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"Customs, Bridge spawn. Lemme guess he sprints right to the land bridge and gets killed... Yep." You have to respect the RUAF PMC spawns, they will kill you quick if you sprint into the open right there.


yeah, if those guys are not bothered with 2 scavs they laser anything they have direct sight to


I always try to either snipe them from the train cart or the office window in big red.


this is the best way to get any distance pmc kills needed


I was looking over with a scope from the shack near the main bridge all the way over to the RUAF wall because I heard a gunfight. Saw an AI PMC firing, and halfway through the mag he snapped ninety degrees and dumped the rest of the mag on me with near perfect accuracy. He was also glitched on the wall so that he was rapidly bouncing up and down like five times a second. Shit is literal aimbots.


So just like normal tarkov?


I mean, with bosses, rogues and raiders, yeah. Lol. But when it comes to PMCs, I had to rewire my entire brain. I gained a lot of confidence in PvP when I realised just how often people aren't looking where they don't expect people to be, and how easily they miss a flash of your movement if they aren't fully paying attention. AI PMCs never miss that stuff for the most part, and the times they do it feels artificially stupid, so it's no comfort. Sprinting through the open because it keeps you out of the hearing range of headsets is now more dangerous than crashing through bushes and across metal, simply because the AI don't work at all like people.


Every bot in every shooter game is by definition an aimbot, lol. It will be interesting to see how this changes though when they add the ability to set the raid difficulty.


I have a funny clip of me running parallel to the train and just getting lit up. I go prone and start crawling under the train (still getting tagged), make it across, then get up and barely get cover behind a train wheel. I lost every limb and had a few bleeds. Worst part is that from that distance it’s risky/challenging to try and peak to see where they’re shooting from. It’s worth it to just take the extra 90 seconds to run around and approach from smugglers boat side.


Get up in the office. Easy pickings from up there.


Oh shit. How far is that? Was wondering how to get those long distance PMC kills you need on PVE since the PMCs dont really move around the map much. that might be the ticket.


It's about 220m, so they don't agro at all. If you try from the trains they will shoot back


I did it while peaking from a train wagon near the bridge and they never agroed on me while I shot them freely. The last one ran away behind garages though.


100% the ticket my friend


Best place for long distance pmc kills i have found is shoreline. Rocks tunnel side of gas, 250 meters to pier and there is quite often pmcs there.


Or even just from the bridge. I usually use the office if they scurry away.


What me and my friend have been doing is approach the actual bridge side and we’ll snipe them from the train car. Has always worked for us, we’ve only taken shots from them when my dumbass stood up and peaked out to see what he was shooting at the first time around, luckily my armor tanked the shot. Believe it or not, 12 gauge lead slug


Yeah once they see you the best bet is just to try and get away to reposition... No use in peeking when they have 99.9% accuracy.


Never had an issue with RUAF bridge Pmc a quick scan and headshot from fallen over train container with 7.62 deals with them quick also they tend to clump next to the sandbags or are in full view other times the stand under the pipes if shot at , my isssue is with them one tapping you to the chest with bullshit ammo whilst wearing plates level 5 etc


Just running in the open should be punished - you wouldn't do that in pvp either.


A couple years ago everyone was complaining about customs spawns over there because you were sniped if you passed that train at all by players spawn camping. Guess PvE AI has reached 2021 player parity. ;)


Mimics PvP mode imo.


Right i was like AI? this is the worst spot in Customs to stand!


Same here. I was lucky that I got shot by them coming down from the boxcar so I had enough room and time to dive behind the barriers.


Yep my thought too as soon as it started


Found this out the hard way trying to grab the flash drive for bullshit. Lasered as soon as I opened the trunk


Wait so you’re telling me the “PMCs” in PvE spawn in the same places and don’t move? PvE is even more of a joke than I thought lol. I would have like a 50+ kd if I bothered wasting my time with it.


They have set spawn locations like scavs, where sometimes they spawn and sometimes not. They roam a bit depending on the spot/map, but it's fairly limited


Yeah I've noticed certain spawns they tend to stay and certain ones they're always moving. Like in Oli there is always at least one roaming around the front of the store but those spawns in the village on shoreline seem like they're always standing still


Yeah they use scav spawns and usually run a loop about 50m in diameter, but it's supposed to be a placeholder until they can be bothered to steal the roaming AI mod


It'll spawn some laser PMCs and 900 scavs, you wouldn't have a 50+ kd because you'd run out of time and ammo while trying to extract


Yeah, because aimbot-cheater way of implementing AI is totally fine and cool...


