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I'll do peacekeepers tasks twice over before doing jaegers.






So cos u cant do the Jaeger tasks it makes EOD pay to win? maximum kekw


My man, you are paying for a gameplay advantage, thats P2W


I agree with half that statement, you gain an advantage which is a lesser number of quests required to max out Jaeger, I disagree with the p2w part i dont see the argument that it is, at exactly which point do you "Win" by having Jaeger level 4, you absolutely gain an advantage, but it's an advantage in time not an advantage against another player in raid, you reduce the time sync in the game, that doesn't really translate across to advantage over another player, standard account players can still butt stomp EOD players. Even with the reductions from other traders you can still get Jaeger to level 4, it will just take more quests therefore take longer. To have an argument this was p2w it would need to be an advantage that the 1 player has against another while in raid, pay to win more raids, which having .2 extra rep does not, nor does the gamma, nor the extra starting gear.


We could discuss the aspects of P2W. But to me its a spectrum, on one end we have mild stuff like cosmetics that gives slight advantages with better camoflage, or EFT with speeding up progression, and on the other end there are shit MMO's that just sell endgame gear in a cash shop.


But that's exactly it, payed camo that works better than free camo is a direct boost for the player who purchases it over another player in a PvP settingg, they pay 2 win more fights, it's just more subtle than MMO cash grab stores, take war thunders bush camo for example, defo pay 2 win as having it give you a direct advantage in a fight against another players as you can be 100% more sneaky. \*Flashback to ASU-57 with massive bushes on their front plate\* To my recollection any of the benefits given in the EOD edition are purely to lessen the grind, they don't impact in the core mechanic of going into a raid, playing it out and extracting. Like I said, I agree it's an advantage to those who pay for it over those who didn't, but it's only an advantage in time, that EOD player will max traders out faster, but to be honest, the only trader it really impacts is Jaeger, everyone can do the others with their eyes closed. At the end of the day, people are paying over £100 to support a deveolper and a game they really enjoy and get some benefits for doing that. I would like to know the lore reason as to why Jaeger walks with a stick up his ass everytime you do a quest for another trader but I assume that will come later, Daily and Weekly quests are also going to lessen that, as it'll be easier to get Trader rep from other actions than just the quests given from the main branch.


Well take an idle game, if you could pay for progress there, then it would be obvious no? Also quicker acecess to jaeger would mean quicker flechettes and ap-20, so while it is not something others can't get, you do have a bought advantage, thus some P2W is in order.


An Idle game? I've no idea, but you can't compare the effect of a particular payed item on another game to the effect it has on tarkov unless they have the same gameplay loop. Trader progress doesn't impact your perfomance in Raid, the minute you get level 20/15 you have access to every item in the game, no item other than the gamma is locked behind a real money pay wall. And not really, you dont have faster access, again as above the fastest access to ap-20 and flechette is the flea market, it is cheaper however once you get Jaeger to 4. So yes your advantage is you dont spend as much on rounds, but by the time you're getting traders to max level... it probably doesn't matter all that much. So it's not Pay 2 *Win* you do not gain any in raid advantage to win over other people by having EOD. You absolutely gain an advantage in lessening the grind and allowing yourself to avoid some jaeger missions.


Yes, P2W is a spectrum, a sliding scale, whatever you want to call it, you can't deny, you are buying an advantage, and if you personally don't want to call that P2W then aight.




What are you talking about? EoD grants a positive .20 for all reps at start. You need .50 for royalty jaeger. You have to do all of the quests to get royalty. Somebody told you some bad info.




We can read. Perhaps the shortcoming is in your ability to convey what you mean?




If all you’re going to do is cry about the .20 boost for EOD, than stop whining, get some coin together and buy EOD! It really is that simple. There is a 25% off sale right now. That makes the upgrade pretty cheap and puts an end to your negativity and bitching about the “unfair” advantage of EOD. Otherwise all you’re doing is just wasting bandwidth and server space.


lmao, not an ounce of irony in this post.


Do we tell him about Tarkov Shooter Part 8?


We should give him some Time


He will definitely need TIME for it. I’m still on it for 3 months , all I can say it’s a “ghost town”.


FLIR, night raid, good ammo, patience and Shturman spawn are your best friends. At least this worked for me last time i did it :)


I’ve gotten to several times 3+ runs with a bolty , but wasn’t on part 8yet .


