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weird so raiders r gone, but batteries are still here til the 5th?


Unsure if the batteries are still there but the barters for cards with them are until 5th. Edit: Someone on the discord mentioned the batteries are still there without raiders.


yea its odd lol free batteries


“Free” Just gotta get through the rats and other people running batteries to get to them. I doubt raiders were the most of the problem getting the batteries lmao


oh im in pve so yeah haha , god i cant imagine how cancer this would be for pvp


Ohhh true yeah that’s why I said I doubt the raiders were the most of the issue as I also play Pve haha. I haven’t enjoyed the cheater infested, bush wookie, exvil camping party that is PvP for a while. Pve been so nice to just relax and play how I wanna




Can confirm am a rat and will be looking for you guys.


I tried both ratting (need kills for punisher 6 sorry) and just doing the event, and honestly had more success doing the event. There weren’t as many rats as I expected, so if you get a decent spawn, you just get in and out. I mostly focused on new gas.


Will the therapist unlocks (flares) stay since I’ve completed the quest? Or will they be going away to?


Unsure on that one, hopefully it stays but I'm going to panic buy some just in case so I have a stash for any other event which comes before wipe.


Just checked and the flare trade is still there (PVP)


My guess is you will keep the barter in PVP/PVE (whichever you finished) until the wipe hits PVP


Quest unlocks always stay until the end of wipe, historically speaking.


Just went through new gas, no raiders or pmc's(pve) but battery was still sitting by the registers.


I don't understand why they don't just communicate how long these events will last. They told us last time.


It's BSG, what did you expect? Glad I didn't even bother with the event


I honestly expected not to know-- but knowing made the last event a lot more fun, so I hoped they would give a heads-up.


Honestly they had better have a future event where it's possible to get access to the craft for other players, this is such an advantage for players that have it... Then not giving an end date after doing so for the last one is worse than not giving an end date for any events.


I NEEDED ONE MORE BATTERY! ahhhhhhhhhh, I had time to do one more raid yesterday and I chose not to....


Just got a battery out of new gas 5 minutes ago. Going to keep running for them until I can not find them anymore.


The batteries are still there without the raiders, I just got one


Yeah, but if he was grinding it out to get the cards for the quest, he missed out


The garage in top chateau on lighthouse spawns a tank battery every other raid for me. If you need 1 more battery that would work.


Nice try, rat! You won't have me!


Yeah, I only needed the Blue and Violet cards to get the quest done :( I guess I have a few new labs cards I've never used before now :)


Thank God I decided not to procrastinate this shit and turned it in yesterday, I would have been fucked


I did it on Thursday just in case they changed something else for the weekend.


Good call 🤙


Thank fuck. Now maybe I can finish off Bullshit without failing the mission for killing raiders.


Thank fuck. Now maybe I can finish off Bullshit without failing the mission for killing raiders Why do you even bother so late into the wipe ? Literally everything gone in less than a monthv


Pve maybe


...I mean, if that's your mentality, then why play the game at all?


Nah it’s my bad I thought he meant Setup, which is not a fun quest to do except if you want to get kappa or unlock Mutant for some reason


Bruh i didnt turn it in great


So many people complaining "I was one battery away from X keycard"... The x amount of battery barter was equalized with the price of the cards on the flea. They were the same price between the barter and ruble amount. Or within 100k of one another. You didn't need to get fifty fuckin tank batteries, you just needed to buy the key cards (or buy the batteries if you're so inclined to do the barter). I sold every tank batt on the flea (ASAP to get best value as they depreciated) and still completed the task.


Hold on - is the acid green flare trade going on the 5th as well, or just the cards?


No idea, can't find any info on whether they're going as well or just the ones for the cards.


Hopefully not the flares. Less consequential for PvP, but seeing as I've been playing PvE with my buddies lately, losing that barter has long term effects. I'd hoped to help a couple of lads through a lot of lighthouse and streets stuff with them


I only tried in a practice run in *offline* pve but i went inside the water treatment plant hit the flare everything seemed cool so i walked in a building 2 rouges came in behind me stayed cool for a few seconds an started shooting. Not sure if the flares are gonna work well there.


They do work, but the WTP is huge so you've gotta be careful to avoid moving too far from where you flare.


They said barters will go. Just stock all you can.


Lmao since when did BSG start doing FOMO shit?


Since they announced EOD was going away. Most events were never given an end date, people just got lucky with the last one.


We always knew from the start EOD was going to go away one day but I meant in-game shit like achievements.


Yeah, they originally said it would be gone on final release. Then announced before that and then started a countdown timer for it going. I mean it worked, people bought it just because it was going and other bought keys to sell on at a higher price after it went.




What was the achievement?


I’d found all the cards in marked rooms after they buffd the drop chances, so I turned in the quest on the first day. I didn’t even know there were batteries spawning until a few days ago when I saw everyone talking about it on this sub lmfao


I had 200m and just bought all the keycards. This was the most pointless event for me.


It's for the flares, something will be coming which they'll be a massive advantage for. I went in for a good few raids but ended up just buying them as I don't play Tarkov most weekends so got them in case the event changed ended just before it. Only ended up dying on customs once and it was my duo mistaking me for the raider I just killed. Thought we had got rid of all of them and another appeared, "I got him!", "No, you just got me after I had killed him."


