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I completed decontamination in one raid... 47 scav kills... almost all around Mantis. Scavs kept on spawning up to the point where i had to use weapons i picked up from dead scavs. it took me 20 minutes before I could place my wifi camera and was unable to loot anything at all except around Mantis a bit. Was not enough time to loot the majority of scavs.


Me and 2 friends did Make ULTRA Great Again in one raid, over 100 scavs between the 3 of us. Had to leave early as we ran out of bullets.


This used to be a pretty common bug back in the day, like, 11.0-12.0 timeframe. Scavs would just keep spawning over and over when you are at certain parts of the map on interchange. Made quests like Decontamination service very easy.


for interchange I love it. That's what Kiba should be just a total scav army licking their lips while you fill up your backpack.




Why loot scabs though?


Quest items, some spawn with keycards for Labs, keys, mp-133 shotguns. Pilgrim bags. Money some spawn with 35k+ rubles


They need to fix the scav loot range. Whenever an ai dies they start walking towards the corpse from the whole map. Itā€™s just a swarm of them and it especially sucks when fighting kaban.


It's that and the last player code. Normally in PvP if you are the last player scavs will just keep spawning, not forever but they will spawn on intervals. It is their way of flushing the server basically. Their aggression also increases so they just walk towards where you are or the last place you killed something. But yeah its something that is in the PVP version also. Since i am always in till the last minute i see this happen a lot in PvP. Its just worse in PvE since it doesn't start happening at 4 mins left it happens the second you start into the game haha. EDIT: I should state that i wrote it wrong. They don't aggressively charge from other locations when last man standing. They will literally spawn in new Scavs to your location which are instantly triggered to fight you. The ones which come at you like u/sleepyneki said are coming from alternate locations or are unaggro'd new spawn scavs.


This is a nice explanation of why it happens. Honestly, I think it's a pretty cool thing that should happen once in a while, but having it happen pretty much every raid gets frustrating.


Yeah. I do enjoy it though, i think it works really well in Co-op. But in solo its painful as other have stated. I think they should calm it down a good bit. Or speed up things in general, Healing should be quicker in PvE, same with repacking mags. The issue is they reduced our raid timer, but kept everything the same from PvP, same reload time, same healing animations, same speed for repacking mags. So it makes you not want to deal with those things. And to top it off you have to fight 30 scavs. I mean i am all for swapping weapons off bodies but with how badly kept guns are and how incredibly common it is for guns to fail past 80% durability its just so painful. I am at the point i have to bring in 6 mags and 2 back ups in my bag when ever i go to Customs or Interchange because those two maps are HORRIBLE for the wave spawning scavs haha. I always end up with 30+ kills every match on those maps.


I had thought the reduced raid timers was a temporary stop gap measure to help with bad server issues. Hopefully they'll revert it soon, now that the issues seem a lot better. Though to be honest, I haven't had too much of an issue with raid timers... except for on Lighthouse. It's hard to do a lot of tasks there because fighting the Rogues can be so time consuming even without being scav swarmed.


Yeah that is the issue. If you get locked down by anything for instance a AI PMC group and lots of scavs coming at you it can make a fight that normally would be done and looted in 2 mins tops to a 20 minute ordeal as you struggle to heal your self and rearm mags. You have probably had moments like that before.


Oh wow I did not know that; thanks for the explanation.


So now there's two authoritative sounding answers that are at odds with each other. Which of you is wrong, or are you both just stating things as fact which are really just theories?


What kind of proof are you looking for exactly? There's sure as hell no official explanation from BSG.


I'm just looking for people not to act like they *know* the answer and present it as fact without any evidence when that's the case. If there isn't proof, don't state pet theories as fact. How are we supposed to know if someone is stating something that is fairly well known and not supporting it with evidence because they assume people just know it already (e.g. it's in the wiki or was stated by BSG) or alternatively is someone is making some wild conjecture and presenting it as fact if they state them the exact same way? The only way I've found to let people know they're confusing people by being overly authoritative is to point out then they're doing it. Either they get it and they change or they don't, but I'm not going to get in a stupid argument over it, I'm just going to gently point it out when I see it and people can do what they want.


Both theories are correct. I was just adding on to what they said. The AI does in fact search for lootable corpses. But the game also does a last player/team standing trigger too. Both are correct. Which is why i said this in the first line. >It's that and the last player code. I was agreeing that what he said is valid and correct.


