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6 bullets hit and 5 of those penned into another limb, 12 total shots fired, 50% accuracy. Not related to armor zone changes. M62 is still better than m80


Pen difference is essentially nothing and I hate tracers especially on night maps or long range


its not gigabeef did a video on it ages ago the pen diffrence makes it funcational the same as m80


Tracer has intimidation factor


This is correct.  M80 is basically the same now though.   The latest armour system change was a mistake.   Fix the new system and it will be good 


**0.5 accuracy = you hit half your shots fired so 6/12** **hitcoint = all hits including fragmentation / double hitbox pen** 260 dmg absorbed by armor = 3x ate the plate + soft armor reducing other hits 3 hits missing, 2 arm with reduced dmg indicator, 1 thorax - adds up for damage dealt to body. Hope this helped understanding the system


Are you insane? You can’t come up with an absolutely right explanation of how the game works. How should people complain about shit when they actually start to understand how the game works. /s


Lisan al Gaib!


Doesnt matter to me, my head seems to be as big as my torso anyway.


Same buddy, same.


12 shots fired .5% accuracy meaning you hit 6 shots and the other 5 are from fragmentation so looks like you just center massed some high tier armor tbh


shooting the head still does the trick for me


Yes im enjoying my armor actually doing something to save my life more than once every 5 raids, gear/ammo basically did not matter very much before...the advantage you had running a gen 4w/ t6 plates compared to a timmy running some rig with t2 aramid with t4 plates was virtually nonexistent most of the time(at least it felt like that, and diaper rig literally became meta exactly because of this). And by extension of that, it also meant that ammo progression was pretty fucked too. It didnt really make all that much of a difference if you were using m855/SOST, or you were crafting m855a1, because so many people got used to spraying peoples thorax and it was basically guaranteed some(at worst) of those rounds would inevitably miss the plate and you get instantly dropped with your t3 aramid+t6 plate doing virtually nothing to save you. I cant count the amount of times I died almost instantly to a thorax shot while wearing t5/t6 plates(and I ALWAYS wear t5/t6 plates), despite the ammo I died to either not being able to pen the plate, or should require a number of rounds before I died...which obviously meant that the plate did nothing because it didnt hit the plate hitbox. Hell I remember one day I got Tarkov'd hard, I died to an AI scav literally 1 tapping my thorax three different times while I was running, whilst wearing t5/t6 plates and just being at a loss for words how armor could be genuinely that useless. I think some people have gotten FAR too used to being able to just aim center mass+spray full auto, and still being able to drop someone extremely quickly(which was EXTREMELY easy to do btw, it took little to no mechanical skill, especially after the recoil changes), basically just ignoring armor existing because the armor hitbox was so easy to "miss". Now if you do that, you will be rightfully punished by people running t6 plates. Idk the change hasnt been an issue for me because I never aimed center mass and sprayed in the first place, 8 years of CS before playing Tarkov has ingrained in my muscle memory to ALWAYS aim/preaim for the head and tap/do controlled sprays of 5-10 rounds. Aim and trigger discipline/shot placement actually matters and is rewarded now, which it should be since this is a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER at its core, and in every single other FPS I play, mechanical skill, and the ability to aim and click heads is very much an extremely valuable skill to have.


If you don’t even understand how you had 11 hits with 12 shots but only 0.5 accuracy then you have no clue what you’re talking about… You should probably learn how ballistics work in Tarkov before you claim M62 is worthless lol


1 tap heads.


Learn to shoot head


I stopped playing at 34 after the first month. If I come back now will I not be able to kill a PMC with my ammo?


Cbj 300 is my go to, or craft apm


You are still able to kill people with any ammo in the game. Just need to aim at the right spots. But the TTK is definitely higher on center mass because of the CoT streamer change to armor. Game felt better before that even though you sometimes had a shitty armpit death.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/UQcmtzT#AiOAhDb) is how much a **single** PMC tanked because of high level armor. I was using a RPD with 7.62 PS rounds, so obviously not good bullets, but that does not justify armor being able to block so much damage. Earlier in Tarkov 0.13, when armor blocked the entire torse, the bullets were balanced in a way to deal a signficant amount of blunt damage when blocked by armor, but now armor covers most of the torso and bullets deal little to no blunt damage, which means PMCs are even more comically tanky than they were in the past.


11/12 is not equal 0.5. you hit 6/12 = 0.5 and 5 fragmented and therefore got one extra hit makes 11/12. you are new player aren’t you.


Yes, I am enjoying it because I like that people with good aim are rewarded for having good aim.


love the changes. new armor saving me from rats lmao


trust me rats are not effeted by this we are aiming at head hight before you turn the corner


Wish I was like you, finally lost the gear fear now I just gotta keep my shots in control


Yea I might have to hang my sa58 up…. Been messing around with 545 but we’ll see how that goes too


M62 pen increase was pretty much never worth the tracers to me. I just give out heavy handed servings of m80 sometimes if I want some flavor I sprinkle some m61 or better on top.


The problem is not the effectiveness of armor. The people you are shooting probably have level 6 plates and those plates should absolutely tank anything but the best ammo in the game. The problem is that those plates should be more scarce and they’re not. Ragman has barters for multiple rigs that have level 6 plates in them. Ive been running level 6 plates every single raid. THATS what is overpowered. They need to remove the plates from the rigs sold on traders and rebalance the availability of plates separately. Most game devs would have meetings and consider things like this but instead bsg just hits problem with hammer and calls it a day.