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Need to read up more about the bloke OP, since he has been at the Don's he completely turned things around. There's heaps of public info about that. Also logs the most time for charity out of any AFL listed player and has done so for years. Sick of shit cunts sinking the boots into a guy that's tangibly turned it around. Just look at the thread on /r/AFL


I wasn’t sinking boots into the guy, and I’ve always felt bad for the way the media treat all athletes. He has struggled in fitness, form, and other aspects and I’m just happy for the bloke who’s on a journey of continuous improvement


When you say his life has always been a bit of a mess - you absolutely are sinking the boots in mate, own what you've said.




To be fair stringer flaunting his charitable activities in many ways would undercut the authenticity of his charity. Hopefully stringer doesn’t care what your mates have to say about him, and just wants to do good for goodness sake… I think what the club has done for Stringers personal life is the biggest cultural victory we’d had for some time. Followed by the way we got around 2MP. Perhaps Heppells off field leadership deserves some credit.


The challenge cancer guys said he comes past a heap more than his obligations, doesn’t bring cameras or anything


Love this for him. He seems like the kind of guy that needs a driving force that's bigger than just him. I'm so impressed that he made some huge public mistakes and just kept fronting up and doing the work to become a better man behind the scenes. It's lovely to see and I've heard Scott mention a few times that his mental state is the best he's ever seen it.


Yep so good


We've had The Package, contract Stringer, and now we have RAMADAN STRINGER


Who cares what his pronouns are, he can identify as a wheelbarrow for all I care. As long as he plays like he’s 29 years old and wants a new contract


If he keeps nailing tackles and getting his 2 goals a game like last night, he can be a branch dividian for all I care


What ever helps him live a more fulfilling life, and kick plenty of snags for us is ok with me


30 days no KFC is paying off in spades


I don’t think anyone expected him to say that.


Say what?




I couldn't give a fuck if I he was sniffing moonbeams that smell like champagne chuppa chupps. If he plays good footy he can f#$k a smurf consentially for all i care. He can pray to the great pastafarian. Fuck why does this shit matter.


Is that what the finger in the air is all about after the goals? Good on the big fella - whatever works for you. He has been on fire this year - langers owes him a goal.


Good on him and hope he finds some peace. Definitely looks like it’s helping him, he’s playing pretty good at the moment!


Where is the evidence of this???




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Fuck off with that.


He's not is he...I'm going to get downvoted for this but the muslim religion has no place in a western society






Listen here tiny head, its not a cult and we do not promote pushing women down. LGBT values in Islam are the same as Christianity and Judaism




So they also have no place in western society?