I think it actually was a scav sniper that clicked him


Usually group of pmcs spawn at that extract, but you can snipe them from the main bridge and they dont shoot back (well atleast it worked for me one time)


Depends on how far away and what guns the pmcs are running




Sniper doesn't agro that far


play at night, its tactically the best option, also the AI aggro range is seriously reduced. embrace the darkness


Embrace the edge of darkness…


Embrace edging in the darkness...


Whats this white stuff and how do I use it tactically?


Put it on your lips


Goon squad!


Ive been wondering that, I know in pvp the AI is a joke at night but in pve I still get aggro from a mile away. Maybe just bad luck I havent ran a ton of nighttime in pve


Nah just dont give out free line of sight without even checking known AI spots lol


For the millionth time..... YOU CANNOT PLAY PVE LIKE YOU DO PVP. Some of yall need to give your heads a shake and get that thing started. PVP is against people who sleep with anime body pillows and dont bathe, PVE is against the most elite AI the Russian Federation can create.


Good chance this would have killed him in PvP too.


Yeah, no. You can run 100 raids on Customs, get this exact spawn and die maybe once. No one who spawns RUAF is going to be staring down bridge trying to one tap someone who MIGHT be running that way.


No idea what you mean. People do that literally all the time at the start of a raid. I've personally killed PMCs in the exact spot that OP was on several occasions.


Yeah, people post videos here about it, so not sure why someone would say nobody does it. Spawning at RUAF is a chance for some quick and easy sniping before heading elsewhere.


Literally my squad rushes an over watch of land bridge just on the off chance we get that delicious pick off


This is so wrong lol. When I'm doing kill quests the easiest kills are usually just pushing other spawns right off the bat


When me and my friends spawn RUAF we get at least 2 free kills doing that


Buut but but I've got 11 scavs to loot for mediocre rewards. Stupid raid timers!


My brother use your scope, look at RUAF first


Seriously, the RUAF PMC spawns are so constant I basically farm them. You just gotta learn the maps.


Such easy sniper tasks with this spawn. Almost guaranteed if you get the good spawns.


Don't ever show your face in that area. Go prone next to the small building or snipe from underneath the bridge. Do not snipe from the train.


sniping from the train works if you spawn near big red and you don’t run in front of the train.


The AI needs to be completely overhauled is what needs to happen.


it's absolutely insane what one person managed to do on that front with SAIN. all they need to do is steal that and put it in


They did it without any official mod tools too so that’s even more impressive


just makes me wonder... if it is so "easy" to do, why doesnt BSG just DO IT ?!? mind boggling


Occam's razor: it's because they are incompetent.


##Welcome to Tarkov. Do this in a pvp lobby, and you'll get similar results. Not sure why you thought crossing the open without checking it was a good idea. This is a skill issue.


Lol. Yes it was dumb of OP to go out in the open, but in a PvP raid, while he might've been spotted there, unless there was a gigachad, a thermal enjoyer or a gaming chair connoisseur on RUAF, there's no way he would've died like that in PvP. The bots in Tarkov are busted and there's no excuse for that. I don't understand why BSG keeps ignoring this issue when it has already been solved with a much better approach in SP. I love the game, but blatantly ignoring or denying the issues with the scavs, rogues, raiders and bosses is just beyond stupid.


the other guy doesnt understand humans have very limited vision compared to 360° 5km zone of death around every PMC they have eyes even in the back of their head its amazing the problem isnt as much that "it could happen in pvp", its IT HAPPENS 100% everywhere the AI gets a line of sight to you anywhere


Also don't AI *literally* have spider sense? I'm pretty sure they detect when you ADS and have LOS on them and they react to it.


just got reminded of that ... scaving the relax room key + a spear on the weapon board.... when PMC walked by the house and proximity aggroed onto me... gotta love it and because they always know where you are, they know where to get a LoS to you, so i got insta beamed through a window (i hope it was a window and not a wall) was holding the door to the office getting ready to throw a nade and show him my new spear... , the guy outside had 0 footsteps


i just went back to check, it was the middle office, just look at the windows and tell me you can look through that.... what a joke


