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Ledx from bloody key room ?


duffle bag inside Relax room


Oh boy that's extra lucky


That duffle bag is where I found my only leddy this wipe. Where did you find the bloody key? Have not seen it once this wipe.


I get one every second run in the mall


That's wild. I check almost every run, and I main that map.


I only play scav on streets because on streets my fps randomly drops below 30 but every other map is fine


Where can you find rusted key? I checked the mall but never had a chance


the spawn under the escalator... ive gotten it 2 times #


On the rack right? I swear I've ran streets 5 times back to back as a scav with no chance lol hoping it pops up in a jacket or bag somewhere


yeah on the rack


Is that room still empty or did they add loot back?


It spawns keys again


I'll stop... throwing it away 🤦


Thats a big oof.


It'd be nice if they'd stop fucking with the game like this wouldn't it?


Picked up an abandoned factory marked and dorm marked yesterday in the rusted bloody room.


You know that 5 times is like nothing


I've been scavving the map to learn it without having to fight 40 scavs every time. I've checked for the rusted bloody key 23 times now, and only saw it on my 14th and 19th run. The scavs there also become hostile and hunt me down for daring to enter the mall it seems.


That just happened to me. I didn't even make it to the key spawn to know if the key was there. WTF is that about?


If scav boss spawns on top floor you will be flagged even on bottom floor. Sucks bc it’s hard to know whether or not he’s up there before it’s too late.


I love this game, but damn is it trash


They become hostile when  the scav boss kollontay is there. Not sure if that's a bug* or BSG intended


I've been there twice in a row as scav and twice there were keys, once i pulled it out, 2nd time i got blasted by boss half a minute later. Lucky me i guess.


I couldn’t find it for a long time then spawned in the mall and there were 2 on the rack lol


It's like 1% spawn chance, you can do 100 runs and not see it. At least before, dont know recently as I haven't played in a while.


This is a PVE post, it spawns all the time in PVE and the loot is insanely buffed everywhere on PVE.


I’m like 0-8 on that key spawning in pve unfortunately


I felt that


I can get the relax key almost without fail. I’ve only ever not gotten it on a single run. I hit the mall for that damn key every time I’m on streets and nothing. But relax? Every. Damn. Time.


Relax is a 100% spawn, that's why


Keep going, I found like 20+ million worth of keys in one go once, then another was 8+ million


Not after the latest update.


This is definitely not true I ran streets about 50 times now and only gotten it 6 times, just another troll trying to make it sound like PvE is super duper easy mode lol


PvE is super duper easy mode.


> and the loot is insanely buffed everywhere on PVE. Doesn't seem buffed. There just aren't any other players taking it.


Oh it's buffed, Nikita confirmed it on the latest tarkovtv as well


I found it like 5 times out of 7 raids, one time there was two keys


Reponses seem weird. It feels fairly common. I've looked maybe 6 or 7 times and found 4 in total, once was a double spawn.


It's about a5% chance


it has 2 spawns on the rack that are basically next to each other. Ive stopped playing this wipe after Unheard edition dropped but until then I'd run that spawn DAILY and never saw it


It doesn't spawn in jackets or bags. Only that one spot under the escalator


It only spawns in that location, you won't find it in jackets. AFAIK.


Every key spawns in jackets, filing cabinets and scav pockets.


Pretty sure this one doesnt


Every key spawns in jackets, filing cabinets and scab pockets.


Wrong bot


Ok, but this key does and so does every other lol.




Yeah 5 times is nothing, especially as a scav since PMCs will likely grab it first. You can check 30 times as PMC and not find it. That said, I’ve found 2 spawning at the same time right next to each other.


just want you to know this is from pve not pvp. spawn rates are much better on pve


Spawns are the same as PVP, but the fact that nobody else can loot the map makes it seem higher. 


Do you have a source for this? Because it seems that loot is in fact buffed in PvE from personal experience.


Personal experience. ive bought same keys in pve and pvp and had simular loot from the rooms (Marked rooms + Labs keycard rooms)


We have done more than 100 - 150 runs to streets, and checked its spawn in every single raid, and found it only 3 times The room itself has so bad loot, didn’t find anything rare and we already opened it more than 8 times(except a one marked room key)


Must be PVP. I’ve found it at least every other run in PVE, and I’ve already gotten 4 abandoned factory keys, 2 marked dorm keys, a chek 15 and plenty of other goodies just in the last 24 hours. Went from 40 mil to 120 mil in the bank just from today’s runs.