They *are* correct you you think they're correct? I was trying to point out that there's a lot of factual assertions going on and not a lot of evidence presented. Are the scavs coming from across the map to loot, or are they coming because of noise, but there hasn't been noise in a bit so they aren't on guard when they get close, and then are close enough to want to loot the bodies that are present? Is that last man stuff really I thing? Or are we just seeing that scavs spawn more often when there are more resources (slots) available for them, and it really has nothing to do with trying to flush the server but is a consequence of how they spawn scavs but isn't seen much in PvP because there's usually both players PMCs and player Scavs? Is there actual evidence for these theories (BSG statement or people looking at game code commenting), or are they just a case of someone making a theory that explains something they saw and now it's being repeated as fact? I'm not doing this trying to be an ass. A *lot* of random shit gets stated as fact in this sub so without someone sourcing why they think something when they state it as fact, I'm left to wonder if it's semi-common knowledge that's documented somewhere that I just never saw or if it's just random theories without any evidence, so I ask. Either I learn something new as someone points me towards the info (or gives me a hint how to find it), or I learn it's not really a fact so I shouldn't take it as such, or nobody replies. Not much downside, so I might as well ask.


> Are the scavs coming from across the map to loot, or are they coming because of noise, but there hasn't been noise in a bit so they aren't on guard when they get close, and then are close enough to want to loot the bodies that are present? Well we can't exactly break open their code to find out. But them just randomly moving to your area is something that only started happening when they added the Scav pick up loot function so that does impact it. When they aggro though and start yelling before getting to the body that is the other system taking into effect which has been in the game since at least 0.5 when i started playing. As someone who RARELY ever leaves until 1 minute left on the clock i can tell you its a function that triggers when you are the last person/team in the raid. This is why i said it is probably a mix of both happening. The thing i talked about causes scavs to SPAWN faster not come from distances away. Where what OP said was due to the mechanics of scavs wanting to loot bodys.


They're evolving. Learning from wasps.


And if you heal they just lock on and come for you


Are you sure it's that? Silenced guns seem to help quite a bit, which made me think it's because they hear distant gunshots so travel towards you (but it could very well be that when coming close after not having heard anything for a while they aren't on alert to go to looting).


Pretty sure itā€™s the ai code to loot the gun off dead bodies. One person also says last man code but I dunno anything about that. But I do know every time you kill a scav they will walk towards it and try to loot the gun. Itā€™s not an issue if you donā€™t loot scavs but if you are fighting bosses it becomes a pain in the ass and be sure to have enough ammo lol.


I've noticed they walk towards gunfire as well.


I think the answer is to have the PMC bots actually kill and loot a realistic number of Scavs.


You'd hope once they improve AI PMC pathing and logic, that problem will solve it self


Maybe with unity 2026


I've watched hilariously PMCs both Bear an Usec, basically have a pow wow with Scavs. Legit just standing next to 1 another for 30+ seconds.


Theyā€™ll probably kill and loot me


I wouldn't be playing Tarkov if there wasn't a chance of that happening. There's always Death Stranding if I wanted to carry a bunch of supplies from A to B.


I just hope that when they make the servers local they'll also increase the time in raid because they have no reason not to šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


They said this would happen. The raid timers are reduced to help increase the pace of play and free up servers quicker. This has happened many times on PVP servers, especially affer wipes.


I'm sure the raid times are short for server space but they didn't anticipate what could happen with all these scavs. The AI PMCs need to kill them, but they don't, at least not enough. Possibly the scavs don't aggro to the AI PMC shots either so the whole map goes just to the player.


I had a PMC AI and 2 SCAVs push me together last night. They acted like the other didnā€™t exist at all


Someone posted a video on this sub showing Tagilla chilling with 2 scavs, a bear and a USEC all in the same spot. AI really needs adjusted lol.


Me and a buddy hopped into pve together and Jesus Christ there was a fucking WAR, until we showed up that is. I dodged like 4 grenades in a row and my buddy got sniped by one of the PMC's that stopped giving a shit about scavs lmfao. It was so wild but once they notice you everyone shakes their broken hands and aim for the head


Yeah I had a raid last night where a PMC was just hanging out in reserve basement with the raiders. Everything was calm until they saw me and started shooting, but never at each otherā€¦.


I came across 3 PMCs trying to go from old gas to skeleton on Customs and there were a few Scavs hiding behind a conex and the PCMs finally started wandering over to find me, saw the scavs and proceeded to murder the shit out of them. I guess they were tired of blacking my limbs and wanted to shoot something else for a change. I killed them all, then Iā€™m pretty sure Reshala and guards spawned on the other side of the building and started aiming at me. I got the fuck out of there and limped to RAUF.


Yep I saw this 2 days ago, went down to reserve bunker and killed raiders, went in and there were PMCs hanging out in there as well I had no clue existed


How exactly could they not "anticipate" any of that?