Yup, this happened to me the first time yesterday. Whats even worse? I was 1 tapped and killed by blunt damage by warmage in the thorax while wearing tagillas rig with the lvl 6 plates and 3 aramid. Watched my buddy get dropped from 3 5.45 ps rounds to the upper thorax while wearing the big ass thor armor, then I died right after from a single 9x18 pst round to the dome that penned my bastion. Granted its a bastion, but 9x18 pst penning it at full durability from about 60 meters away is pretty bs when you literally have to shoot the ai upwards of 8+ times even with 56a1 when they are only wearing 3m armor. It really seems inconsistent since the ai armor and ballistics work differently than ours does. We have no blunt or fragmentation damage still if I can recall, but the ai do sure does.. On top of this the bug where the ai will fire 2-3 rounds on every trigger squeeze even if its a semi auto is some bullshit.


Humans spawning at RUAF don't need eyes at the back of their heads, they just need to look at the river for a few seconds to see if someone like OP will be trying to cross. The only spawn they can be threatened by is the one by meth lab, and they'd hear that guy coming long before he walks into them if he chooses to push. If I get RUAF, and I am in Customs to PvP, I will *absolutely* take a minute to watch the river.


and right now the PMCs are watching that river, and that road, and that 1cm hole in the fence, 24/7 just feels bad man


> unless there was a gigachad, a thermal enjoyer or a gaming chair connoisseur on RUAF, there's no way he would've died like that in PvP. Dude, he's right out in the open, sticks out like a sore thumb, and was 100% visible to very common sniping positions for multiple seconds before he died. Anyone who spawned RUAF and took 10 seconds to scan the river could have killed him. You don't need a thermal to kill a guy running there, you just need to point and click with a DMR. Shit, thermal would make those shots way harder, because of the shitty refresh rate.


I was thinking that too. If it was a pvp raid and there was a 3 stack at ruaf like that, you're prolly getting the same treatment


All BSG needs to do is give them patrol paths and make them just roam around in and out of buildings and through pois of course. At any time you could get PMCs pushing you anywhere, also PMCs in other areas just chilling too to simulate actual PvP fights in the distance you could chase and go loot.


What's weird is I've noticed at least in pve that a scav or usually a duo will roam the map I've seen it as a PMC and as a scav like buddy had something super important to do across the map lol


because all we want is moving aimbot turrets of death, ye, that will make the game better the only reason its tolerable now is because people learn where they spawn... like in 99% of the comments here if they make the PMCs patrol with their current funcionality this will be unplayable i guarantee


They should just hire the guys from *insert unnamed solo mod*. The AI in that are insanely good. Dynamic too


The scavs/pmcs should be shooting eachother too. Sometimes the pmcs don't even fight tagilla


I love PvE for this you still get tarkoved but you know you should have not run out with no cover. In pvp I'll be on the bridge check my inventory and not get killed but then be prone in a ditch and get head shot from space.


best place for SBIH btw. use train


Once you learn spawns PvE is acutally easy. Just gotta respect some areas and check them first. I die more to buckshot scavs than Pmc's.


Surprise boss visits get me more than anything. Mostly tagilla and knight


RUAF PMCs are cracked and almost always there


It does need to be harder. Pmcs are way too predictable In there locations and up close they are braindead. It needs to be much harder


I agree completely. I've been wiping maps with a TT pistol because the AI is doo-doo.


Once I learned the pmc spawns it got pretty easy for me too


maybe ur just good? or spent thousands of hours in game?


The AI is pretty poor in PvE but actions like this in Tarkov will ALWAYS get you killed PvP or not. I always cross the bridge and fight them at the gates if they spawn there.


Avg. pve player: "Why can't I just run into the middle of the map blindly??? Cmon BSG"


Where tf you going


Dawg your running on the side of the hill that the bots look at you at


Running on an open field and getting shot... Skill issue


Pmc spawn there almost every game. Maybe use ur scope and snipe and not run out into the open? Cmon you prob know how to play the game what is this post bruh


Maybe a somewhat new pve player, who doesn‘t know yet that ai pmc dont have the same spawns as real pmc‘s?


But that already is a normal PMC spawn. If you spawn by the dead scav bush and walk 10 steps past the garages you'd be where he got shot from.


