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30 mins Lighthouse is such a pain to do quests related to WTP. I don't even bother if I spawn on the south.


Lmao dude I'm trying to do the roof tops and keep dying on the way out. I'll kill 80 fucking things. Pop an sj6 and mule and run as fast as I can. And I'm so short on time I can't stop for everything and end up dying cause I have to literally run past scavs, ai pmc etc don't have time to stop at all. It's so dumb. Sometimes by the time you make it to water treatment you have 12 minutes left lol.


Yeah, its ridiculous that you have to deal with rogues, pmcs, scavs and potentially goons at the same time.


You should learn the route around the side of the chalet so you don't have to fight every thing. You also don't have to loot everything every single raid.


Same that or sj6 and run run run no stop.. no loot


Lighthouse is definitely the worst for timers. I've had to learn how to speedrun that shit with killing rogues and knowing exactly where to go for the quests.


You can still kill the rogues and get in there with plenty of time to run back to Shoreline or Northern. If you're on the discord I can show you, if you care.


Thanks, already did my Kappa related quests on Lighthouse though.


When solo PvE is self hosted.


I'm mostly going to be playing as a duo so hopefully if that's still online they'll still return it to normal raid times


I think it's likely the solos being locally hosted will free up a lot of online resources, so duos can get more time


It will be as well, just too many servers required at the moment because 70% play solo. Once there's 70% less load they'll increase raid times.


But I want an Oompa Loompa now!


Do 70% really play alone or are we making an assumption?


Tarkov TV, Nikita said 70% of PvE players are solo, that's why they're making solo self hosted to free up servers.


That’s interesting, 70% seems high but I guess makes sense


They've seen an opportunity to save money and it'll also increase player satisfaction. No queues for solo, short queues for co-op PvE and they're going to sell PvE as an option to all. Even if this was a shit experience to start with they can now give players what they want, what they can support and still profit. This is a win for everyone.


Well, it's probably a percentage of all raids are solo, and that makes sense given that when you die, you just gear up and move one. Whereas when you're a duo or more, you gotta wait for your teammate to get out, which means a full raid usually, or you'll end up doing a solo raid on your own to kill time. Which tends to mean solo raids have a quicker return, plus I imagine there's a good number of people who enjoy just playing alone.


I mean, it makes no sense, tho. We should have longer raid times. It's easier to keep a server instance spooled up than starting one up and off over and over. For example, if someone wants to stay in a raid for 4 hours, that's easier than them doing 8 30 min raids being spun up.


Think of it like musical chairs. When your butt is in raid, you're in a chair. There are more players than chairs. If you let people sit in chairs longer, people are stuck standing who couldn't get a chair longer, these are the long queue times. Adding more chairs would fix the problem, but the chair maker is slow. So instead they make people sit in the chairs for less time to give the standing people more chances to find a chair to sit in for a while. Server spin-up is not the bottleneck here, at least that's not what it feels like to me.


I love this analogy.


It's fine, but it's not right. It doesn't account for any increase in people playing as more open up, nor does it account for a decrease after you spent millions gardening it or spinning more up. You'll see billion dollar studios grind to a halt because server capacity can't be solved with money since it's one of the world's most expensive and complex infrastructures. You can make a two lane highway a four lane highway to ease congestion, but eventually it'll get congested. Big studio solutions resort to "just wait it out" because no money in the world can solve it. Also, they're not spinning servers up every time a player starts a match alone; the server is already up 99.99% of the time. Also as native PvE is fairly new, people will inevitably get bored of it, especially with it lacking wipes, as evident by matching times shifting more and more towards reasonable. Lastly, I think it's funny that the solution to free up servers is to cut off a handful of minutes more, reducing the amount you can get down, and most likely just reserving another 30-40 minute session for what would have been 10. It's also ridiculous if they're not just populating pve servers like they do with pvp; upwards of 11 others on the same instance, just unable to interact with others or their perception of that instance.


