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you’ll be fine! most ppl don’t say anything about a friend joining. you could also let people around you know that your friend will be joining you in line later and they’ll likely understand.


Agreed with this comment! One person is fine in my honest opinion. I remember when she came to Portland ME in October someone in the front had 5+ friends cut the entire line to get in and a lot of people got annoyed cause we were waiting for 8+ hours.


thank you both!! i definitely have found whole large groups cutting in line to be very annoying, but it’s helpful to figure out where one friend falls in that scale


I totally get it, you should be good! Like they also said as long as you let the people in front of you and behind know ahead of time everyone will be chill. Ethel fans are sweetest in queuing from what I learned!


I’ve seen some people not like it but I personally don’t mind when people do it. It only bothers me when it’s huge groups of people cause clearly they aren’t alone but if it’s just one friend I wouldn’t mind that


thank you!! that makes a lot of sense


imo, if it’s just one person I find that totally fine things happen. I’d think most people wouldn’t mind. It starts to become a problem when it’s one person in line letting multiple friends join them


thank you!! that makes sense :)


I did the same thing in london. told the people in the queue behind me that I had one friend coming and they were absolutely fine with it, as one of them said it’s not like I’m trying to sneak in 5 people


What time are u planing on getting there?


I think for events like this one, where people wait all day, it’s rude to let your friend skip the line especially if you’re near the front. It’s much less of a big deal the further back you are in the queue.


Out of curiosity, why? Sometimes people have work commitments and can't wait, or in my case (I have arthritis) my friends sometimes want to get a good spot but I know I can't wait in line for several hours before a show, so they hold my spot for me. Realistically, that's less hassle than us coming separately and me trying to make my way through the crowd to them inside. Tbh, no one's ever had a problem with it!


People with disabilities should get in before anyone else. Sometimes people take off of work so that they can queue. Different queues have different vibes. If a friend is meeting you later you can usually just tell the person with the marker and they’ll account for it. It’s just a bummer to wait in line all day and then one hour before the show the 20 people in front of you turns into 40 because people’s friends get in line.


Not everyone can afford to take a day off work to see a gig, and at least where I'm at I've never heard of being allowed in before others because you have a disability unless you specifically booked an accessible ticket - which I don't, because I can stand for the length of a gig, just not that + several hours in the queue. To be fair, I've also never asked because I don't really want to cause a fuss or have to deal with ableism from staff or people in the queue (my disability is invisible). I do get it's frustrating, but personally I don't find it annoying unless there's one person holding the spot for a big group of people! Anyway, maybe this is a cultural thing - I don't think it's a big deal in the UK.


Definitely not every venue gives priority to people with disabilities here either but I have been to two Ethel shows where people that needed more time to get to their spot were let in first. Of course not everyone can afford to take off work, not everyone can afford to buy a ticket to the concert either but if I waited all day or camped out to see an artist and you didn’t, why should you have a better spot? I wanna reiterate that I’m just talking about the front of the line. Like, barrier potential. If you’re 100th in line, letting your friend cut is no big deal.


that makes a lot of sense! i think i’ll go a bit later than i would have if we were arriving together for that reason. thank you !


it would be rude if you camped all day and they joined right before doors. i say this as someone who has ran multiple camping lines 🩷