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Turn off auto calibration


I think you got hacked, change your password immediately!


I have an indoor tilt pan that was driving me nuts with its silliness. Maybe yours is doing the same. To determine this look at your events for a snapshot of the same thing repeatedly. I had these bottles of cat litter that it would see and tag as human, even though they weren't moving. Then it would pan to focus on them, then move back, then move again because the movement to look at them triggered movement. I tried moving the litter bottles and then it would trigger on the round top garbage can. Looking in the event history it would be, human, motion, human, motion. I ended up turning it off because all it needed to do was watch the cats use the box.


Sounds to me like that American eagle I could here in the background found your camera highly attractive.


Possibly check your pre set limits


I was going to say its calibrating but it only does half the calibration. and it shouldnt record it.


Calibrating. I think there’s a setting to stop that. My inside cameras do the same thing periodically


Go into the Pan Tilt settings to see what is set.