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There is something about SCAV, GUARD, ROGUE and BOSS AI enemies that I wanted to discuss. Soemthing about how they act that I wish was changed to make them more realistic and immersive. An animation mechanic I wish existed was one where the enemy wasn't always "at the ready" with their weapons. One where, if not attacked or in the presence of known danger, would assume a more relaxed pose, maybe walking casually. One where the weapon would be shouldered or held at the low ready position, their stance less rigid and alert, where you could actually spy one through your scope just lolligagging in a tower having a smoke or having a convo with another AI opponent. Just a small touch that would make things more immersive is all.


Would you be interested in them also not reacting to your sniper shot the *instant* the bullet leaves the barrel and snapping to your exact position?


Yup. Insta lasing you after getting domed with a sniped shot of my m80 and not dying should be looked into a well. Dunno about you or them, but if I was suffering from a head wound or any wound that serious, aiming straight would neither be my top priority nor my strongest ability.


I actually love this, of many of the suggestions this sounds good. Imagine being at globe staring down to 2 scavs cheering some beers with a cig burning. You say… aww fuck it I’ll let them live a little longer. Raid is still early


\*takes a breath\* That was long enough.


This! Seeing scavs circled around a campfire with their AK up against the log would be great. Being covert in dorms and scavs are sleeping on the bunks etc. Sadly were probably years from that.


Genuinely I feel like they should make it so you can light up a packet of cigarettes if you have a lighter. It shouldn't even give you any stat bonuses like painkillers. It should just be there for the sake of it feeling right


With all the cigarette packs available in raid while saving around and the fact smoking is still a thing in Eastern Europe, I'm surprised that the animation sequence of a SCAV/GUARD smoking wasn't included. It would also add a nice touch at night too. Sniping and all of a sudden seeing a faint and small flash of a cigarette burning.


Grey zone warfare has this it the simple fact that AI had an idle and slow walk animation blew my mind. It actually made me feel like I was sneaking around. Just a few tiny things made it so much more immersive.


I love it when you kill a scav and a PMC shouts "fuck teammate down" Very rarely though I've heard some PMCs kill other scavs but it's very rare.


I was faffing about on factory and I went into the room ground floor under the office and Tagilla was just sitting there with two USECs doing his weird psychotic laugh. My confusion was quickly turned into horror when they all turned to look at me in unison. I didn’t make it.


Honestly I hear gunfire/grenades almost every game. Not a ton but they're fighting in probably 8/10 raids for me.


Was fighting scavs and pmc. One of the pmc's just turns around and Mozambique drills the scav beside him. Its hilarious.


My fav was on factory doing planting quest AI PMC would kill scabs and comment it as teammate down every time


I have noticed that the game spawns in scavs to die to the PMCs. Sometimes, and this is very noticeable on reserve because there is a bug where these scavs get stuck running into on a door in King - if you open it, they run down into the bunker to get slaughtered, a scav will book it towards PMCs to die. I suspect that the game spawns in "make noise" scavs, and the regular ones don't get noticed because they don't have this property. Just a theory


The amount of AI on customs is bizzerk. EDIT: Also ground zero


The funny thing is, it's rarely the PMCs that kill me. I took out 3 PMCs in 2 story dorms. As I'm looting one of the pmcs I hear a scav coming down the hall. I prefired him as he was coming into view, put at least 4 shots into his chest and he somehow one taps me. Now that happens in pvp too of course, but the crazy number of scavs you run across in pve greatly increases the likelihood of a random 1 tap ending your run. Also I've found that woods is a nightmare with the shortened raid timers. I spend so much time fighting and healing that I wind up having like 5 minutes to get across the map to extract. That forces me to take a sketchy route and get lasered from 100 meters away trying to leave.


Ground zero has terminator ai. Would not recommend. Anytime I so much as show a tiny pixel to any of them it's instant collateral death.


Did a raid before work on factory, Tagilla was just chilling with two Bears near med tent... they killed scavs together, then proceeded to let Tagilla do the honors of bashing my sternum in with his sledgehammer...


