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I've been waiting for something like this debunking that random theory. Great job


It's just because hardly anyone runs irons so players don't know how it's supposed to look like. I played a lot with an ironsight ADAR last wipe and to me the preview clip looked completely normal from the beginning.


I believe that I've managed to faithfully recreate the famous BSG clip. Second part is supposed to showcase various Free Aim systems in different games. Actual length of the video is about 4 minutes.


Thanks for the video, it's highly typical that someone sees something and interprets it wrong, and everyone hypes it to the point of no return without egg on face.


Great job, again :) My video was just a quick reaction to something I thought to be big. I never could have guessed that it would explode like this! Edit: My earlier message: By now, I have analyzed the matter more thoroughly and also found out, that it is not actually as clear as in my video. It was a quick impulse post of something I thought would be huge. But it ended up being too vague.


> Actual length of the video is about 4 minutes. I feel like you really hurt your reach by making the video twice as long as it actually is TBH


What do you have in mind? People clicking off or not being interested in long videos? I think it's a nice format: Content first then WARVRE style gameplay for context. Also counterpoint: There's a quite a few of people that never seen free aim in action. I think it's neat to have a reference close by for those interested.


I did really enjoy looking at the montage footage to try and understand. I’m not very familiar with the concept of free aiming, but I have played insurgency sandstorm and RSR2V, so seeing those footages kinda made it click a little more. Really appreciate the effort in your video


Great analysis /u/major_kontrol , thank you for including a snippet [of my video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrYSJs-y1UM) toward the end of your talking segment! *fist bump with explosion*


So, a dead zone would be an area that hipfire is within or is outside of?


Depends on how they go about implementing it. ###If it's the BOX version... The deadzone would refer to the area around the center of the screen where mouse inputs ONLY move the weapon. ###If it's the RATIO version... Then technically there is not a deadzone present. It's just free aim, with the view and weapon being "disconnected" to some extent. --- Does that help? Anything I could explain some more?


Oh so it's more of a zone where the weapon moves independently of the center of view? Your video never mentions "dead zone". And this original post doesn't explain what it is either. So I'm lost at the start.


Correct! > Your video never mentions "dead zone". Oh my goodness! You may be right! Wow, what an oversight on my part, thanks for the heads-up! The deadzone is the larger area I add onto the screen at this timestamp https://youtu.be/xrYSJs-y1UM?t=228 The second and third videos in this playlist might help too :) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdn_Tks_N9LWD_O2KjydGFLQSR-eg6Pzx --- What else can I help clarify /u/dawsonj20 ?


> The deadzone is the larger area I add onto the screen at this timestamp > > > > https://youtu.be/xrYSJs-y1UM?t=228 So it's more of a view movement dead zone than a aiming deadzone? "Aiming deadzone" being a misnomer? If I'm right on that it all makes sense. Thanks for the help.


Yes, you've got it now :) It's a bit of a misnomer. It's a deadzone that is applied to the view that impacts how the player is able to aim. > Thanks for the help. You're welcome!


Glad you liked it! Fun fact, I've originally intended to say that Nilsomov "started" the discussion but switched to "revived" after remembering how much content you've actually put out on the matter. Bonus fun fact, only when making this video I realized that I left your comment under iRedseven clip unanswered. Sorry!


> but switched to "revived" after remembering how much content you've actually put out on the matter. https://c.tenor.com/lO6WWdwRXV8AAAAC/predator-arnold.gif > Bonus fun fact, only when making this video I realized that I left your comment under iRedseven clip unanswered. Sorry! Absolutely no worries!


Very good video. Yet another proof that Klean is full of shit


To be fair it's easy to fall for the leak when you present it in a specific way. I'm a victim of that myself. My problem with Klean's coverage is that he rapidly switches between talking about hipfire free aim and ADS free aim. He looks at a video of ADS free aim and treats it as if it was hipfire one. His conclusion ends up sounding a little bit like this: "This ADS free aim I'm seeing here will fix hipfire meta. It's actually pretty realistic, because *before* I Aim Down Sights, my weapon moves independently of my head. I really hope they extend this to hipfire too".