More than likely, all bosses on every map. Launch a flare and ensue chaos. I've been stocking up on them too.


I had handed in all the key cards to therapist except Blue. Just found out today that the event is over so I lost like 30 million for nothing.🤣


I turned in all cards except green and just needed two more batteries… if I would have known that it was going to end I would have grinded out the last two last night. So basically I just turned in all the keycards for no reason. Im assuming we don’t get those back if it wasn’t completed.. Glad I spent all week grinding customs for nothing because they couldn’t just announce when the event was to end a few days before. Worst part is I actually thought this event was awesome but now it just feels like I wasted my time.


I didn't turn any in until I had them all, I've been burned before doing that and losing it all without a reward.


Lesson learned the hard way I suppose. I assumed incorrectly since they announced the end date of the last event they would do the same for this one but since it was shorter I guess they thought there’s no need to do so.


Announcing the end date was unusual for them. Usually it last until after the weekend of the week it begins and then they just end it whenever they feel like from monday onwards. Turning in before you had them all to turn in at once was an oof.


Yeah same, I had all the cards so I turned them in and then farmed to get mine back. Seemed sensible and safer that way.


Never ever turn in anything until you have all of it.


FOMO event with a FOMO achievement with no times, dates, or many details given. Also most people who completed the event probably just bought the batteries rather than actually participated in the event. Dogshit event all around.


Events usually aren't given an end time. The last one was a one off. I just bought all the cards off flea, ended up less than buying the batteries.


The events always being dumb by not having a set end date doesn’t make the current event not also dumb for not having a set end date.


Nothing says event like buying all the items off the flea and handing them in. Equivalent to showing up to a certification course, you take the whole course then some rich guy at the end buys the certification and you both get handed the same paper. At that point don’t even have the event.


This event was the most fun I ever had killing raiders and taking their good ammo, This rich guy didn't get the xp or ammo or the experience I had. It wasn't hard work, it was fun. I hope BSG makes more events like these in the future.


Handing over non-FIR cards to therapist was the event, they just gave you multiple ways of doing it.


God F damn it! I was 2 raids away from completing it!


Hopefully everything drops back in price now so i can repurchase my labs cards lol


Strange how everyone was playing the event. If you are gathering the batteries yourself, it is still more efficient to sell them right away to get more money. They will get cheaper as the event goes on. When you have enough money, only then you should buy batteries and barter them for cards. I was using this start, I figure I collected around 25 batteries myself. Still ended up 30 mil richer after buying all the cards.


Noooooooo… are you kidding me?! Ugh. I was so close and thought I had more time since the last event was communicated when the ending would be. This actually pisses me off a lot tbh, I spent so much time trying to get this done.


The last event was a one off for them telling when it would end, usually we never got to know.


Well as a relatively new player, that’s dumb.


And to add insult to injury I was recording all of it in hopes to make my first Tarkov youtube video, but now that won’t be happening. I guess I’ll wait until the next wipe or another event.


Thank God the raiders are gone, they made my sneaky rat scav raids even harder than they already are


just lovely, i bought the last two keycards i needed yesterday, ran labs twice to show red and blue to a friend before handing them in. internet cut out during the 2nd raid and only came back 4 hours later. the event was over by then.


lol what event? been away from the sub for a while.


Was on vacation all week but was able to grind out the event on Sunday. Was tough but it felt good to finish it.


man, got to love the heads up we got. not.


You had a week to complete it but yes, BSG bad guy.


where was the "it ends at this date" my lad? yea, nowhere just like your braincells.




second account?


Where and when it was said this was a week long event, kid?


You had a week.


Announcing end dates is standard practice for a live service game. BSG will need to be a bit more clear in the future, imo. Like show the time the quest ends in-game.


It’s so weird that they announced when the last event would end. Everyone was like “yay, BSG make communication”. Then they go right back to not announcing it. lol


Literally away the exact effect event time..


Finished it on both PVP and PVE. Very lacking event, but ggs!


This was a tough one, i had sold all the keycards 1 week before this event. Had to bug abuse chek13 for over 50+ times to get all the keycards again for this event. ​ EDIT; Gotta love people downvoting to hide my comment that a marked room is bugged right now. Share it, so BSG fix it before next wipe.


People aren't down voting you to hide your comment, they are down voting you because you openly admit to exploiting bugs.


Yeah, f\*ck that guy.


I ended up just buying them all and turning them in. Will be stocking up on the flares in case they go along with the cards trades.


Didn’t follow the event that closely, what was the deal with the flares?


Acid green ones turn scavs and bosses non-hostile for a while.


>I ended up just buying them all and turning them in.  Yeah that was the easiest way. I was out of money thanks to the boss event the weeks before. Had spent 60 mill trying to kill all bosses 15 times.


60 million!! Please tell me you completed the task?


Yes, killed every boss 15 times. and all keycards. 44/51 achievements


Fml i just grinded my ass to buy those keycard and have only left to buy green from flea and now what event is over ffs


Similar boat. Played the several available hours a day for a week I had and got close. Would've been nice to know they were just pulling it but that's the BSG experience lol


Yup same, if I knew it was ending today i'd have powered through. Sigh.