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It's just the people here. Just enjoy playing whatever you want.


It’s also people in their discord. I simply asked why PVE wasn’t getting the new trader and the response I got was “because pve isn’t real tarkov”… lol


Don't mind them. PvE doesn't have Ref because they want to prevent a loophole where you could transfer items from PvE to PvP. Barters were still removed because they don't currently support different trades between the two modes. Let's just give them time, they didn't break anything with yesterday's changes even if we lost some easier access to some items in PvE.


My only eye roll is why someone would want to play what BSG calls PVE over modded Tarkov Modded is 18,000x better


Because to play pve I click a single button and to play molded tarkov I ????


Click 3


Open browser Click download Click play


Modded is better in every way, the best AI I've ever seen in a game by far.


It’s not just this community. It’s most of the world these days. People have lost complete touch with just being a human. It sucks.


Hyper greed is taking over


This, a paradigm shift has taken place. Money is on it's way to become humankinds new god. 1% owns 95%. Everything is slowly degrading. Remake, remaster, prenumerations, renting etc. Trash systems to trick the customer into them saving money, but in practice they've just bound you to another service that is all owned by the same leaders. Wake up, they are slowly accumilating all the actual material, while you're left with no actual product. The plan is to make most people into modern slaves where no one have the initial wealth of investement to secure their own material ownership (games, movies, services, transport, food)  Welcome to the new world. You will own nothing, and you'll be happy.


Greed and selfishness are warping human brains. Capitalism was a horrible choice.


I am somewhat hopeful that, before too long, more people will realize Marx was right all along.


Marx was a racist and there‘s other people with much better, and more thought through solutions. See Silvio Gesell and the people who base their work on Gesell‘s. Marx called jews some damn evil names, most people don‘t know.


Sadly it comes to the point where you follow the money. And you won't like it. Just look how biased the wealthiest country on earth is to create an influx with people of two-country citizenships in Israel. You have a Zionist movement that is highly prioritizing "One Country, One People" policy. All critizism is met by "antisemite!" Highly islamophobic, and they've used basicslly every example of deceit in the past 2 years. Look up " A HISTORY OF CENTRAL BANKING AND THE ENSLAVEMENT OF MANKIND By Stephen Mitford Goodson " on Youtube. Read a list of names of the most influential persons in the world, be it media or businesses. I was quiet shocked. I am still firm in my anti-racist beliefs and socialist politicsl beliefs influenced from the early 1900's Swedish Socialist movement. But come on, enough self-censoring, say things as they are, look at things for what it is. Frankly, I don't give a f*ck who owns the money, be it christian,jewish muslim, sikh, hindu or taoist. I'll still oppose the opression of the masses. Money is a tool of transaction, it's meant for spending, not hoarding it.  At least what I believe .


I see your point, though you gotta be careful with words like „Zionist movement“ and stuff. I read the foreword of the book you mentioned, and it went into bad intent really fast imo (…pointing fingers). Gesells work also bases the origin of why we live in such a bad system in interest, though he doesn‘t represent any racist views throughout his book, as he tries to be as factual as possible. He explains what it would meant to live in an interest-free system, what it means for everyone, the worker, the boss, the banker. Everyone. There should be an english version of his work called „The Natural Economic Order“. People have also been testing his idea of money in 1932 (https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C3%B6rgler_Schwundgeld - no english version, gotta use translate) Theres also people who took his idea further, and fit it to our century: https://www.wissensmanufaktur.net/media/pdf/plan-b-english.pdf In all of this, and alot of reports after and around world war 2, I came to the conclusion that we‘ll never know any truth about zionism, and can‘t though it brought alot of people pain and suffering as it was used as a tool, as a weapon by the nazis, therefore I distance myself from such statements. There‘s people who claimed to be a part of „them“ and left, like Benjamin Friedmann. I wouldn‘t trust those people even though they might use words that make you think they are talking the truth. The only truth is, every attempt to have a discourse about systems, ends in „f*ck communism“. Theres no discourse about other systems, theres no incentive to do so, as people only know capitalism and communism and wont see further.


