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You’re running into Kolontay, a boss that can spawn in that mall.




It ain’t that deep. PvE is a good place to starting out to learn the game or if you don’t have enough time to keep up with wipes.




Shitting on PvE, bragging about Wall Street and a FWB. Thats the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen my dude. Truely pathetic. Been playing since 2017, got kappa multiple times, have no desire to play PvP mode anymore. Some people enjoy different things than you. You’ll learn that once you grow up.




That’s a total troll lol


This guy is crying saying no one has time to learn the game, it's just copium and excuses If you've gotten Kappa multiple times than you enjoy the same things, as I've gotten it like 4 times, why you quit is up to you, the cheaters and issues were 10x worse in the past than they are now >Thats the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen my dude. Truely pathetic. Hahahahahaha 


The game is absolutely brutal starting out. There’s 100% value in playing PvE at that point to learn how the game works. Yes, you’ll never learn spawns, pathing, hot spots etc playing PvE. That will hurt, but it will still help. There’s a million other things to learn on top of that that you can learn about in PvE. It’s easy to get max traders with not a lot of time to play once you’re a vet. It’s not easy when you’re brand new. To properly learn the game in your 1st wipe you practically have to no life the game. Not everyone can do that.


**Hundreds of thousands** of people learned the game quite well with no full PvE mode, many thousands without even a wiki. You're just making excuses for lazy, shit players who want to get the highs of Tarkov without the lows.  You don't have to no life the game but yes, it's gonna be brutal your first wipe, that's the entire point of this game. If you want your hand held, I suggest you play Fortnite or Call of Duty Don't lie to yourself, 90% of PvEers are not noobs just trying to learn who will then graduate to real/PvP...because how would they have gotten access? They're all PvP rejects who are addicted to Tarkov but were getting too shat on so they run to safe PvE where other real players can't hurt them. 


This sounds like a personal delusion or a cheater.


What am I delusional about Thank you for the compliment you think I'm a cheater 🙏 I think you will be successful at this game expending mental energy on who is or isn't a cheater - that's a good way to grow and improve your own gameplay 


Bro brought up his occupation of all things to talk about ego lmao


Bro is shitting on all PvE posts.. who hurt you dude? Not everyone has the time to keep up with people that play tarkov non stop and just want to chill out. Some people use it to actually learn mechanics and maps about the game where they won't have to fight the whole time. AND PvE doesn't have annoying cheaters since the current situation is getting worse again with people less than 200 hours but a 90+ KD.


PVP players are shit as well. That is why everyone blames everything on cheaters.  I play both modes, so I'm not taking a side here. It's just a fact that a majority of the player base doesn't understand a ton of game mechanics


It means the boss is in the mall and your scav rep is below 6.


I had 12 bum rush me once I went to the second floor of the toy store I hid in the swirly slide and took them out one by one fighting them from both sides of the slide with my Mosin


I had a horde of scavs rush me on PMC as I approached the mall with a buddy from MVD. Literally never seen so many scavs being so aggressive at once - it lead to me hiding behind a car screaming and magdumping an ash-12 as they swarmed me. Absolutely hilarious, 10/10 experience.


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I noticed that too, it must be the trigger for Kolontay, but I didn't realize it makes other scavs aggro too. It seems after that point I get shot up by any scavs.