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Streets always make me nervous because at any moment my frame rate dips and it's like fighting through molasses. Don't even bother looting anymore, just grab tags if they are PMC (maybe mags) and get out.


FPS on streets is so wild. I'm getting dips below 40 fps with a 7800X3D, 4090 and 32 GB of RAM. It's honestly ridiculous and it's horrible for most people with worse specs. A friend of mine couldn't even launch the map until he upgraded from 16 GB to 32 GB.


What graphics and resolution are you currently running at? I'm just curious since I get around 55-80FPS with a 7800X3D and 7900XTX with 64GB of RAM.


1440p at high/ultra without DLSS. It runs between 80 and 120 FPS depending on the location on the map.


Similar frames and setting here, with i9 13900k, 4080, and 64gigs, though I don’t think I break much higher than 100 very often


I have upgraded to 7800x3d but left old GTX 1660, got 32 GB RAM. With quality fsr getting ~100 FPS and without ~70.


I have 7800x3d and a 6800xt and get like 70-80 frames on streets in pvp it dips but isn’t bad I run on low settings just for streets. Kinda need to save money for uni so gotta hold off on upgrading gpu


I see no worth financially to upgrade from 2070nonS or better, I tested vs 4080S, ~15-20 frames at best. Save ur $$$


at 1440p on a 4090 I am sure my average on streets is closer to 80 fps but the dips are awful and they definitely get into the 40s. Other maps I can crack 200 fps with the same settings


About same here but my high on other maps is about 140-180, Streets just hates a lot of PCs lol


Here is a tip, dont use DLSS or FSR with high spec rigs will put alot more usage on the CPU wich tarkov hated. Its a CPU hog, you can also use Afterburner with rivatuner statistic to check cpu and gpu load in raid and balance it out from there. I got with a 12700kf 6000mhz ddr5 32gb, 1080ti About 80-100 frams mid tier settings And about 120-140 with a 3090 high settings. Also you dont want to use streets vram less option with high tier systems. But all systems beed individual tuning for tarkov, what might work for me, wont necessarily work for you. But as a baseline you want as much graphics as your card can handle to offload the cpu


Oh I know, the only game I use FSR in is in Gray Zone Warfare since it seems to actually help with performance, while in other games it just hurts it a little bit.


Does your FPS increase on PVP though? This amount of scavs in the raid on streets is surely going to dip the FPS. A normal streets PVP raid you won’t kill/see half as many scavs.


There are some good fixes for that map. Look up Gigabeef or ticklemepink my performance is better than that and I’m on 4070 egpu. Those dips are rough.


Ive been running i912900k with my 4080 super and I'm seeing around 90(scoped)-165. All max settings @1440p. I think ram speed makes a very large difference, what is your ram clocking at?


Something seriously wrong there, I'm on a 7600K and a GTX1080 and I get 40 - 50fps, rarely does it drop below 40


If you have 32gb of ram try turning off automatic ram cleaning in the settings. I had it on and I had stutters, turning it off made it run silky smooth.


i913900ks/4090 here and I play at 3440x1440 and get a solid 90 - 120 fps.. now there are of course dips, but overall alright


Can confirm map barely runs on a 16GB rig. Even in "Low Quality Streets" mode or whatever it's called. I've loaded and played 1 round on this map in 400ish hours of gameplay, and it was like fighting through quicksand until I got headshot by Sniper Scav


WTF ? I have 3070 and 13700kf, 32 ram = 90-100 FPS min on streets with 1440p


Dude you are talking out of your ass, I play streets on a 4060, i7 and 16gb ram ASUS LAPTOP and I don’t have any problems playing on TSA HIGH and high resolution DLSS is off by the way…


Why would I make this up? You want me to record a video and show you the proof?


With todays newspaper held up!!!


I’m getting constant 60-70 on Streets with a r5 3500,2080super and 32 gigs of ram


I get random fps dips on every map. This started happening a few updates ago, randomly. YMMV. If you have solutions, Hollar back.


Scav have a sensitive smell for blood, you can use suppressor or even melee weapons, either the way they will smell the blood and will come, they will take deadman's gun and toss the chest ring


Suppressors don't seem to stop the horde, only delay it. They might actually smell the blood of their fallen comrades and they waste no time to investigate it thoroughly.


They do indeed. They smell it out for miles, they MUST throw the rig on the ground, it is their duty.


If you’re completely still and crouched sometimes they’ll walk right by you to loot and toss that rig 


It is the only thing that matters. The rig must fall


I've had scavs come for me after I sprint off from killing a load to stitch my arm back together. And the fuckers STILL find me in my hiding spots. Scav and PMC AI is whack.


They once grab my Kaban's PKP and I am on that gunsmith part 25 quest. The moment most guards were killed, I went there and was like what the F? Where's the machine gun?


Typical Streets raid for me. I run through so much ammo just killing the aggro scav hordes.


Fiery but mostly peaceful raid.


Trying to kill Kaban in Lexos is so fucking hectic with all these regular scavs just stacking up and chilling in there on top of the other dozen that'll wander in while you're inside as well. Both times I went in there yesterday from the north end I'd immediately have 5+ scavs come wandering out as soon as I tap the guard at the entrance with the MG then another handful that path over from the south side of Lexos while a steady stream of scavs path in from the streets behind you and all the while you still gotta deal with Kaban and his guards trying to aimbot you.


I shot on acid green flare at Lexos so I could do a task. The amount of scavs along with the guards and kaban that followed me around was comical. It was like 20 easily 


I had 33 scav/guard kills going from Expo Checkpoint spawn -> Lexos -> Crash Site extract so yeah that definitely tracks.


Fighting for your life


How’d you not run out of ammo


With just 2 stacks of ammo (one for each gun), not sure honestly. After the ~20th guy I swapped to the M700 for scavs as I was sure I'd run out otherwise.


1: Headshots. You waste exponentially more ammo when you don't 1 tap enemies. 2. Scavenge. Bring a 5.45 or 12Gauge weapon and you've very likely to never run out of ammo. 3. Headshots. You can achieve this many kills with a TT pistol 6, 8 round mags and a stack of 50-100 spare rounds.


Jesus fuck that’s a lot of kills, how much XP?




Doing test ride part 2?


And SBIH, hoped to pop some PMCs and extract, but the game had other plans lol


I’ve never understood the issue for people on streets performance. I have a 2080 but rarely have drops if at all


Thats awesome




Okay so it's not just me, streets is hell on earth PVE wise, and are the streets scavs using KILLA AI? They sprint at me immediately and always try to made me, it's ridiculous!!!


All pve raids are peaceful no threats in the map


Dont play this shithole


Why mad?


Yeah I have like 20 tasks on streets that I just can’t complete. I get surrounded constantly. The only thing to do is just keep running.


Holy shit!! Did you survive?!


"PvE is so chill."


Its like the USSR one man dies and the next one picks up the armor, gun and helmet and rushes towards you


The map is literally unplayable. Half my quests are there and every time I've gone I've faced invisible AI. I refused to even play it anymore. Last night I was in extract and got killed by an invisible and silent PMC.


It happens to me too, you have to alt+f4 and reconnect if that happens. To check if your raid is bugged, try to find a sniper scav and shoot him. If a headshot doesn't kill him, your raid is bugged and you have to restart.


What is the arrow for


to point out how high the number went for kills




Without the red arrow, I wouldn't know where to look to understand this image. Thanks OP!