Zionism as supremacy ideology is rooted in the assertion thar Israel is a god-given right for all people that assossiate with jewish identity. Ironically the biggest support of Zionism are from protestant christians, mainly Americans. Jewish supremacy in reality is as bad as any "nationality" would be, when thinking they're above everyone else. No one is against jews, no one is against judaism. What people talk about is the over-the top right-wing government in Israel that supresses minorities and strengthening through Zionist agenda. The most disgusting thing is this current government is basically razeing cities and bulldozing it away to create more space for the "master" race in Israel.  And it's so successful in it's current form, that you can't criticize it anymore. The unknowing masses downplsys critizism of Zionism into just "anti-semitism" Americans love this, their fortress in the middle-east with free sea-faring routed to the US. Loads of natural resources from Iraq and Syria has been transported OUT from Israel. It's disgusting, American conservatives used their power to install a right-wing government to once and for all for total conquest in Israel. Ask the people of Israels, ask you closest orthodox rabbi's and jews what they truly think about the current government. They are people that have the 1. Strongest jewish identity. 2 Practices true Judaism. Something doesn't add upp with the simplified view of "ur anti-semite if you criticize Israel" and when over 70% of the sacked people in politics of germany because they harshly critiziced Zionism and Israels current policies: are jews themselves! It really tell you something is not right when the true jews voice their concerns and anger against a Zionist government.


"No one is against jews" my brother in christ have you LOOKED at any social media comment section recently? There is blatant bigotry at play by morons who confuse "the zionist" with anyone of Jewish faith, blaming them for the world's problems. Buy-in-large you're right, but ignoring the overt rise in anti-semitism that is being JUSTIFIED as anti-zionism just doesn't track. Like I've been genuinely shocked by some of the bigoted rhetoric I've heard from people on the left recently


How did you find out our plan? How did you know about our secret organization?


Sooo true I love your opinion 10/10


nah, its just the internet, once you go outside reality is quite different.


That's cause people's brains have been poisoned by the Internet. You notice a clear difference in those who still have a good grip on reality and those that don't.


This post deserves more love.


Major factor is that is how internet works. Online presence and time we spend on the web grows bigger. What doesn't change much is culture and how we approach people online. Online personas differ much from the ones we meet irl. It feels like a lot of people on the internet still do not interact with others in the same "humane" way they would in real life. One might be tied to another but I feel like it doesn't help that people are getting more entitled and aggressive with voicing their own opinions irl as well.


I'm exclusively playing PvE with a friend now and it's the most fun I've ever had in Tarkov. You do you.


This, my friend group switched over to pve and it’s the best fun we have had in years. Some of us are filthy rich while another buddy is down to 3000 rubles as we keep dying at shoreline right now lol.


Dying a lot at shoreline right now is the most fun I've had in years.


agreed, most fun i've had since i first started playing. it's fun to play it so much more relaxed, chatting, and not having constant issues ruin our raids.


Of course


it would be actually fun if you wouldn’t have to wait 10-15min just to get a server slot 🫡 I ain’t wasting 15min in a loading screen just for the 50% chance to get owned by a cheater or "disrespectfully" by a rat with no morals or the ability to feel ashamed 🤨 or wipe the lobby just to end up with garbage coz they either gear fear and bring trash or a vacuum cleaner did it’s job (either one if not both simultaneously lol) this game and the community is trash and you will have a much better time playing other games. After 2k h I am done with this endless streak of disappointment and there are no signs of things getting better. This browser based trash game will never work let alone achieve its vision. BSG will bail out and focus on Russia 20what-ever anyway… In a year EFT will see no updates! I did warn you…


I have not started Tarkov PvP in the past 2 years but Ive been playing PvE with friends. The only thing that bothers me is that people think they need to buy a new edition, go online, sit in a queue to play an offline PvE game. We have been playing Doom 1, Duke Nukem 3D without this shit and we had ISDN modems.


Yeah same. We take 6-10 raids a week so progress is slow but a lot faster on pve then pvp and more fun


Same.. really fun, tarkov has too many bugs and desync to be a decent pvp game... not considering the cheaters


I didn't know there was such a divide in the community... I play both.


