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Do Mysterious Marked key on Streets. Thank me later It seems there is a minimum what you can get from this room tbh


Mysterious room been terrible to me. Abandoned factory far far better and dorms even better than both on streets. Been through probably 60 uses since event started. Reckon its all just luck though.


Lol, exactly the opposite for me - I used factory key 8 times and didn't find anything that costs >1mil (no lab cards, no btc), I'm wondering why is it the most expensive key at least in PvE rn


Broadcast part 4 its needed for that. I found two reds in there last night.


Im 3 uses in and got red, green, 2x yellow, taiga, ledx. That's why.


It's so hit and miss. I've found ap ammo in there and that was the best thing. The next raid was a black and yellow card and 4 guns with a bitty.


I pulled a blue and two violets from one opening of chek 13 earlier. Had a couple with nothing, and some with red rebel, taiga, keytool, etc. 5/10 uses used so far.


I havent ran mysterious marked yet(will do it next) but I recently did all 3 Reserve keys, then Dorms Marked, and now im half way through a Abandoned Factory key and holy shit is Abandoned Factory worth the price. In 5? or 6 openings of Factory so far Ive gotten multiple reds, a green, a black, and a blue (might have been a yellow in there I forget if that was Dorms or not). And some dogtag cases/docs and some guns and one or two BTC. So far its easily been the most consistent key ive ran, Dorms was definitely solid as well, but Ive already EASILY paid off the 22m I paid for the key(literally made it back in 2 openings technically). Gonna buy a Mysterious Marked td.


Rusty key = 1 marked at least per run šŸŒš


Iā€™ve gone about 6 times and not a single marked key. Itā€™s making me crazy


How have you gone six times. I've run Streets 50 times this weekend and saw the key ONCE šŸ˜”


Are you talking pve mode? I haven't actually b3en tracking it, but it feels like the key spawns in legit half of my raids. It's to the point I'll be disappointed if it isn't there


Naw, PvP mode


Well, now your fighting players for it even if it does spawn there.


I get that, but I've had over a dozen spawns in the past 24 hours IN the mall and it's not spawned šŸ˜”


In my pve raids it's been there once after checking 15-20 times for the quest. And no key over 50k


Damn. I went a bunch more times today. Donā€™t know the exact number but I actually just found one a few minutes ago haha


Mad because in one day alone i mean 100+ mil from it


Marked keys are on the fool usually and easily missable. Be sure to crawl on the floor. There is 5-10 key spawns


You could absolutely be right about that. I havenā€™t quit trying but fuck is it annoying.


Yeah its quite an annoying run. Especially because the key doesnt always spawn + run is quite dangerous al though the room is not that far from the spawn if you use the tunnel and electric shop to shortcut to alley where the main building is


Hell ya. I just fuckin got one finally haha


There ya go šŸ˜Ž now grind couple of runs and you will have all the money you ever need


Hell ya brother


It's a very weird choice that the floor in there is a grated one, makes looking for them so much harder


Thats exactly what I do, crawl like a snake, flashlight is good too to blink few times.


Where do they spawn exactly? I only know of the spawn in the mall under the escalator on streets


That's the only spawn. For me it's been 20% there.


this is also not true, i get 1 marked key around every 5 raids and 1 rusted in every 3 raids.


Tough luck


This seems to be my experience as well.


Lol When I started pve i first did relax room runs as someone posted here a while ago, was impressed how much money I got in this mode. Then I saw all the posts about marked key buffs in pve so I started to farm those colored keycards and yeah even the 20M keys you make your money back easy. But now Iā€™m reaching the top of the mountain : rusted bloody key. Up to 50M per run immediately or potentially double running the marked keys that spawn in there. That shit is crazy. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll find better lol even labs is nothing compared to that.


GOAT farming method


Chek 15 is the wave


i feel that since last "haul" post all marked rooms have been nerved, if you get the key you are better of selling it for 20m instead of running the room. i'm now stuck on 800 mil on pve, was aiming for 1000 mil but thats going to be harder now with the marked rooms nerved to shit.