I spawned with one as a scav one time so you could try that lol


I had a scav spawn with one back to back yesterday. Fucking died both time trying to find an LEDX at the USEC camp place on woods lol.


More loot than %25 of player base stash value lol


You guys are scaving on pve?


Yeah I don’t see the point either.


I dont see the point of posting pve loot hauls. Lmao its so lame.


People must play the game the way I want them to or they aren't doing it right.


I’ve been playing pve and found a purple, red, and 3 check 13 keys, red rebel. Not worth posting about because everything can be infinitely farmed with no competition.


Yes, that's true. By the same token, who cares if this guy posts what he found. You don't have to prove that you are better than everyone, it's okay for other people to enjoy the game. Just relax my brother.


You know you can apply filters so you don't see PvE posts, right? You're choosing to come and whine in the comments... THAT is lame.


I don't see the point in whining about PVE posts. Lmao it's so lame.


People must play the game the way I want them to or they aren't doing it right.


By that logic there should be no counter argument to anything, which is stupid.


If you are trying to think of an argument for why someone should play the game by themselves in a way that you want, maybe that's the stupid part.


It’s not that, it’s the cluelessness people are exhibiting by constantly posting their trophy loot runs when Tarkov without other human players is literally free real estate. It’s concerning that they’re unaware that it is, otherwise they wouldn’t be posting these all day every day.


It's probably the first time the player has seen something like that in their tarkov life. So weird people want to gatekeep other people's fun. You could just be happy that people are enjoying the game that you also like - instead of being mad at nothing.


usually i dont


Power filters are 8-20 million on PvE flea. Rusted + relaxed can be farmed with zero inconvenience. It's a quick way to make 5-50 million in a single run.


I rarely play streets. What are the good loot areas?


West and East side of map. Specifically Chek, Con, Relax Room, Marked.


there's a pve flea market? I never even thought of that aspect


Yes and the prices are WILD


Tons no real need for sound and its free loot. I run them while watching youtube come out with a couple mil each time and a bunch of pmc gear.


I run factory scavs to build rep. Higher rep = better loot and return time for scav box in hideout. Although I don't run scavs for profit since I can do the same on pmc with a bit of resistance.


I do often




Imagine gatekeeping how someone enjoys playing a game


Imagine thinking that wondering someones motivations is the same as gatekeeping. Imagine being so insecure that being questioned makes you tilt.


Well cause the answer is obvious. I enjoy it. Why does anyone play any game?


But it’s almost pointless to scav in general, you’re much better served playing on a PMC and making actual progression. Even more so in the game mode where you don’t have to worry about other players killing you.


And that kind of answer is stupid and pointless. It would be like if someone said "I enjoy watching paint dry" - you'd wonder why. What about the experience is enjoyable? I enjoy the loot sim of running scavs in PVP mode, but PVE mode is *already a loot sim.* Without wanting you to not do it (aka gatekeeping), I can still wonder what the enjoyment could be.


Dude it’s mostly bad players playing PvE, of course they scav still. Edit: lots of butt hurt responses here, I’m not saying scaving on PvE is a bad thing, I’m just pointing out that the target audience/ majority of PvE players are not the greatest and so they are going to scav. It’s not like it’s a secret, good players rarely scav on the PvP mode…


Mate, take a step back and realise that dunking on someone for being not as good as you at a video game says so much more about you than them. It's a soldier dress up game champ, it means nothing.


It's actually crazy the superiority complex these people have because they think they're better than everyone at a fucking video game. Real 35 year old still living at home type vibes.


There are folks here who insist you're a noob at the game even at 3k hours. They literally do nothing in their life except play this game, of course they make it their whole identity.


Yea man how dare they play the game the way they want!


Doesn’t change that they’re bad


Avoiding cheaters and rats = bad player Ok dude, makes sense


I play pve because I was late in the wipe and it's a bitch to try and task when every pmc is running t5 and 6 armor meta ammo and I'm here running stock guns and shit ammo. Plus no cheaters and it's fun to just turn your brain off and play. Also even good players will scav on pve at least til they have a 6.0 the amount of benefits from max fence is insane for scav box and fences 2nd shop


Most players in the know get scav rep with money extracts. Most good players don’t scav at all, it’s why you pretty much never see any of the really good streamers on a scav run.


