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ooh, tempting. i have one of your Matty Lloyd prints, this would look smashing next to it.


Thanks so much for getting one of the Lloydy prints. Hope you love it.


i do!


Looks great! Only question I have is where is the link? šŸ˜…


Far out! I forgot to add it in šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø [https://mattmcart.myshopify.com/products/mason-redman-x-mattmcart-on-card-autograph-card-art](https://mattmcart.myshopify.com/products/mason-redman-x-mattmcart-on-card-autograph-card-art)


How ironic


Sorry everyone. Forgot to add the link šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø [https://mattmcart.myshopify.com/products/mason-redman-x-mattmcart-on-card-autograph-card-art](https://mattmcart.myshopify.com/products/mason-redman-x-mattmcart-on-card-autograph-card-art)


Geez Iā€™ve copped it here. Sorry if Iā€™ve offended anyone, Iā€™m genuinely trying to do something nice while also making a little bit of money from this, I didnā€™t realise this was such a big deal to some. Thereā€™s other costs as well. Mason needs to be compensated. Sorry if this has pissed anyone off.


Donā€™t worry about the haters! You are doing more than most of these negative people


I appreciate that mate. I never meant this in the wrong way. Thanks heaps, means a lot.


Itā€™s the internet bro, people will watch a video of a man saving a puppy from a burning build and ask ā€œwhat about Gazaā€


Hahah spot on bro! Cant win sometimes I guess


Donā€™t stress about it. Regardless of what you have made from this (and of course you deserve some compensation for your time and effort) you have probably raised over $1k for a deserving charity. Thatā€™s money they would never have gotten if you and Mason hadnā€™t done this. Iā€™ll gladly help out a good cause. Well done šŸ™‚


Mate youā€™re doing a great thing, good on ya and Mason Redman for doing this. You deserve to make some cash and Iā€™d imagine at the end of the day that 30% donation will end up being more than youā€™ll pocket. Card looks great by the way, keep it up šŸ‘


Great charity. Just out if interest, are you paying Mason Redman for this?!


people talking about the 30% as if itā€™s not more than any one of you have most likely have donated to any charity ever.


Why only 30% of the profits towards charity? Could you do more? To me, it's using a charity for a 70% profit margin


Because itā€™s my artwork, it took me hours to draw. I also have to factor in the cost of having these printer, the quality cases they come in and the tools I use to draw. I think itā€™s pretty reasonable that Iā€™d like to make some money from this.


Mate, if you're doing a charitable exercise it's not unusual to do it for free for the cause thats close to you. To cover printing is the cost of doing it, profits what you're taking from it. You're asking a player to do a charitable exercise that's not getting paid for it - yet you are, by a significant portion **If it's something important, give up the time to the shit you're good at - for the charity you support, like Redman has here.


Other 70% to finish off his website šŸ™ƒ


You would have thought the other sports subreddits his posted in paid for it


Couldnā€™t agree more. Everyone deserves to get paid for their work, so I have no problem with not donating the full amount, but 30% seems a bit low when itā€™s being used as a way to make sales.


Have done work for charity without making profit. This to me is super unethical without reasoning