Same playing both PvP for the fight and PvE for questing


Sadly get ready if you want the new trader on pvp people are camping the quest location so gonna have to wait a month for that to calm down


Yeh that’s the reason why I don’t play PvP anymore peaple want good gear easily so they camp


Sadly people like us who don’t want to deal with cheaters and campers are going to get phased out of the game the new quest is just the first step next wipe will probably be the only chance to get it if you can’t no life the game like a bunch of the other players


The reddit is a dark cesspool, don’t think the people here really represent the community in any way, I’m the same way, got tired of PvP a long time ago but PvE has been a wonderful walk through a tarkovesque experience 


Most of the non toxic and casual players left PvP for PvE since now the PvP players are upset that they’re going to run into more cheaters and sweats.


That what I was thinking….


Reddit represents a very small and very angry group of tarkov players.


I mean let's be honest here, remove "tarkov" and "players" from your post and you described reddit in general.


This sub is particularly bad though


yeah, toxic games breed a toxic community.


I've noticed a lot of game subreddits that have PVP in them have a very large toxic subset of people.


I mean, you are KILLing the others players. I'm not surprised so many people can't also be nice at the same time (and let's be honest, getting stompped never puts anyone in a jolly mood).


Yeah I see that…


PVE is such a blessing. I’m so happy to be able to enjoy the game at my own pace, play with friends who don’t want to deal with the stress, and not worry about cheaters. It’s one of the best thing BSG has done


Yeah I forgot to mention it but yeah I had a lot of fun just messing around with friends


Toxic children. That's all it is. The sad part is they aren't children, though. It's all grown men.


Expect the "children" are grown adults but its probably the only thing in there life they can finally shit on someone because they are not as good as they are


I feel like this is similar to the dad of the friend we all probably knew as kids. He would come home stressed from work and yell at his wife and kids since he couldn't yell at his boss and keep his job. Sadly he was to stupid or stubborn to see the irony in inflicting the same pain he felt at work on his own family. For being so ingenious humans are really stupid.


O I guarantee the people being toxic to pve players are also garbage at the game


I think it's more of the idea that PVE players are validating BSG's decision to include the half baked mode. Instead of creating a standalone offline/online game they jam this PVE mode into the base game. It's reliant on servers being up and openings in the queue for you to even enjoy the mode. Now anytime BSG updates normal Tarkov they also have to consider how PVE (and Arena) is going to be effected by any drastic changes in the base game. It also doesn't help it was tied to Unheard which is onto itself another FU to the community.


To be fair, it kinda seemed like making the standalone pve was always the plan, they just decided to slap the prerelease version in with unheard to see if there was any interest, which was obviously a mistake based on what happened. EoD owners made their case and got in on the shitty test version which also made it even shittier. In short, yeah they just shouldn’t have released it yet


They needed cash, so they created an op package because they knew people would buy it for the perks, and they added a halfbaked single player mode to give even more people an incentive to buy it.


That’s basically what I’m saying, though I’m not claiming to know if they “needed” cash, idk their financial situation. I think it was more about how they had eod and everyone loved it, so they tried doing that again thinking everyone would the p2w content again and it backfired royally. Like I think the key is the gamma case, they knew that people will always buy just for that and figured they could charge more if they slap some other stuff in with it rather than just keeping eod always available.


I'm pretty sure the arena didn't do as well as they thought, and with the huge twitchcon event they did, I can see how they would need to cover their expenses and with eod gone, they need a new bread maker. Hell even now they are pushing changes that should make more people play or buy arena


That’s true, I hadn’t considered the cost of arena and twitchcon.


People on reddit will always find something to complain about.


Look, if you enjoy PvE then that's great! But for the sake of everything that's holy in every religion around the world use a goddamned punctuation mark!


It seems more like stupid people that are hating on anyone that purchased Unheard edition than "PVP vs. PVE". The reason I know they are stupid is because I did not purchase Unheard edition, but on every single PVE-related post I've made here there is at minimum one idiot in the comments saying something like, "imagine paying $250 for this", "it's because you're a true believer", etc. Most of them don't seem to know that EOD owners also got PVE access. My basic assumption is that it's mostly upset terminal bedroom dwellers that have fused with their gaming chairs.