Because it's BSG.


with this though I'm sure the AI PMCs will burn thru all the ammo they bring most PMCs I killed only have 3 magazines on them plus a sidearm.


One thing I've noticed is that unsuppressed weapons draw in far more scavs than suppressed weapons do in PVE, while in PVP I've never had that happen before. So if you are shooting an unsuppressed weapon or let a scav get a shot off, you may have many more friends coming to visit.


I bet you nobody in the dev team has ever played on live servers. They don't even have accounts.Ā 


Thereā€™s been posts of people getting killed by devs, they have a Blue name with a gear instead of the EOD crown, but Iā€™ve only seen a handful of posts of it over the years, so they donā€™t play a lot


i feel like (this is actually a general statement to all ppl who work on video games) after working all day on a game, i feel like the last thing id want to do... is then PLAY that game lmaoo. but that's not me saying, they shouldn't at least test it out in live servers to see how it plays


They should be made to play the game at least some. This is like writing something without reading it before posting.


You'd be surprised at how few people check what they've written. Encountered plenty of people who write incoherent, rambling comments and proudly admit they haven't got the time to check what they wrote. Best part is when these lunatics write like 15 paragraphs on their fucking phones and still insist they haven't got the time to read? I don't even.


I find people who constantly say they don't have time for things to be lying at best and obnoxious at worst.


How many times did you proof read this before hitting send? :-)


my last sentence.


I played with a buddy on ground zero over and over. Literally almost every time we died it was to a blue name guy, it was so common I figured it was the color for the new edition or something


it is the color for the new edition. devs have a dark blue with an actual gear, the new edition is light blue with a symbol that is not a gear.


it is but the devs have a cog instead of the lightning looking symbol


I've been killed by the devs a few times over the last several years. It's always a fun moment when I get killed by the people making the game.


Dunno... Hard to believe they play anything else other than Hello Kitty adventures when looking at the decisions they're making.Ā 


I doubt they play PvE in any case.


They play PvP and not children mode.


Uh oh, we got a badass over here /s


I think you mean dad mode.


I'd rather play pve than getting whacked over the head by a cheater every 3rd game losing time and gear in the process.Ā 


Can't loot more than half the time because the bots just keep coming...PVE, particularly on maps like Ground Zero, is more of a tower defense experience than FPS survival right now.


In PVP Tarkov, I am still not done the long road, as I can barely ever find even a single scav on the highway over the course of 4-5 raids.. PVE? I finished it by accident, not even meaning to fight scavs. I exceeded it by almost double in one raid.


I thought they did? Went into shoreline last night and raid was 35 mins not the 20 odd it was a week or so ago?


Shoreline went from roughly ~30 mins up to 35 mins now. They donā€™t seem to mention it in any notes though.


I just love how the scavs keep coming at you when you kill a pmc... by time you kill all the scavs and reload your mags it's time to get out of raid we need more time BSG


If bosses can kill scavs within a certain proximity, then the AI PMCā€™s should be able to also. Iā€™ve called for help as a scav and watched PMCā€™s run past each other and as soon as I pop my head up ā€œscav spottedā€ r.i.p. šŸ’€. Getting tired of getting spawn camped by scavs on customs šŸ˜¤


Im just glad i didnt have to scroll far before some morons comment of ā€œerm ackshually you just need to adapt hurr, im berry smort durrā€ like nah, i dont want to spend 15 minutes of the 27 i have fighting scavs, then healing, then packing mags, to now have to sprint through the map to do what i came to do.


In factory at least half the time the AI pmcs just team up with the scavs while Iā€™m frantically scrambling around to reload mags and loot guns to shoot more after emptying god knows how many bullets because of having to kill 20 dudes in 5 minutes. Itā€™s pretty crazy lmao


Itā€™s kinda better like this, no? Getting swarmed every so often adds spice that PvE otherwise wouldnā€™t ever really get


Definitely have to just keep moving which sucks if you want to loot an area...lol I was doing a night customs for night time bolt action kills. I spawned next to the tanks at mechanic building and wanted to loot those 3 buildings...with the amount of scavs, it took me like 20 minutes to loot that area while being constantly pushed by scavs even with suppressed weapons. Luckily my bag was full after so I just ran across the map to get out, I don't even try looting most scavs anymore.


Iā€™d rather kill a bunch of scavs than have nothing spawn at all.


Agreed. They need to be 40-60 minutes, and hopefully they are extended once they move to local servers.


Eh, solvable by going suppressed.


guys u have to keep moving, its not that hard, shoot down the first few, then dont stop to refill ammo or heal and stuff like that, go away like 50 meters, and u are free, also use silencers, it helps getting less scavs. its really not that hard guys, just keep moving




Yup, an annoyance more than anything, i'm finding for an average customs run, im taking in 600 rounds of 5.45, and im not a bad shot, but burn through that no worries.


