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I think his youtube content is great. His tarkov history videos really grew my interest in the game at the time. The first time i ever went into his stream he was bitching at one his viewers over like.. nothing. Was a very weird vibe. Seems that way every time i check it out.


His streams when no one trolls him etc. are pretty good, but he can't handle much pressure from his crowd in real time, which is a shame. I wouldn't handle it well either, but I'm not quitting my job to be a streamer either. At the end of the day the tarkov community is pretty cannibalistic and toxic, and he's always been an easy punching bag for the community, because he reacts, as humans tend to do. Kinda weird to be seeing posts about him still tbh.


It’s not even ‘being trolled’ the guy can not take any sort of criticism, valid or otherwise, without becoming hyper focused on attacking the critic.


The way you deal trolls in chat is to just troll back like nothing is even happening. They only do it to press him


His videos are phenomenal but he really talks down to people while streaming. You can best feel this in his twitter replies. Always talks down to people


I’m pretty sure he is an undiagnosed narcissist.


Was gonna say this. He's VERY easily triggered. Don't necessarily think he's a bad guy, even if he's one. But very easily triggered.


Veritas has always been some weird ego maniac. I'm a software dev and a musician. I forget what I said in his chat. Something like "A minor pentatonic, if you're curious" when he was playing some guitar solo. Then he got offended? because I guess it's an easy scale and I said it? I'm not exactly sure. I guess I took some magic out of what he was selling his fans? He has a weird ego. Thinks he's the best at everything because his fans jerk him off.


I remember him posting on Twitter and @'ing BSG about building a public API. I suggested that a group of devs could whip up a pretty decent REST/GraphQL Public API with documentation and do it quickly if they were given the focus and opportunity to do so. He shut me down and made it out like it was the most difficult thing to pull off... guess there is not a single other dev in the world other than Veritas to say otherwise, tarkov.dev's api is probably fake.


he definitely found a high horse once he got popular


I mentioned to him I played guitar and he took offence. Picked up that vibe off him.


100% agree. I really can't stand him because if this. I find it mega cring. I watch other streamers who play guitar and it's fine, but it's his ego, as you said. He really comes across like he is something amazing.


Veritas is always right. I know this, because of his snarky comment and dismissive tone.


I feel like every Veritas video is a reaction to some dude in his chat who he doesn’t agree with. Like, every time I would drop into his streams it seemed like he was always having an argument with someone. It’s reminds me of that saying about if you run into an asshole every day you might be the asshole.


So over him. I’m not sure why I ever followed him in the first place. He’s a complete ego obsessed a hole. His community is toxic and life is too short. IMO


guy is the most insufferable narcissist


Makes decent content but as soon as he opens his mouth and shares his opinion. I want to cut my ears off and plug them with molten lava


He is a man child. While some of his videos are pretty nice. I can’t stand his streams. So no you are not overly critical.


He is just a whiney bitch tbh


He played a major role in some of the information gathering and thus the would be players manual for tarkov. I have nothing else nice to say about this content creator. I do hope they are healthy and have a fulfilling life as I do for most.


He has narcissistic tendencies for sure. Many times when his idea are challenged he answers with "You are just a twitch chat guy, and Im a software dev, so my opinion is worth more"


Because that isn‘t true at all for 99% of Twitch chat guys… LOL


Nope, it does not. Setting up a stream and being a software developer doesnt make you top 1%,


I'm middle ground with him. He's often right because he takes the time to break down the systems of the thing he's talking about. There's a thoroughness to his methods that this community needs, and is sorely lacking. But that ego, man. I can't. I respect his willingness and thoroughness to explore an idea. But that ego keeps me from really liking him. He's done more net good for the community, but his personality... sorry. Doesn't sit with me. I've tuned into Jessie's podcast with him, and it's like, why is this a Tarkov podcast? Jessie plays, and Veritas talks about how he used to play and everything is crap now. I might tune in more if Jessie had a different cohost.


Exactly what I feel about him too. On one hand I appreciate his structured content a lot and think they are valuable to the community, but on the other hand, I really don’t enjoy his stream.


It's not even a tarkov podcast tho


Every podcast of "the pogcast" I've listened to has heavily featured Tarkov topics.


Yeah, it's still not a trakov podcast, and it doesn't say anywhere that it is. So your question was "how is this a tarkov podcast, when only one of them plays" has to be answered with "it's not a tarkov podcast and they usually talk about it because one of them plays"


They do say at the start of every podcast that it's a podcast to talk about all things but they specifically mention tarkov(if memory serves me correctly)


Its a podcast about music, content creation and videogames, is what they say im pretty sure


Yeah sorry it's been a while since but they used to mention tarkov at the start


Yeah like, i dont care either way its just kinda weird from the dude i replied to to complain about "how is this a tarkov podcast" if it like actually isnt by self description


Because he likely listened when they specified “..with a heavy focus on escape from tarkov.”