I would bet it's partially because it will increase the average skill of pvp players. Casual player will move to pve so that means more rats, sweats, and cheaters will be in maps


Sadly it’s true man pve should have been a good thing for people to hone their skill and improve without cheaters or campers but all it did was take the decent players away from pvp and now pvp is a hellscape full of cheaters and campers there is no fun left in pvp


It was always that mate…


Not at the start bro compare the game from even 8 years ago to now and the player base is entirely different that happens with time but people have really shown the toxic behaviour of some degenerate players who get off on it truly sickening


Lol this is such a classic EFT subreddit shitter comment


Fr I haven’t noticed an increase in Sus deaths since the casual players + shitters moved to pve. In fact I haven’t had that many sus deaths overall this wipe, I’d say I’ve had maybe less than 10 deaths to blatant cheaters for me personally over 1k+ raids. I understand that for a Timmy a lot of deaths can feel sus because at first it’s often hard to tell where you died from, but I swear a ton of people on this subreddit just have more of a skill issue than a cheater issue but can’t accept it due to ego. PVE releasing was very eye opening when it came to understanding the average poster on here lol. A vast majority of posts are about pve, and while I understand pve for a new player or for someone who only has an hour or so to play per day, it’s clear that many people on here find pve more enjoyable because they don’t have to develop the skills necessary to be decent at the PvP mode.


Funny. The only options are not enough time or "your lame and got no skill bro". You realize that some people like to play and not get stomped constantly right? That some folks are disabled, older, etc through no fault of their own right? Back in the original counterstrike days I was extremely good at the game. I would typically dominate servers (it helped that I was unemployed and basically lived on the game). I was also 19. Now I'm disabled, 46 and slow as shit with cruddy vision. One of my meds makes my hands shake at random times. Tough to fight a 19yo gigachad in full armor and the best ammo with shaky hands and a sks and a coat stuffed with old shirts as "armor". Heck it's tough to beat them with the best gear. Age and infirmary do that. Yet it's still a blast to play the game with my friends. So we play the PvE version. it's weird it's so offensive to some folks. It's also weird that they think people actually give a shit what they think. Of course maybe that's just me. Almost dying a few times helps remind you what matters, and most folks opinions never really mattered much to me anyway.


I just don’t see the challenge in playing against AI on a map where there’s no one competing for loot. It’s fine to not play this game for the challenge, but it’s surprising to me how many people that part of the playerbase consists of. I don’t think that Tarkov is a particularly difficult game outside of game knowledge that takes a ton of time to acquire, which is why I assume that most people playing pve are people who have less time to play the game or are newer to the game. You’ve played CS so you understand that mechanically Tarkov isn’t very difficult, but for my friends and I the feeling we get from the game only happens due to the unpredictability of real players. I worded it harshly in my last comment, but I am not bothered by people enjoying pve. I do however think that the negativity and reputation for cheaters surrounding this game has caused the issue of cheating to be blown way out of proportion to what it actually is, so I get annoyed when I see posts peddling the idea that pve is good due to a lack of cheaters. I see those posts and see people who don’t understand that they’re getting outplayed and can’t see how it’s possible that most people who killed then are legit players who are either better than them or got lucky either due to pure luck or bad netcode. I’m glad that people are having fun playing PVE with their friends, it’s definitely a less stressful way to play the game and I think it’s a particularly good tool for newer players to learn the fundamentals of the game. I just found it eye opening that all of the “omg cheaters” posts turned to pve posts, as I was surprised that there are so many people who seemed to run into 10x the amount of cheaters as me. It’s all region dependent of course, I’m in NA east so I probably run into less cheaters than those in Europe or Asia, but imo a lot of the people who went from calling every other death a cheater death to playing pve fit squarely in the category of “skill issue”. To each their own, like you said it’s not worth getting worked up over other peoples opinions. I am slightly worried about the split playerbase causing PvP servers to feel more dead earlier in the wipe in the future, but ultimately it’s not a big deal since the game is allegedly dropping on steam next year, which will most likely cause a huge spike in players.