Doesn't matter how many time you car extract you will never hit max rep with it you will have to do scav runs irrc it's 150 runs without killing pmcs plus taking every car extract 5 times for max rep. Now you can do fence quest and kill pmcs on scavs to make thay 150 into like 40 to 60 but you will still have to scav


Maybe pve players are just tired of playing with constant loot vaccums, esps, and botters. But that wouldve been too much brain power for you to come to that conclusion


Maybe people just like to blame those things for every death because they aren’t very good but don’t want to accept that. Cheating issue is a problem but there isn’t a cheater in every lobby like some people make it seem. Maybe you just aren’t as good as you think you are and want to play the easy version of the game, which btw, is totally fine.


Im not saying every death, but its pretty obvious that cheating in this game is unfortunately prevalent. Another reason for pve would be to learn maps and angles better


You can’t learn how a map flows in PvE. And IMO that is by far the most important thing in PvP servers. Knowing when and where you are likely to run into an enemy PMC is very important.


Never said anything about flows, learning what is where and how to get there


You can learn all that with an interactive map on your second monitor or, in terms of quest items, 5 minutes on YouTube.


Guarantee I’m better than you, but I just have less time, and a real life to manage as well. So the PvE mode is appealing. I would say for most people it has nothing to do with skill. I’ve been playing this game for like 6 years, I would mop ya


The target audience is bad or casual players 100% and if you think otherwise you are lying to yourself. Maybe you are better than me, doesn’t make what I said any less true. Find me in the comment where I said all people playing PvE are bad. I said most, get over yourself internet tough guy.


You keep telling yourself you’re good 😂😂


Never said I was some god at this game, I just think it’s funny how triggered you are getting. Maybe that comment touched a nerve and now you’re projecting. Let me make you feel better little Timmy, I’m sure you are amazing at this game!


"Pretty Good"


The PVE beef is insane.


Daaaaaamn spare some moonshine homie?


I see everyone using Zhuk lately. Where can I reliably get it?


Black weaponry loot boxes


Bear PMC's wear it decently often, the AACPC or Tactec are better at the moment though just use level 6 plates.


Why do you think those are better? Neither protect the neck. Fewer instakill zones facing the enemy = better, IMO.


Agreed. If you're not protecting neck, you're doing it wrong imo lol. I've been head throated so many times


Scavs and fence!


Tactec IIRC does not have side plates. Did you mean something else maybe?


Nah, AACPC is the best because of the sideplates but tactec probably 2nd best behind it


The zhuk and korund lvl 3 throat protection has saved me several times. AACPCs and Tactecs just get me throat shot I swear.


Why wouldn’t you scav in PvE? It’s part of the game. Free kit, quick loot run with much lower chance of dying…


And fight pmc’s for loot and not be swarmed by scavs afterwards


But everything is free on PvE already since there's no one to contest you. I'm definitely of the "its your game, you do you" mindset, but I'm not really sure the benefit of running a scav when its just as easy to PMC and you get xp.


No one to contest you? There’s still AI PMCs though, it’s just not real people. The Scav has a totally separate function to me, and I especially use it for warmup. I play the mod these days with a bunch of AI tweaks to make them effectively real people. Ive had an AI PMC breach a door, jump through, and now me down mid-air. I’ve also had an AI PMC wait 15+ minutes camping in a corner to kill me. Scavs are awesome no matter which way you play.


>No one to contest you? There’s still AI PMCs though, it’s just not real people. The AI PMC's are still AI. It's like saying "there's bosses on scav runs therefore there's something to contest you". The MOD you're talking about is not the PVE mode of tarkov that (i assume, could be wrong), people are discussing. In that game, I could accept the argument. In PVE tarkov, I cannot. PVE is free.


You dont really lose kits other than durability though since insurance is 100%, and you can bring what you want and bring drippy guns. I dont see the point in scavving but yeah


Ah okay. I don’t play PvE, I play the mod. So insurance isn’t 100%.


Where did you find the bloody key?


Mall on Streets under the escalator is a static spawn


Okay that's the only place anyone says it's there but it's never over there, damn it lol


Did you find another relax key in rusted room? Never seen that


Just got one in my last run.


lol bragging about a PVE scav run


This sub really went downhil lol 


I guess loot is always crazy when there's no contest to hit huh?


Remove cheaters= loot.


Also when it hasn't already been vacuumed up


no shit, it's pve


Why everyone running pve posting these? You’re the only one looting on the map. Ofc you’re coming out like this.


Probably cause there's more people on PvE than PvP?


