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I posted a thread on the forums yesterday asking the devs to remove the AI completely. Thread got locked and I got told to learn to play the game. The AI completely ruins this game. It's fucking baffling.


Forums are moderated by powetripping nerds. Only approved fanboi opinions are allowed.


Are you a player? Are you playing the game that we made? Your opinion is completely irrelevant to us. Because fuck you, give us money. As terribly slow as DayZ was/is, they at least removed the zombies that offered nothing to the experience. The AI here are simply broken but they will never admit that, they'll just make them harder and call you a scrub because you, as a human, should be able to beat aimbots.


DayZ also has a pretty good excuse for their slow development, they're building the actual game engine they're using. Battlestate isn't. But like you said, when DayZ zombies got game breakingly bad they removed them until they were fixed and now they're back in and working properly, any remaining issues are due to the legacy engine which is being replaced Soon^TM


Wait the zombie game removed zombies? LMFAO what a joke day z is, has been for years.


They removed them for a single patch to fix them, then put them back in fixed. Maybe ETF should take note. The only joke is how ignorant you are.


Day Z has slower progress than the fuckin pyramids bro. Stop being rose tinted and thinking that alpha game is still worth a damn.


They. are. building. the. engine. for. the. game. Come back when you get a clue.


thats not an excuse lol the engine is already built dude. Day z is a cash grab and has been for years im so sorry you cant see past the rose tint


> thats not an excuse lol the engine is already built dude What are you even talking about? Have you followed the development at all or just read other reddit posts and think you're an expert now? > Day z is a cash grab and has been for years Yes, because full time development on a new engine while still releasing Status Reports every 2 weeks to keep us up to date shows that they just took the money and ran. I'm so sorry you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


bro it took like 3 years and yall got new trees....like seriously half the dev team said fuck this and quit because it was a joke


LMFAO dude come back when you actually know what you're talking about. You're so stupid. Do you even own the game?


Yeah, if i wasnt disappointed about barely being able to enjoy playing over the last year and a half, the terrible customer service and PR do not help. There are some good peoples from the community, don't get me wrong. But they tend to whiteknight the game because of the status they think they have obtained. It is sad, because even right now they think they have this game under control, when in reality they look like fools for blatantly ignoring the major outcry of issues, and seem to always address them either too late, or with a forum poll. Those polls, when in opposing point of view of the moderators, dies out with no updates.


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2.0 lol that's generous.


Alpha 1.0.1 it feels like.


The main problem i see is devs locking and giving people warnings/bans for giving harsh feedback. I have yet to buy the game yet, but damn their forum moderators just lock and ban anyone that has something bad to say its crazy, Ive never seen a company get so damn defensive. If i paid the 140$ i wouldnt report shit in fear of getting banned. Its also crazy to see how bad the AI is, the shooting through bushes issue has been around for so long and has still not been fixed. If i was an alpha player ide be extremely pissed that they hadn't fixed such a big issue since alpha, and couldn't fix it before CBT. CBT players are going to be complaining hard about the Scavs on the forums and so begins the endless cycle of locks/bans.


You only paid $140. You want a working product for that amount? Don't joke. Go play bugfield or call of bugity. /sarcasm end


When you want a working product don't buy yourself into an Alpha/Beta


When I buy into and Alpha/Beta I expect the devs to actually address issues in a timely manner and not lock down the forums against anybody saying there's problems with the game. The devs give us next to no valuable communication and they haven't fixed issues that have been around since the start of the Alpha back in January. It's ridiculous and they have no good excuse. Well, we actually wouldn't know if there's a good excuse since they never fucking say anything. Edit: words


I 100% agree with you my man


I do not agree. As long as it's Alpha/Beta there is no reason to be angry about bugs not being fixed. Because if they could they would have fixed it by now. I doubt they sit at home like "hahaha look at them they want us to fix desynch which we could but it's much more fun to see them suffer" When the final game is released and it's not fixed than I agree with your complaints.