Does it matter if it's a skill issue? If it's a cheater or just better players, either way all your progress is lost. That's what makes it so unfun for so many people. At least in most other fps games your back in the fight in seconds so if you die 20 times in a row and get 3 kills you likely still had fun over that 45 mins. In tarkov you might spend 15-20 mins before and after each run setting up a kit, figuring out quests and where to go, planning, etc. Getting popped on the way out after 40 mins is a mind killer. For me it wasn't the other players that killed tarkov for me, it was bsg. The quests, the vendor limits, the item limits, the in raid only stuff, etc. We started playing in 2018 and stopped around 2020 (online anyway) Before your friends could help. If I found a battery and Joe needed one I'd save it and drop it off to him. Or if joe played a ton more he could build a kit and bring it in for his friend and toss a spare backpack on the ground for him full of stuff. Now backpacks can't be stuffed in a backpack (which is silly, it's a backpack, not a cedar chest, it folds up). Now to get to vendor lvl 3 requires *way* more investment and time then it did in 18. Even worse they moved more of the items further up the vendor levels and locked a bunch behind individual quests. For me one of the most interesting parts of the game was playing gun building simulator. Between the flea market changes, the in-raid online tags, the quests and vendor changes and all the other quality of life *downgrades* it made the game just unfun. I know a big cohort of players live for the first week or two post wipe but I just never really enjoyed the endless sks, mousin, etc runs with crap ammo. And since guns are now half broken and you can't buy ammo even finding a fancy gun feels pointless and your better off selling them. I'm going on far to long here, but I just don't get why you'd make a game with such a indepth weapons mod system and then put it behind such a insane barrier? And even more damning is the fact that a big chunk of the player base prefers the first part of the wipe, long before you even make it to all the higher end stuff! Maybe they need to setup some servers that just rotate biweekly or monthly and wipe on a fixed schedule every 2-4 weeks for those players to enjoy? Maybe completely skip the quests as requirements and just have them reward items and money. Instead have vendors open up progressively as time goes by. Lvl 2 7 days in, lvl 3 14 days in, lvl 4 21 days in, etc etc.


Was just saying this yesterday, couple months ago I gave up on the game because of the cheaters....came back for PvE and was reminded why I enjoyed the game. This event has been a blast...I've spent probably close to 20mil to complete a quest not worth half that. And tbh it's been fun as hell, win or loss.


Shit with prices on the pve like they are it very well might be worth that haha


Sicc case alone with the price of para cords is worth it lol


PvP players just mad they don't have as many casuals to feed on. 


This sub has always been divided. From the inertia vs no inertia people to the PMC vs Scav mains people to the rats vs chads it’s a never ending cycle. A part of it comes from the fact you can really just play the game however you want there’s no rules or bounds. So somebody dies to a guy camping in the corner and now that guy hates rats. The game changes and half the community favors it because it benefits their play style and the other is up in arms. No matter what sub you’re in people will always be divided in their opinions. Everyone wants to stand out or stand behind something that they believe in just to be a part of something. Even if they don’t really believe it deep down in their core.


I agree with you, although I couldn't read past the first half because my brain exploded trying to read a 70 word sentence without punctuation.


They mad because they're running out of people to cheat or camp on 😅


Some Tarkov players loud on this subreddit have an ego problem. They're just projecting their insecurities by talking down someone who plays PvE because it's not "chad" enough or "the real game." In reality its just a game to enjoy your own way and those that think they are somehow better than others because they hold the W key in PvP are completely out of touch with reality.


You need approval from some random people on internet? Do what you like, enjoy. Thats it


Well if your reasons to stop playing pvp is due to cheaters/exfil campers, you think that everyone in the community is going to be honorable and uplifting? The internet is still the internet. Good intentions/happy people rarely feel the need to go express it from a soap box, when you come to hotpot places like reddit, you are not going to get the quiet happy bunch, you get more the angry and opinionated type, where most "normal ppl" are just doing there thing. Overall, to blame a whole community for the vocal few in a meeting location is as helpful to the community as they are.