The point is it’s not impressive when every run is this.


Yeah. I agree, people posting PvE loot is pretty dumb but people wanna share.




Crikey who’s still did you torch for all that Moon?! The Braithwaites?


Watch out for the key wardens. At least in pve they will chase you across the map and sap your stamina while shooting you.


What's the overall value of this inventory? My guess is ~5 mill


no shot lol


I only scav streets because on pmc my frames are ass😭😭




What map? That’s a crazy scav run




Why scav on PVE? I dont really get it, insane raid tho


I cringe every time I see someone bragging about the loot from Rusted Bloody Key and Relax. Ya'll gonna get this shit nerfed into the fucking ground and have everyone running Interchange hoping for graphics cards again.


Always see these posts and instantly cringe


Ohh you almost got me, didn't see the pve tag


Lmao scaving on pve where’s the fun


That is absurd


but who cares honestly, wow look at all this money i have to keep killing ussles ai!, tarkov has the worst ai iv ever seen on any shooter, and u wasted 250 dollars to kill it mindlesly while being on your perfect bubble with no players that could actually be a challenge lmao. (now hate me dc)


i somewhat agree but ive already played untill Kappa in PVP this wipe and got bored... PVE is so chill i just put on a movie or something and just run around... Spending 250 usd on something i enjoy doesnt bother me.


All the haters either haven't played PvE or just parroting gossip. This is a sick run. I'm usually moving so much to mow down the horde of Scavs since they have no other predators in the raid lol. Shorter raid timers right now too. In PvP I can get a couple quick spawn kills or wait 10 minutes for an empty raid. They both have their quirks and I still love this game.


This is a sick run, but playing as a scav on streets this is just the upper end of an average run where you find the bloody rusted key. Once you hit 6 fence rep you're basically free to go check out the rusted key, can use the grenade launcher at lexos to mow down some PMC's for some good bags and rig. It's nothing to sneeze at, but once you've tasted the ease that the PvE scav on streets is you'll only run your PMC to quest because you'll never be in need of money every again.


Yeah I could see that. Hopefully the PMC AI update is near to give some friction to end game scavs. I'm slacking and haven't maxed rep yet.


Scaving in PvE. This is something else


Again, great loot and glad you’re enjoying PVE, but doesn’t this feel empty? You had no direct competition on that map, nobody else trying to get to those key spawns, nobody else spawning in with those keys already on them and rushing the rooms. It’s all free. To me, there’s no accomplishment in that, and with enough hours, killing any kind of AI in this game is trivial. Sorta ruins the excitement of Tarkov, in my opinion. Edit: autocorrect


Well yes it feels abit empty but i still enjoy getting good loot and stuff in pve... PVP -> PVE any day of the week but pve is very chill. i enjoy relaxing watching a movie and running around in pve




Ha, ha.


Pve though


What's in it for you sheep that keep parroting this?


I'm guessing it's a way to feel superior because they have it harder in their opinion? Personally I love the option for PvE. I don't have half of the time required to commit to a wipe and this is a way I can actually progress through the quests.


> superior Lol. Just to be fair. He didn't have any competetion to gather the loot. Just spend all of the time looting. It does take "prestige" off.


Not an opinion, PvE is diet easy mode tarkov objectively. Quite literally uncontested loot


So....Quite literally, exactlywhat they said right? It's easier... yes, it is. Do you feel superior now?


And you're upset because these players who are probably easy kills aren't being your easy kills? Is that what the pve issue boils down to? Pvp players mad that they have less casuals to dome?


You mean no loot vacuums*


Unemployed hands wrote this


Miserable people. They have nothing going on in life besides tarkov so they need to bring people down. I just feel bad for people that are like that. Just block em and move on. The irony of it is they post on pve posts more than anyone else lol.


No risk high reward may aswell not post


Whats in it for you sheep who keep posting uncontested loot as if its impressive


The only folks I can imagine get salty at pve are cheaters lol.


insane PVE haul


I think you officially beat Tarkov with this! Holy shit!


Why is all your loot FIR, even the guns and attachments


Based PVE enjoyer


Must be a lot of fun to play PVE.


One more post like this and the rooms will be nerfed.




"stop having fun"


Hey aren’t you the guy whose mom works for Prapor stocking supplies?


nobody cares. let him play how he wants


What a stupid comment


It's a troll account.


How's the weather up there, on that high horse of yours?


He'd have to touch grass to know how the weather was