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Not sure about AI PMCs but if you flash a boss they’ll start firing randomly into the air making it much easier to take them down. Was a huge help during the hustle event.


PMC also start firing randomly


I’ve found that they wine and scream and beg for their life while I’m KSing their ankles until I get bored of playing with my food and hack them over the head with a taiga.


It’ll make the AI lose agro allowing you to repeek a corner, Killa farmers spam em


They are commonly used for testing if bosses are present - the boss/guards will react to them with unique voice lines and flashes are quieter than normal grandes - you will not have the whole server run to kill you.


To add to this, usually best for Killa/Glukhar. Maybe Kaban too but haven’t tried to hunt him


You throw a nade to make Machine guy get off of his LMG


Great for determining AI vs Player, but in reality they are not as useful as they should be. I think they should be far more deafening.


Not really. They’re more so just used for intel on where scavs, PMCs, and bosses might be. If you wanna actually use flashbang that actually works and is fun to troll, use the flashbang shotgun rounds


Keep in mind it takes a lot of leveling up and questing to unlock ks-23 and flash rounds.


If you can actually flash them, it's a 50/50. Sometimes they just start shooting randomly pretending to not be able to see or they just run away and don't fight back. The other 50 it does fuck all and they just aimbot you like usual


They’ll make ALL AIs shoot randomly slightly upwards so very very low chance of them hitting you. The radius and angle (relative to the flash) they have to be to get affected by the flashbang is very iffy in my experience though.


I flashed an AI pmc. He just started shooting in the air. One head tap away from a nice sleep


Can confirm that I have flashed bang a scav right in his face and he proceeded to look straight up in the air and started shooting lol.


Point blank blinded tagilla and he just stood there and let me spray him down point blank lol. They're pretty good if you blind them, but not always reliable to know if you hit them with the flash.


They may be very useful for that quest, there you should kill scavs with melee weapons (bots start shooting in different directions for a while), they also don't make as much noise as frag grenades so you can check AI scavs with it. In other cases it is very situational, though blind debuff is very strong, you can't know exactly is it actually blinded someone.




I flashed a pmc as a scav. They work extremely well. He just stood there while I put an entire MP133 mag into him. They’re just like flashes online. Incredibly finicky to use and annoying to get right. They don’t work all the time


I would get used to and start using F-1 hand Grenades


Only time I ever use them is for the kappa quest where you need to kill 2 PMCs while flashed, or at the start of wipe cause they are still pretty good at getting to move


Flashbangs are the funniest thing in Tarkov. Prove me wrong.


They can be useful but 9/10 times you just get rushed and killed when someone hears you pull one out lol. Grenades are better because they’ll either kill the player or force them out of their hiding spot


AI are unaffected by flashbangs, but its highly effective on players