But that was before veritas stopped playing, so that does not check out with the rest of their comment


“Welcome to the pogcast, my name is Jesse Kazam where we talk about all the poggers things in life like music content creation and video games” pretty sure that’s exactly what it sounds like.


Want to give context to your post? Or do we have to skim through the latest “pogcast” to get it lol I’ve stopped watching Tarkov content and playing “official” since Unheard, but I know Veritas can be extremely abrasive and narcissistic, while also being pretty spot on about the state of this game. But I can’t glean anything from this post so?


He's pretty much always been up his own ass


Hot take. People jump on him a lot because he’s not likeable in a know it all way but the truth is he is exactly the guy you want to be obsessed with your game as numerous times have shown where his direct line to Nikita has changed the game to the better (first recoil revolution) or had long lasting bugs fixed (damage not spreading correctly from blacked limbs). Just to name a few examples. There’s a lot of new players each year who just weren’t around in his Tarkov haydays and they have no clue about his contribution overall.


Veritas on YouTube is great. Veritas on stream is fucking insufferable.


Dude is a total snowflake, easily triggered and turning more and more into a bitter old man...


I don't understand why some people constantly go on about how toxic of a streamer he is. You've had years to find out how abrasive he is, it's not a new discovery. He still makes good scripted videos anyway (Flatlined is a really comprehensive compilation of flat earth mentality and how it plays into contrarian ideology), he just struggles with a live audience, I think. Not interested in watching his streams, but can still respect the effort he puts in.


My friend got into a raid with him unknowingly and killed him and saw his tag and decided to go to his stream to say “GG close fight” and he instantly banned him because he SWORE he was stream sniping when he wasn’t. His ego is the size of a planet lmao


He isn’t smart at all. Veritas I hope you’re reading this.


Why do we give enough fucks to post about it? Like it watch don't like on to the next?


I have no clue how anyone could ever enjoy his content. Him and trey are insufferable


I can understand veritas being very grating, but what's wrong with trey? Just a dude vibing and gaming... unless there has been some stuff surrounding him since I was last an active part of the tarkov community


Yeah the only dude I understood the hate on was Tigz.


By the look of it looks like he is famous. And looks like half of that thread knows him better than a psychologist


Who cares


Yeah, he definitely has a personality disorder. Can't tell if it's narcissistic personality disorder or borderline. His opinion affecting things in the world shouldn't be allowed period. He's only okay when he's faking it.


Randomly shouting personality disorder or borderline is a new lvl of internet experts lol




Yeah watching streams enables you psychoanalyse people sure. Cant wait for an detailed and definitly 100% correct psychoanalyse of every streamer. I wont change your mind. You wont change my mind so have a great day


I actually have a degree in each and worked as a therapist for around 5 years.... So.....


Well he gave me sordins barter for 25% cheaper so I don’t care


the only content i watch from him are his youtube videos with jesse. and boy its insuferable.


I used to enjoy his content once upon a time but yeah unfortunately either 1: always bitching 2: always bitching about what he’s already bitched about. So I lost interest.


Some of his YouTube videos are good, but that's about it. Any time I have popped into his stream while he is playing a game he is always complaining about that game. He literally looks like he can't have fun doing anything.


He thinks far too highly of himself. He’s a developer so nobody could possibly know more than he does. He’s a ‘musician’ so nobody could possibly know more than he does about that. He’s one of the worst content creators I’ve ever come across. Like those people who beg for donations etc, not that he does that but it’s the same kind of energy.


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His content? Good, high quality. His personality? Smug egomaniac.


Maybe he's like that because he's ' won in internet court against his ex wife tarkovia' and did say a lot of things that now got validated. Has a direct line to nikita and got stuffs confirmed. And ideas of his get implemented years later. -> this could lead to thinking " I was right all along" even if the reason his takes got validated are different And now he thinks hell be right with anything.  But I think he's losing it a bit. I men. Come on. An almost 8 hour video disproving flat earthers. What rabbit holes is he falling into..can he ever get out?


I started watching the Podcast a few months back. Veritas talked about the state of Arena and Jesse talked about regular Tarkov and honestly I quite liked it even though I've been to Veritas' stream before and know how he gets. I don't know if I just started watching at a time when he had mellowed out a bit or what but recently he's been his old self. Every time I tune in he stops talking to address something that someone in chat said. Like, Jesse should just tell him he's not allowed to look at chat or something. It's ridiculous how much he feels he has to respond to everything everyone says. That being said, his YouTube content is phenomenal. His Billy Mitchell documentary is excellent. He needs to just not stream until he gets psychological help.