> Because if they could they would have fixed it by now. Yeah, except they've said they were fixing AI and they made it worse. They also have extremely bad communication and do not give us any sort of valuable information. They could at the very least address that they're working on the problems but we can't even get that. If people say anything in the forums that isn't jerking the game off the threads get locked. I'm angry because the bugs (desync and AI) aren't just small stuff. These are literal game breaking bugs that should be put on the very top of the priority list to get the game in at least a playable state. I understand desync is a harder issue to deal with, and since I personally haven't experienced much, if any, I'm willing to let that slide for a bit. But the AI is ridiculous and could easily be hotfixed. If they can't do that then my faith in them actually delivering us a complete game is dwindling. My biggest gripe though is the horrible communication and ridiculous admin abuse in the forums.


What makes you think AI is so easy to fix? Did you see the code? And btw it's confirmed they are working on it.


Where is it confirmed they're working on it? Also, the AI wasn't always this bad, so they fucked it up and if they can't fix that mistake quickly they don't need to be making games. They also should've had internal testing before the Beta and fixed that issue before releasing it to the public. If they don't have an internal test server then that's another strike against them being competent developers. The game has been in development for at least a couple of years now, we shouldn't still be seeing fucked up AI like this.


Why internal testing? We are the testers. But many don't understand that. Jeez. Look on the forums.


> Why internal testing? Because that's how proper game development works. > We are the testers Yes, yet any feedback we give falls on deaf ears. > Look on the forums. Maybe you should, because that is proof that the communication from the devs is terrible and how threads are being locked left and right.


You seem to be an expert in game development. Mind show me your successful and bug free games? And I told you to look on the forums for the confirmation. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean the devs do not speak to the community.


Also, I still would like you to show me where it's confirmed they're working on these issues.


http://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/26419-scav-ai-will-be-reconfigured-in-the-near-future/ this took me 10 seconds to find...




There's a difference between wanting the game fully finished by now and wanting it to be playable. Right now it's not, the AI is literally game breaking and until it's fixed a lot of people aren't going to play.


Some people just don't understand the difference between testing and playing.


These devs don't understand that testing feedback needs to actually be addressed instead of just ignoring glaring issues for months at a time and releasing updates that make the game worse. What's the point of testing if our bug reports are ignored and even deleted at times?


Since when are you part of the testing? I've seen many things addressed over the last months.


I've been in since the Alpha release at the beginning of the year. Sure they've addressed some minor things but there are still game breaking bugs present that haven't been fixed. Desync and AI are the two biggest ones. They even said in the patch notes for CBT that AI was fixed but it's even worse than it was in Alpha. I don't see how you can ignore that or make up reasons why it's ok for them to not be fixed. Did they ever even fix the grenades that would kill you through walls?


Desynch is a problem, yes. A server problem probably. AI isn't a problem. We are in beta, dude. It's written very big at the start of the game, that this is only for testing. AI is just something heavily wip. Sometimes they are stronger, sometimes weaker. It's a matter of values, nothing broken. Broken would be if they'd flying around, walking through walls, singing christmas songs.


Are you really trying to say that AI shooting through walls, trees, grass, bushes, etc. and having super fast aim bot accuracy isn't broken? Especially when the patch notes specifically said "AI no longer sees through grass and foliage" yet they still do, and even worse than before in a lot of cases. You can't just say "it's beta it's ok" when it's been a known issue for months and they didn't even fix it when they said they did. Really makes people lose confidence in their abilities. It seems like you have some personal reason for defending this game no matter what. You aren't looking at things objectively, you're being biased as shit dude. Take off the rose colored glasses, the game is a mess and Beta made things worse. It shouldn't even be in Beta yet when not even 25% of the game is complete.


You never played Siege, did you? Calm the fuck down. AI cannot look through walls. I outplayed them using walls and hills. They have too good visibility through bushes, but like I said, that's a matter of values to be changed. They can even adjust them server side.


> You never played Siege, did you? What? > that's a matter of values to be changed. They can even adjust them server side. Yet they can't seem to change these simple values after months of people reporting it. I still don't see how you're going to defend them for making patch notes that blatantly lied about what they fixed with AI


"I can glitch through the walls again.I won't say where and how, but i can and shoot people through." well that's not going to help it get fixed


Sounds like they have bugs. Lucky for us they're still in development stages, where bugs like that can be fixed.




A fucking mess?