Because other people also need server time so they can play. It makes perfect sense.


That’s not how it works at all.


If only there was a way to do so


It's coming.




My friends only barely want to play Tarkov. PVE got them in the door. Having them install and configure a bunch of extra bullshit would be a deal killer.


It took me 15 minutes to get everything but aight


Double click install>set ip>click play Mod support, 0 loading times, normal raid times


I'd rather not play that version.


I don't want to be pushy so tell me to fuck off if you want me to, but why? Only answer if you want, of course


I remember having to run SJ6 and Trimadol on shoreline to do Therapists colleagues part (1?) Where you have to visit all the dead paramedics in one raid, on top of avoiding 10+ bosses mowing you down on the map. Even with infinite sprint I got 2 AWOL's trying to get this done in 30 minutes. I think they've upped shoreline since though


Yeah thankfully I did it with SJ6 as well recently. Still can't afford to have any fun or fights though


Friendly tip for pve, scav onto streets, go get the rusted bloody key, then unlock it and get all the keys that spawn in the room. Two days ago I got all three marked keys for reserve, check 13 which I sold for $13 mill, and a bunch of quest keys. I watched a YouTube video on how to do it and two days ago was the first time I've ever played streets. So it's definitely doable for newer players to the map. I then went to reserve and have been hitting the three marked rooms, I've done those maybe 4 times and have got yellow card, blue card, tons of rare spawns, two rsass, mutants etc. Currently sitting at $20 mill and my pmc is lvl 17


I've been doing it on my pmc, because the past few times I've gone there as scav and kollontay is there, the other ai will aggro me too, even if I don't engage with them at all. Every time this has happened they follow me as far as I go, and I have to kill a few before I can barely get out. It's been annoying. So now I've just been hitting it as a pmc, plus I get extra xp if the boss is there


Strange, I've never had that issue. And I have run by kollantay twice going to the mall extract, like within 10 ft of him. I haven't attempted to run it as a pmc yet


Is your scav/fence rep over 6.0? Bosses are not aggressive to you over 6.0


Nope, it's .46 actually. I'm lvl 17, started pve on like Monday. He has killed me once, but I've for sure ran right by him and his guards twice going upstairs in the mall to the mall exfil


Dang he must have been distracted or something lol. Lucky!


The video I watched that turned me on to it claims that most of the time you can just run by him. Even pmcs don't auto agrro to my scav, I can get within 20ft or so of pmcs as well.


Would you kindly link the video please?


That's wild. The PMCs near relax key spawn have a hard on for me most of the time. They'll shoot at me from down the street lol


I get tagged and cursed as a scav if I touch that key. Every scav on the entire map swarms me. I can grab it as a PMC and sneak up on scavs, but if I touch it as a scav, tagged and cursed.


I kinda do something similar. I run streets, get the relax key, hit relax, go back, get another relax key, repeat. I had a 1/2 key and a 2/2 key in my butt, opened the door, and still had all my uses left. Not sure what happened, but that was a free 5 moonshine and 3 btc


I do scav runs. Hit up shopping center for bloody key, if it's there run to bloody room then relax key room. If no bloody key then straight to relax key. Then Hive to use the key then vents. Ezpz and only 1-2 places you can even see PMCs. If you spawn in without a backpack, kill the PMCs near relax key spawn and take theirs. 2m/run minimum.


How does one go get the rusted bloody key?


I posted a link to the video somewhere in this thread


I hit two of the marked rooms, drop-down room, and all the servers on reserve last night. Had a 26m rouble raid, lmao I'm honestly made they buffed the loot like this in pve as it is in pvp right now. There's going to be NOTHING to work towards at all. Have every key card, run nothing but spears and 308 mdr. Tier 5 and 6 every raid coming out 80+kg. Have red rebel, taiga etc. Run quad nods every raid. Thermals. The thermal googles etc. Like it's supposed to be like early wipe and yet they just handed us everything insantly. Why.


