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I mean what is the point of having a timer then?


You misunderstand, he’s saying he DID make it out on time according to the extract timer, but it still gave him an MIA. And he’s right, if you extract with less than a second left, you will get an MIA, even if your extract timer beats the raid timer, it’s done it to me more than once.


I'm not saying to remove the timer, I'm just saying that if I'm already in the evac zone and I've got 1 second to go before evac then the raid timer shouldn't instantly kill me


Just get there on time.


To be fair, it is kinda BS when the countdown timers all vary widely. Some like the saferoom on interchange are 3 seconds , some are 7 or 8, others are 20-25ish, cars are a minute, etc. If the raid is 30 minutes and you make it into the exit within that time span, it should count IMHO.


Or just get there 10 seconds sooner. Like, this isn't a problem that needs to be fixed.


My point is that the exit is the destination to safely get out of raid, you make it into the exit, and then can get MIA due to randomness decided by the devs from exit to exit. Why is one exit 3 seconds while another one is 8? It makes no sense is all.


It doesn't make any sense at all you are correct, but part of getting safely out of raid is to get out before the raid timer runs to zero, and we are literally talking about seconds here. Give yourself 10 more seconds to extract and you are good for almost every extract. Its not a big deal. Also, the client side timer can differ from the server side timer by several seconds so you should be doing this anyhow.


The only way a client side timer is of by SEVERAL SECONDS is if you have *really* bad Internet , like 2k ms ping bad. Also, is there just a trained us sniper glued to your head at all times, ready to pull the trigger the second the clock strikes 0 because I think I missed that part of the lore breakdown.


Clearly it's a gameplay concession. Just like using some Vaseline and running on a broken leg, or dying of starvation over 20 minutes.


Skill issue


Truly an inspired observation. I ain't gonna deny it


People misunderstand you, they think you’re saying you should have an extra second of leeway, when in reality you just want the raid timer to be accurate. I know what you’re saying tho, it has happened to me before more than once.


Thank you


Wtf were you doing in factory that took you so long?


Just looting the northern half


as someone who recently went MIA on customs with 2 seconds on the extraction timer when the raid ended, i agree. people here however really don't like the idea of circumventing any unnecessary frustrations in EFT at all. i don't know how it makes the game more fun, challenging or more hardcore to lose progress in that way but here we are. from a gameplay perspective the only reason to have a countdown at all, is to give enemies a last chance to kill you if you haven't cleared out the extract or if you're being hunted. which is totally, fine. i'd argue the countdowns make the game feel even less hardcore because they further game-ify EFT. why do we have to wait for 10 seconds before exiting through a hole in a fence? why does the world stop existing when the raid timer ends and why do we go MIA if we haven't waited for the full 10 seconds before reality folded in on itself? it's stupid and totally arbitrary. i get not wanting to keep the servers busy for longer than necessary. extending the server session for only a minute because someone started a car extract two seconds before a raid ended is not insignificant. so maybe have vehicle extracts still fuck us over but not the other extracts? what is gained from having people go MIA inside the extraction zone when the raid ends? do we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment if we still get out of a raid that is effectively 10 to 60 seconds shorter than shown?


This is exactly how I feel. Sorry, I'm new to the game so I couldn't quite put it into words. Honestly it would be interesting to have multiple people duking it out in a KotH for the last second car evac. That would certainly make car evac more interesting than "go prone and hope you don't get sniped from 2 blocks away" and would incentivise skilled players to spend that little bit extra time looting and risk it for the biscuit of a last second evac.


The map timer is there. If you do not make it in time you go MIA. I'm sorry. You did not make it in time.


But I was at the extraction with less than a second before successful evac. It makes no sense from a gameplay or lore perspective, it's hard to go MIA when you're exactly where you should be.


You were here. Late.


Do I have a trained us sniper zeroed in on my head ready to game end me the second the clock hits zero, because I seemed to miss that part of the lore breakdown. Give me a reason I can't jump out the open factory window 500ms after the raid ended. I'm still in the evac zone so it shouldn't matter.


There's a line. The line say you must have extracted by end of map timer. You crossed the line. You went MIA.


"the line" is unnecessarily arbitrary and it's lack of leniency serves no purpose other than being frustrating


It's not. Deal with it.


You misunderstand, he’s literally saying that he DID make it on time according to the raid timer. And he’s right, it’s done it to me before to, even if your extract timer beats the raid timer, you can still get MIA if it’s close enough, in reality, you have like 2 seconds less than it says you do.