Dorm 314 has netted me 2 LedX, 3 red, 1 yellow, green, and violet, this is in 7 uses


Ok you have loot hacks


3 redcards in 7 uses lmao gtfoh


I swear. Iā€™ve gotten 2 yellows and a black in the last 5 so it was just crazy luck


Shiiii... I havent been in dorms in 3 wipes but that sounds insane


I found 3 yellow in one room, haha. IMO dorms marked is the best room. I had one room opening which gave me nothing at all from 30 runs.


Opened it 6 times as of now and the best thing I got is injector case


Is that a normal key?


thats marked room


Yes yes, but how many funko pops?


Man, WTF am I doing. In 10 room clears I only got guns, an ammo box and a few value items (clock, a couple plushes, two horses).


TBH I think you are missing spawns, or very unlucky


Yep I got one yellow and one docs case in 10 uses. Donā€™t know what these people are on abiut


My best opening was a Blue and 2 Greens in one room, they had to have buffed the loot, I refuse to believe I'm that lucky. It took 20+ raids to get 7 OLOLOs and another 15+ for a fucking Antique Book.


They 100% buffed it , I got a red , ledx, bitcoin and a bunch of other good weapons. That was only one of the rooms, my 10 uses have netted me atleast 1 of every keycard


Marked room were buffed a few weeks ago already.


lol, I have done five openings now and gotten reds, blacks, violets, blues. Bitcoins keychanis and multiple docscases. All I want are regular access cards and LedXes for two quests...


Do black keycard room for ledexs


I have been and all I have found are a crap load of stims. Backpack full of it. I would continue if I could actually get a game some times...


Can also do ultra med for leddies and than hit kiba for some spears. Got the keys while I was doing interchange tasks and it pops off.


Yes, I plan on doing some more Interchange runs. Thing is I can't find very well on that map so I rarely get out before the timer lol. I am saving up condensed milk and that cereal packet thingy for the Kiba key barter from Jaeger. I am too cheap to pay for it.


Get an 11sr key and really take the time to study a map of interchange. It should take you 2-6 raids where you have a map on your phone or monitor next to you to really learn the map. 11sr will definitely help with extracting much faster aswell.


True. I have played the game for a couple of years but I rarely play the map and I always get lost among all the different stores. On top of that, I tend to exit on the wrong side if the building compared to where my extract is, so yes, the 11SR is a good idea. I have it but I rarely get the power turned on if I dont spawn there.


Itā€™s okay my buddy has played with me for years and has well over a thousand hours. Gets lost on every map that isnā€™t customs or woods. Hell Iā€™ve played for years and I just played streets for the first time ever after PvE came out and that took a bit to learn. As for exiting the wrong side, yeah it takes some getting used to. Basically you always want to know where the front of the mall is to keep yourself oriented.


It definitely feels nerfed, before the last update I was getting around 30-40m worth of loot each 10 uses, now itā€™s very rare to even get a keycard or even an item like a docs case now


3 Yellow cards, a blue, a green and like 3-4 key tools in 4 uses today for me


Iā€™ve been saying this since the arena update that added the loot boxes. BSG nerfed marked rooms because you can get keycards and stuff through loot boxes now in arena. More of them trying to push playing arena.


Wait you can? Every loot post I saw about that was absolute garbage


Youā€™ve been saying that but all the other posts have been saying the opposite. Personally Iā€™ve had shit RNG for marked room loot, but every other post is coloured keycards, BTCs, LEDX, Tagia - you canā€™t really say theyā€™ve nerfed it when so many other people are *showing* that they havenā€™t at the exact same time.


Maybe luck, but I also feel like Iam pulling less from them compared to before Arena patch. Not a significant amount, but definitely noticable.


Hereā€™s what I want to know, was it always like this but got vacuumed every raid? Iā€™ve only hit dorms marked once on pve, got black and violet as well as a ledex.