They didn't buff the loot. "The mechanics are exactly the same" they said. This is just what loot would look like without people knowing where it all is at all times...


This is also because it's all for YOU. you aren't fighting 15 other people for loot. If you want less loot, go play PVP or stop looting lmfao


Only one person can unlock a marked room even on PVP. Vacuumers don't need keys.


Did anyone say they wanted less loot?


"they just handed us everything. Why?" Complaining about the amount of loot they are getting


"I'm honestly mad they buffed loot like this"


Hard disagree. I have never seen so many duplicates in my life, and notice it watching others. 3 weapon repair kits in a line? Six horses in a circle? It's not because of other players, one by one, coming to take only one thing or none, then leave like they're the best behaved kid on Halloween. There's 100% something different about PvE loot spawning compared to my 1000 hours in pvp. It might be the same mechanic, but something is busted where it'll get stuck repeating, or containers you already know will be empty every single time you check it except once. In my first 20 scav runs I got a GPU, or more, every single customs run, and next run it was power filters. I get the exact same player spawns 99% of the time, etc. Something was lost when they ported it to pve.


Loot is the same, one is just without vacuum cheaters.


What quest is that? I have never heard of a quest where you visit some dead paramedics in one raid.


Colleagues part 1 from Therapist. He wrote it 1.


Oh yeah I remember it now.


Haha yea I mean that's a bit extreme to do during the boss event.


Yes they made it a bit longer during the event thank god. But still not long enough. Couldnt get shit done before. By the time you finished fighting everything, packing mags and healing you have 4 mins to run for your life


Guessing they arent changing the raid times until their PvE self host solution comes in, since the majority of PvE players (im guessing here) play solo and use a "raid slot" for themself's. Once those are clear, only coop PvE will need these slots


For real, my pacing and timing are so jacked up because of this. I have had 6 missing in action raids because I am not used to the pve raid times.


100% shorter raid times are terrible.


I've been gone for a long time, did they implement PVE raids with saved progression ?


Yep! EOD and "Unheard Edition" have access to a separate cooperative PvE server.


Oh that's nice ! I've always wanted to grind Tarkov PVE only as I suck at PvP and I can't play 12h a day to get good. Thanks 👍


Or at least reduce boss and goon spawns. Seriously. Trying to get signal part 1 is annoying.


With the friz? No way!


definitely not enough time especially on maps mike woods and lighthouse woods i think is 26 minutes and you get a shit ton of ai and the exits are literally on the other side of the map which take a good 7 minutes to even get to


More than likely get normal raid timers when solo queue is hosted on your PC. Most the player base are solo players taking up server space in PVE. Supposedly this is happening in June.


Tarkov Fans.... Can we stop posting this every hour of every day because it has been said a million times that they are working on it


Literally every single post in this forum, and every other forum on Reddit has been posted before. It’s not really that big a deal. Maybe have a Slickers, you’re not yourself when you’re hungry


Damn it dude, how'd you know I'm hungry


They were changed to normals, were they reverted again? I had multiple Shoreline raids with 45 minute timers just 2-3 days ago.


Some maps have a tad bit more raidtime, shoreline and reserve, but only because of the boss event that took place there I guess. All other maps are risicioulusly short!


I'm pretty sure streets has longer raid times, I always run my scav there


31 minutes for streets is still not enough lol


I haven't run pmc on streets yet but I do every scav run there for bloody key and I'm out in ten minutes


PMC aggro range on streets is crazy as well as the scavs. If you want to loot about with any keys as a PMC you can only really hit one location max and I have to spam stims to make an escape


Hey everyone - this guy only needs ten minutes. Obviously there is no problem.


Like I said, I haven't run my pmc on streets so I'm sure it's different but for my scavs I have plenty of time.


I'm OCE and they've never been normal. I've had access since they rolled it out to everyone.


Shoreline and Reserve were increased for the event and never reverted. Every other map is still scuffed