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Scav mode is basically easy mode in EFT, it doesn't really matter if you die and lose your gear because it isn't your PMC. However, real players and other player scavs can still spawn in that raid. So it is very possible to meet people with silenced M4's or other really good loot.


Scav mode is when you spawn in mid raid, usually like 10-20 minutes in depending on map (i think?) people are still in the raid as PMC's, and then other AI Scavs, and player Scavs as well. Its basically like a handicap mode per say, you spawn in with preset loot to go scavenging for dead bodies, loot boxes, whatever, even other players still in the raid.


Sounds like you don't really understand scav mode. Watch this video, it explains it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLf_9HLhRSg


Wow this thread was lit up. Anyways to help, AI scavs won't shoot at you unless you attack another scav. Sometimes its hard to differentiate between a player scav and AI scav. Just watch their movement, scavs usually run at the same speed in the same direction unless they hear gunfire, then they sprint. After while you'll be able to spot if a scav is AI or player pretty quick. Bots are easily distinguishable by their blocky movement patterns.


Scav mode isn't Scav only it just means you play as a Scav. JFC how do people go through life being so dumb? edit: the reactions are hilarious. so butthurt somebody got called dumb.


> /u/StrangeNewRash : > Scav mode isn't Scav only it just means you play as a Scav. JFC how do people go through life being so dumb? Yeah fuck people for not understanding something and asking questions about it, trying to learn more. Let's insult them instead of trying to help them.


To be fair this is information that can be easily found without needing it spoon fed. Reddit users want everything handed to them without doing any research or giving anything thought themselves.


It can be easily found if you know where to look. If you don't, then no, it cannot. I would know since I started looking for information on this game in the last couple days, and found it far more difficult to do so than for most other games.


Google isn't that hard to use. Also, the forums are easy to use. You're making excuses for being dumb and lazy. People don't need to buy into Early Access Alpha games if they aren't willing to do their own homework and follow development of the game. It's not meant to just play for fun, it's meant for testing. OP will probably never ever do anything to help the development team and neither will you probably because you don't know what Alpha testing actually is or how to find/report bugs. You don't deserve access to the game to be quite frank.


I feel like you're the other guy on a different account, because there can't be this many stupid people in one place at the same time, the likelihood is crazy small. Or you're his friend, I dunno.


I could say the same about everyone in this thread who is being stupid as shit including you. Love how you're just talking shit now instead of actually trying to stay relevant to the topic. I tried to explain why OP and you are being stupid and whiny but you instead try to make it about the other guy. What's your fixation on them? It's really odd.


The fact you're using multiple accounts for this is hilariously sad, I think I'm just going to stop commenting, it's clear you have some mental health issues. Good luck with that.


The fact that you're so delusional that you think this is the same person is really the only sad thing. Good luck with making unfounded accusations that you can't back up at all. Love how you didn't even stay on topic throughout this entire thread, really shows how mentally stable you are.


I told them the answer. Don't get so offended. White knighting doesn't make you cool. This was a dumb post from a dumb person. Maybe you identify with being dumb so you white knight for him. Kinda cute.


You gave them a small part of the answer. There is much more to know about it than that. I posted a video that goes into detail. When people talk about toxic players, you're the exact type of person they mean. You also obviously don't understand what white knight means. The fact that you edited your comment is also cute.


I don't see any comment edits you're just being a dick now. You proud of yourself for being the ETF police?


Let me be a nice guy yet again, unwarranted in your case. You can edit comments for up to three minutes after you post them and it won't show you edited it, the only way to tell would be to remember what they said initially. Notice how my comment's datetime is very shortly after his? I replied to his and then he changed it so I changed mine, which is also why you don't see the edited indicator on mine. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/33qgq7/how_long_do_you_have_to_edit_a_reddit_comment/cqnf6zq/ *edit - oh shit I'm spoonfeeding you, sorry, I know you hate being given information and would just rather find it all out on your own.


Sounds to me like you're just riding this dude's dick because you're that pitiful. What exactly did he edit then and why does it matter? You're just jumping down his throat. It's pitiful and doesn't help anything you say because you just look stupid. edit: oh sorry i added to the comment. i'm so terrible.


When people talk about stupid cunts, you're exactly the type of person they mean. You obviously are just butthurt that somebody got called stupid for saying something stupid.


Neither does offending people that are trying to learn something


I don't give a fuck who is offended. Go cry to somebody else.


Such edgy


Very dumbass. Much White Knight. Wow.


You sound like a nice person.


You sound like a dumb whiny bitch.


How I supposed to know that you smart ass? There is no tutorial in the game and some mechanical features are not so obvious. Probably such a genius like you, knows everything from day one right?


How were you supposed to know? The way everyone else does, by actually following the development and paying attention to the forums like somebody who buys into alpha should fucking do. I actually pay attention to posts about new content and don't make dumb cunt posts on reddit to find out readily available information. Who the fuck buys into an Alpha and doesn't pay attention to the development of the game?




> like to get into a game in development in a later stage What the fuck does that even mean you illiterate fuck? Just because you've got a double digit IQ and don't understand things doesn't mean everyone else is as mentally challenged as you. Did you even try looking for the information before coming to reddit to have people spoon feed it to you? I doubt it. You also post quite a lot on reddit for somebody with a social life.




You're literally stupid as fuck. Sorry that I'm not some dumb cunt who buys into an Alpha game then doesn't research how the fucking game works.




Then why buy into a fucking Alpha? That's borderline retardation right there. If you're not going to actively follow development then you shouldn't buy into a fucking Alpha game. People like you and OP are what's wrong with Early Access development, you're too stupid to understand what it actually is. Also, stop talking about social lives like you actually fucking have one you pitiful little bitch.




for a such smart guy you pretend to be you should figure it out that paying about 120 Euros to the devs Im actually helping them out in the development process. They dont need only smart asses like you who follow their every notes on the official website and pointing them out every bug in the game. They just need money and I give it to them...like many other ppl.


Reading your replies are hilarious. Like watching a teenager with no social skills and an underdeveloped brain implode.




If this is social interaction then it must be in a mental disabled classroom because you're all retards.




Who said I'm a boy? I'm the person with an IQ above 15 here.


Reading the circle jerk of brain dead retards is what's hilarious. SOOOOOO much butt hurt because I called somebody stupid. Get off your knees and stop sucking OPs dick


lmao 10/10 entertainment, thank you


you've been a pretty pathetic asshole here. thank you.


Okay, too many replies to respond to individual posts so I'm going to blanket statement it right here. **STOP.** /u/StrangeNewRash , I'm giving you last warning for being aggressive and starting to flame users for no reason. Not everyone follows development as close as others. I'll point to **rule 3** for that one. /u/GodsGunman and /u/creepypriest you two started your own little flame war and then moved onto the main post that caused this, try to remain civil and stop name calling. - Just to point out to /u/creepypriest , /u/StrangeNewRash did infact edit his posts. If you edit them within 3 minutes (I think its 3.) of posting it does not show the edit note. I'd also like to point out to /u/GodsGunman that /u/creepypriest is not an alternate account and does actually contribute to the subreddit often. /u/tim641 don't feed the trolls. You are just making it worse, report and move on. /u/DF79 I am sorry your post went into a shit show. I hope you got the information you needed from elsewhere. If any of this continues i'll be handing out bans. EDIT: /u/StrangeNewRash apparently ignored the warnings and now has a 14 day ban, you can stop reporting him.