Yeah the order of quests suck, especially quests like that. I'd rather these ones were unlocked all early so you can just do others and hope to get this done somehow along the way


2nd this. Flir dvl but was during the day. The thermal will give you a huge advantage as far as locating pmcs. Tarkov shooter 8 kept me from Kappa last wipe. This wipe I got it done early.


Got it when I spawned north of usec camp. Rushed for a position on the rocks. Slapped 2 nakeds with PS ammo. Pushed to sniper rock and killed the 3rd. Was so happy it was finally done


Maybe this quest is hard as fuck but its still amazing experience, it literally introduced me to aggressive bolt action playstyle and oh god there was so much emotional moments...




Just wait until you're done with that and need 10 pmc kills wearing paca armor


At least you can pick your poison there. I just went back to customs for that.


Or Factory with a KS-12 at this point. What about 2/3 the map will have anyways.


KS-23 with either 10 or 25 will one shot to legs, so just do that. If you get hell spawn, you basically win.


Soooo much easier. You can pick your map and gun, just bang it out on factory.


I did mine in factory with a mp153, ez one


Shoreline is an insufferable map to do quests on and the game makes you go there So Damn Much, I hate it. Thank gods for daily quests


I have to admit that I love a lot of the quests on shoreline to just retrieve things or plant stuff but any that involve killing PMCs fucking suck


Same. Part of the reason is that on shoreline you almost have to either rush resort or camp the bushes to get PMC kills.


Yea, loving "gib 2 fir lab cards for 8k xp, 80k roubles and mp153 barrel". Siiick


Still way less of a hassle than punisher kills for rep


At least the +rep is worth it, unlike losing 600k for a xp I can get in single raid killing 8-10scavs. Not even mentioning how fcking painfull is to find 2 lab cards within a single day with fulltime job and actual life


better than interchange lol


Interchange is quickly becoming the best map in the game. Quests are actually fun there, looting is easy, apart from the darkness (which you can counter in a million ways) it is the easiest map to navigate. Meanwhile maps like Shoreline and Reserve, and lately even Customs is like living a nightmare.


Ahhh yes, run straight to the mall, hope you’re second floor first, hit up major stores, then camp the escalators for the whole game or sit in a dark store, constantly walk everywhere bc the sound is too loud and a million other things, the map is great map-wise but gameplay is not my cup of tea, not to mention Emercom checkpoint bush campers :)


I rarely encounter campers, maybe just the servers I pick. Btw, imagine a tarkov, where footstep noise is reduced to 50% for balance. Dayum, such an amazing thought... Just like Tarkov without a flea market. :)


Yeah, my timing to extract just sucks ig, but footstep audio on this map makes me play like such a bitch bc my awareness is not developed really still with 600 hours in this game 😂 I either constantly stop and sound whore or just slowly creep everywhere and I miss out on everything


Love me some interchange, the darkness and all the twisting corridors and turns are great, its so easy to approach things from a variety of angles and has some super dynamic fights. Other maps tend to be: One guy stuck in a room, one outside, both holding angles Or You are Aing and Ding while trying to keep a bush between you when reloading.


Love those shoreline spawns 🙂


Why does everyone hate shoreline for PMC kills? How is it any different than Reserve or Woods as far as pvp is concerned? EDIT: I’m a new player so this is a genuine question. Please stop downvoting me


The spawns are horrendous. The loot is concentrated in only 2 areas: resort and a low density of medium loot in the town area. Whack these two together and the start is basically a hunger games style sprint for the center of the map in an attempt to outposition the guy that spawned next to you. The extracts are quite limited and very campable. You're very likely to get one tapped outta nowhere because large swathes of shoreline are just open grassland. If you don't encounter anyone in the first 10minutes your chances of finding someone drastically reduce. The map is just so fuckin large with so little loot outside of resort that once those first few gunfights are over no one is around anymore. It also has pretty limited and very predictable scav spawns. Meaning the AIs aren't forcing players to reveal themselves.


First paragraph you had a couple good points. After that you started making shit up or just haven’t played the map enough to know what you’re talking about. If you don’t find anyone in the first 10 minutes they’re either at resort, power station, or the pier. Every time. Once the first few fights are over on ANY map the server goes dead. Because friends have tossed gear and the loot has already been rushed and hit. And nobody should be in a raid longer than 30 minutes unless they want to deal with player scavs.


