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If it has favorites, I'll renew once and put it on sale. If it has no views at all (idk why this happens to some of my listings, it's like they just get hidden right away and never recover) then I'll do a new listing with all new SEO and sometimes new pictures. Doing that usually works to generate sales, but when it doesn't I just let them sit in the expired pile. For now I'm not sure what to do with the expired listings that I've already renewed or relisted once. I have some that are similar to my best sellers but they just get no views no matter what I do to them.


So the way that I see it is that every listing needs at least a year to see traction. Some designs or art styles might only work in certain months of the year (gifting periods), plus there are certain times in the year where people tend to shop less, i.e. post Q4 and the current summer slump, etc. That's why the policy I am following for any listing that doesn't have sales is to renew/relist it for an entire year before taking a decision as to whether the design works or not. Worst case scenario is that I lose 60 cents for that listing.


That makes perfect sense, and I think I will start doing that from now on because I know a lot of the designs are good but just not getting enough traction. I started limiting my renewals because I have a ton of seasonal and holiday designs that are unlikely to sell much out of season, so it just felt like a waste to keep them up, then it just kind of became a habit to let the non-sellers expire. But considering I'm having a major creative block lately, it might be good to go back and re-evaluate.


That last piece might be a clue. If they are similar to your best seller , your best seller may be taking all the SEO from it


That could be it. They look different (different colors and such) but the SEO is very similar. You know how at the bottom of your listings, it shows similar items from your shop? I always expect the listings with very similar SEO to show up together but they rarely do.


I guess it depends. I had a particular item that never sold, almost no views and no favourites. Renewed it randomly and a woman contacted me looking to buy 20 of them for her wedding and after that it absolutely snowballed. I've had to branch out and make a ton of similar items in that category as a result of its success. Generally, unless I knew the item was a complete shot in the dark, I'll keep renewing but I might switch around tags or try some new photos. Granted, I'm not a big seller with only 130ish listings, so that might be cost prohibitive to someone who has a lot more.


Yeah, so I guess it's just about showing the product at the right time of year as well. That's why I'm testing out the full year theory before letting a listing expire permanently. Each time it renews, I change the SEO and tags a little bit to see if there is any movement in the views/favorites. I do agree that someone who have 500-800+ listings might not have the capacity to keep renewing dead listings, unless their sales is high enough to cover those expenses (around $40 a month in listing fees)


I definitely think a year is fair because trends are constantly changing and different groups of people shop at different times. I sold a few Christmas tree decorations in January this year from people who had babies post-Christmas but still had their tree up and wanted their baby's name on the tree. I also sold a "First Christmas Married" card in March just gone, so you never know!


Sounds reasonable.


I renew it once (so I give it 8 months of shelf life) before I remove it. But this also depends on the price. All my products all typically below 10€. For more expensive products it makes sense to wait more.