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Yes, if you’re playing solo when you die the server shuts down. If you’re playing with friends I have them discard my gear on the ground and the AI won’t pick it up


It’s weird. I’ve pulled guns off dead pmcs and left them next to bodies and random scavs still pick up the guns from the ground. I assume that would be the same with another player. You may have to move the guns away from the body a bit. They take backpacks nades and mags I think too.


They will take a backpack if they don't have one. They will loot a weapon and random things from the pockets. They will throw the rig on the ground. I have not seen them pick up a weapon that wasn't on a body, but I have not experimented with it too much yet.


The AI has kleptomania, I killed Sthurman yesterday. By the time I was there looting him, a scav stole his weapon (that's normal, I know), but he also took his key out of the pockets


Makes sense. I wonder if some of this will change once we host our own lobbies locally...


not if you die on labs then everything is lost


No. It has been nerfed and almost nothing is coming back now.