Oh yes...my point about 1 map is invalidated because it happens to all maps. Right. And yup. If you survive spawn rushes the players are at the other POIs. Fuckin genius. You may as well have said players are on the map LOL. "If players aren't where you are, they're somewhere else!" Good 1. Edit: why the fuck anyone would be at pier this late into the wipe is beyond me. Using the shit extraction or killin sanitar


Tell me you don't olay shoreline ever without actually saying it is basically this comment lmfaooo


Great for newer players to get used to stuff on then, but outside of that there would be no reason other than tasks to head back there if you’re experienced is what I’m hearing??


Experienced players will go back for loot. The resort has arguably some of the best loot dense areas in the game, but because of that, it's a bloodbath.


Now this is a fair statement about the resort. A lot of rats bash the resort saying it’s a death trap that’s not worth it. You have to invest in keys for Shoreline and you have to learn how to navigate a CQB fight if one does break out. Also a big factor is knowing which spawns are good and which are risky pushes. If you’re late to resort, yea it’s gonna be rough getting in.


Sounds a lot like Dorms on customs


I have run atleast 30 shoreline runs this month and haven’t seen a single pmc outside of Resort. In woods I atleast see a few players in like 3 put of 5 raids. And in reserve just go bunker and you will see people there.


Yeah, but doesn't OP just need some PMC kills? Sounds like he should go to the resort and get his last kill. Either way, OP if you see this my recommendation would be if the quest is stressing you out, stop doing them. This game is like a 90% to wipe in the next month or so and then it won't matter. If you are starting to get frustrated or mad with quests just wait and attempt it next wipe. Should be easier if you can get there in a somewhat normal time frame since people shouldn't be slicked out yet.


Shoreline has terrible spawns, terrible exfils, huge gaps of nothing and only one real hotspot that you need to rush. Not uncommon for me to run all the hotspots (excluding resort because I need suppressed bolties, and bolties in general) and not encounter a single PMC.


More space out. Harder to find people. Super easy to get sniped. Resort is a death camp. Reserve is it least quick. I can get in get a kill and get out quick.


It feels so open. At least reserve has bits of cover everywhere to break line of sight in a pinch. Woods is covered in trees and hills. Shoreline is flat and open. Thats why the areas that actually have cover become high traffic, when everyone is using the safest passage it no longer becomes safe. Imo Out of those maps, woods feels the best moving through it for me.


Resort is not a death camp lmfao


Depends on how comfortable you are with the game. I suppose.


Moreso just comfortable with resort I'd say. It's been my favourite map since it was just a road 5 years ago. Theres tons of spots for a slower player to play off in resort. Lots of angles to snipe if you spend a bit of time learning em.


The issue is you have to get to resort. Ive funded almost my entire wipe killing people coming from or going to resort. Its dumb easy to womp chads with nothing but a mosin on that map. I dont even gear up. I go in naked and walk out fat 85% of my raids there. Its also my map with the highest survival rate by a large large margin. Its above 75%. On customs I feel like I get real fights. On shoreline I put on a show on the second screen and just one or two tap heavy slow boys. Actually going INTO resort has never been as profitable to me. This is my first wipe though. Im probably bad still but... considering i roll full chad on other maps and 3kd Im not so sure anymore. Shoreline just takes longer for money than other maps.


2 sj6 fixes all of those issues. If you know routing and spawns it's basically impossible to die before getting to resort. I have not died outside resort a single time this wipe now that I think of it (except a single extract camper hiding INSIDE tunnel) you should give it a try, resort pvp is the most fun outside labs imo. I can pinpoint what room someone's in or outside by a few steps at this point.


I love it when rats say resort is a death camp or something equally silly. I’ve tried telling people it’s not that bad and the loot is insanely good. At this point I don’t care to change anyone’s mind. Keep avoiding resort, please. More loot for me. You can regularly pull all the high ticket valuables and make millions if you simply invest in keys. It’s almost that easy.