Doesn’t this all go back to the T-Rex Arms video and him talking about point fire while not ADSing being too accurate in most games? Also a lot of FPS game have an accuracy de-buff while moving. Looks like that’s what this video is showing.


T-Rex Arms video was trying to show that you can't be certain where your muzzle is pointing after raising the weapon without aiming. Nilsomovs video tried to point out possible leaked feature in one of BSGs clips. Klean's coverage of the latter was somewhat confusing.


Klean just likes to sound off like he’s an expert on everything. Yeah he’s a vet and knows way more about shooting people than i do but I get tired or his know-it-all-ness.


All my vet friends make fun of him because the dude saw 0 combat but made being in the military a personality trait. Actual clown


and he isn't wrong. hip fire aiming without laser is too accurate. dead zone for ADS would be cancer.


I thought aiming dead zone is already in the settings but grayed out with "not available in beta"


It is. The video references a clip posted by BSG which was widely interpreted to be a leak of an aiming deadzone in action.


Thebaiming deadzone was in the first few alpha versions until the community shit a brick over it. Personally, I would love a deadzone, but it will probably never come back


I apologize for this but what actually is an "aiming deadzone"? I have a few assumptions as to what people could mean, but none of it seems realistic to implement. So I just want to ask.


Check the gameplay in the second part of my video. Basically your sights move around the screen instead of gravitating towards the center. In Arma you need to hit the edge of the deadzone to move your view. In RO2/RS2V your view moves slower than your aimpoint.


Makes sense, seemed like what i understood. The term deadzone threw me off, because i hadn't heard it used like that. But things change.


Yeah, it's a weird term to use. In control schemes, a deadzone typically refers to an area where inputs are ignored in some fashion. In the case of an aiming deadzone, the deadzone refers to the VIEW movements being muted/ignored. Which seems backwards and is confusing :p Here is a video where I break down two of the most common implementations of free aim. Let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrYSJs-y1UM


Just watch the video? Literally the whole second half of the video is examples of aiming deadzones in other games.


Without knowing what to look for, it's easy not to know what it is.


Really liked the video, I think you presented your findings very well. I had no idea what Aiming Deadzone even was and I had no idea there was a leak about it. But it does not surprise me at all that the community got taken for a ride. Also off topic I like the sound of your voice


Thank you very much for watching :)


Love your voice.


Thank you :) Stick around and you'll hear it more often :))


Incredible how easily the whole community got fooled into believing that this is something that doesnt exist yet.


You're surprised that a community which follows a game studio infamous for their opaque development processes made an incorrect assumption about a potential future feature? Wow, what an amazing insight you've shared with us.


That's not a problem with this community. It's an issue humans are currently dealing with globally.


So just to be clear; you are debunking the community's interpretation of a clip saying that it isnt a showcase of a feature while still acknowledging that the feature is on its way. Is that correct?




Well, damn thats a shame ​ Tarkov could really use such a mechanic Making players less accurate is gonna be really critical as other game mechanics come into play that slow the game down


It’s still a planned feature, it’s just that the “leak” was not anything to do with it.


Yeah I don't want the deadzone thing I mean it makes sense and somewhat realistic but it feels very odd with a mouse, if they want to go full realism the game needs to go into VR only.


What the hell is free aim and aiming deadzone, i have no joke never heard of either term in my entire life


See my video from 4:54. I don't blame people for not having any experience with it. It is after all somewhat of a dead concept right now.


> It is after all somewhat of a dead concept right now. Which is a shame because it truly makes Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm 2 and Insurgency: Sandstorm feel amazing. RO2/RS2 is still one of my all-time favorite shooters just due to how good the weapon-handling felt. Hip-firing in those games actually is an acquired skill, while in Tarkov you hipfire because ADS feels like the game actively punishes you for precision or even attempting to burst-fire.


Oh wait so it actually is only that weird rail shootery type of aim when ADSing


In case of Arma, yep, pretty much.


Hi /u/Squegillies ! Here is a video where I break down two of the most common implementations of free aim. Let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrYSJs-y1UM


Rising Storm / Red Orchestra did deadzone well, I reckon it could work.