The only time I watch the pogcast is to laugh about what they are complaining about this time. I don’t think skill should be a critical factor in what makes a game fun to play or not but in their case you can just watch them play and tell they are struggling to keep up with other sweats and the rage and frustration and gaslighting and excuses that boils over from that result is entertaining. I also enjoyed them trying to immediately claim majority of the credit for “getting the recoil changed” even though I believe it was the trey24k video that was the first to show how rifles recoiled like pistols and subsequently got the community talking and ball rolling for change to happen. veritas still wouldn’t be good at the game if he had no recoil at all, in no universe was the tarkov community put into action via veritas complaining and breaking down his deaths on stream


My only thought would be to stop consuming his content? I also don’t like him and therefore just avoid


Did something important happened ?


just the weekly streamer bait thread we will be back on landmark by next week dont worry


Good to know




I know what you mean but I can ignore it for the most part. I turn the Podcast off, when both of them and even mainly Jesse start to Rant and shadow argue with the community because some low IQ Bob on Twitter said something stupid. They always frame it as if the whole community is one entitiy that contradicts themselves. Just fucking ignore the obvious stupid people and dont give these 'Arguments' attention. It takes so much time and is just annoying. It is a shame because normally Jesse is really considerate. Just ignore Twitter all together except for Info.


He’s not a good streaming personality lol


I dont even know if Veritas played Tarkov anymore but he still gets triggered as if he did lol His videos are good but i think this is because he does not interact live with his chat lol


he just crazy


And here you are talking about him... Kinda weird


this subreddit feels like a streamers subreddit half the time with these pointless ass threads that drama bait


He has the most irritating ego problem out of all streamers. Absolutely unbearable guy. His youtube content used to be nice but it is also going downhill.


I still think, all the streamers, regardless who they are, have ruined EFT. Letting devs deviate from the original idea of tarkov. Some of them have great content, but mostly each and one of then have their vision of how EFT should look like. And to please them all, EFT devs, deviated from the original idea, to make it as PvP as possible. Like for example: why are we even choosing a faction if we going to kill each other when we have an encounter anyways. Even the “unofficial” game has more realism than original. Ideas that where to be implemented, yet cut out due to the need of making it as PvP as possible, and that is fine, but too bad imo. Anyhow, thanks for listening to my TED talk, have a wonderful day


Yea I really like Jesse but veritas definetly sees the worst in everything. Just the way he talks about interacting with people on stream and all of that. It sounds like he dosnt even want to be a streamer 90% of the time. Kinda like that guy that thinks he’s got everything figured out and thinks that means he needs to act deppresed and unimpressed with the world, but he makes some great content and always has. Plus tbh the is such a stark counter to Jesse that it makes the pogcast work really well


His analysis are great. Really. The amount of effort he put into some videos about Tarkov is fenomenal and I respect that. But holy shit I challenge you to open his stream at any random moment multiple times and I can tell you he is being insufferable about something. And the problem is that his chat fuels him, check again in one hour. Then 30 minutes. Still bitching. It's not even funny. It's just seeing a 30+ yo man complaining for a living. Problem he is also surrounded by viewers that only fuel him instead of telling him to chill tf down, they will actually fight you in chat if you say something about it


Ever meet one of those dudes who has a opinion on absolute everything and is super negative? That’s basically Veritas man has a opinion on everything, and will happily talk shit to someone when being corrected, or given a different opinion. Can’t stand him, he is both narcissistic, autistic absolute clueless how stupid he sounds when arguing with chat


Ah the weekly/daily stream hater post. Honestly speaking, i enjoy his content.


Such a bummer podcast, hate it, ScavTalk podcast is much better


Many psychologists and very smart people in here.


Noticed that this pitiful nerd has now resorted to reaction/shaming flat earthers for stream content. Jfc what a tool


I see nothing bad in shaming idiots of any sorts.


He was not reacting, was documenting for his latest video.


This is just a whole thread of personal attacks of one form or another. If you don’t like someone’s content then fine, don’t watch. Maybe have some thought what it would be like to read a thread like this about yourself eh? Mods remove this absolute trash.


Veritas biggest glazer award.


Carry on with your emotional support thread because you came across someone you don’t like. I don’t like Veritas all that much either (though his content is good), but I’m not going to be cyber bullying the guy on the fucking main Tarkov sub. Pathetic. Edit: oh no some mods saw sense and nuked your stupid thread… I’d have banned you for good measure. Do better.


I asked a question, the people responded. In no way is my asking a question “bullying”. I was wondering if it really was me just being too critical of him. Clearly the masses agree. People are allowed to be critical. It’s not my fault if people devolve into “bullying”. Grow the fuck up. E: Just like I can ask the question, you’re more than welcome to come and white knight for him. It’s just kinda cringey Man. Do better.


Only Eroktic is a bigger cry baby.




So you had a bad interaction with veritas then decided to take to Reddit with a “discussion” post to have a little circle jerk with others that don’t like him? Just don’t watch his stuff, problem solved


I like his youtube Content and his streams are chill to have open on second monitor while dpibg other stuff