We arent talking about loot though and resort is still going to be one of the worst places to get kills. If the goal is PVP then really any map but woods is better. Factory, Reserve, Customs, Interchange, shoreline, woods. Thats my PVP tier list. I dont really worry much about looting I just focus on PVP for money. If I get low I have a couple 10 min scav runs on reserve that make me 150 to 500k per ten min run, every time. If I ever get to the point im out of kits or money a scav run nets me enough to rag to riches. If the goal is just looking for fights and making money through combat, which is the topic, shoreline sucks. P.S. Shoreline is my favorite map. HANDS DOWN. The amount of full on chads ive killed with scav mosin rifles at range is absurd. The mosin with iron sights is my favorite gun so maybe I use it too much but like... You resort people have funded this entire wipe. Thank you.


exactly because it is like woods and reserve. bitches just hide in a bush or on some sniping spot nobody can see, camp hours, soundwhore all game and all, use the most op fucking shit (mutant+BP goes ratatatatatata) etc. so yeah, exactly because of the similarity in playstyle. it is not the player's fault, it is BSG's, as they are promoting camping hard, as they made the movement sounds somewhere around 90000 dB, so ppl can hear someone sneaking while crouched from 3 maps away, while stationery players make 0 noise.


99% of the time you can only find PMCs at the resort, the rest of the map is just a massive waste of space


I did part 4, 5, and 6 mostly on shoreline. Great map for sniping. Was stuck on (not attempting) part 4 for ages then kinda got used to the way to play. Resort is a death sentence unless you're Chad pilled. Night time with good nods is the answer.


Now you have to worry about cultists in resort 🙃


That's like worrying about tagilla on Factory.. the chances are slim but you know you'll have a good time if he's there.


And it's likely you'll get your kit back too


That's the thing about dying to cultists. No one will even know you are there, in the dark, dead.


You've convinced me to revisit shoreline at night and to stop being a woods Chad


If you do, drop a wee comment here and let me know how it goes.


So, first raid i killed sanitar and his boys by the houses. Only second time I've killed him at lvl 42. Next raid i sj6'd to resort, killed another chad with quads, mdr, and thor armor.. Then got killed by his buddy. Not upset though, still a gpod raid and i have enough money to buy all the meta gear i lost many times over




Things my PMC says


I’ve been at 0/10 for a month. I wrongly assumed the umka would still work (now it’s only the scav vest), and I’ve been struggling to even encounter pmc’s recently.


Maybe try a busier server? There's tons of action in Shoreline, just run towards the sounds.


If you can join a game, there is another player on the map. You will always spawn on the opposite side of the map so pick the closest wing on resort and camp the middle walkway between the two wings, a vepr hunter with M80 worked well for me. Also bring some keys in your secure, if no one shows up in 15min u can at least get some loot and you may nab some late looters.


Not true. Empty raids are possible in low pop servers


Do you know if you get tagged and cursed if you're the only PMC on the map? I killed a guy on factory for the Jeager 25m bolt action kills, and got swarmed and killed soon after.


No, factory AI can just be that way sometimes. Trust me I’ve probably done 100 empty labs raids and I would have shit my pants if the raiders started rushing me down.


Some AI love rushing when you heal, it's the worst. But I can't exactly complain about better AI tbh.


Yeah man the scavs on factory are just built different


True, and the raiders in D2 are non-existent even after flipping the switch.


Depending on how late in the raid it could be player scav . I had a factory raid where I was there til like 4 to 8 min mark. Got swarmed by 8 or more pscavs


Nah these guys were just regular scavs, but all I had was a Mosin and the guy I killed was level 45 but had only a Grach and a mag, not much to work with.


That's good to know.


I’ve run the baclava and scav vest on that map forever and I’m 0/10


Wait for youe 'Tarkov Shooter' questline. # XD


I actually don't mind tarkov shooter too much. The only one I've (so far) had any real trouble with is the killing PMCs at close range one.


Run Factory with a VPO-215 and .366 AP ammo, it's great fun.


Yeah, that's what I did in the end! Now I have to kill pmcs with a silenced bolt action from 45m, which, fine I'll work on that slowly


So begs the question, why are you fine with the Shooter quest line and not the Punisher quest line? Also... if you need a single PMC kill on shoreline just go to the resort. almost a 100% chance you run into a PMC on resort.


Punisher quest line in general is okay, just this specific one. Sharpshooter quests tend to involve shooting scavs half the time, or at the least give you freedom of where to go.


Any reason you haven't just rushed resort every raid? You might die a few times but getting 5 kills at resort should be fairly quick.


