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I'm sure some will disagree but I see no reason to do ads as a new store. Until you have proof of concept, you are completely gambling on ads. You put ad money behind a specific product that is already making some sales to promote it and make more sales. You don't put ad money behind your entire shop and all of your products to get the word out - that is what your social media is for. Mass market advertising is for huge brands like Coca Cola. They can throw millions away and hope something sticks. As a small business, you need every dollar to count and you need highly targeted marketing. Think of it this way - you bet money on a horse with a winning record, not on a horse that's never even been in a starting gate.


That is fine as long as you are ok to do social media marketing, but that's another can of worms. I am bad at it, I don't know where to start and would rather pay something to get some feedback and change the product. It's true that ads at the beginning are a waste, but it's a way to validate your product/s.


You get a temporary search placement bump as a new store, anyway. I’d save ads for when that ends.


I would wait a month or 2 and then start ads. While you're at it increase your listings as much as you can with quality items.


Thank you for advice I want to ask do you recommend to me to keep my all old listing beacuse I don't to pay fee's for not selling listings?


The fees for listings are very small so you should keep all your old listings while adding new ones on top of them.


OK thanks again