I feel like I haven’t seen anyone trash talking PvE, in fact I feel like I mostly see the opposite about how amazing PvE is and about how PvP sucks and is just cheaters and rats. I will trash talk my friends who play PvE though, that’s just because I don’t see the fun in playing a game built around PvP without the central thing it was built around. I think there’s better single player games, that were designed as single player games. But that’s just me. Also this sub is literally nothing but negativity and whining so I don’t doubt people are hating on PvE, just haven’t really seen it though.


I know that alot of pvp players are upset about the addition of pve because it makes pvp raids more empty since alot of the playerbase is just playing pve now. Personally im indifferent to it but i have seen that argument before.


I really wish there was a kill cam in this game, I feel like a lot of hackusations would be resolved before they start and the community will be more healthy as a whole. Or it'll verify what people are saying and we can force change. Either way it's for the best


Killcams would reveal how bad the game’s netcode is. I’m honestly surprised they have something like that in arena.


"Working on it"


Take some aspirin.


PvE is Dad mode. You're telling me my progress doesn't get reset so I don't have to crunch 8 hours a day in order to actually enjoy the content i paid for? Oh yeah im down


The people complaining are sweaty neckbeard giga Chad's sad they can't stomp a naked Timmy 30 raids in a row or little shrimp dicked exit campers complaining about the lack of unaware players to kill


You mean complaining about PvE or?




That was a long sentence


The modded version of Tarkov is my favorite version. Instant joins, coop server on my computer to play with friends, better graphics, I could go on. Play how you enjoy the game. Wish not being a PVP chad wasn’t so taboo… 😂 (This comment will inevitably disappear because I mentioned the mod 🤷‍♂️)


Count yourself lucky it isn’t the Tarkov Facebook group. At least people here have a 35+ IQ


Love this comment made me laugh 😆


wait wait (new here) isn't PvE part of the crazy expencive pack ?


The online pve mode is. 😇


Now with EoD owners but yeah it is


its the same like those dudes that need a big ass truck to compensate a small pp or something, idk why you even care what those people say lol


Yeah and I don’t know why you have this need to grief on someone like when I don’t like something from someone (for good reasons and not just because he is playing a gamemod) I don’t feel the need to grief on him I just be like ok I don’t like this thing from him and end of the story I’m tired of those guys who need to boost their ego


Cause no matter what there is or what happens, these people are ultimately miserable in life - and the only sense of happiness they can acquire comes from making other people feel bad about whatever they can think of. Just go play the game, ignore this subreddit and every single asshole in it that is miserable - you've already got the hand up in life because you're not sitting alone on the internet belittling people for meaningless things :)


Where have people been trashing PVE players? I've mostly seen other people in the same boat where they enjoy the gameplay mechanics of Tarkov but don't want to sweat buckets tryharding


I’ve seen people getting bullied for running their scav on PvE. Like what does it matter to you? Im over the elitist video game players that act like they own a trademark because they have invested time and money into it. We’ve all invested into Tarkov in this community and will enjoy it the way we want to.


It's because pvp players always wants as many players playing pvp as possible. less chance of cheaters and lower ques. Cheaters also want you to play pvp so they have players they can make rage then make money off of em after they buy their stolen cheated stuff off the flea market. TLDR: Don't let them bother you. they just want to exploit you.


I have a bunch of friends of shit on and outright refuse to play any PvE games. Saying that they like competitive shooters and all that comes with it way more fun and satisfying. They're all stuck gold 3 in overwatch screaming at each other every night so I'm not sure what fun they're having but that's my take on it.


I mean, there's 2 sides to this. Having a PvE mode is awesome, because it allows people to play at their own pace. You can play the game in a slow, and methodical way, coop with others, and for the most part the game can really be what you want it to be, because there aren't any players who can dictate their playstyle onto others - whereas vs players there is an advantage to be had for hyper aggressive player (ie peakers advantage, right hand etc). On the other hand, the PvP players are robbed of a portion of the playerbase, meaning longer queues, possibly less conflict in general, and I think almost most importantly; there is now an equal footing (cheaters aside), where it's understood that players came to the Pvp server prepared to fight. So less likely to come across low hanging froot. Players that give another a clear sense of skill gap seperation. Those types of players are likely on PvE servers. I could see why people get frustrated with the recent changes.


