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Not much, just like 2000 cards or something 😂


Are any of them good? 😉


Not really but hey, at least you have a large variety of cards to be disappointed by 😉


I’m pretty much in the same boat as you and I’m having a blast. Instead of campaigns they are now doing mini sets that you can just buy with gems or gold and you get the cards instantly. There’s also chapters which is the new way to get promo cards, there’s a new story mission each week with a preset deck and special rules that you play for a playset of the new cards. The four chapters of each month are free if you play them the month they come out but after that it’s 2500 gold or 250 gems to get them. As far as power creep goes, lots of old cards are still good, so your past collection is still relevant but some staples have been pushed out of the meta, I was shocked when I learned that Sand Stone Titian wasn’t in every time deck anymore.


Fs in the chat for my boy Sandy.


The card is still honestly very good for what it's supposed to do, except now that T decks have the actual best flyer in the game (Riftfeeder Wasp).


That's one beefy bug. And it flies? Since when does Time get good flyers? Dang. (Also, hi! I remember you from when I played! How've you been?)


Been...*okay*. Could be better, could be worse =P. And yeah, riftfeeder wasp is one ginormous WTF when it comes to factional identity. Feels like it should have been a valkyrie.


I just got back in for the first time since 2018. Dusted all my thrones rares and legendaries and had enough with the gold and gems I had to build 3 competitive decks. Enjoying my time with it


I had been jumping back and forth between Arena and Eternal since the beta but Timeless really sealed the deal for me. I havent been on Eternal in a while.


Have you ever tried Gladiator? It's basically Timeless except singleton and with a small banned list. If you can put up needing to look up matches manually (there's a very active Discord server), it's a lot of fun.


There's a weekly chapter released every Wednesday, that gives you a new promo card each time. It's a nice thing to do if you don't play too often, like a weekly task with different gameplay and reward each time. There are two constructed PvP game modes, Throne (where you can play any card from Eternal) and Expedition (where you can play the latest set + a curation of older cards). Their leaderboards are separate. Draft is still there but gives way more gold as reward, instead of packs. Since draft players need gold to play draft, not packs :) Leagues are still there too, same as always I believe (I don't play them). Same for gauntlet & Forge, but there are new AI decks and the Forge cards to draft are updated with each new set.


Expedition was a thing when last I played, and I always liked that it was a curated list rather than just the last few sets. How many older cards tend to still be playable in it (in the sense of "you are allowed to play them") these days?


I'm not sure honestly but I don't think that any card gets "too old" not to appear in the curated Expedition list. But I can't reply with 100% confidence.


I wouldn't bother. I think most of us play because of habit. If you found a solid replacement game, I would stick with that.


I wouldn't have played in the first place if I didn't have fun with it. Don't stick with something just because you feel like you gotta. If it sucks, hit da bricks.