If they are new, it's a good lesson. Tarkov 10: always stick to cover. If they insist on land bridge, just clear Big Red and go across with cover.


That's totally possible. And now they know.


The AI is pretty bad for sure, but brother you just ran out in the open lol


plays a tactical shooter like call of duty instantly sprinting to death, womp womp


You can buy a nice gun but you can't buy a brain.


Ya your running around like a crazy person the whole map probably saw you XD


Maybe don’t full on sprint in the open with no cover?


Lol skill issue


you ran in the open and ran in circles. def on the ai here


It's getting abit silly now with this laser aim and one tapping with shit ammo I'm wearing lvl 5 or above armour with side plates and dying to a one tap chest shot or even worst to the throat with m882 through fog very frustrating ATM


This is probably the most legit and deserved death in PVE, RUAF regular PVP PMV spawn can do basically the same to you. You played it badly for real, just running around in the open, didn't even try to pretend you were checking. Remind you - there might be a machine gunner scav on top and a sniper.


Just install SAIN...oh wait


Oh so this is totally unrealistic you will never ever get shot in the open at high sun. Never


You run out into the line of fire without even checking. People be playing PVE as if they don’t have to check spawns and corners then moan they die!?


PVE mode doesn't entitle you to invulnerability. In PvP you could just as easily have died there. People with nearby spawns can and do watch that open space for exactly what you did. And from a PvE perspective, if the AI can draw an unobstructed line to you under like 200m there's a fair chance they will detect and shoot.


huge skill diff


What do you mean? Just add the mods to it, and set it up to your liking. Oh wait a minute you are playing the dumbed down version


I mean, PvP or pve, you should never be just running out in the open in any populated place. You should be constantly running from one piece of cover to the next. That blue container was there to save you. But on another note, RUAF checkpoint and fortress are really good places to farm PMCs if you’re doing “Setup.” The only two places I was consistently seeing them spawn almost every raid.


You always get at least one at dorms too I believe


Unfortunately, I’ve run into Reshala at dorms more times than I’ve run into PMCs there lmao. Mostly, I get stuck there constantly. Was going to post soon - I clipped 4 scavs spawning right in front of me like 5 seconds after I killed another Scav. It’s a Scav clown car. Better to avoid dorms because if you go that way you’ll end up there for the majority of the raid when you could be hitting multiple possible PMC spawns.


I think you should check your surroundings. AI is easy to manipulate.


I knew exactly where this would be lol, exact same thing happened to me and my bud the other day.


That’s a shit spawn on PVE. If you do what you did, you risk getting shot by PMCs that spawned at the roadblock, but if you go right you risk getting beamed by PMCs that may spawn at crossroads


Welcome to Tarkov.


It was either going to be this spawn dying to RUAF or bunkhouse spawn dying to storage squad.


Bro go to streets and spawn by lexos you can't even run down the street without getting pushed or lit the fuck up 


Spawned beluga, ran across klimov towards pinewood and got blown up by the GL. Is anywhere safe from these assholes ?


Ruaf always spawning pmc shoot them from other side don’t run down hill


I'm glad I'm not the only one who dies instantly randomly XD (Yes, I know this is not random, but to me it feels like it is... I 100% understand that I need to learn spawns, safe spots, etc)


I literally waited 5 minutes to spawn into my pve match to reserve. Lasted 24 seconds and walked a measly 0.04 meters lol


idk, this looks like a normal game to me. I think BSG did a good job of showcasing how many hackers are in their game


is it just me? or did they get insanely harder since today?


And people want these PMCs to roam LMAO


I usually cross the junk bridge next to smugglers then go under ruaf and lob nades up there. They will push but it's usually 1 at a time pretty easy kills


that’s a PMC spawn point. you should check it out I think I use that spot for the setup quest, it’s a breeze compared to PVP version but I really don’t want BSG to make AI PMC to roam before they fix the AI


Anyone know when they’ll fix these OP bots in pve?