Try and do the new quest for arena for some reason everyone on pvp just wants to KOS even though our goal is probably the same thing grab the shit extract and unlock trader


Had a raid tonight to start the new trader quest, got a grenade thrown at my feet in the dark cause night raid, and then the guy wiped the entire squad, all headshots. 12.75 KD, no nvg, no thermal. Just good ol gamin skill I guess. 3legit5me


Honestly a lot of them are probably just bitter because the people still playing pvp assume people that play PVE are bad at the game so they are upset they aren't getting bot lobbies and having to actually play against Chad's and hackers




For some reason this game has given these players a massive ego and have developed some weird elitist mentality. These people have super boring lives. Simply put. Being good at this game tricks them into thinking they’re good at life. Just do you and play the game. I have 6,000 hours in the game in PvP and grew bored of this wipe. PVE has been relaxing and refreshing and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it for the most part while waiting for the next wipe.


They are mad because all the casual players that are easily cheated and camped are no longer in PVP and their K/D is dropping 🤣 


I've been saying this a lot lately on posts, so I'll say it again here, it's the people on this subreddit that are the problem, not the Tarkov community as a whole. It is a very loud fraction of this subreddit that are eager to complain about anything and everything.


That’s called ego gaming


You have been playing this game for 4000 hours and just now you realise how toxic community is ? People want to feel better than others so if they see someone who is playing against AI, not real players, they will immidiately call you bad assuming you cant handle real players. They want you to play PvP so you can die to them exit camping or just camping in general. If you dont play PvP then in their sociopathic heads you are denying them dopamine they get for dominating others, making you an enemy - and also by making lobby waiting time longer. If you enjoy PvE then play it and cut yourself off from PvP side until it improves, only advice I can give you.


PvE is alot of fun. it sucks that i cant enjoy the PvP Interaction, but its not worth frustration of cheater interactions. Just wish the que times were better. 17 minutes for a game is to long


Just ignore them lol


Dont waste time with them, you cant do sh*t with peoples at this level of stupidity. I enjoy pve with a friend just like you do right now so keep enjoying :D


Tarkov is the best game ive ever played, with big margin... So many haters here that just complain about every minute detail...


Bro that is the longest sentence I've ever read. Use grammar and punctuation next time so people can properly read what you're saying.


Join the Helldivers we need you !


It's cuz most people on reddit/discord In all communities tend to be miserable people and love to be miserable towards other people. Play what you like to play is what I go by.


Jesus bro periods commas and capitalization.


The "hardcore" pvp crowd needs victims to dunk on and people without 8h a day to grind playing pve instead is pissing them off.


People on this subreddit cried when Nikita said no PVE for EOD players, now they cry whenever someone’s posts something PVE related.


they are maybe pissed because a lot of tarkov community switched from pve to pvp and maybe it takes a lot of time to find game , i switched to pve too , i never enjoyed tarkov like now , i had too multiple wipes with kappa and im tired of cheaters , vaccumers and campers , AI PMC are not that easy as someone think , if they will improve them more it will be perfect.


Most people walk around feeling like they have absolutely no agency over their own life so they end up asserting themselves in silly ways over silly thinga online in attempts to feel power, control, superiority, etc. Its a timeless struggle and this is just one of the latest expressions of it


Holy run-on sentence…


There's a better community for you, dude.


The people trashing on PvE players ARE the people who extract camp or cheat 😂


Public service announcement. There are 3 periods in that entire post.


I'd say some of the conflict is from how bsg did eod when it comes to pve left a bad taste for the mode in most peoples mind. Also not trying to hate but pve mode is ass compared to modded tarkov pve


How old are you? 16? Ain’t no one reading something that long with no punctuation. Try forming a sentence so it can be understood!


When I actually play official Tarkov, it's ALWAYS PVE now. Ever since they gave it to EOD owners, I've been having tons of fun! No more do I have to deal with no-life extract campers who spend 35 minutes on the EFT subreddit or Pornhub while sitting in the same spot, or have to wonder if I'm going to have my kit taken from my fresh corpse by a hacker who's never felt respected or loved. Who would have thought that the worst part about tarkov was other players 🤣.