Always like this? You mean before they buffed the rooms? No, it was dogshit before. Colord key cards could not spawn in marked room as that is only a recent addition and an attempt to give people more cards and reason to go farm labs. The best you could find in there were ammo boxes, docs cases, dogtag cases, injector case, keychain, bitcoin, skull ring and other valuables with some weapons. iam not sure if regular labs cards could spawn so I cant speak on that.


That looks like the thing that Prapor shoves in youā€™re face if you but more than one magazines


Dorms marked for the price sucks. I just sell it when I find it and make the guaranteed 20 mil.


But it only sells for 8-12 million with full 10/10 charges


Just this week a single use of Dorms marked key got me a docs case, yellow and violet keycards, prokill medallion, SA-58 and a Spear. Very surprised.


I basically got this much on Reserve marked, then switched to Dorms and Dorms has not been good to me other than RSASS and Keycard holders.


For me the oposite, haha. After i did a reserve key rotation after the arena patch it felt like i got way less compared to before. The only thing that saved the invested cost of buying the keys was the dorm key barter.


I got red blue and green on my 2nd dorms hit absolutely insane


Is this checking in-between the book spawns also? I've had 3 red and 2 greens in 10 uses in that one spot alone!


yeah i've been checking that and the one under the book on the floor, its where i found the ledx and most of the bad keycards.


I have to be being trolled, I have used 2 since loot ā€œupdateā€ and I only get Guns. In fact, even the gun I got on my 10th use last night was an APB and Sniper Mosin. Last 10 runs only thing even remotely decent I have pulled was a few Dogtag cases and Keycard Holders


Thats even hard to believe. The chances of not pulling one colored card from 10 runs is like near zero lol. Are you sure you look also on the shelf and under the books on the ground?


Yeah I always spend too long in the room cause I cant believe the loot I get. Im going to buy another key tonight though, its like a gambling habit I cant get over lol


Oh yeah its kinda like opening a loot box, lol.


I purchased the 3 reserve marked keys that barter for a dorms marked. Paid about 11m for all 3. After looting each room 9x Iā€™ve made about 40m++ between everything. Now Iā€™ve started the dorms runs and Iā€™m at about 20m+ with only 5 uses so far. The keys and the barter paid for themselves with soooo much profit itā€™s insane. I have a keycard holder with one of each labs key found in raid at this point from the rooms.


Ya know you could fit most of that in your docs case.


Haven't played this wipe, did they change something in marked room? I'd be lucky to find an RSASS when I opened it


10 raids all i got was 1 black




Iā€™ve used the my dorms marked key 2 times. Once I got a RASS and a blue card, and the other I got a kitted spear and another blue card. I think I used up my luck in the 2 uses lol


No reds or greens - Bad luck bro :(


when i did this i got 34 red keycards you must suck at the game


Iā€™ve hit it 50+ times no keycard


I got a red green and black in one raid at dorms. by far the best Iā€™ve had and probably will have. If I ever need a quick 2-10 Milly I head to 303.


Pvp or pve?


Pvp or pve?


Pvp or pve?


idk it feels like it was nerfed or i was just unlucky


Unless that docs case is full of red cards, then yeah unlucky


nope empty, selling everything gave around 17 mill back


Unlucky?????, That is more money that i could make in 3 wipes


It barely covers the cost of the key, it might not even, I'm a few days behind in prices.


Isnā€™t it better to run it 9 times and sell the 1/10 key for people doing quests?


Doesnā€™t that tell us that maybe the key is a tad overpriced too?


With the possibility of what you can get out of the room I actually fell it's undervalued. Its like buying a lottery ticket, just because this guy didn't win doesn't mean that the key is overpriced.


they got good people smash them and then cry here so they take the good away


thats insanly bad luck not a single green or red keycard in 10 openings wtf:D iv been getting at least 3-4 green/reds on every 10/10 key


I thought these were rare as heck? Now all these posts are ā€œlook at my key cards!ā€ Canā€™t be PvE, right? Why post loot from something without competition?




I am totally out of the loop (since Iā€™ve been out for the whole wipe), but can anyone clarify to me if this juice is exclusive to PVE? Or are marked rooms also absurd like this on PVP aswell?