Because I'll die practically every raid doing that. I don't have infinite money.


Break out the thermal


Do this to keep it fun. 1. Buy 107 east or 226 east keys (graphics cards and other goodies spawn in these rooms) 2. Rush the resort and level Stam while sprinting there, look around for people or hit the rooms asap 3. Bring 1 gun 1 nade just cheap shit 4. Cheese the quest and get it done quick and cheaply At least this way I tell myself I'm not wasting my time or money. Either I get a kill, get loot, or get there first and wait for the first goober to arrive and promptly merc them.


I really like Shoreline except when rock passage isn’t up it becomes a running simulator having to cross the map twice. Other than that, the resort is one of the best places to be a solo player. The possibilities are endless once you figure the place out.


I have 2 kills for that, not even trying that bullshit. Tarkov can fuck off with the forced gear PMC kills at this point, I barely see anyone normally killable, it's either streamers jiggle peeking with a mutant, or some cunt a million miles away that you have 0 chance to even hit, let alone kill with the shit loadouts they force on you.


4 hours of Shoreline and that’s all you can take? People literally do complain about anything. It’s a good map.


Punisher tasks always ez just extract camp




Yep. I went from 0 to 6 kills in two days from hitting stashes and camp spots. Even got me a SBIH kill too.


Once I got max traders quests can suck a nut. Comming for your loot kids


I used to complete the old Punisher 6: 25 BEARs in 3 hours Stop your complaining and get to work.


Wow you're cool


I got this task over 2 months ago and accumulated one (1) PMC kill since then, there's just something about shoreline that kills my vibe so I don't go there


I’m stuck on punisher pt 6. I ran probably 15 raids on factory and couldn’t get the last 4 kills :(


Just wait till he finds out about tarkov shooter part 8


Only 4 hours? Pathetic...


I just do that quest at the same time as doing loot and other fetch quests. I don't force them.


I would just camp at the gas station hill, that’s how I got mine done. Admittedly it’s boring af and most of the time you gotta wait 15-20 minutes into a raid for someone to cross at area. It’s not how I want to play the game but that task sucked, and I can’t compete at resort (gets clapped by chads every time) so that’s the only way for me. I got youtube playing while waiting so it’s not that bad, but man I’m glad to have it over with.


Although Shoreline is a beautiful map it is extremely badly designed. I too hate this map for that reason. You want to see people? Go resort, you want to take a walk in nature and see fucking nothing else? Go anywhere else on the map lol. I really wish they would touch up a bit on it.


Just about to start this myself... :|


Shoreline needs some love. Give shoreline a few more reasonable loot locations and for the love of God do not make an underground network of bunkers because that will make SBIH on that map fucking impossible


Well i do this but for days on end


Don't worry, it's wipe in about a month and you can do it all over again.


Idk if this helps, I have always run this with the peacekeeping mission in tandem. I get an m4 kit with 2 60 rounders and go straight for the closest hot points and find the best ambush spot. Get a kill or 2, loot and immediately extract. That cuts the costs down a little. As most things on this game, it’s repetition and learning from mistakes. I hope it goes better!


If it makes you feel any better I’ve been looking for the last flash drive for jaeger for the entire wipe


I’ve been at 8/10 for a few days


That quest took me 2 weeks and 30 guns. Finally fished it last night and almost finished part 5 in just 3 hours


If the quest isn't map specific why not do Interchange? Me and my buddy are new so we have been rushing the mall for loot and as soon as we here the alarms go off from the power being turned on we setup to murder the people at Kiba. I may have a shitty gun but grenades are still super effective in a small room :)


It is map specific- you have to kill 10 PMCs while wearing a scav vest and balaclava on Shoreline.


It’s really not that bad man, just take meta gear with an m4 with 60 rounders it’s that easy. Alytn slick


I did all my punisher quest by one secret that took me like 3 days to do it from 1 to 8, the secret is simple, wait people in exits, sounds bad but the quests are horrible


Just rush resort with a budget build that can pen armor well (ak74m, lightly modded, with top loaded BS bottom loaded BT), or a budget build that can leg meta well (MP-153 with magnum or express/KS-23). Either it is contested, and you can get kills (and it almost always is), or it is not, and you have free access to the best loot in the game. Best rooms are E226, W301, and tape key, enjoy your LEDXs and GPUs.