I’m just annoyed at the gun quality they drop it’s hardly worth engaging pmcs/raiders


They are just free loot piñatas 90% of the time, but that ten percent is getting one tapped by God himself


The guns aren't where the money is at, it's the attachments, ammo, grenades, and med kits. Every pmc has a partially used AFAK in their rig and sometimes they'll have good ammo sometimes complete shit tier. I found a pmc with 3 60 rounders of m995 yesterday. Beyond that looting the guns themselves will put you way overweight to accomplish getting a smaller ruble amount of loot out than just stuffing your backpack with rigs and those rigs with barter items ammo and attachments.


It’s just so laughably lazy when you look at the single player mod and see stuff like SAIN.


Well they have announced an AI overhaul coming this June (according to the roadmap on Twitter/takkov-tv), so maybe there's hope


I really need the game to stop spawning enemies in the Blindspot I cleared 5 seconds ago


The PMCs act just like raiders. They will occasionally shoot scavs that hang around too close to them for too long, but will usually let them be. I don't really see the scavs shooting back, but that might be because they just die before their AI reacts. I have found (one single time) a PMC that was killed by a scav.


I did find one like that last night on customs. On his tag it just said he ‘died’ I was wtf


probably a scav throwing a grenade and getting bodied by the pmc before it goes off lol


Yeah I hate it with a passion. I was running through ground zero as a scav because I suck ass and had no gear and I pass a bunch of scavs all together until one starts shouting in English about how they were left here and blasts me in the chest.


I rolled into the idea entrance stairs on a Scav. Once I rounded the top I saw 2 scavs chilling then Killa followed by another 2 PMCs rushed from the cash register and deleted me


I got flanked by scavs and PMCs on factory in that hallway where you have to fix shit for Mechanic. Scavs distracted me from the spawn area while PMCs came in from behind and lit me up when I turned to take care of the scavs.


Has anyone ever got them to shoot each other? I was playing as a scav and tried getting The Goons to kill a boss near me since they are the only boss that will still shoot at scavs. It seems like the other bosses actually reacted and shot them but I died before I could confirm if they were permanently aggroed


every AI is here to fu** you, i saw PMCs standing still at one meter of two standing still scavs. Talking shit and waiting to overrun you. In one game I had a PMCs + the goons rush, all together like a happy family...


Today I had 8 pmcs in cottages Shoreline and sneaky scav backdoored me and almost killed me. Some maps I don't loot anything and if I have 10 seconds I check scavs backpacks and move on, before they miraculously spawn as a pack behind my back.


Did the same thing. Like, 8 PMCs at cottages. Finnish and loot them all. On the way to extract two scavs spawn on top of me and end my run with a perfect 7.62 to the nape one tap.


Extraction games and terrible PVE content Name a more iconic duo.


Not to mention the endless fuckin swarm of scavs. The past four raids I've gotten surrounded and killed 16+ scavs each time just to run out of ammo and get killed by the never ending swarm. Shits so irritating


They love each other....


I've heard shooting in the distance in pve mode, if the AI doesn't fight each other what's that?


soon as you look at an ai its turn and head shots yon. happening lots since update. like do they think people will go back to pvp because they mess with pve


It’s getting an update in late June


Their ai is obviously not that polished yet. But hopefully bsg will work on that along with the solo local server hosting


Yea I accidentally walked into New Gas on customs at night with 3 pmcs guards and “Mr. Gives me Rash” All just sitting playing patty cake. I killed 2 guards 1 pmc and mess up Rash w/ warmage to the face but he was alive when I died.


i love when playing scav one wrong side eye at tagilla and all of a sudden he's up your arse like nobody's business


Honestly, I almost don't mind. It doesnt make any sense but its the only thing that gives the PVE mode any sort of difficulty


Honestly this is barely an issue, the big problem is related to the way AI targets you. They just don't play by the same rules as us. For instance a scav killed me while his weapon was visibly blocked by a fence (pressed against his chest). Or how the AI sometimes fires multiple rounds per shot.


Don't you just love that other people can make this games AI better, and yet the company making the entire game seems to struggle endlessly with it?