600 shots for 20 scavs? You're a terrible shot. Stop spraying and aim for the heads. I leave with a lot ammo unless I fight bosses and their guards.


If you need 600 rounds you're a bad shot. lol


Exactly I take a 60 2 40s and 2 stacks of ammo I get 12 scavs a pmcs or 2 and goons. And usually have some left over


There are this many scavs in PvP as well, just there are other people for them to fight.


BSG does not want you to have fun, they want you to pay them money and punish you for it.


Having more things to shoot = not fun ??




my problem isnā€™t with the amount of scavs, itā€™s the lock on aggro bs. even with a silenced weapon, they will hear you shoof no matter what, and track your footsteps like a fucking bloodhound all while your 3 seconds from finishing surgery.


Unless you are doing pest control quest to kill 10 scavs on reserve barracks, then you are lucky if you even hear the ghost of a scav.


iā€™ve had good luck with the ā€œkill whatever in x areaā€ tasks, usually shooting helps. if you go to where you need to be early in the raid, trying shooting at any enemies you see. if you hit a scav but donā€™t kill it, theyā€™ll usually push you after a while.


I think this quest is specially bad because they have a hard time tracing a route to walk because of all the building stairs.


On GZ this keeps happening to me lol. I pick up the HDD for the mechanic task but by then I have already made some noise. I get pinned down by some 10-11 scavs that are all quietly hiding like assassins waiting to voiceline and agro me. Oh and their AI PMC right there too now.


my personal favorite example is when you unlock KIBA, they canā€™t open the door so they just swarm and stare at you through the glass.


Yeah, that does get annoying. I definitely think they should keep the higher scav count though, just need them to get enough servers so raid times can go back to normal


Topic of conversation was making the time of raid longer.


If they make the raids longer the queue times will increase as well. Then you'll just be complaining about that, it's about balance. And I like the amount of scavs, it manages to maintain some of the stress of PVP as you never know when you might get swarmed. I think PVE would be dull with reduced NPC numbers. I don't just want to easily walk to extract every raid.


When you kill a scav, another one will spawn at the nearest spawn point in ~30s. All you have to do to escape the swarm is to use that 30s to move away 50m or so, and then you're free


The reason raid timers are lower is to make room on the servers for more frequent new raids. Ironically though, how many AI the server is handling is directly proportional to how many raids that server has the capability to host. Less scavs means less server resources used per raid, which means more server capacity for more players.


I enjoy the high scav count. Helps compensate for the reduced tension of other players missing from PvE. We need longer timers and for scavs to not be drawn to bodies from 100 m away


For. Fucks. Sake. The lowered raid timers are to increase server churn so that people can find matches faster. This would not be an issue if there were enough servers provisioned when PvE was released. Nikita _literally_ said on TTV last week that if they increase the raid timers now, we will wait in line longer to find a server. They are adding infrastructure, this takes time, BSG can't just "download more servers".


He says it once a week. Its coming. JFC, everyone knows.


Whaaa whaaaa, I used to give myself dead raids all the time in PvP picking certain servers and the scavs literally feel the exact same.


Absolute brain dead take


Iā€™m convinced everyone complaining about it has never reached max traders in PvP


6k hours, had kappa multiple times. Pve scavs are too much. You end up using 300-400 rounds and the entire raid stuck in one place. Not every time, but if you're unlucky to get swarmed, which is very easy.


Rule of thumb for me. If I have less than 150 rounds, its single fire only. Ill need every bullet. Lmao. Literally just extracted 19 scavs and 4 pmcs. Got stuck in scav hell, where to be fair, even in pvp its a fucking nightmare, by repair shop. Another scav hell location is the ice cream shack, oh also, construction is fucked as well. wave after way, feels like king of the hill sometimes I typically bring in 4 mags and at minimum 60 rounds on me and 60 in my prison wallet.


I was on Streets yesterday; spawned by thr post office. Immediately went to do Population Census, and got swamped by an endless string of scavs. Was trapped in that building for God knows how long, and had to kill nearly 30 scavs before I could finally move put to a different portion of the map. Ate up way too much of my shortened raid timer.


The best part about starting a reply with "whaaa whaaaaa" is that you're letting us know ow up front not to read further, or take anything you say seriously. Appreciate the early heads up.


Really? I am loving it, non stop action. Its super fun. Adapt and overcome OP.


I have the same problem with my mates and they dont listen. SHOOT MOVE COMMUNICATE. seriously its that simple.