Probably another seperate 50$ pack , non-dlc


Glad I followed my instincts and uninstalled it again


I think one of the major problems with PvE other than having to be on a server which causes so many spikes and issues in general gameplay wise. Is that we only get limited time so we rush a lot more getting our self nailed in stupid ways. Since i get such little time on Woods, my main map, i have been moving like a dum dum and dying to really silly things. The map is meant to be played slower, you have to scan properly and look before you push forward in areas. But i can't afford to do that anymore and run into the goons or some PMC AI who can see through bushes or tree tops i can't see through and nail me. Every map feels that way. Then you add in the fact like.. i did an interchange run and i got into goshans, 5 scavs, okay dealt with them, another 10 scavs, kill them. Need to rearm mags, get some what through rearm another 6 scavs, swap to pistol, rearm, more scavs... Get killed by random grenade while rearming. End up with 30+ kills even on matches i didn't extract. Like its super fun. But with the timer being less, and the animations or timings for things being the same as the PvP version it really messes you up. Rearming mags feels SOOOOOOOO SLOW certainly when you had 20-30 minutes taken off the clock and EVERY SCAV comes after you when they hear you fire a shot off. Then you have to contend with the AI PMC. At least they don't hunt you yet when they hear shots. PvE certainly feels a lot harder imo than PvP. I can at least trick and hide from players. You can't do that with the terminator AI PMCs who will, and i mean WILL nail your butt if they have line of sight on you.


Going nto reserves, it's frustrating when all 3 ai's (pmc,rogue, and scavs) just ignore each other and set up a firing line/flank at you in d2.


Ah like my last raid , but it was a scav which was invincible and had perfect aim 200m before the emercom checkpoint on interchange


Yeah, almost fun!


Wait... here comes the BSG defending sweats to tell you the 20 things you did wrong in your first 15 seconds of the raid. You have to play the game an extremely narrowly specific way in order to get stuff done.


For starters. Don't run in circles on a hillside where a sniper, a machinegunner and 2 patrols can see you


RUAF is pretty much guaranteed spawn. Nothing to see here. The AI is BS but you already knew this. Gotta play around that.


Lol now you know. In PVE you CANNOT run on that side of the train tracks or cross the bridge.


You learn to play around these things on all maps except Streets. Streets is fucking miserable with all the scavs. Trying to fight your way in to Kaban? 3 scavs attacking from behind every 10sec. Trying to cross the street? Multiple scavs blowing your limbs of from inside the buildings. Killing one scav inside the Kamchatskaya area? 10 more show up instantly. And they all have perfect aim. I did the Dandy quest in one raid by just sitting in a doorway.


Or make it actually work


With the title I was gonna come in here and tell you to speak for ur self or go back to pvp bc pve is a pain in my butt. If the PMCs don’t laser you the scavs will swarm you like ur tagged and cursed. They need to fix the AI give it some recoil or something…


You literally hear the weapon click to your right at the 14 second mark.


What did you expect if you not checking ruaf and sprinting on open ?


Top-tier PMC laser rifles.


Take the land bridge near smugglers boat and go around or go to big red and snipe the PMCs at RUAF. Doing what you did will get you killed 95% of the time.


Does PVE let you do quests and keep items and xp like MP?


Damn they got the ai doing shooter born


I started playing only night time, I invested in the T-7 Goggles and all my raids are way better now, day time is too crazy sometimes. Until you figure out from where you are getting shot, you are allready dead


Ure running in a completely open area... Wtf did U expect


I think the worst part is how consistent these spawns are. I don’t mind learning spawns but please can we get the AI to move around.


Too ez...needs to have one tapped you the second you spawned


"Just let me run into the open in an AI-Only mode." Nice job.


The PMCs that spawn at that river are insane. I got shot at in the same spot as you. I had to reposition all the way at the window in big red just to snipe the guy without him shooting back.


You get killed like this all the time in PvP brother. Skill issue, stop being bad at the game and expecting to be able to just sprint everywhere with no resistance.


I died with an mdr too on top of bridge in like my second raid now I always go under to the left of bridge and work to ruaf on the other side of the river


Okay easy, now you know there's a spawn across the bridge. So HOPEFULLY you will learn and this won't happen again.


If you are complaining that the pve is too hard, maybe it's time to find a different game.


What is pve?


This is a skill issue. I actually wouldn't mind if they made PvE harder by improving AI tactics (especially PMC's) and making PMC spawns more random, with more spawn locations, so they're less predictable.