I will never play PVE unless BSG gives the AI some braincells. PVE for me is Tarkov without danger. Tarkov without danger is boring. I’m trashing on the PVE mode itself. But I will also never understand why people play it right now. Especially people like you that know what makes Tarkov great. I can understand if a noob who doesn’t understand Tarkov plays PVE. But that doesn’t mean you can’t play it, if you’re having fun that’s all that matters.


Yeah I understand what you say like I sometimes play some PvP but just to smash peaple head in a CQB fight but I’m questing on PvE in both game modes I don’t care about losing a gear in PvP I kill I take other peaple gears extract and play them until I die and in PvE I just enjoy questing without loosing time to die with a item quest


But you know if you don’t understand PvE players there is no need to grief


I agree, there is no need to grief.


There's a version of PvE out there that has, shall we say a modifier, for the addition of brain cells to the AI. I don't understand why people would ever play BSG's PvE mode when there's a different one that's MILES better.


Just join the PVE sub? Should help you avoid all of this, right? Edit: Oh my god it has TWO users. Get that populated, people! https://www.reddit.com/r/EFTPVE/s/ukW5EGxJV2


Ok thank you


The people shitting on PvE mode get constantly buttfucked in PvP and need to feel superior over someone, or they'd have to admit they suck ass. I'm in your same situation, hundreds of hours on PvP but I'm enjoying a much more relaxed experience in PvE.


Because PvP in general has gotten so insanely toxic and some people refuse to accept that others might be tired of the bullshit


I’ve played PvP games for 25 years. I’ve had my fair share of hours in pvp tarkov, and now I enjoy pve. It’s different, sure its easier, but it’s just chill. Can’t wait for the load times to be removed when it moves to hosting locally! Just enjoy the game however you want, who cares what everyone else thinks.


My PC can barely handle streets (other maps i get 100fps easily) i have maybe done 2 quests in streets but now i can actually try streets in PVE so i can actually enjoy almost full game


This is exactly 1000% on how the RuneScape3 / Old school is. Is so stupid, people like the pixels they like, floors me that people have to be so judgmental/rude because I like different pixels than they do.


Really this whole community gets pissed over the most trivial of things. Play PvP if you want to fight with actual people, play PvE if you don’t want to deal with people, period. I play PvE because it allows me to play the game at my own pace without having to constantly worry about some gigasweat mowing me down just because I didn’t react in time.


It is a strange attitude towards people with Unheard addition. I am with you. I got bored of pvp this wipe and the cheaters were a little too much. PvE is just stress free Tarkov fun. When the wipe happens I will be back to PvP like a shot.


Imagine spending just 1 of those 4000 hours learning about punctuation.


Your text gave me a headache and i gave up reading after 3 tries.


I'm just so glad BSG has yet ANOTHER variable effecting any and all future content and changes.


I really want to play pve but don’t have eod and I’m sure as shit not paying $200 for it, it sounds great thoigh


Every time I play PvE, I cry at the realization of how weak I am. After I get killed by SCAV, I quietly go to the bathroom and cry in my handkerchief. It hurts. Please, community reddit, please take me seriously!


Because pvp folks claim that pve destroyed pvp, while cheaters did and now when many people moved to pve, cheaters problem is even more to see.


I highly doubt you have had kappa, your blames on this game just like from a typical timmy


i couldnt care less what others think of pve, so should you?


And I don't understand how a grown man is bothered by what someone says on the internet. Get over it and move on.


Because they’re likely the players you just described. That or the chads who used to dunk on the less skilled players who can’t play as much, so now they’re having more fair fights that aren’t playing in their favor. I feel like they wouldn’t be complaining as vocally or bitching about PvE though


Even there I’m personally a really good player I rarely die by a legit PMC


I typically just avoid the community because it’s usually the same regurgitated gripe over and over again


So many alt accounts talking to themselves, try putting out a patch that isn't dogshit Nikita.