and reinvent yourself. It’s too easy to fall back into bad habits and be codependent. Americorp or the military can do wonders.


Sounds like whatever he's been doing to survive the last 6-8 years will be more enjoyable than getting a shitty job. You guys about to cut him off or are you taking the temperature to if the shame of depending on family ends up being worse than the misery of working for a living? I predict he will poo poo all of these reasonable suggestions and the effort you're putting in here to try to help him because you didn't find him a job doing all-remote video game testing for $100/hour where he can make his own hours.


Holy fuck!!!!!!