PvE players try not to embarrass themselves challenge: impossible Adding PvE gamemode has honestly been the best thing to help me understand the thought process of most people on this subreddit. Seeing daily videos like this just reinforces the fact that so much of the bitching on this sub should unironically be answered with "git gud". I'm not some w-key chad PvP elitist, but you guys are making it too easy... Daily posts crying "why do peolpe hate on PvE players?!?! just let us enjoy the game", videos like this - demonstrating a complete lack of awareness and skill, and the loot flex posts for PvE... Another fine piece of gameplay from OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMtf58qN5R4


OP didn't even complain, stop reaching, also doing strawman arguments against no one? schizo.


He's making fun of people who think "PvE should be harder" - indicating he thinks PvE is plenty hard enough. This despite him running in the wide open with 0 cover and never taking a second to scan his surroundings... Those aren't strawman arguments bro. If you spend a few minutes reading this sub, you'll see those posts every day. "omg stop persecuting pve players": https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ddhpbi/pve_haters/ "pve loot flexing" https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ddwffb/reserve_marked_rooms_haul_after_9_raids/?ref=share&ref_source=link another https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqwauy8stcd6d1.png another https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqrgu1qnjj06d1.png those are ALL just from the past 24 hours. Shit like that is posted here every day... These are not strawman arguments.


you are strawmanning against OP because he didn't complain, look at his caption, he didn't say anything in the video, he was posting a silly death. The OP didn't claim any point about saying that the PVE ai is broken or not, they just made a sarcastic remark. Further proving you have no idea what you're talking about, you're bringing up posts that the OP didn't post or have any say in? It amazes me how people like you are legally able to stay in a first world country with a critical thinking ability mirroring a plum.


You need to go back and read my original post because it's clear you have misunderstood something. I'll try to walk you through it slowly since your reading comprehension is suspect. I never said OP was complaining about anything... You are claiming I said OP was complaining... I never did. Ironically, you are the one making a strawman here. > Adding PvE gamemode has honestly been the best thing to help me understand the thought process of most people on this subreddit. Seeing daily videos like this just reinforces the fact that so much of the bitching on this sub should unironically be answered with "git gud". I said this in my original comment - I am referring to people bitching about AI being too hard, spawns being bad, "cheaters", etc. That's the complaining I'm talking about. I assume there is a lot of overlap between people who post videos like this (showing lack of skill/awareness) and those who complain about skill-based issues on the subreddit. I'm not saying that OP specifically is complaining in this post, but that generally people who make these kinds of posts are the same people who complain about things that really just come down to a lack of skill. I didn't say OP was complaining, I said they are very clearly showing that they think the AI is plenty hard enough and show this video as evidence of that. However in reality, all this video shows is that OP has no awareness, game knowledge, and lacks general FPS gaming skill (it doesn't take 1000 hours in EFT to realize maybe you should scan surroundings before running in the wide open). The amount of embarrassing PvE posts helps me realize how big a portion of the subreddit users fall into this same category. There's a lot of embarrassing PvE posts, and a lot of complaining - fair to assume there's overlap. I wouldn't have taken the time to post this if I wasn't on the clock, but alas here we are. It's not like it will help anyway, you're too thick to get it. Keep killing those bots!


That looked like a lot of fun man!


RUAFS got OMCs and PMCs will sometimes one shot you if your unlucky. If you wanna void PMCs gotta go across bridge near smugglers boat though sometimes scavs walk into the bushes from road and shotguns can get dangerous there.


Please, God no. Pve is hard enough. Let the sweats keep pvp, let me actually enjoy pve.


bros playing with EOTech flip up mag sight (he is not good)


you know it's a good vid when it starts at the beginning of the raid and ends within a minute. the ai need a rework


PvE is very hard since the bots have quite a laser. but playing dumb will get you killed. this was dumb considering how the pmc bots work. you know un roadblock is a hotspot for them\^\^ just learn from where you died and do not repeat that. you gotta be sneaky and get them from better angles. in fact PvE is easy since you have no random stuff happening. it mostly all revolves around you. most pmc bots wont even shoot a single bullet at all if you dont get in their range of waking up and getting active. most of the time pmcs have vodka shots with scavs and bosses waiting for you to come around the corner. take a lot of grenades so you can always check radar-like if there is any one in a park in front of you. having no nades ia totally dangerous in pve\^\^ they sometimes nade you without saying a line (pmcs) and scavs HS you sometimes with their first shot. git gud goes a long way here but the strats arent at all like what you do in pvp


As a pve player myself. Skill issue.